Jamie Strandboge e946b88d82 ubuntu-browsers.d/multimedia: add f-spot, shotwell and digikam to image viewers
since they are invoked when using sites such as Facebook
2011-04-18 09:32:14 -05:00

47 lines
1.1 KiB

# vim:syntax=apparmor
#include <abstractions/X>
# Pulseaudio
/usr/bin/pulseaudio ixr,
# Image viewers
/usr/bin/eog PUxr,
/usr/bin/gimp* PUxr,
/usr/bin/shotwell PUxr,
/usr/bin/digikam PUxr,
/usr/bin/f-spot PUxr,
#include <abstractions/ubuntu-media-players>
owner @{HOME}/.macromedia/** rw,
/opt/real/RealPlayer/mozilla/ rm,
/usr/bin/lpstat PUxr,
/usr/bin/lpr PUxr,
# npviewer
/usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer{,.bin} ixr,
/var/lib/ r,
/var/lib/**/*.so mr,
/usr/bin/setarch ixr,
# Bittorrent clients
#include <abstractions/ubuntu-bittorrent-clients>
# Mozplugger
/etc/mozpluggerrc r,
/usr/bin/mozplugger-helper PUxr,
# Archivers
/usr/bin/ark PUxr,
/usr/bin/file-roller PUxr,
/usr/bin/xarchiver PUxr,
/usr/local/lib{,32,64}/*.so* mr,
# News feed readers
#include <abstractions/ubuntu-feed-readers>
# Googletalk
/opt/google/talkplugin/*.so mr,
/opt/google/talkplugin/lib/*.so mr,
/opt/google/talkplugin/GoogleTalkPlugin ixr,
owner @{HOME}/.config/google-googletalkplugin/** rw,