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synced 2025-03-04 08:24:42 +01:00

If /proc/filesystems contains a filesystem that is not listed in MountRule valid_fs, print a useful error message that says what exactly is going on, instead of only saying "False is not True".
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226 lines
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# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2024 Canonical, Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import unittest
from collections import namedtuple
from common_test import AATest, setup_all_loops
from apparmor.common import AppArmorException, AppArmorBug
from apparmor.translations import init_translation
from apparmor.rule.mount import MountRule, valid_fs
_ = init_translation()
class MountTestParse(AATest):
tests = (
# Rule Operation Filesystem Options Source Destination Audit Deny Allow Comment
('mount fstype=bpf options=rw bpf -> /sys/fs/bpf/,', MountRule('mount', ('=',('bpf')), ('=',('rw')), "bpf", "/sys/fs/bpf/", False, False, False, '' )),
('mount fstype=bpf options=(rw) random_label -> /sys/fs/bpf/,', MountRule('mount', ('=',('bpf')), ('=',('rw')), "random_label", "/sys/fs/bpf/", False, False, False, '' )),
('mount,', MountRule('mount', MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, False, False, False, '' )),
('mount fstype=(ext3, ext4),', MountRule('mount', ('=',('ext3', 'ext4')), MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, False, False, False, '' )),
('mount bpf,', MountRule('mount', MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, "bpf", MountRule.ALL, False, False, False, '' )),
('mount none,', MountRule('mount', MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, "none", MountRule.ALL, False, False, False, '' )),
('mount fstype=(ext3, ext4) options=(ro),', MountRule('mount', ('=',('ext3', 'ext4')), ('=',('ro')), MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, False, False, False, '' )),
('mount @{mntpnt},', MountRule('mount', MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, "@{mntpnt}", MountRule.ALL, False, False, False, '' )),
('mount /a,', MountRule('mount', MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, "/a", MountRule.ALL, False, False, False, '' )),
('mount fstype=(ext3, ext4) /a -> /b,', MountRule('mount', ('=',('ext3', 'ext4')), MountRule.ALL, "/a", "/b", False, False, False, '' )),
('mount fstype=(ext3, ext4) options=(ro, rbind) /a -> /b,', MountRule('mount', ('=',('ext3', 'ext4')), ('=',('ro', 'rbind')), "/a", "/b", False, False, False, '' )),
('mount fstype=(ext3, ext4) options=(ro, rbind) /a -> /b, #cmt', MountRule('mount', ('=',('ext3', 'ext4')), ('=',('ro', 'rbind')), "/a", "/b", False, False, False, ' #cmt')),
('mount fstype=(ext3, ext4) options in (ro, rbind) /a -> /b,', MountRule('mount', ('=',('ext3', 'ext4')), ('in',('ro', 'rbind')), "/a", "/b", False, False, False, '' )),
('mount fstype in (ext3, ext4) options=(ro, rbind) /a -> /b, #cmt', MountRule('mount', ('in',('ext3', 'ext4')),('=',('ro', 'rbind')), "/a", "/b", False, False, False, ' #cmt')),
('mount fstype in (ext3, ext4) option in (ro, rbind) /a, #cmt', MountRule('mount', ('in',('ext3', 'ext4')),('in',('ro', 'rbind')), "/a", MountRule.ALL, False, False, False, ' #cmt')),
('mount fstype=(ext3, ext4) option=(ro, rbind) /a -> /b, #cmt', MountRule('mount', ('=',('ext3', 'ext4')), ('=', ('ro', 'rbind')), "/a", "/b", False, False, False, ' #cmt')),
('mount options=(rw, rbind) /usr/lib{,32,64,x32}/modules/ -> /tmp/snap.rootfs_*{,/usr}/lib/modules/,',
MountRule('mount', MountRule.ALL, ('=',('rw', 'rbind')), "/usr/lib{,32,64,x32}/modules/",
False, False, False, '' )),
('umount,', MountRule('umount', MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, False, False, False, '' )),
('umount fstype=ext3,', MountRule('umount', ('=',('ext3')), MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, False, False, False, '' )),
('umount /a,', MountRule('umount', MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, "/a", False, False, False, '' )),
('remount,', MountRule('remount',MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, False, False, False, '' )),
('remount fstype=ext4,', MountRule('remount',('=',('ext4')), MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, False, False, False, '' )),
('remount /b,', MountRule('remount',MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, "/b", False, False, False, '' )),
def _run_test(self, rawrule, expected):
obj = MountRule.create_instance(rawrule)
expected.raw_rule = rawrule.strip()
self.assertTrue(obj.is_equal(expected, True))
class MountTestParseInvalid(AATest):
tests = (
('mount fstype=,', AppArmorException),
('mount fstype=(foo),', AppArmorException),
('mount fstype=(),', AppArmorException),
('mount options=(),', AppArmorException),
('mount option=(invalid),', AppArmorException),
('mount option=(ext3ext4),',AppArmorException),
def _run_test(self, rawrule, expected):
self.assertTrue(MountRule.match(rawrule)) # the above invalid rules still match the main regex!
with self.assertRaises(expected):
def test_parse_fail(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
def test_diff_non_mountrule(self):
exp = namedtuple('exp', ('audit', 'deny'))
obj = MountRule('mount',("=", '(ext4)'), MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL)
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
obj.is_equal(exp(False, False), False)
def test_diff_invalid_fstype_equals_or_in(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
MountRule('mount', ('ext3', '(ext4)'), MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL) # fstype[0] should be '=' or 'in'
def test_diff_invalid_options_equals_or_in(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
MountRule('mount', MountRule.ALL, ('rbind', '(rw)'), MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL) # fstype[0] should be '=' or 'in'
def test_diff_fstype(self):
obj1 = MountRule('mount',("=", '(ext4)'), MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL)
obj2 = MountRule('mount',MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL)
self.assertFalse(obj1.is_equal(obj2, False))
def test_diff_source(self):
obj1 = MountRule('mount',MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, "/foo", MountRule.ALL)
obj2 = MountRule('mount',MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, "/bar", MountRule.ALL)
self.assertFalse(obj1.is_equal(obj2, False))
def test_invalid_umount_with_source(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
MountRule('umount', MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, "/foo", MountRule.ALL) # Umount and remount shall not have a source
def test_invalid_remount_with_source(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
MountRule('remount', MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, "/foo", MountRule.ALL)
class MountTestFilesystems(AATest):
def test_fs(self):
with open("/proc/filesystems") as f:
for line in f:
fs_name = line.split()[-1]
self.assertTrue(fs_name in valid_fs, "/proc/filesystems contains %s which is not listed in MountRule valid_fs" % fs_name)
class MountTestGlob(AATest):
def test_glob(self):
globList = [(
"mount options=(bind, rw) /home/user/Downloads/ -> /mnt/a/,",
"mount options=(bind, rw) /home/user/Downloads/,",
"mount options=(bind, rw) /home/user/*/,",
"mount options=(bind, rw) /home/**/,",
"mount options=(bind, rw),",
for globs in globList:
for i in range(len(globs)-1):
rule = MountRule.create_instance(globs[i])
self.assertEqual(rule.get_clean(), globs[i+1])
class MountTestClean(AATest):
tests = (
# raw rule clean rule
(' mount , # foo ', 'mount, # foo'),
(' mount fstype = ( sysfs ) , ', 'mount fstype=(sysfs),'),
(' mount fstype = ( sysfs , procfs ) , ', 'mount fstype=(procfs, sysfs),'),
(' mount options = ( rw ) , ', 'mount options=(rw),'),
(' mount options = ( rw , noatime ) , ', 'mount options=(noatime, rw),'),
(' umount /foo , ', 'umount /foo,'),
(' remount /foo , ', 'remount /foo,'),
def _run_test(self, rawrule, expected):
obj = MountRule.create_instance(rawrule)
clean = obj.get_clean()
raw = obj.get_raw()
self.assertEqual(expected, clean, 'unexpected clean rule')
self.assertEqual(rawrule.strip(), raw, 'unexpected raw rule')
class MountLogprofHeaderTest(AATest):
tests = (
('mount,', [_('Operation'), _('mount'), _('Fstype'), _('ALL'), _('Options'), _('ALL'), _('Source'), _('ALL'), _('Destination'), _('ALL')]),
('mount options=(ro, nosuid) /a,', [_('Operation'), _('mount'), _('Fstype'), _('ALL'), _('Options'), ("=", _('nosuid ro')),_('Source'), _('/a'), _('Destination'), _('ALL')]),
('mount fstype=(ext3, ext4) options=(ro, nosuid) /a -> /b,', [_('Operation'), _('mount'), _('Fstype'), ("=", _('ext3 ext4')),_('Options'), ("=", _('nosuid ro')),_('Source'), _('/a'), _('Destination'), _('/b')])
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
obj = MountRule.create_instance(params)
self.assertEqual(obj.logprof_header(), expected)
class MountIsCoveredTest(AATest):
def test_is_covered(self):
obj = MountRule("mount", ("=", ('ext3', 'ext4')), ("=", ('ro')), "/foo/b*", "/b*")
tests = [
("mount", ("=", ('ext3', 'ext4')), ("=", ('ro')), "/foo/b", "/bar"),
("mount", ("=", ('ext3', 'ext4')), ("=", ('ro')), "/foo/bar", "/b")
for test in tests:
def test_is_covered_fs_source(self):
obj = MountRule("mount", ("=", ('ext3', 'ext4')), ("=", ('ro')), "tmpfs", MountRule.ALL)
self.assertTrue(obj.is_covered(MountRule("mount", ("=", ('ext3')), ("=", ('ro')), "tmpfs", MountRule.ALL)))
self.assertFalse(obj.is_equal(MountRule("mount", ("=", ('ext3')), ("=", ('ro')), "tmpfs", MountRule.ALL)))
def test_is_notcovered(self):
obj = MountRule("mount", ("=", ('ext3', 'ext4')), ("=", ('ro')), "/foo/b*", "/b*")
tests = [
("mount", ("in", ('ext3', 'ext4')), ("=", ('ro')), "/foo/bar", "/bar" ),
("mount", ("=", ('procfs, ext4')), ("=", ('ro')), "/foo/bar", "/bar" ),
("mount", ("=", ('ext3')), ("=", ('rw')), "/foo/bar", "/bar" ),
("mount", ("=", ('ext3', 'ext4')), MountRule.ALL, "/foo/b*", "/bar" ),
("mount", MountRule.ALL, ("=", ('ro')), "/foo/b*", "/bar" ),
("mount", ("=", ('ext3', 'ext4')), ("=", ('ro')), "/invalid/bar", "/bar" ),
("umount", MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, "/bar" ),
("remount", MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, MountRule.ALL, "/bar" ),
("mount", ("=", ('ext3', 'ext4')), ("=", ('ro')), "tmpfs", "/bar" ),
("mount", ("=", ('ext3', 'ext4')), ("=", ('ro')), "/foo/b*", "/invalid" ),
for test in tests:
def test_is_not_covered_fs_source(self):
obj = MountRule("mount", ("=", ('ext3', 'ext4')), ("=", ('ro')), "tmpfs", MountRule.ALL)
test = ("mount", ("=", ('ext3', 'ext4')), ("=", ('ro')), "procfs", MountRule.ALL)
if __name__ == '__main__':