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synced 2025-03-04 08:24:42 +01:00

Fix libapparmor_re/Makefile so it works correctly with rebuilds and improve state machine dump information, to aid with debugging of permission handling during the compile. Signed-off-by: John Johansen <john.johansen@canonical.com> MR: https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/merge_requests/1410 Approved-by: John Johansen <john@jjmx.net> Merged-by: John Johansen <john@jjmx.net>
632 lines
19 KiB
632 lines
19 KiB
* (C) 2006, 2007 Andreas Gruenbacher <agruen@suse.de>
* Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Novell, Inc. (All rights reserved)
* Copyright 2009-2012 Canonical Ltd.
* The libapparmor library is licensed under the terms of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, version 2.1. Please see the file
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Create a compressed hfa from and hfa
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <ostream>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "hfa.h"
#include "chfa.h"
#include "../immunix.h"
#include "../policydb.h"
#include "flex-tables.h"
void CHFA::init_free_list(vector<pair<size_t, size_t> > &free_list,
size_t prev, size_t start)
for (size_t i = start; i < free_list.size(); i++) {
if (prev)
free_list[prev].second = i;
free_list[i].first = prev;
prev = i;
free_list[free_list.size() - 1].second = 0;
* new Construct the transition table.
* TODO: split dfaflags into separate control and dump so we can fold in
* permtable index flag
CHFA::CHFA(DFA &dfa, map<transchar, transchar> &eq, optflags const &opts,
bool permindex, bool prompt): eq(eq)
if (opts.dump & DUMP_DFA_TRANS_PROGRESS)
fprintf(stderr, "Compressing HFA:\r");
chfaflags = 0;
if (dfa.diffcount)
if (dfa.oob_range)
chfaflags |= YYTH_FLAG_OOB_TRANS;
if (eq.empty())
max_eq = 255;
else {
max_eq = 0;
for (map<transchar, transchar>::iterator i = eq.begin();
i != eq.end(); i++) {
if (i->second > max_eq)
max_eq = i->second;
/* Do initial setup adding up all the transitions and sorting by
* transition count.
size_t optimal = 2;
multimap<size_t, State *> order;
vector<pair<size_t, size_t> > free_list;
for (Partition::iterator i = dfa.states.begin(); i != dfa.states.end(); i++) {
if (*i == dfa.start || *i == dfa.nonmatching)
optimal += (*i)->trans.size();
if (opts.control & CONTROL_DFA_TRANS_HIGH) {
size_t range = 0;
if ((*i)->trans.size())
range =
(*i)->trans.rbegin()->first.c -
size_t ord = ((dfa.max_range - (*i)->trans.size()) << dfa.ord_range) | (dfa.max_range - range);
/* reverse sort by entry count, most entries first */
order.insert(make_pair(ord, *i));
/* Insert the dummy nonmatching transition by hand */
next_check.push_back(make_pair(dfa.nonmatching, dfa.nonmatching));
default_base.push_back(make_pair(dfa.nonmatching, 0));
num.insert(make_pair(dfa.nonmatching, num.size()));
accept.resize(max(dfa.states.size(), (size_t) 2));
if (permindex) {
accept[0] = dfa.nonmatching->idx;
accept[1] = dfa.start->idx;
} else {
uint32_t accept3;
accept2.resize(max(dfa.states.size(), (size_t) 2));
next_check.resize(max(optimal, (size_t) dfa.max_range));
first_free = 1;
init_free_list(free_list, 0, 1);
start = dfa.start;
insert_state(free_list, dfa.start, dfa);
num.insert(make_pair(dfa.start, num.size()));
int count = 2;
if (!(opts.control & CONTROL_DFA_TRANS_HIGH)) {
for (Partition::iterator i = dfa.states.begin(); i != dfa.states.end(); i++) {
if (*i != dfa.nonmatching && *i != dfa.start) {
uint32_t accept3;
insert_state(free_list, *i, dfa);
if (permindex)
accept[num.size()] = (*i)->idx;
num.insert(make_pair(*i, num.size()));
if (opts.dump & (DUMP_DFA_TRANS_PROGRESS)) {
if (count % 100 == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "\033[2KCompressing trans table: insert state: %d/%zd\r",
count, dfa.states.size());
} else {
for (multimap<size_t, State *>::iterator i = order.begin();
i != order.end(); i++) {
if (i->second != dfa.nonmatching &&
i->second != dfa.start) {
uint32_t accept3;
insert_state(free_list, i->second, dfa);
if (permindex)
accept[num.size()] = i->second->idx;
num.insert(make_pair(i->second, num.size()));
if (opts.dump & (DUMP_DFA_TRANS_PROGRESS)) {
if (count % 100 == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "\033[2KCompressing trans table: insert state: %d/%zd\r",
count, dfa.states.size());
ssize_t size = 4 * next_check.size() + 6 * dfa.states.size();
fprintf(stderr, "\033[2KCompressed trans table: states %zd, next/check %zd, optimal next/check %zd avg/state %.2f, compression %zd/%zd = %.2f %%\n",
dfa.states.size(), next_check.size(), optimal,
(float)next_check.size() / (float)dfa.states.size(),
size, 512 * dfa.states.size(),
100.0 - ((float)size * 100.0 /(float)(512 * dfa.states.size())));
* Does <trans> fit into position <base> of the transition table?
bool CHFA::fits_in(vector<pair<size_t, size_t> > &free_list
__attribute__ ((unused)), size_t pos,
StateTrans &trans)
ssize_t c, base = pos - trans.begin()->first.c;
if (base < 0)
return false;
for (StateTrans::iterator i = trans.begin(); i != trans.end(); i++) {
c = base + i->first.c;
/* if it overflows the next_check array it fits in as we will
* resize */
if (c >= (ssize_t) next_check.size())
return true;
if (next_check[c].second)
return false;
return true;
* Insert <state> of <dfa> into the transition table.
void CHFA::insert_state(vector<pair<size_t, size_t> > &free_list,
State *from, DFA &dfa)
State *default_state = dfa.nonmatching;
ssize_t base = 0;
int resize;
StateTrans &trans = from->trans;
ssize_t c;
ssize_t prev = 0;
ssize_t x = first_free;
if (from->otherwise)
default_state = from->otherwise;
if (trans.empty())
goto do_insert;
c = trans.begin()->first.c;
resize = 0;
/* get the first free entry that won't underflow */
while (x && ((x < c) || (x + c < 0))) {
prev = x;
x = free_list[x].second;
/* try inserting until we succeed. */
while (x && !fits_in(free_list, x, trans)) {
prev = x;
x = free_list[x].second;
if (!x) {
resize = dfa.upper_bound - c;
x = free_list.size();
/* set prev to last free */
} else if (x + (dfa.upper_bound - 1) - c >= (ssize_t) next_check.size()) {
resize = ((dfa.upper_bound -1) - c - (next_check.size() - 1 - x));
for (size_t y = x; y; y = free_list[y].second)
prev = y;
if (resize) {
/* expand next_check and free_list */
ssize_t old_size = free_list.size();
next_check.resize(next_check.size() + resize);
free_list.resize(free_list.size() + resize);
init_free_list(free_list, prev, old_size);
if (!first_free)
first_free = old_size;;
if (x == old_size)
goto repeat;
base = x - c;
for (StateTrans::iterator j = trans.begin(); j != trans.end(); j++) {
next_check[base + j->first.c] = make_pair(j->second, from);
size_t prev = free_list[base + j->first.c].first;
size_t next = free_list[base + j->first.c].second;
if (prev)
free_list[prev].second = next;
if (next)
free_list[next].first = prev;
if (base + j->first.c == first_free)
first_free = next;
/* these flags will only be set on states that have transitions */
if (c < 0) {
/* While a state without transitions could have the diff encode
* flag set, it would be pointless resulting in just an extra
* state transition in the encoding chain, and so it should be
* considered an error
* TODO: add check that state without transitions isn't being
* given a diffencode flag
if (from->flags & DiffEncodeFlag)
base |= DiffEncodeBit32;
default_base.push_back(make_pair(default_state, base));
* Text-dump the transition table (for debugging).
void CHFA::dump(ostream &os)
map<size_t, const State *> st;
for (map<const State *, size_t>::iterator i = num.begin(); i != num.end(); i++) {
st.insert(make_pair(i->second, i->first));
os << "size=" << default_base.size() << " (accept, accept2, default, base): {state} -> {default state}" << "\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < default_base.size(); i++) {
os << i << ": ";
os << "(" << accept[i] << ", ";
if (accept2.size() > 0)
os << accept2[i];
os << "---, ";
os << num[default_base[i].first] << ", " <<
default_base[i].second << ")";
if (st[i])
os << " " << *st[i];
if (default_base[i].first)
os << " -> " << *default_base[i].first;
os << "\n";
os << "size=" << next_check.size() << " (next, check): {check state} -> {next state} : offset from base\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < next_check.size(); i++) {
if (!next_check[i].second)
os << i << ": ";
if (next_check[i].second) {
os << "(" << num[next_check[i].first] << ", "
<< num[next_check[i].second] << ")" << " "
<< *next_check[i].second << " -> "
<< *next_check[i].first << ": ";
size_t offs = i - base_mask_size(default_base[num[next_check[i].second]].second);
if (eq.size())
os << offs;
os << (transchar) offs;
os << "\n";
* Create a flex-style binary dump of the DFA tables. The table format
* was partly reverse engineered from the flex sources and from
* examining the tables that flex creates with its --tables-file option.
* (Only the -Cf and -Ce formats are currently supported.)
#define YYTH_REGEX_MAGIC 0x1B5E783D
static inline size_t pad64(size_t i)
return (i + (size_t) 7) & ~(size_t) 7;
string fill64(size_t i)
const char zeroes[8] = { };
string fill(zeroes, (i & 7) ? 8 - (i & 7) : 0);
return fill;
template<class Iter> size_t flex_table_size(Iter pos, Iter end)
return pad64(sizeof(struct table_header) + sizeof(*pos) * (end - pos));
template<class Iter>
void write_flex_table(ostream &os, int id, Iter pos, Iter end)
struct table_header td = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
size_t size = end - pos;
td.td_id = htons(id);
td.td_flags = htons(sizeof(*pos));
td.td_lolen = htonl(size);
os.write((char *)&td, sizeof(td));
for (; pos != end; ++pos) {
switch (sizeof(*pos)) {
case 4:
os.put((char)(*pos >> 24));
os.put((char)(*pos >> 16));
/* Fall through */
case 2:
os.put((char)(*pos >> 8));
/* Fall through */
case 1:
/* Fall through */
os << fill64(sizeof(td) + sizeof(*pos) * size);
template<class STATE_TYPE>
void flex_table_serialize(CHFA &chfa, ostream &os,
uint32_t max_size)
const char th_version[] = "notflex";
struct table_set_header th = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
* Change the following two data types to adjust the maximum flex
* table size.
typedef uint32_t trans_t;
if (chfa.default_base.size() >= (max_size)) {
cerr << "Too many states (" << chfa.default_base.size() << ") for "
"type state_t\n";
if (chfa.next_check.size() >= (trans_t) - 1) {
cerr << "Too many transitions (" << chfa.next_check.size()
<< ") for " "type trans_t\n";
* Create copies of the data structures so that we can dump the tables
* using the generic write_flex_table() routine.
vector<uint8_t> equiv_vec;
if (chfa.eq.size()) {
for (map<transchar, transchar>::iterator i = chfa.eq.begin(); i != chfa.eq.end(); i++) {
equiv_vec[i->first.c] = i->second.c;
vector<STATE_TYPE> default_vec;
vector<trans_t> base_vec;
for (DefaultBase::iterator i = chfa.default_base.begin(); i != chfa.default_base.end(); i++) {
vector<STATE_TYPE> next_vec;
vector<STATE_TYPE> check_vec;
for (NextCheck::iterator i = chfa.next_check.begin(); i != chfa.next_check.end(); i++) {
/* Write the actual flex parser table. */
/* TODO: add max_oob */
// sizeof(th_version) includes trailing \0
size_t hsize = pad64(sizeof(th) + sizeof(th_version));
th.th_magic = htonl(YYTH_REGEX_MAGIC);
th.th_flags = htons(chfa.chfaflags);
th.th_hsize = htonl(hsize);
th.th_ssize = htonl(hsize +
chfa.accept.end()) +
(chfa.accept2.size() ?
chfa.accept2.end()) : 0) +
(chfa.eq.size() ?
equiv_vec.end()) : 0) +
base_vec.end()) +
default_vec.end()) +
flex_table_size(next_vec.begin(), next_vec.end()) +
os.write((char *)&th, sizeof(th));
os.write(th_version, sizeof(th_version));
os << fill64(sizeof(th) + sizeof(th_version));
write_flex_table(os, YYTD_ID_ACCEPT, chfa.accept.begin(),
if (chfa.accept2.size())
write_flex_table(os, YYTD_ID_ACCEPT2, chfa.accept2.begin(),
if (chfa.eq.size())
write_flex_table(os, YYTD_ID_EC, equiv_vec.begin(),
write_flex_table(os, YYTD_ID_BASE, base_vec.begin(), base_vec.end());
write_flex_table(os, YYTD_ID_DEF, default_vec.begin(), default_vec.end());
write_flex_table(os, YYTD_ID_NXT, next_vec.begin(), next_vec.end());
write_flex_table(os, YYTD_ID_CHK, check_vec.begin(), check_vec.end());
void CHFA::flex_table(ostream &os, optflags const &opts) {
if (opts.control & CONTROL_DFA_STATE32 &&
default_base.size() > (1 << 16) - 1) {
// TODO: implement support for flags in separate table
// if (opts.control & CONTROL_DFA_FLAGS_TABLE) {
// if (opts.dump & DUMP_FLAGS_TABLE)
// cerr << "using flags table\n";
// flex_table_serialize(os, uint32_t, (1 << 32) - 1);
// } else { /* only 24 bits available */
if (opts.dump & DUMP_DFA_STATE32)
cerr << "using 32 bit state tables, embedded flags\n";
flex_table_serialize<uint32_t>(*this, os, (1 << 24) - 1);
} else {
if (opts.control & CONTROL_DFA_FLAGS_TABLE) {
cerr << "Flags table specified when using 16 bit state\n";
if (opts.dump & DUMP_DFA_STATE32)
cerr << "using 16 bit state tables, embedded flags\n";
flex_table_serialize<uint16_t>(*this, os, (1 << 16) - 1);
* @file_chfa: chfa to add on to the policy chfa
* @new_start: new start state for where the @file_dfa is in the new chfa
* Make a new chfa that is a combination of policy and file chfas. It
* assumes policy is built with AA_CLASS_FILE support transition. The
* resultant chfa will have file states and indexes offset except for
* start and null states.
* - modifies chfa
* requires:
* - no ec
* - policy chfa has transitions state[start].next[AA_CLASS_FILE]
* - policy perms table is build if using permstable
void CHFA::weld_file_to_policy(CHFA &file_chfa, size_t &new_start,
bool accept_idx, bool prompt,
vector <aa_perms> &policy_perms,
vector <aa_perms> &file_perms)
// doesn't support remapping eq classes yet
if (eq.size() > 0 || file_chfa.eq.size() > 0)
throw 1;
size_t old_base_size = default_base.size();
size_t old_next_size = next_check.size();
const State *nonmatching = default_base[0].first;
//const State *start = default_base[1].first;
const State *file_nonmatching = file_chfa.default_base[0].first;
// renumber states from file_dfa by appending to policy dfa
num.insert(make_pair(file_nonmatching, 0)); // remap to policy nonmatching
for (map<const State *, size_t>::iterator i = file_chfa.num.begin(); i != file_chfa.num.end() ; i++) {
if (i->first == file_nonmatching)
num.insert(make_pair(i->first, i->second + old_base_size));
// handle default and base table expansion, and setup renumbering
// while we remap file_nonmatch within the table, we still keep its
// slot.
bool first = true;
for (DefaultBase::iterator i = file_chfa.default_base.begin(); i != file_chfa.default_base.end(); i++) {
const State *def;
size_t base;
if (first) {
first = false;
// remap file_nonmatch to nonmatch
def = nonmatching;
base = 0;
} else {
def = i->first;
base = i->second + old_next_size;
default_base.push_back(make_pair(def, base));
// mapping for these are handled by num[]
for (NextCheck::iterator i = file_chfa.next_check.begin(); i != file_chfa.next_check.end(); i++) {
// append file perms to policy perms, and rework permsidx if needed
if (accept_idx) {
// policy idx double
// file + doubled offset
// Requires: policy perms table, so we can double and
// update indexes
// * file perm idx to start on even idx
// * policy perms table size to double and entries
// to repeat
assert(accept.size() == old_base_size);
accept.resize(accept.size() + file_chfa.accept.size());
assert(policy_perms.size() < std::numeric_limits<ssize_t>::max());
ssize_t size = (ssize_t) policy_perms.size();
policy_perms.resize(size*2 + file_perms.size());
// shift and double the policy perms
for (ssize_t i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
policy_perms[i*2] = policy_perms[i];
policy_perms[i*2 + 1] = policy_perms[i];
// update policy accept idx for the new shifted perms table
for (size_t i = 0; i < old_base_size; i++) {
accept[i] = accept[i]*2;
// copy over file perms
for (size_t i = 0; i < file_perms.size(); i++) {
policy_perms[size*2 + i] = file_perms[i];
// shift file accept indexs
for (size_t i = 0; i < file_chfa.accept.size(); i++) {
accept[old_base_size + i] = file_chfa.accept[i] + size*2;
} else {
// perms are stored in accept just append the perms
size_t size = accept.size();
accept.resize(size + file_chfa.accept.size());
accept2.resize(size + file_chfa.accept.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < file_chfa.accept.size(); i++) {
accept[size + i] = file_chfa.accept[i];
accept2[size + i] = file_chfa.accept2[i];
// Rework transition state[start].next[AA_CLASS_FILE]
next_check[default_base[1].second + AA_CLASS_FILE].first = file_chfa.start;
new_start = num[file_chfa.start];