Steve Beattie 6d3e74907d Import the rest of the core functionality of the internal apparmor
development tree (trunk branch). From svn repo version 6381.
2006-04-11 21:52:54 +00:00

72 lines
2 KiB

# $Id:$
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Novell/SUSE
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License published by the Free Software Foundation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# vim:syntax=apparmor
# Last Modified: Wed Aug 24 16:21:32 2005
#include <tunables/global>
/usr/X11R6/bin/acroread {
#include <abstractions/base>
#include <abstractions/bash>
#include <abstractions/consoles>
#include <abstractions/fonts>
#include <abstractions/kde>
#include <abstractions/nameservice>
#include <abstractions/gnome>
#include <abstractions/X>
capability dac_override,
/bin/basename ixr,
/bin/bash ix,
/bin/cat ixr,
/bin/grep ixr,
/bin/uname ixr,
/etc/opt/gnome/** r,
@{HOME}/.adobe/** rw,
@{HOME}/Desktop/** rw,
@{HOME}/Documents/* rw,
@{HOME}/.fonts.cache-* r,
@{HOME}/.gconfd/saved_state lrw,
@{HOME}/.gconfd/saved_state.orig lw,
@{HOME}/.gconfd/saved_state.tmp lrw,
@{HOME}/.gconf r,
@{HOME}/.gconf/.testing.writeability lw,
@{HOME}/* rw,
/opt/MozillaFirefox/bin/ pxr,
/opt/MozillaFirefox/lib/firefox-bin pxr,
/opt/MozillaFirefox/lib/init.d r,
/opt/gnome/bin/gconftool-2 ixr,
/opt/gnome/lib/GConf/** r,
/opt/gnome/lib/GConf/2/gconfd-2 pxr,
/opt/gnome/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/loaders/* r,
/opt/gnome/lib/lib*so* r,
/opt/gnome/lib/pango/1.4.0/modules/ r,
/opt/gnome/share/icons r,
/opt/gnome/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache r,
/opt/gnome/share/pixmaps r,
/usr/X11R6/bin/acroread r,
/usr/X11R6/bin/xterm rux,
/usr/X11R6/lib/Acrobat7/** ixr,
/usr/bin/cut ixr,
/usr/bin/dirname ixr,
/usr/bin/lp rux,
/usr/bin/mutt rux,
/usr/bin/nail rux,
/opt/gnome/bin/evolution-2.4 ux,
/opt/kde3/bin/kmail ux,
/usr/bin/which ixr,
/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-sun-** r,
/usr/lib/ooo-2.0/share/fonts/** r,
/usr/share/icons r,