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synced 2025-03-04 08:24:42 +01:00

Add a basic overview of the ordering of the backend of the compiler and which stages specific dump info lines up with. Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com>
430 lines
13 KiB
430 lines
13 KiB
apparmor_re.h - control flags for hfa generation
expr-tree.{h,cc} - abstract syntax tree (ast) built from a regex parse
parse.{h,y} - code to parse a regex into an ast
hfc.{h,cc} - code to build and manipulate a hybrid finite automata (state
flex-tables.h - basic defines used by chfa
chfa.{h,cc} - code to build a highly compressed runtime readonly version
of an hfa.
aare_rules.{h,cc} - code to that binds parse -> expr-tree -> hfa generation
-> chfa generation into a basic interface for converting
rules to a runtime ready state machine.
Notes on the compiler pipeline order
Front End: Program driver logic and policy text parsing into an
abstract syntax tree.
Middle Layer: Transforms and operations on the abstract syntax tree.
Converts syntax tree into expression tree for back end.
Back End: transforms of syntax tree, and creation of policy HFA from
expression trees and HFAs.
Basic order of the backend of the compiler pipe line and where the
dump information occurs in the pipeline.
===== Front End (parse -> AST ================
| |
| +-->---- +---------------------------<-----------------------+
| | | |
| | v |
| | yylex |
| | | |
| ^ token match |
| | | |
| | +----------------------------+ |
| | | | ^
| | v v |
| +-<- rule match? preprocess |
| | | |
| early var expansion +----------+-----------+ |
| | | | | |
^ v v v v |
| new rule() / new ent include variable conditional |
| | | | | |
| v +---->-----+----->-----+----->----+
| new rule semantic check
| |
----------- | ------ End of Parse --------------------
post_parse_profile semantic check
add implied rules()
replace aliases (to be moved to backend rewrite)
merge rules
| |
^ v
| add to table
| |
===== Mid layer (AST -> expr tree) =================
+-> add_rule() (aare_rules.{h,cc})
| |
| v
| rule parse (parse.y)
| | |
| | v
| | expr tree (expr-tree.{h,cc})
| | |
| v |
| unique perms | (aare_rules.{h,cc})
| | |
| +------ +
| |
| v
| add to rules expr tree (aare_rules.{h,c})
| |
expr tree
create_chfa() (aare_rules.cc)
expr normalization (expr-tree.{h,cc})
expr simplification (expr-tree.{h,c})
+- D expr-tree
+- D expr-simplified
==== Back End - Create cHFA out of expr tree and other HFAs ====
hfa creation (hfa.{h,cc})
+- D dfa-node-map
+- D dfa-uniq-perms
+- D dfa-states-initial
hfa rewrite (not yet implemented)
filter deny (hfa.{h,cc})
+- D dfa-states-post-filter
minimization (hfa.{h,cc})
+- D dfa-minimize-partitions
+- D dfa-minimize-uniq-perms
+- D dfa-states-post-minimize
unreachable state removal (hfa.{h,cc})
+- D dfa-states-post-unreachable
+- D dfa-states constructed hfa
+- D dfa-graph
equivalence class construction
+- D equiv
diff encode (hfa.{h,cc})
+- D diff-encode
compute perms table
+- D compressed-dfa == perm table dump
compressed hfa (chfa.{h,cc}
+- D compressed-dfa == transition tables
+- D dfa-compressed-states - compress HFA in state form
Return to Mid Layer
Notes on the compress hfa file format (chfa)
The file format used is based on the GNU flex table file format
(--tables-file option; see Table File Format in the flex info pages and
the flex sources for documentation). The magic number used in the header
is set to 0x1B5E783D instead of 0xF13C57B1 though, which is meant to
indicate that the file format logically is not the same: the YY_ID_CHK
(check) and YY_ID_DEF (default), YY_ID_BASE tables are used differently.
The YY_ID_ACCEPTX tables either encode permissions directly, or are an
index, into an external tables.
There are two DFA table formats to support different size state machines
default/next/check - are 16 bit tables
default/next/check - are 32 bit tables
DFA32 is limited to 2^24 states, due to the upper 8 bits being used
as flags in the base table, unless the flags table is defined. When
the flags table is defined, DFA32 can have a full 2^32 states.
In both DFA16 and DFA32
base and accept are 32 bit tables.
State 0 is always used as the trap state. Its accept, base and default
fields should be 0.
State 1 is the default start state. Alternate start states are stored
external to the state machine.
If the flags table is not defined, the base table uses the lower 24
bits as index into the next/check tables, and the upper 8 bits are used
as flags.
The currently defined flags are
#define MATCH_FLAG_DIFF_ENCODE 0x80000000
#define MARK_DIFF_ENCODE 0x40000000
#define MATCH_FLAG_OOB_TRANSITION 0x20000000
Note the default[state] is used in two different ways.
1. When diff_encode is set, the state stores the difference to another
state defined by default. The next field will only store the
transitions that are unique to this state. Those transition may mask
transitions in the state that the current state is relative to, also
note the state that this state is relative might also be relative to
another state. Cycles are forbidden and checked for by the verifier.
The exact algorithm used to build these state difference will be
discussed in another section.
States and transitions on specific characters to next states
1: ('a' => 2, 'b' => 3, 'c' => 4)
2: ('a' => 2, 'b' => 3, 'd' => 5)
Table format - where D in base represnts Diff encode flag
index: (default, base)
0: ( 0, 0) <== dummy state (nonmatching)
1: ( 0, 0)
2: ( 1, D 256)
index: (next, check)
0: ( 0, 0) <== unused entry
( 0, 1) <== ord('a') identical entries
0+'a': ( 2, 1)
0+'b': ( 3, 1)
0+'c': ( 4, 1)
( 0, 1) <== (255 - ord('c')) identical entries
256+'c': ( 0, 2)
256+'d': ( 5, 2)
Here, state 2 is described as ('c' => 0, 'd' => 5), and everything else
as in state 1. The matching algorithm is as follows.
Scanner algorithm
/* current state is in <state>, input character <c> */
while (check[base[state] + c] != state) {
diff = (FLAGS(base) & diff_encode);
state = default[state];
if (!diff)
goto done;
state = next[base[state] + c];
/* continue with the next input character */
2. When diff_encode is NOT set, the default state is used to represent
all none matching transitions (ie. check[base[state] + c] != state).
The dfa build will compute the transition with the most transitions
and use that for the default state. ie.
if we have
1: ('a' => 2)
("[^a]" => 0)
then 0 will be used as the default state
if we have
1: ("[^a]" => 2)
('a' => 0)
then 2 will be used as the default state, and the only state encoded
in the next/check tables will be for 'a'
The combination of the diff-encoded and non-diff encoded states performs
well even when there are many inverted or wildcard matches ("[^x]", ".").
Simplified Regexp scanner algorithm for non-diff encoded state (note
diff encode algorithm above works as well)
/* current state is in <state>, matching character <c> */
if (check[base[state] + c] == state)
state = next[base[state] + c];
state = default[state];
/* continue with the next input character */
Each input character may cause several iterations in the while loop,
but due to guarantees in the build at most 2n states will be
transitioned for n input characters. The expected number of states
walked is much closer to n and in practice due to cache locality the
diff encoded state machine is usually faster than a non-diff encoded
state machine with a strict n state for n input walk.
Comb Compression
The next/check tables of states are only used to encode transitions
not covered by the default transition. The input byte is indexed off
the base value, covering 256 positions within the next/check
tables. However a state may only encode a few transitions within that
range, leaving holes. These holes are filled by other states
transitions whose range will overlap.
1: ('a' => 2, 'b' => 3, 'c' => 4)
2: ('a' => 2, 'b' => 3, 'd' => 5)
3: ('a' => 0, everything else => 5)
Regexp tables
index: (default, base)
0: ( 0, 0) <== dummy state (nonmatching)
1: ( 0, 0)
2: ( 1, 3)
3: ( 5, 7)
index: (next, check)
0: ( 0, 0) <== unused entry
( 0, 0) <== ord('a') identical, unused entries
0+'a': ( 2, 1)
0+'b': ( 3, 1)
0+'c': ( 4, 1)
3+'a': ( 2, 2)
3+'b': ( 3, 2)
3+'c': ( 0, 0) <== entry is unused, hole that could be filled
3+'d': ( 5, 2)
7+'a': ( 0, 3)
( 0, 0) <== (255 - ord('a')) identical, unused entries
Regexp tables comb compressed
index: (default, base)
0: ( 0, 0)
1: ( 0, 0)
2: ( 1, 3)
3: ( 5, 5)
index: (next, check)
0: ( 0, 0)
( 0, 0)
0+'a': ( 2, 1)
0+'b': ( 3, 1)
0+'c': ( 4, 1)
3+'a': ( 2, 2)
3+'b': ( 3, 2)
5+'a': ( 0, 3) <== entry was previously at 7+'a'
3+'d': ( 5, 2)
( 0, 0) <== (255 - ord('a')) identical, unused entries
Out of Band Transitions (oobs)
Out of band transitions (oobs) allow for a state to have transitions
that can not be triggered by input. Any state that has oobs must have
the OOB flag set on the state. An oob is triggered by subtracting the
oob number from the the base index value, to find the next and check
value. Current only single oob is supported. And all states using
an oob must have the oob flag set.
if ((FLAG(base) & OOB) && check[base[state] - oob] == state)
state = next[base[state]] - oob]
oobs might be expressed as a negative number eg. -1 for the first
oob. In which case the oob transition above uses a + oob instead.
If more oobs are needed a second oob flag can be allocated, and if
used in combination with the original, would allow a state to have
up to 3 oobs
00 - none
01 - 1
10 - 2
11 - 3
Diff Encode Spanning Tree
To build the state machine with diff encoded states and to still meet
run time guaratees about traversing no more than 2n states for n input
a spanning tree is use.
* TODO *