John Johansen 79f80314ed make the parse_sub_mode code more generic
Make it more generic so that it can be shared with signals.

Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
Acked-by: Steve Beattie <>
2014-04-07 03:19:19 -07:00

408 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
* NOVELL (All rights reserved)
* Copyright (c) 2010 - 2012
* Canonical Ltd. (All rights reserved)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
* License published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, contact Novell, Inc. or Canonical
* Ltd.
#ifndef __AA_PARSER_H
#define __AA_PARSER_H
#include <string.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include "immunix.h"
#include "libapparmor_re/apparmor_re.h"
#include "libapparmor_re/aare_rules.h"
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include <set>
class Profile;
class rule_t;
/* Global variable to pass token to lexer. Will be replaced by parameter
* when lexer and parser are made reentrant
extern int parser_token;
typedef enum pattern_t pattern_t;
struct prefixes {
int audit;
int deny;
int owner;
struct named_transition {
int present;
char *ns;
char *name;
struct cod_pattern {
char *regex; // posix regex
struct value_list {
char *value;
struct value_list *next;
struct cond_entry {
char *name;
int eq; /* where equals was used in specifying list */
struct value_list *vals;
struct cond_entry *next;
struct cod_entry {
char *ns;
char *name;
char *link_name;
char *nt_name;
Profile *prof; /* Special profile defined
* just for this executable */
int mode; /* mode is 'or' of AA_* bits */
int audit; /* audit flags for mode */
int deny; /* TRUE or FALSE */
int alias_ignore; /* ignore for alias processing */
int subset;
pattern_t pattern_type;
struct cod_pattern pat;
struct cod_entry *next;
/* supported AF protocols */
struct aa_network_entry {
unsigned int family;
unsigned int type;
unsigned int protocol;
struct aa_network_entry *next;
struct aa_rlimits {
unsigned int specified; /* limits that are set */
rlim_t limits[RLIMIT_NLIMITS];
struct alt_name {
char *name;
struct alt_name *next;
struct sd_hat {
char *hat_name;
unsigned int hat_magic;
/* describe an ip address */
struct ipv4_desc {
struct in_addr addr;
unsigned long mask;
unsigned short port[2];
struct ipv4_endpoints {
struct ipv4_desc * src;
struct ipv4_desc * dest;
struct var_string {
char *prefix;
char *var;
char *suffix;
#define COD_READ_CHAR 'r'
#define COD_WRITE_CHAR 'w'
#define COD_APPEND_CHAR 'a'
#define COD_EXEC_CHAR 'x'
#define COD_LINK_CHAR 'l'
#define COD_LOCK_CHAR 'k'
#define COD_MMAP_CHAR 'm'
#define COD_INHERIT_CHAR 'i'
#define COD_LOCAL_CHAR 'C'
#define OPTION_ADD 1
#define OPTION_OFILE 5
#define BOOL int
extern int preprocess_only;
#define PATH_CHROOT_REL 0x1
#define PATH_NS_REL 0x2
#define PATH_ATTACH 0x40
#define PATH_NO_ATTACH 0x80
#ifdef DEBUG
#define PDEBUG(fmt, args...) printf("parser: " fmt, ## args)
#define PDEBUG(fmt, args...) /* Do nothing */
#define NPDEBUG(fmt, args...) /* Do nothing */
#define PERROR(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ## args)
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE (1)
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE (0)
#define MIN_PORT 0
#define MAX_PORT 65535
#ifndef __unused
#define __unused __attribute__ ((unused))
#define list_for_each(LIST, ENTRY) \
for ((ENTRY) = (LIST); (ENTRY); (ENTRY) = (ENTRY)->next)
#define list_for_each_safe(LIST, ENTRY, TMP) \
for ((ENTRY) = (LIST), (TMP) = (LIST) ? (LIST)->next : NULL; (ENTRY); (ENTRY) = (TMP), (TMP) = (TMP) ? (TMP)->next : NULL)
#define list_last_entry(LIST, ENTRY) \
for ((ENTRY) = (LIST); (ENTRY) && (ENTRY)->next; (ENTRY) = (ENTRY)->next)
#define list_append(LISTA, LISTB) \
do { \
typeof(LISTA) ___tmp; \
list_last_entry((LISTA), ___tmp);\
___tmp->next = (LISTB); \
} while (0)
#define list_len(LIST) \
({ \
int len = 0; \
typeof(LIST) tmp; \
list_for_each((LIST), tmp) \
len++; \
len; \
#define list_find_prev(LIST, ENTRY) \
({ \
typeof(ENTRY) tmp, prev = NULL; \
list_for_each((LIST), tmp) { \
if (tmp == (ENTRY)) \
break; \
prev = tmp; \
} \
prev; \
#define list_remove_at(LIST, PREV, ENTRY) \
if (PREV) \
(PREV)->next = (ENTRY)->next; \
if ((ENTRY) == (LIST)) \
(LIST) = (ENTRY)->next; \
(ENTRY)->next = NULL; \
#define list_remove(LIST, ENTRY) \
do { \
typeof(ENTRY) prev = list_find_prev((LIST), (ENTRY)); \
list_remove_at((LIST), prev, (ENTRY)); \
} while (0)
#define DUP_STRING(orig, new, field, fail_target) \
do { \
(new)->field = ((orig)->field) ? strdup((orig)->field) : NULL; \
if (((orig)->field) && !((new)->field)) \
goto fail_target; \
} while (0)
/* from parser_common.c */
extern int perms_create;
extern int net_af_max_override;
extern int kernel_load;
extern int kernel_supports_network;
extern int kernel_supports_mount;
extern int kernel_supports_dbus;
extern int conf_verbose;
extern int conf_quiet;
extern int names_only;
extern int option;
extern int current_lineno;
extern dfaflags_t dfaflags;
extern const char *progname;
extern char *subdomainbase;
extern char *profilename;
extern char *profile_ns;
extern char *current_filename;
extern FILE *ofile;
extern int read_implies_exec;
extern void pwarn(const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, 1, 2)));
/* from parser_main (cannot be used in tst builds) */
extern int force_complain;
extern struct timespec mru_tstamp;
extern void update_mru_tstamp(FILE *file);
/* provided by parser_lex.l (cannot be used in tst builds) */
extern FILE *yyin;
extern void yyrestart(FILE *fp);
extern int yyparse(void);
extern void yyerror(const char *msg, ...);
extern int yylex(void);
/* parser_include.c */
extern const char *basedir;
/* parser_regex.c */
extern const char *default_match_pattern;
extern pattern_t convert_aaregex_to_pcre(const char *aare, int anchor,
std::string& pcre, int *first_re_pos);
extern int build_list_val_expr(std::string& buffer, struct value_list *list);
extern int convert_entry(std::string& buffer, char *entry);
extern int clear_and_convert_entry(std::string& buffer, char *entry);
extern int process_regex(Profile *prof);
extern int post_process_entry(struct cod_entry *entry);
extern void reset_regex(void);
extern int process_policydb(Profile *prof);
extern int process_policy_ents(Profile *prof);
/* parser_variable.c */
int expand_entry_variables(char **name);
extern int process_variables(Profile *prof);
extern struct var_string *split_out_var(const char *string);
extern void free_var_string(struct var_string *var);
/* parser_misc.c */
extern void warn_uppercase(void);
extern int is_blacklisted(const char *name, const char *path);
extern struct value_list *new_value_list(char *value);
extern struct value_list *dup_value_list(struct value_list *list);
extern void free_value_list(struct value_list *list);
extern void print_value_list(struct value_list *list);
extern struct cond_entry *new_cond_entry(char *name, int eq, struct value_list *list);
extern void free_cond_entry(struct cond_entry *ent);
extern void free_cond_list(struct cond_entry *ents);
extern void print_cond_entry(struct cond_entry *ent);
extern char *processid(const char *string, int len);
extern char *processquoted(const char *string, int len);
extern char *processunquoted(const char *string, int len);
extern int get_keyword_token(const char *keyword);
extern int name_to_capability(const char *keyword);
extern int get_rlimit(const char *name);
extern char *process_var(const char *var);
extern int parse_mode(const char *mode);
extern int parse_X_mode(const char *X, int valid, const char *str_mode, int *mode, int fail);
extern struct cod_entry *new_entry(char *ns, char *id, int mode, char *link_id);
extern struct aa_network_entry *new_network_ent(unsigned int family,
unsigned int type,
unsigned int protocol);
extern struct aa_network_entry *network_entry(const char *family,
const char *type,
const char *protocol);
extern size_t get_af_max(void);
/* returns -1 if value != true or false, otherwise 0 == false, 1 == true */
extern int str_to_boolean(const char* str);
extern struct cod_entry *copy_cod_entry(struct cod_entry *cod);
extern void free_cod_entries(struct cod_entry *list);
extern void __debug_capabilities(uint64_t capset, const char *name);
void __debug_network(unsigned int *array, const char *name);
void debug_cod_entries(struct cod_entry *list);
/* parser_symtab.c */
struct set_value {
char *val;
struct set_value *next;
extern int add_boolean_var(const char *var, int boolean);
extern int get_boolean_var(const char *var);
extern int new_set_var(const char *var, const char *value);
extern int add_set_value(const char *var, const char *value);
extern struct set_value *get_set_var(const char *var);
extern char *get_next_set_value(struct set_value **context);
extern void dump_symtab(void);
extern void dump_expanded_symtab(void);
void free_symtabs(void);
/* parser_alias.c */
extern int new_alias(const char *from, const char *to);
extern int replace_profile_aliases(Profile *prof);
extern void free_aliases(void);
/* parser_merge.c */
extern int profile_merge_rules(Profile *prof);
/* parser_interface.c */
typedef struct __sdserialize sd_serialize;
extern int load_profile(int option, Profile *prof);
extern int sd_serialize_profile(sd_serialize *p, Profile *prof,
int flatten);
extern int sd_load_buffer(int option, char *buffer, int size);
extern int cache_fd;
/* parser_policy.c */
extern void add_to_list(Profile *profile);
extern void add_hat_to_policy(Profile *policy, Profile *hat);
extern int add_entry_to_x_table(Profile *prof, char *name);
extern void add_entry_to_policy(Profile *policy, struct cod_entry *entry);
extern void post_process_file_entries(Profile *prof);
extern void post_process_rule_entries(Profile *prof);
extern int post_process_policy(int debug_only);
extern int process_profile_regex(Profile *prof);
extern int process_profile_variables(Profile *prof);
extern int process_profile_policydb(Profile *prof);
extern int post_merge_rules(void);
extern int merge_hat_rules(Profile *prof);
extern Profile *merge_policy(Profile *a, Profile *b);
extern int load_policy(int option);
extern int load_hats(sd_serialize *p, Profile *prof);
extern int load_flattened_hats(Profile *prof, int option);
extern void dump_policy_hats(Profile *prof);
extern void dump_policy_names(void);
void dump_policy(void);
void free_policies(void);
#endif /** __AA_PARSER_H */