Jesse Michael d8ae032328 used perltidy to clean up the formatting for the perl scripts in the
utils package and manually fixed some places where perltidy's
reformatting made it harder to read.  the options used were--

-i=4    # 4-space indentation
-l=0    # unlimited line length (for now)
-pt=2   # slightly tightened parens
-ce     # cuddled elses
-nolq   # don't outdent long quotes
-nsfs   # don't add spaces in front of semi-colons in for ( ) statements
-isbc   # only indent block comments that have whitespace in front of them
-otr    # don't place a break between a comma and an opening brace

the code will be refactored to make it possible to switch to using 
80-column line-breaks without resorting to really nasty formatting 
2007-03-20 21:58:38 +00:00

222 lines
6.2 KiB

# $Id$
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Novell/SUSE
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License published by the Free Software Foundation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
package Immunix::Severity;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my ($debug) = 0;
sub debug {
print @_ if $debug;
sub new {
my $self = {};
$self->{DATABASENAME} = undef;
$self->{CAPABILITIES} = {};
$self->{FILES} = {};
$self->{REGEXPS} = {};
$self->{DEFAULT_RANK} = 10;
$self->init(@_) if @_;
return $self;
sub init ($;$) {
my ($self, $resource, $read, $write, $execute, $severity);
$self = shift;
$self->{DATABASENAME} = shift;
$self->{DEFAULT_RANK} = shift if defined $_[0];
or die "Could not open severity db $self->{DATABASENAME}: $!\n";
while (<DATABASE>) {
next if m/^\s*#/;
next if m/^\s*$/;
# leading whitespace is fine; maybe it shouldn't be?
if (/^\s*\/(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/) {
my ($path, $read, $write, $execute) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
if (index($path, "*") == -1) {
$self->{FILES}{$path} = {
r => $read,
w => $write,
x => $execute
} else {
my $ptr = $self->{REGEXPS};
my @pieces = split(/\//, $path);
while (my $piece = shift @pieces) {
if (index($piece, "*") != -1) {
my $path = join("/", $piece, @pieces);
my $regexp = convert_regexp($path);
$ptr->{$regexp}{SD_RANK} = {
r => $read,
w => $write,
x => $execute
} else {
$ptr->{$piece} = {} unless exists $ptr->{$piece};
$ptr = $ptr->{$piece};
} elsif (m|^\s*CAP|) {
($resource, $severity) = split;
$self->{CAPABILITIES}{$resource} = $severity;
} else {
print "unexpected database line: $_\n";
debug Dumper($self);
return $self;
# handle capability
# handle file
# handle capability
# if the name is in the database, return it
# otherwise, send a diagnostic message to stderr and return the default
# handle file
# initialize the current return value to 0
# loop over each entry in the database;
# find the max() value for each mode that matches and set a 'found' flag
# if the found flag has not been set, return the default;
# otherwise, return the maximum from the database
sub handle_capability ($) {
my ($self, $resource) = @_;
my $ret = $self->{CAPABILITIES}{$resource};
if (!defined($ret)) {
return "unexpected capability rank input: $resource\n";
return $ret;
sub check_subtree {
my ($tree, $mode, $sev, $first, @rest) = @_;
# reassemble the remaining path from this directory level
my $path = join("/", $first, @rest);
# first check if we have a literal directory match to descend into
if ($tree->{$first}) {
$sev = check_subtree($tree->{$first}, $mode, $sev, @rest);
# if we didn't get a severity already, check for matching globs
unless ($sev) {
# check each glob at this directory level
for my $chunk (grep { index($_, "*") != -1 } keys %{$tree}) {
# does it match the rest of our path?
if ($path =~ /^$chunk$/) {
# if we've got a ranking, check if it's higher than
# current one, if any
if ($tree->{$chunk}->{SD_RANK}) {
for my $m (split(//, $mode)) {
if ((!defined $sev)
|| $tree->{$chunk}->{SD_RANK}->{$m} > $sev)
$sev = $tree->{$chunk}->{SD_RANK}->{$m};
return $sev;
sub handle_file ($$) {
my ($self, $resource, $mode) = @_;
# strip off the initial / from the path we're checking
$resource = substr($resource, 1);
# break the path into directory-level chunks
my @pieces = split(/\//, $resource);
my $sev;
# if there's a exact match for this path in the db, use that instead of
# checking the globs
if ($self->{FILES}{$resource}) {
# check each piece of the passed mode against the db entry
for my $m (split(//, $mode)) {
if ((!defined $sev) || $self->{FILES}{$resource}{$m} > $sev) {
$sev = $self->{FILES}{$resource}{$m};
} else {
# descend into the regexp tree looking for matches
$sev = check_subtree($self->{REGEXPS}, $mode, $sev, @pieces);
return (defined $sev) ? $sev : $self->{DEFAULT_RANK};
sub rank ($;$) {
my ($self, $resource, $mode) = @_;
if (substr($resource, 0, 1) eq "/") {
return $self->handle_file($resource, $mode);
} elsif (substr($resource, 0, 3) eq "CAP") {
return $self->handle_capability($resource);
} else {
return "unexpected rank input: $resource\n";
sub convert_regexp ($) {
my ($input) = shift;
# we need to convert subdomain regexps to perl regexps
my $regexp = $input;
# escape + . [ and ] characters
$regexp =~ s/(\+|\.|\[|\])/\\$1/g;
# convert ** globs to match anything
$regexp =~ s/\*\*/.SDPROF_INTERNAL_GLOB/g;
# convert * globs to match anything at current path level
$regexp =~ s/\*/[^\/]SDPROF_INTERNAL_GLOB/g;
# convert {foo,baz} to (foo|baz)
$regexp =~ y/\{\}\,/\(\)\|/ if $regexp =~ /\{.*\,.*\}/;
# twiddle the escaped * chars back
$regexp =~ s/SDPROF_INTERNAL_GLOB/\*/g;
return $regexp;
1; # so the require or use succeeds