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synced 2025-03-09 02:41:03 +01:00

perl utilities to the deprecated to directory; a couple of perl utilities remain, but they are still useful and do not depend on the Immunix module (just the LibAppArmor perl module).
821 lines
27 KiB
821 lines
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2008 Dominic Reynolds. All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $usage =
"aa-repo.pl --command args\n";
my $usage_search =
" --search [author=XXX] [prog=XXX] [id=XXX]
Search the repository for profiles matching the search criteria
and return the results.
NOTE: One --search switch per option
Verbosity level. Supply either one or two switches. Two switches
adds full profile text in returned search results.\n";
my $usage_push =
" --push [--profile=XXX|all] [--changelog=XXX]
Push local profiles to repository, uses configured user and upon
overwrite of an existing profile in the repository then prompt
user with a diff for confirmation XXX the name of the application
whose profile should be uploaded or \"all\" to upload all
profiles. Multiple --profile switches may be passed to supply
multiple profile names
e.g. --push --profile /usr/sbin/mdnsd --profile /usr/sbin/ftp
e.g. --push --profile all\n";
my $usage_pull =
" --pull [--author=XXX] [--profile=XXX] or [--id=XXX] [--mode=complain]
pull remote profiles and install on local system
If operation will change local profiles then prompt user with
diff for confirmation
NOTE: One --pull switch per option and there are three acceptable
--pull --author=XXX
* pull all profiles in the repo for the author
--pull --author=XXX --profile=XXXX
* pull the profile for prog owned by author
--pull --id=XXXX
* pull the profile with id
--pull --mode=complain
* set the profile(s) to complain mode when installed
Profiles are checked for conflicts with currently installed
profiles and presented as a list to the user to confirm and view.\n";
my $usage_sync =
" --sync [--up] [--down] [--noconfirm]
Synchronize local profile set with the repository - showing
changes and allowing prompting the user with the diffs and
suggest the newest version to be activated. If the --all option
is passed then treat profiles not marked as remote as new
profiles that will be uploaded to the repository.\n";
my $usage_stat =
" --status
Show the current status of the local profile set. This operation
is similar to sync but does not prompt the user to up|down load
my $usage_getconfig =
" --getconfig|c
Print the current configuration for the repsository\n";
my $usage_setconfig =
" --setconfig [url=xxx] [username=xxxx] [password=xxxx] [enabled=(yes|no)]
Set the configuration options for the repository.
NOTE: One --setconfig switch per option\n";
my $usage_bottom =
" --quiet|q Don't prompt user - assume that all changes should be made.
o Should changes made to the system be recorded somehow? An audit event?
o Should the tool allow a repo/distro to be passed for each operation?
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Immunix::AppArmor;
use Immunix::Repository;
use Data::Dumper;
use Locale::gettext;
use POSIX;
# force $PATH to be sane
$ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin";
# initialize the local poo
setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "");
# options variables
my $help = '';
my $verbose = '';
my ( $id, $author, $mode, %search, $sync, $getconfig, $push,
$pull, %setconfig, @profiles, $all, $changelog, $stat );
'search=s%' => \%search,
'sync=s' => \$sync,
'status' => \$stat,
'getconfig|c' => \$getconfig,
'setconfig=s%' => \%setconfig,
'push' => \$push,
'id=s' => \$id,
'author=s' => \$author,
'profile=s' => \@profiles,
'changelog=s' => \$changelog,
'pull' => \$pull,
'all|a' => \$all,
'help|h' => \$help,
'verbose|v+' => \$verbose
# Root privs required to run the repo tool
if ( geteuid() != 0 ) {
print STDERR gettext(
"You must be logged in with root user privileges to use this program.\n"
# --help
# tell 'em how to use it...
&usage && exit if $help;
my $config = get_repo_config();
# --getconfig operation
&config && exit if $getconfig;
my $sd_mountpoint = check_for_subdomain();
unless ($sd_mountpoint) {
"AppArmor does not appear to be started. Please enable AppArmor and try again."
# --setconfig operation
if ( keys %setconfig ) {
$config->{url} = $setconfig{url} if ( $setconfig{url} );
$config->{distro} = $setconfig{distro} if ( $setconfig{distro} );
$config->{enabled} = $setconfig{enabled} if ( $setconfig{enabled} );
$config->{email} = $setconfig{email} if ( $setconfig{email} );
$config->{user} = $setconfig{username} if ( $setconfig{username} );
$config->{password} = $setconfig{password} if ( $setconfig{password} );
$config->{upload} = $setconfig{upload} if ( $setconfig{upload} );
set_repo_config( $config );
# --push operation
if ( $push ) {
my ($conflicts, $repo_profiles, $local_profiles, @overrides);
if ( ! @profiles ) {
print STDERR gettext(
"Must supply at least one profile using \"--profile XXX\" to --push\n"
exit 1;
} else {
print STDERR Data::Dumper->Dump([@profiles], [qw(*profiles)]);
my $changelog = $changelog?$changelog:"none";
push_profiles( \@profiles, $changelog, 1 );
# --pull operation
if ( $pull ) {
my $type = "";
if ( $id ) {
if ( $author || @profiles ) {
print STDERR gettext(
"Option --id=XX is only allowed by itself and not in combination to
other options for the --pull command.\n"
exit 1;
$type = "id";
if ( @profiles && ! $author ) {
print STDERR gettext(
"Option --profile=XX requires that the --author=XX option be supplied
to distinguish a specific profile.\n"
exit 1;
} else {
$type = "profile";
my $mode = $mode eq "complain"?1:0;
pull_profiles( \@profiles, $type, $mode, 1 );
# --search operation
if ( keys %search ) {
if ( $search{id} ) {
my($status,$result) = fetch_profile_by_id( $config->{url},
$search{id} );
if ($status) {
my $title = sprintf(gettext( "Profile ID %s\n"), $search{id});
console_print_search_results( $title,
{ $result->{name} => $result }
} else {
print STDERR "ERROR $result\n";
} elsif ( $search{author} && $search{prog} ) {
my($status,$result) =
fetch_profiles_by_name_and_user( $config->{url},
if ( $status ) {
my $title =
sprintf(gettext("Profiles matching user: %s and program: %s\n"),
console_print_search_results( $title, "profile", $result );
} else {
print STDERR "ERROR $result\n";
} elsif ( $search{author} ) {
my($status,$result) = fetch_profiles_by_user( $config->{url},
if ( $status ) {
my $title = sprintf(gettext( "Profiles for %s\n"), $search{author});
console_print_search_results( $title, "profile", $result );
} else {
print STDERR "ERROR $result\n";
} elsif ( $search{prog} ) {
my($status,$result) = fetch_profiles_by_name( $config->{url},
if ( $status ) {
my $title = sprintf(gettext("Profiles matching program: %s\n"),
console_print_search_results( $title, "user", $result );
} else {
print STDERR "ERROR $result\n";
} else {
print STDERR
"Unsupported search criteria. Please specify at least one of
author=XXX prog=XXX id=XXX\n";
if ( $stat ) {
my ( $local_profiles, $remote_profiles );
my $msg =
" The following profiles are stored in the repository but
are not synchronized with the copy in the repository\n";
my ($status, $result) = fetch_profiles_by_user( $config->{url},
if ( $status ) {
$remote_profiles = $result;
} else {
print STDERR sprintf(gettext("ERROR connecting to repository: %s\n"),
$local_profiles = serialize_local_profiles( \%sd );
my ($local_only,$unsynched,$synched,$conflicts) = ({}, {}, {});
$unsynched = find_profile_conflicts($remote_profiles, $local_profiles);
for my $p ( keys %$local_profiles ) {
if ( ! $remote_profiles->{$p} ) {
$local_only->{$p} = $local_profiles->{$p};
for my $p ( keys %$remote_profiles ) {
$synched->{$p} =
$remote_profiles->{$p}->{profile} if ( ! %$unsynched->{$p} );
UI_status($synched, $unsynched, $local_only);
# Helper functions
# Compare the local profile set with the remote profile set.
# Return a list of the conflicting profiles as a list
# remote_profiles = repository profiles as returned by one of the
# Immunix::Repository::fetch... functions
# local_profiles = hash ref containing
# { name => serialized local profile }
sub find_profile_conflicts ($$) {
my ($remote_profiles,$local_profiles) = @_;
my $conflicts = {};
for my $p ( keys(%$local_profiles) ) {
if ( $local_profiles->{$p} and $remote_profiles->{$p} ) {
my $p_local = $local_profiles->{$p};
my $p_remote = $remote_profiles->{$p}->{profile};
if ( $p_remote ne $p_local ) {
$conflicts->{$p} = [ $p_local, $p_remote ];
return( $conflicts );
sub serialize_local_profiles ($) {
my $profiles = shift;
my $local_profiles = {};
for my $p ( keys %$profiles ) {
my $serialize_opts = {};
$serialize_opts->{NO_FLAGS} = 1;
my $p_local = serialize_profile( $profiles->{$p},
$serialize_opts );
$local_profiles->{$p} = $p_local;
return $local_profiles;
sub console_print_search_results ($$$) {
my ($title, $type,$result) = @_;
open(PAGER, "| less") or die "Can't open pager";
print PAGER $title;
print PAGER "Found " . values(%$result) . " profiles \n";
for my $p ( values(%$result) ) {
if ( $verbose ) {
if ( $type eq "user" ) {
print PAGER " Author [ " . $p->{username} . " ]\n";
} elsif ( $type eq "profile" ) {
print PAGER " Name [ " . $p->{name} . " ]\n";
print PAGER " Created [ " . $p->{created_at} . " ]\n";
print PAGER " Downloads [ " . $p->{downloaded_count} . " ]\n";
print PAGER " ID [ " . $p->{id} . " ]\n";
if ( $verbose > 1 ) {
print PAGER " Profile [ \n" . $p->{profile} . " ]\n\n";
} else {
print PAGER "\n";
} else {
my $data = $type eq "user"?$p->{username}:$p->{name};
print PAGER " " . $data . "\n";
close PAGER;
sub UI_resolve_profile_conflicts {
my ($explanation, $conflict_hash) = @_;
my $url = $config->{url};
my @conflicts = map { [ $_,
] }
keys %$conflict_hash;
my @commits = [];
my $title = "Profile conflicts";
my %resolution = ();
my $q = {};
$q->{title} = $title;
$q->{headers} = [ "Repository", $url, ];
$q->{explanation} = $explanation;
$q->{functions} = [ "CMD_OVERWRITE",
$q->{default} = "CMD_OVERWRITE";
$q->{options} = [ map { $_->[0] } @conflicts ];
$q->{selected} = 0;
my ($ans, $arg);
do {
($ans, $arg) = UI_PromptUser($q);
if ($ans eq "CMD_VIEW_CHANGES") {
display_changes($conflicts[$arg]->[2], $conflicts[$arg]->[1]);
if ( $ans eq "CMD_OVERWRITE") {
$q->{options} =
[ map { $_ =~ /$conflicts[$arg]->[0]( K| O)?$/?
$conflicts[$arg]->[0] . " O":
$_ }
$resolution{$conflicts[$arg]->[0]} = "O";
if ( $ans eq "CMD_KEEP") {
$q->{options} =
[ map { $_ =~ /$conflicts[$arg]->[0]( K| O)?$/?
$conflicts[$arg]->[0] . " K":
$_ }
$resolution{$conflicts[$arg]->[0]} = "K";
$q->{selected} = ($arg+1) % @conflicts;
} until $ans =~ /^CMD_CONTINUE/;
if ($ans eq "CMD_CONTINUE") {
my @results = ();
for my $p ( keys %resolution ) {
if ( $resolution{$p} eq "O" ) {
push @results, $p;
return @results;
sub UI_display_profiles {
my ($explanation, $profile_hash) = @_;
my $url = $config->{url};
my @profiles = map { [ $_, $profile_hash->{$_} ] } keys %$profile_hash;
my $title = gettext("Profiles");
my $q = {};
$q->{title} = $title;
$q->{headers} = [ "Repository", $url, ];
$q->{explanation} = $explanation;
$q->{functions} = [ "CMD_VIEW",
$q->{default} = "CMD_CONTINUE";
$q->{options} = [ map { $_->[0] } @profiles ];
$q->{selected} = 0;
my ($ans, $arg);
do {
($ans, $arg) = UI_PromptUser($q);
if ($ans eq "CMD_VIEW") {
my $pager = get_pager();
open ( PAGER, "| $pager" ) or die "Can't open $pager";
print PAGER gettext("Profile: ") . $profiles[$arg]->[0] . "\n";
print PAGER $profiles[$arg]->[1];
close PAGER;
$q->{selected} = ($arg+1) % @profiles;
} until $ans =~ /^CMD_CONTINUE/;
sub UI_display_profile_conflicts {
my ($explanation, $conflict_hash) = @_;
my $url = $config->{url};
my @conflicts = map { [ $_,
] }
keys %$conflict_hash;
my @commits = [];
my $title = gettext("Profile conflicts");
my $q = {};
$q->{title} = $title;
$q->{headers} = [ "Repository", $url, ];
$q->{explanation} = $explanation;
$q->{functions} = [ "CMD_VIEW_CHANGES",
$q->{default} = "CMD_CONTINUE";
$q->{options} = [ map { $_->[0] } @conflicts ];
$q->{selected} = 0;
my ($ans, $arg);
do {
($ans, $arg) = UI_PromptUser($q);
if ($ans eq "CMD_VIEW_CHANGES") {
display_changes($conflicts[$arg]->[2], $conflicts[$arg]->[1]);
$q->{selected} = ($arg+1) % @conflicts;
} until $ans =~ /^CMD_CONTINUE/;
sub usage {
if ( $help eq "push" ) {
print STDERR $usage . $usage_push ."\n";
} elsif ( $help eq "pull" ) {
print STDERR $usage . $usage_pull ."\n";
} elsif ( $help eq "sync" ) {
print STDERR $usage . $usage_sync ."\n";
} elsif ( $help eq "getconfig" ) {
print STDERR $usage . $usage_getconfig ."\n";
} elsif ( $help eq "setconfig" ) {
print STDERR $usage . $usage_setconfig ."\n";
} elsif ( $help eq "status" ) {
print STDERR $usage . $usage_stat ."\n";
} elsif ( $help eq "search" ) {
print STDERR $usage . $usage_search ."\n";
} else {
open(PAGER, "| less") or die "Can't open pager";
print PAGER $usage .
$usage_search .
$usage_push .
$usage_pull .
$usage_sync .
$usage_stat .
$usage_setconfig .
$usage_getconfig .
$usage_bottom . "\n";
close PAGER;
# --getconfig helper function
sub config {
my $configstr = gettext("Current config\n");
my $config = get_repo_config();
$configstr .= "\turl:\t\t$config->{url}\n";
$configstr .= "\tdistro:\t\t$config->{distro}\n";
$configstr .= "\tenabled:\t$config->{enabled}\n";
$configstr .= "\temail:\t\t$config->{email}\n";
$configstr .= "\tusername:\t$config->{user}\n";
$configstr .= "\tpassword:\t$config->{password}\n";
$configstr .= "\tupload:\t\t$config->{upload}\n";
print STDERR $configstr . "\n";
# helper function to push profiles to the repository
# used by --push and --sync options
sub push_profiles($$$) {
my ( $p_ref, $changelog, $confirm ) = @_;
my ( $conflicts, $remote_profiles, $local_profiles, @overrides );
my @profiles = @$p_ref;
my $conflict_msg =
" The following profile(s) selected for upload conflicts with a profile already
stored in the repository for your account. Please choose whether to keep the
current version or overwrite it.\n";
$all = 0;
my ($status, $result) = fetch_profiles_by_user( $config->{url},
if ( $status ) {
$remote_profiles = $result;
} else {
print STDERR sprintf(gettext("ERROR connecting to repository: %s\n"),
$all = 1 if ( grep(/^all$/, @profiles) );
if ( $all ) {
$local_profiles = serialize_local_profiles( \%sd );
} else {
my $local_sd = {};
for my $p ( @profiles ) {
if ( !$sd{$p} ) {
print STDERR
sprintf(gettext("Profile for [%s] does not exist\n"), $p);
$local_sd->{$p} = $sd{$p};
$local_profiles = serialize_local_profiles( $local_sd );
$conflicts = find_profile_conflicts($remote_profiles, $local_profiles);
if ( keys %$conflicts ) {
@overrides = UI_resolve_profile_conflicts( $conflict_msg, $conflicts );
if ( $local_profiles ) {
my @uploads;
for my $p ( keys %$local_profiles ) {
unless ( $conflicts->{$p} and !grep(/^$p$/, @overrides) ) {
print STDERR gettext("Uploading ") . $p . "... ";
my ($status,$result) = upload_profile( $config->{url},
print STDERR gettext("done") . "\n";
if ( $status ) {
push @uploads, $p;
} else {
print STDERR gettext("Error uploading") . "$p: $result\n";
if ( @uploads ) {
# Currently the upload API with the repository returns the
# the current users profile set before the update so we have
# to refetch to obtain the metadata to update the local profiles
my $repo_p = [];
print STDERR gettext("Updating local profile metedata....\n");
my ($status,$result) = fetch_profiles_by_user( $config->{url},
$config->{user} );
if ( $status ) {
for my $p ( @uploads ) {
push( @$repo_p, [$p, $result->{$p}] ) if ( $result->{$p} );
activate_repo_profiles( $config->{url}, $repo_p, 0 );
print STDERR gettext(" done\n");
} else {
print STDERR gettext(
"Failed to retrieve updated profiles from the repository. Error: "
) . $result . "\n";
# Helper function for pulling profiles from the repository
# used by --pull and --sync options
sub pull_profiles($$$$) {
my ( $p_ref, $mode, $confirm, $opts ) = @_;
my @profiles = @$p_ref;
my ( $conflicts, $commit_list, $remote_profiles,
$local_profiles, @overrides );
my $conflict_msg =
" The following profiles selected for download conflict with profiles
already deployed on the system. Please choose whether to keep the local
version or overwrite with the version from the repository\n";
if ( $opts->{id} ) {
my ($status,$newp) = fetch_profile_by_id( $config->{url}, $opts->{id} );
if ( ! $status ) {
print STDERR gettext(
sprintf("Error occured during operation\n\t[%s]\n",
exit 1;
} else {
$remote_profiles = { $newp->{name} => $newp->{profile} };
} elsif ( @profiles && $opts->{author} ) {
$remote_profiles = {};
for my $p ( @profiles ) {
my ($status,$profiles) =
fetch_profiles_by_name_and_user( $config->{url},
$opts->{author} );
if ( ! $status ) {
print STDERR gettext(sprintf(
"Error occured during operation\n\t[%s]\n",
exit 1;
} else {
$remote_profiles->{$p} = $profiles->{$p};
} elsif ( $opts->{author} ) {
my ($status,$profiles) = fetch_profiles_by_user( $config->{url},
$opts->{author} );
if ( ! $status ) {
print STDERR gettext(sprintf(
"Error occured during operation\n\t[%s]\n",
exit 1;
} else {
$remote_profiles = $profiles;
$local_profiles = serialize_local_profiles( \%sd );
$conflicts = find_profile_conflicts( $remote_profiles, $local_profiles );
if ( keys %$conflicts ) {
@overrides = UI_resolve_profile_conflicts( $conflict_msg, $conflicts );
for my $p ( keys %$remote_profiles ) {
unless ( $conflicts->{$p} and !grep(/^$p$/, @overrides) ) {
$remote_profiles->{$p}->{username} = $opts->{author};
push @$commit_list, [$p, $remote_profiles->{$p}];
if ( $commit_list and @$commit_list ) {
activate_repo_profiles( $config->{url}, $commit_list, $mode );
system("rcapparmor reload");
} else {
UI_Info(gettext("No changes to make"));
sub UI_status {
my ($synched, $unsynched, $local) = @_;
my $url = $config->{url};
my $synched_text = gettext("Synchronized repository profiles:\t\t") .
keys %$synched;
my $unsynched_text = gettext("Unsynchronized repository profiles:\t") .
keys %$unsynched;
my $local_text = gettext("Local only profiles :\t\t\t") . keys %$local;
my $options = [ $synched_text, $unsynched_text, $local_text ];
my $title = gettext("Profile Status");
my $explanation = gettext(
" This is the current status of active profiles on the system.
To view the profiles or unsyncronized changes select VIEW\n"
my $q = {};
$q->{title} = $title;
$q->{headers} = [ "Repository", $url, ];
$q->{explanation} = $explanation;
$q->{functions} = [ "CMD_VIEW", "CMD_FINISHED", ];
$q->{default} = "CMD_FINISHED";
$q->{options} = $options;
$q->{selected} = 0;
my ($ans, $arg);
do {
($ans, $arg) = UI_PromptUser($q);
if ($ans eq "CMD_VIEW") {
if ( $arg == 0 ) {
gettext("Profiles stored in the repository"),
} elsif ( $arg == 1 ) {
gettext("Unsyncronised profile changes"),
} elsif ( $arg == 2 ) {
gettext("Profiles stored in the repository"),
} until $ans =~ /^CMD_FINSHED/;