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synced 2025-03-04 16:35:02 +01:00

As discussed a while ago, switch the utils (including their tests) to use python3 by default. While on it, drop usage of "env" to always get the system python3 instead of a random one that happens to live somewhere in $PATH. In practise, this patch doesn't change much - AFAIK openSUSE, Debian and Ubuntu already patch aa-* to use python3. Also add a note to README to officially deprecate Python 2.x. (I won't break Python 2.x support intentionally - unless some future change gives me a very good reason to finally drop Python 2.x support.) Acked-by: Seth Arnold <seth.arnold@canonical.com> (since 2016-08-23, but the commit had to wait for the FileRule series because it touches test-file.py)
491 lines
21 KiB
Executable file
491 lines
21 KiB
Executable file
#! /usr/bin/python3
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2013 Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8592@gmail.com>
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import argparse
import os
import apparmor.aa
import apparmor.aamode
import apparmor.severity
import apparmor.cleanprofile as cleanprofile
import apparmor.ui as aaui
from apparmor.aa import (add_to_options, available_buttons, combine_name, delete_duplicates,
get_profile_filename, is_known_rule, match_includes, profile_storage,
set_options_audit_mode, propose_file_rules, selection_to_rule_obj)
from apparmor.aare import AARE
from apparmor.common import AppArmorException
from apparmor.regex import re_match_include
# setup exception handling
from apparmor.fail import enable_aa_exception_handler
# setup module translations
from apparmor.translations import init_translation
_ = init_translation()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=_('Merge the given profiles into /etc/apparmor.d/ (or the directory specified with -d)'))
parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+', type=str, help=_('Profile(s) to merge'))
#parser.add_argument('other', nargs='?', type=str, help=_('other profile'))
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dir', type=str, help=_('path to profiles'))
#parser.add_argument('-a', '--auto', action='store_true', help=_('Automatically merge profiles, exits incase of *x conflicts'))
args = parser.parse_args()
args.other = None
# 2-way merge or 3-way merge based on number of params
merge_mode = 2 #if args.other == None else 3
profiles = [args.files, [args.other]]
profiledir = args.dir
if profiledir:
apparmor.aa.profile_dir = apparmor.aa.get_full_path(profiledir)
if not os.path.isdir(apparmor.aa.profile_dir):
raise AppArmorException(_("%s is not a directory.") %profiledir)
def reset_aa():
apparmor.aa.aa = apparmor.aa.hasher()
apparmor.aa.filelist = apparmor.aa.hasher()
apparmor.aa.include = dict()
apparmor.aa.existing_profiles = apparmor.aa.hasher()
apparmor.aa.original_aa = apparmor.aa.hasher()
def find_profiles_from_files(files):
profile_to_filename = dict()
for file_name in files:
apparmor.aa.read_profile(file_name, True)
for profile_name in apparmor.aa.filelist[file_name]['profiles'].keys():
profile_to_filename[profile_name] = file_name
return profile_to_filename
def find_files_from_profiles(profiles):
profile_to_filename = dict()
for profile_name in profiles:
profile_to_filename[profile_name] = apparmor.aa.get_profile_filename(profile_name)
return profile_to_filename
def main():
profiles_to_merge = set()
base_files, other_files = profiles
base_profile_to_file = find_profiles_from_files(base_files)
profiles_to_merge = profiles_to_merge.union(set(base_profile_to_file.keys()))
other_profile_to_file = dict()
if merge_mode == 3:
other_profile_to_file = find_profiles_from_files(other_files)
user_profile_to_file = find_files_from_profiles(profiles_to_merge)
# print(base_files,"\n",other_files)
# print(base_profile_to_file,"\n",other_profile_to_file,"\n",user_profile_to_file)
# print(profiles_to_merge)
for profile_name in profiles_to_merge:
aaui.UI_Info("\n\n" + _("Merging profile for %s" % profile_name))
user_file = user_profile_to_file[profile_name]
base_file = base_profile_to_file.get(profile_name, None)
other_file = None
if merge_mode == 3:
other_file = other_profile_to_file.get(profile_name, None)
if base_file == None:
if other_file == None:
act([user_file, other_file, None], 2, profile_name)
if other_file == None:
act([user_file, base_file, None], 2, profile_name)
act([user_file, base_file, other_file], 3, profile_name)
def act(files, merge_mode, merging_profile):
mergeprofiles = Merge(files)
#Get rid of common/superfluous stuff
# if not args.auto:
if 1 == 1: # workaround to avoid lots of whitespace changes
if merge_mode == 3:
mergeprofiles.ask_the_questions('other', merging_profile)
mergeprofiles.ask_the_questions('base', merging_profile)
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.title = _('Changed Local Profiles')
q.explanation = _('The following local profiles were changed. Would you like to save them?')
q.default = 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES'
q.options = [merging_profile]
q.selected = 0
ans = ''
arg = None
programs = list(mergeprofiles.user.aa.keys())
program = programs[0]
while ans != 'CMD_SAVE_CHANGES':
ans, arg = q.promptUser()
if ans == 'CMD_SAVE_CHANGES':
elif ans == 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES':
for program in programs:
apparmor.aa.original_aa[program] = apparmor.aa.deepcopy(apparmor.aa.aa[program])
#oldprofile = apparmor.serialize_profile(apparmor.original_aa[program], program, '')
newprofile = apparmor.aa.serialize_profile(mergeprofiles.user.aa[program], program, '')
apparmor.aa.display_changes_with_comments(mergeprofiles.user.filename, newprofile)
elif ans == 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY':
class Merge(object):
def __init__(self, profiles):
user, base, other = profiles
#Read and parse base profile and save profile data, include data from it and reset them
apparmor.aa.read_profile(base, True)
self.base = cleanprofile.Prof(base)
#Read and parse other profile and save profile data, include data from it and reset them
if merge_mode == 3:
apparmor.aa.read_profile(other, True)
self.other = cleanprofile.Prof(other)
#Read and parse user profile
apparmor.aa.read_profile(user, True)
self.user = cleanprofile.Prof(user)
def clear_common(self):
deleted = 0
if merge_mode == 3:
#Remove off the parts in other profile which are common/superfluous from user profile
user_other = cleanprofile.CleanProf(False, self.user, self.other)
deleted += user_other.compare_profiles()
#Remove off the parts in base profile which are common/superfluous from user profile
user_base = cleanprofile.CleanProf(False, self.user, self.base)
deleted += user_base.compare_profiles()
if merge_mode == 3:
#Remove off the parts in other profile which are common/superfluous from base profile
base_other = cleanprofile.CleanProf(False, self.base, self.other)
deleted += base_other.compare_profiles()
def ask_conflict_mode(self, profile, hat, old_profile, merge_profile):
'''ask user about conflicting exec rules'''
for oldrule in old_profile['file'].rules:
conflictingrules = merge_profile['file'].get_exec_conflict_rules(oldrule)
if conflictingrules.rules:
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.headers = [_('Path'), oldrule.path.regex]
q.headers += [_('Select the appropriate mode'), '']
options = []
for rule in conflictingrules.rules:
q.options = options
q.functions = ['CMD_ALLOW', 'CMD_ABORT']
done = False
while not done:
ans, selected = q.promptUser()
if ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
if selected == 0:
pass # just keep the existing rule
elif selected > 0:
# replace existing rule with merged one
old_profile['file'].add(conflictingrules.rules[selected - 1])
raise AppArmorException(_('Unknown selection'))
for rule in conflictingrules.rules:
merge_profile['file'].delete(rule) # make sure aa-mergeprof doesn't ask to add conflicting rules later
done = True
def ask_the_questions(self, other, profile):
aa = self.user.aa # keep references so that the code in this function can use the short name
changed = apparmor.aa.changed # (and be more in sync with aa.py ask_the_questions())
if other == 'other':
other = self.other
other = self.base
#Add the file-wide includes from the other profile to the user profile
done = False
options = []
for inc in other.filelist[other.filename]['include'].keys():
if not inc in self.user.filelist[self.user.filename]['include'].keys():
options.append('#include <%s>' %inc)
default_option = 1
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.options = options
q.selected = default_option - 1
q.headers = [_('File includes'), _('Select the ones you wish to add')]
q.default = 'CMD_ALLOW'
while not done and options:
ans, selected = q.promptUser()
if ans == 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY':
done = True
elif ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
selection = options[selected]
inc = re_match_include(selection)
self.user.filelist[self.user.filename]['include'][inc] = True
aaui.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to the file.') % selection)
elif ans == 'CMD_FINISHED':
sev_db = apparmor.aa.sev_db
if not sev_db:
sev_db = apparmor.severity.Severity(apparmor.aa.CONFDIR + '/severity.db', _('unknown'))
for hat in sorted(other.aa[profile].keys()):
if not aa[profile].get(hat):
ans = ''
while ans not in ['CMD_ADDHAT', 'CMD_ADDSUBPROFILE', 'CMD_DENY']:
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.headers += [_('Profile'), profile]
if other.aa[profile][hat]['profile']:
q.headers += [_('Requested Subprofile'), hat]
q.headers += [_('Requested Hat'), hat]
q.functions += ['CMD_DENY', 'CMD_ABORT', 'CMD_FINISHED']
q.default = 'CMD_DENY'
ans = q.promptUser()[0]
if ans == 'CMD_FINISHED':
if ans == 'CMD_DENY':
continue # don't ask about individual rules if the user doesn't want the additional subprofile/hat
if other.aa[profile][hat]['profile']:
aa[profile][hat] = profile_storage(profile, hat, 'mergeprof ask_the_questions() - missing subprofile')
aa[profile][hat]['profile'] = True
aa[profile][hat] = profile_storage(profile, hat, 'mergeprof ask_the_questions() - missing hat')
aa[profile][hat]['profile'] = False
#Add the includes from the other profile to the user profile
done = False
options = []
for inc in other.aa[profile][hat]['include'].keys():
if not inc in aa[profile][hat]['include'].keys():
options.append('#include <%s>' %inc)
default_option = 1
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.options = options
q.selected = default_option - 1
q.headers = [_('File includes'), _('Select the ones you wish to add')]
q.default = 'CMD_ALLOW'
while not done and options:
ans, selected = q.promptUser()
if ans == 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY':
done = True
elif ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
selection = options[selected]
inc = re_match_include(selection)
deleted = apparmor.aa.delete_duplicates(aa[profile][hat], inc)
aa[profile][hat]['include'][inc] = True
aaui.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to the file.') % selection)
if deleted:
aaui.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
elif ans == 'CMD_FINISHED':
# check for and ask about conflicting exec modes
self.ask_conflict_mode(profile, hat, aa[profile][hat], other.aa[profile][hat])
for ruletype in apparmor.aa.ruletypes:
if other.aa[profile][hat].get(ruletype, False): # needed until we have proper profile initialization
for rule_obj in other.aa[profile][hat][ruletype].rules:
if is_known_rule(aa[profile][hat], ruletype, rule_obj):
default_option = 1
options = []
newincludes = match_includes(aa[profile][hat], ruletype, rule_obj)
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
if newincludes:
options += list(map(lambda inc: '#include <%s>' % inc, sorted(set(newincludes))))
if ruletype == 'file' and rule_obj.path:
options += propose_file_rules(aa[profile][hat], rule_obj)
done = False
while not done:
q.options = options
q.selected = default_option - 1
q.headers = [_('Profile'), combine_name(profile, hat)]
q.headers += rule_obj.logprof_header()
# Load variables into sev_db? Not needed/used for capabilities and network rules.
severity = rule_obj.severity(sev_db)
if severity != sev_db.NOT_IMPLEMENTED:
q.headers += [_('Severity'), severity]
q.functions = available_buttons(rule_obj)
q.default = q.functions[0]
ans, selected = q.promptUser()
selection = options[selected]
if ans == 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY':
done = True
elif ans == 'CMD_FINISHED':
elif ans.startswith('CMD_AUDIT'):
if ans == 'CMD_AUDIT_NEW':
rule_obj.audit = True
rule_obj.raw_rule = None
rule_obj.audit = False
rule_obj.raw_rule = None
options = set_options_audit_mode(rule_obj, options)
elif ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
done = True
changed[profile] = True
inc = re_match_include(selection)
if inc:
deleted = delete_duplicates(aa[profile][hat], inc)
aa[profile][hat]['include'][inc] = True
aaui.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to profile.') % selection)
if deleted:
aaui.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
rule_obj = selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, selection)
deleted = aa[profile][hat][ruletype].add(rule_obj, cleanup=True)
aaui.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to profile.') % rule_obj.get_clean())
if deleted:
aaui.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
elif ans == 'CMD_DENY':
if re_match_include(selection):
aaui.UI_Important("Denying via an include file isn't supported by the AppArmor tools")
done = True
changed[profile] = True
rule_obj = selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, selection)
rule_obj.deny = True
rule_obj.raw_rule = None # reset raw rule after manually modifying rule_obj
deleted = aa[profile][hat][ruletype].add(rule_obj, cleanup=True)
aaui.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to profile.') % rule_obj.get_clean())
if deleted:
aaui.UI_Info(_('Deleted %s previous matching profile entries.') % deleted)
elif ans == 'CMD_GLOB':
if not re_match_include(selection):
globbed_rule_obj = selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, selection)
options, default_option = add_to_options(options, globbed_rule_obj.get_raw())
elif ans == 'CMD_GLOBEXT':
if not re_match_include(selection):
globbed_rule_obj = selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, selection)
options, default_option = add_to_options(options, globbed_rule_obj.get_raw())
elif ans == 'CMD_NEW':
if not re_match_include(selection):
edit_rule_obj = selection_to_rule_obj(rule_obj, selection)
prompt, oldpath = edit_rule_obj.edit_header()
newpath = aaui.UI_GetString(prompt, oldpath)
if newpath:
input_matches_path = rule_obj.validate_edit(newpath) # note that we check against the original rule_obj here, not edit_rule_obj (which might be based on a globbed path)
except AppArmorException:
aaui.UI_Important(_('The path you entered is invalid (not starting with / or a variable)!'))
if not input_matches_path:
ynprompt = _('The specified path does not match this log entry:\n\n Log Entry: %(path)s\n Entered Path: %(ans)s\nDo you really want to use this path?') % { 'path': oldpath, 'ans': newpath }
key = aaui.UI_YesNo(ynprompt, 'n')
if key == 'n':
options, default_option = add_to_options(options, edit_rule_obj.get_raw())
apparmor.aa.user_globs[newpath] = AARE(newpath, True)
done = False
if __name__ == '__main__':