Tyler Hicks 86de47d08a libapparmor: Use directory file descriptor in _aa_dirat_for_each()
The _aa_dirat_for_each() function used the DIR * type for its first
parameter. It then switched back and forth between the directory file
descriptors, retrieved with dirfd(), and directory streams, retrieved
with fdopendir(), when making syscalls and calling the call back

This patch greatly simplifies the function by simply using directory
file descriptors. No functionality is lost since callers can still
easily use the function after calling dirfd() to retrieve the underlying
file descriptor.

Signed-off-by: Tyler Hicks <>
Acked-by: Seth Arnold <>
2015-06-15 15:11:51 -05:00

21 lines
651 B

#ifndef __AA_LIB_H_
#define __AA_LIB_H_
#include <sys/apparmor_private.h>
#define autofree __attribute((cleanup(_aa_autofree)))
#define autoclose __attribute((cleanup(_aa_autoclose)))
#define autofclose __attribute((cleanup(_aa_autofclose)))
#define asprintf _aa_asprintf
int dirat_for_each(int dirfd, const char *name, void *data,
int (* cb)(int, const char *, struct stat *, void *));
int isodigit(char c);
long strntol(const char *str, const char **endptr, int base, long maxval,
size_t n);
int strn_escseq(const char **pos, const char *chrs, size_t n);
int str_escseq(const char **pos, const char *chrs);
#endif /* __AA_LIB_H_ */