Steve Beattie a2423f3371 Patch from Mathias Gug <>, I added the same
modification to the audit command.

This fix scans apparmor.d directory to find profiles that matches the
profile passed on the command line. Currently if the binary doesn't
exist on the system, complain/enforce fails even if a profile is defined.
2007-06-15 15:11:09 +00:00

129 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable file

# $Id$
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2005 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, contact Novell, Inc.
# To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail,
# you may find current contact information at
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use FindBin;
use Getopt::Long;
use Immunix::SubDomain;
use Data::Dumper;
use Locale::gettext;
use POSIX;
# initialize the local poo
setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "");
$UI_Mode = "text";
# options variables
my $help = '';
'dir|d=s' => \$profiledir,
'help|h' => \$help,
# tell 'em how to use it...
&usage && exit if $help;
# let's convert it to full path...
$profiledir = get_full_path($profiledir);
unless (-d $profiledir) {
UI_Important("Can't find subdomain profiles in $profiledir.");
exit 1;
# what are we profiling?
my @profiling = @ARGV;
unless (@profiling) {
@profiling = (UI_GetString(gettext("Please enter the program to switch to complain mode: "), ""));
for my $profiling (@profiling) {
next unless $profiling;
my $fqdbin;
if (-e $profiling) {
$fqdbin = get_full_path($profiling);
} else {
if ($profiling !~ /\//) {
my @tmp_fqdbin = grep ( /$profiling/, readdir(DIR));
if (scalar @tmp_fqdbin eq 1) {
$fqdbin = "$profiledir/$tmp_fqdbin[0]";
} else {
my $which = which($profiling);
if ($which) {
$fqdbin = get_full_path($which);
if (-e $fqdbin) {
my $filename;
if ($fqdbin =~ /^$profiledir\//) {
$filename = $fqdbin;
} else {
$filename = getprofilefilename($fqdbin);
# argh, skip directories
next unless -f $filename;
# skip rpm backup files
next if isSkippableFile($filename);
printf(gettext('Setting %s to complain mode.'), $fqdbin);
print "\n";
setprofileflags($filename, "complain");
system("cat $filename | $parser -I$profiledir -r >/dev/null 2>&1")
if check_for_subdomain();
} else {
if ($profiling =~ /^[^\/]+$/) {
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('Can\'t find %s in the system path list. If the name of the application is correct, please run \'which %s\' as a user with the correct PATH environment set up in order to find the fully-qualified path.'), $profiling, $profiling));
exit 1;
} else {
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext('%s does not exist, please double-check the path.'), $profiling));
exit 1;
exit 0;
sub usage {
UI_Info(sprintf(gettext("usage: \%s [ -d /path/to/profiles ] [ program to switch to complain mode ]"), $0));
exit 0;