Christian Boltz 34a0457090
parse_profile_data(): better way to check for duplicate hats
Instead of checking filelist[file]['profiles'] for duplicate hats, check

With this, the duplicate hat check is done in the same way as the check
for duplicate profiles and child profiles.

Also add tests for duplicate child profiles and duplicate hats.
2020-05-08 22:15:10 +02:00

943 lines
52 KiB

#! /usr/bin/python3
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Christian Boltz
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License published by the Free Software Foundation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
import unittest
from common_test import AATest, setup_all_loops, setup_aa
from common_test import read_file, write_file
import os
import shutil
import sys
import apparmor.aa # needed to set global vars in some tests
from apparmor.aa import (check_for_apparmor, get_output, get_reqs, get_interpreter_and_abstraction, create_new_profile,
get_profile_flags, change_profile_flags, set_options_audit_mode, set_options_owner_mode, is_skippable_file, is_skippable_dir,
parse_profile_start, parse_profile_data, separate_vars, store_list_var, write_header,
get_file_perms, propose_file_rules)
from apparmor.aare import AARE
from apparmor.common import AppArmorException, AppArmorBug
from apparmor.rule.file import FileRule
class AaTestWithTempdir(AATest):
def AASetup(self):
class AaTest_check_for_apparmor(AaTestWithTempdir):
FILESYSTEMS_WITH_SECURITYFS = 'nodev\tdevtmpfs\nnodev\tsecurityfs\nnodev\tsockfs\n\text3\n\text2\n\text4'
FILESYSTEMS_WITHOUT_SECURITYFS = 'nodev\tdevtmpfs\nnodev\tsockfs\n\text3\n\text2\n\text4'
MOUNTS_WITH_SECURITYFS = ( 'proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0\n'
'securityfs %s/security securityfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0\n'
'/dev/sda1 / ext3 rw,noatime,data=ordered 0 0' )
MOUNTS_WITHOUT_SECURITYFS = ( 'proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0\n'
'/dev/sda1 / ext3 rw,noatime,data=ordered 0 0' )
def test_check_for_apparmor_None_1(self):
filesystems = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'filesystems', self.FILESYSTEMS_WITHOUT_SECURITYFS)
mounts = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'mounts', self.MOUNTS_WITH_SECURITYFS)
self.assertEqual(None, check_for_apparmor(filesystems, mounts))
def test_check_for_apparmor_None_2(self):
filesystems = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'filesystems', self.FILESYSTEMS_WITHOUT_SECURITYFS)
mounts = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'mounts', self.MOUNTS_WITHOUT_SECURITYFS)
self.assertEqual(None, check_for_apparmor(filesystems, mounts))
def test_check_for_apparmor_None_3(self):
filesystems = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'filesystems', self.FILESYSTEMS_WITH_SECURITYFS)
mounts = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'mounts', self.MOUNTS_WITHOUT_SECURITYFS)
self.assertEqual(None, check_for_apparmor(filesystems, mounts))
def test_check_for_apparmor_securityfs_invalid_filesystems(self):
filesystems = ''
mounts = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'mounts', self.MOUNTS_WITH_SECURITYFS % self.tmpdir)
self.assertEqual(None, check_for_apparmor(filesystems, mounts))
def test_check_for_apparmor_securityfs_invalid_mounts(self):
filesystems = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'filesystems', self.FILESYSTEMS_WITH_SECURITYFS)
mounts = ''
self.assertEqual(None, check_for_apparmor(filesystems, mounts))
def test_check_for_apparmor_invalid_securityfs_path(self):
filesystems = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'filesystems', self.FILESYSTEMS_WITH_SECURITYFS)
mounts = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'mounts', self.MOUNTS_WITH_SECURITYFS % 'xxx')
self.assertEqual(None, check_for_apparmor(filesystems, mounts))
def test_check_for_apparmor_securityfs_mounted(self):
filesystems = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'filesystems', self.FILESYSTEMS_WITH_SECURITYFS)
mounts = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'mounts', self.MOUNTS_WITH_SECURITYFS % self.tmpdir)
self.assertEqual('%s/security/apparmor' % self.tmpdir, check_for_apparmor(filesystems, mounts))
class AATest_get_output(AATest):
tests = [
(['./fake_ldd', '/AATest/lib64/'], (0, [' /AATest/lib64/ (0x0000556858473000)', ' (0x00007ffe98912000)'] )),
(['./fake_ldd', '/tmp/aa-test-foo'], (0, [' not a dynamic executable'] )),
(['./fake_ldd', 'invalid'], (1, [] )), # stderr is not part of output
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
self.assertEqual(get_output(params), expected)
def test_get_output_nonexisting(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
ret, output = get_output(['./_file_/_not_/_found_'])
class AATest_get_reqs(AATest):
tests = [
('/AATest/bin/bash', ['/AATest/lib64/', '/AATest/lib64/', '/AATest/lib64/', '/AATest/lib64/', '/AATest/lib64/']),
('/tmp/aa-test-foo', []),
('/AATest/sbin/ldconfig', []), # comes with $? == 1
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
# for some reason, setting the ldd config option does not get
# honored in python2.7
# XXX KILL when python 2.7 is dropped XXX
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
print("Skipping on python < 3.x")
apparmor.aa.cfg['settings']['ldd'] = './fake_ldd'
self.assertEqual(get_reqs(params), expected)
class AaTest_create_new_profile(AATest):
tests = [
# file content expected interpreter expected abstraction (besides 'base')
('#!/bin/bash\ntrue', (u'/bin/bash', 'abstractions/bash')),
('foo bar', (None, None)),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
apparmor.aa.cfg['settings']['ldd'] = './fake_ldd'
# for some reason, setting the ldd config option does not get
# honored in python2.7
# XXX KILL when python 2.7 is dropped XXX
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
print("Skipping on python < 3.x")
#copy the local profiles to the test directory
self.profile_dir = '%s/profiles' % self.tmpdir
shutil.copytree('../../profiles/apparmor.d/', self.profile_dir, symlinks=True)
# load the abstractions we need in the test
apparmor.aa.profiledir = self.profile_dir
exp_interpreter_path, exp_abstraction = expected
# damn symlinks!
if exp_interpreter_path:
exp_interpreter_path = os.path.realpath(exp_interpreter_path)
program = self.writeTmpfile('script', params)
profile = create_new_profile(program)
if exp_interpreter_path:
self.assertEqual(set(profile[program][program]['file'].get_clean()), {'%s ix,' % exp_interpreter_path, '%s r,' % program, '',
'/AATest/lib64/* mr,', '/AATest/lib64/* mr,', '/AATest/lib64/* mr,', '/AATest/lib64/* mr,', '/AATest/lib64/* mr,' })
self.assertEqual(set(profile[program][program]['file'].get_clean()), {'%s mr,' % program, ''})
if exp_abstraction:
self.assertEqual(set(profile[program][program]['include'].keys()), {exp_abstraction, 'abstractions/base'})
self.assertEqual(set(profile[program][program]['include'].keys()), {'abstractions/base'})
class AaTest_get_interpreter_and_abstraction(AATest):
tests = [
('#!/bin/bash', ('/bin/bash', 'abstractions/bash')),
('#!/bin/dash', ('/bin/dash', 'abstractions/bash')),
('#!/bin/sh', ('/bin/sh', 'abstractions/bash')),
('#! /bin/sh ', ('/bin/sh', 'abstractions/bash')),
('#! /bin/sh -x ', ('/bin/sh', 'abstractions/bash')), # '-x' is not part of the interpreter path
('#!/usr/bin/perl', ('/usr/bin/perl', 'abstractions/perl')),
('#!/usr/bin/perl -w', ('/usr/bin/perl', 'abstractions/perl')), # '-w' is not part of the interpreter path
('#!/usr/bin/python', ('/usr/bin/python', 'abstractions/python')),
('#!/usr/bin/python2', ('/usr/bin/python2', 'abstractions/python')),
('#!/usr/bin/python2.7', ('/usr/bin/python2.7', 'abstractions/python')),
('#!/usr/bin/python3', ('/usr/bin/python3', 'abstractions/python')),
('#!/usr/bin/python4', ('/usr/bin/python4', None)), # python abstraction is only applied to py2 and py3
('#!/usr/bin/ruby', ('/usr/bin/ruby', 'abstractions/ruby')),
('#!/usr/bin/ruby2.2', ('/usr/bin/ruby2.2', 'abstractions/ruby')),
('#!/usr/bin/ruby1.9.1', ('/usr/bin/ruby1.9.1', 'abstractions/ruby')),
('#!/usr/bin/foobarbaz', ('/usr/bin/foobarbaz', None)), # we don't have an abstraction for "foobarbaz"
('foo', (None, None)), # no hashbang - not a script
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
exp_interpreter_path, exp_abstraction = expected
program = self.writeTmpfile('program', "%s\nfoo\nbar" % params)
interpreter_path, abstraction = get_interpreter_and_abstraction(program)
# damn symlinks!
if exp_interpreter_path:
exp_interpreter_path = os.path.realpath(exp_interpreter_path)
self.assertEqual(interpreter_path, exp_interpreter_path)
self.assertEqual(abstraction, exp_abstraction)
def test_special_file(self):
self.assertEqual((None, None), get_interpreter_and_abstraction('/dev/null'))
def test_file_not_found(self):
self.assertEqual((None, None), get_interpreter_and_abstraction('%s/file-not-found' % self.tmpdir))
class AaTest_get_profile_flags(AaTestWithTempdir):
def _test_get_flags(self, profile_header, expected_flags):
file = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'profile', '%s {\n}\n' % profile_header)
flags = get_profile_flags(file, '/foo')
self.assertEqual(flags, expected_flags)
def test_get_flags_01(self):
self._test_get_flags('/foo', None)
def test_get_flags_02(self):
self._test_get_flags('/foo ( complain )', ' complain ')
def test_get_flags_04(self):
self._test_get_flags('/foo (complain)', 'complain')
def test_get_flags_05(self):
self._test_get_flags('/foo flags=(complain)', 'complain')
def test_get_flags_06(self):
self._test_get_flags('/foo flags=(complain, audit)', 'complain, audit')
def test_get_flags_invalid_01(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
self._test_get_flags('/foo ()', None)
def test_get_flags_invalid_02(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
self._test_get_flags('/foo flags=()', None)
def test_get_flags_invalid_03(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
self._test_get_flags('/foo ( )', ' ')
def test_get_flags_other_profile(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
self._test_get_flags('/no-such-profile flags=(complain)', 'complain')
class AaTest_change_profile_flags(AaTestWithTempdir):
def _test_change_profile_flags(self, profile, old_flags, flags_to_change, set_flag, expected_flags, whitespace='', comment='',
more_rules='', expected_more_rules='@-@-@',
check_new_flags=True, profile_name='/foo'):
if old_flags:
old_flags = ' %s' % old_flags
if expected_flags:
expected_flags = ' flags=(%s)' % (expected_flags)
expected_flags = ''
if expected_more_rules == '@-@-@':
expected_more_rules = more_rules
if comment:
comment = ' %s' % comment
dummy_profile_content = ' #include <abstractions/base>\n capability chown,\n /bar r,'
prof_template = '%s%s%s {%s\n%s\n%s\n}\n'
old_prof = prof_template % (whitespace, profile, old_flags, comment, more_rules, dummy_profile_content)
new_prof = prof_template % (whitespace, profile, expected_flags, comment, expected_more_rules, dummy_profile_content)
self.file = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'profile', old_prof)
change_profile_flags(self.file, profile_name, flags_to_change, set_flag)
if check_new_flags:
real_new_prof = read_file(self.file)
self.assertEqual(new_prof, real_new_prof)
# tests that actually don't change the flags
def test_change_profile_flags_nochange_02(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', '( complain )', 'complain', True, 'complain', whitespace=' ')
def test_change_profile_flags_nochange_03(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', '(complain)', 'complain', True, 'complain')
def test_change_profile_flags_nochange_04(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain)', 'complain', True, 'complain')
def test_change_profile_flags_nochange_05(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain, audit)', 'complain', True, 'audit, complain', whitespace=' ')
def test_change_profile_flags_nochange_06(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain, audit)', 'complain', True, 'audit, complain', whitespace=' ', comment='# a comment')
def test_change_profile_flags_nochange_07(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain, audit)', 'audit', True, 'audit, complain', whitespace=' ', more_rules=' # a comment\n#another comment')
def test_change_profile_flags_nochange_08(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('profile /foo', 'flags=(complain)', 'complain', True, 'complain')
def test_change_profile_flags_nochange_09(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('profile xy /foo', 'flags=(complain)', 'complain', True, 'complain', profile_name='xy')
def test_change_profile_flags_nochange_10(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('profile "/foo bar"', 'flags=(complain)', 'complain', True, 'complain', profile_name='/foo bar')
def test_change_profile_flags_nochange_11(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', '(complain)', 'complain', True, 'complain', profile_name=None)
def test_change_profile_flags_nochange_12(self):
# XXX changes the flags for the child profile (which happens to have the same profile name) to 'complain'
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain)', 'complain', True, 'complain', more_rules=' profile /foo {\n}', expected_more_rules=' profile /foo flags=(complain) {\n}')
# tests that change the flags
def test_change_profile_flags_01(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', '', 'audit', True, 'audit')
def test_change_profile_flags_02(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', '( complain )', 'audit', True, 'audit, complain', whitespace=' ')
def test_change_profile_flags_04(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', '(complain)', 'audit', True, 'audit, complain')
def test_change_profile_flags_05(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain)', 'audit', True, 'audit, complain')
def test_change_profile_flags_06(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain, audit)', 'complain', False, 'audit', whitespace=' ')
def test_change_profile_flags_07(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain, audit)', 'audit', False, 'complain')
def test_change_profile_flags_08(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', '( complain )', 'audit', True, 'audit, complain', whitespace=' ', profile_name=None)
def test_change_profile_flags_09(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('profile /foo', 'flags=(complain)', 'audit', True, 'audit, complain')
def test_change_profile_flags_10(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('profile xy /foo', 'flags=(complain)', 'audit', True, 'audit, complain', profile_name='xy')
def test_change_profile_flags_11(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('profile "/foo bar"', 'flags=(complain)', 'audit', True, 'audit, complain', profile_name='/foo bar')
def test_change_profile_flags_12(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('profile xy "/foo bar"', 'flags=(complain)', 'audit', True, 'audit, complain', profile_name='xy')
def test_change_profile_flags_13(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', '(audit)', 'audit', False, '')
# test handling of hat flags
def test_set_flags_with_hat_01(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain)', 'audit', True, 'audit, complain',
more_rules='\n ^foobar {\n}\n',
expected_more_rules='\n ^foobar flags=(audit) {\n}\n'
def test_change_profile_flags_with_hat_02(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain)', 'audit', False, 'complain',
more_rules='\n ^foobar flags=(audit) {\n}\n',
expected_more_rules='\n ^foobar {\n}\n'
def test_change_profile_flags_with_hat_03(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain)', 'audit', True, 'audit, complain',
more_rules='\n^foobar (attach_disconnected) { # comment\n}\n',
expected_more_rules='\n^foobar flags=(attach_disconnected, audit) { # comment\n}\n'
def test_change_profile_flags_with_hat_04(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', '', 'audit', True, 'audit',
more_rules='\n hat foobar (attach_disconnected) { # comment\n}\n',
expected_more_rules='\n hat foobar flags=(attach_disconnected, audit) { # comment\n}\n'
def test_change_profile_flags_with_hat_05(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', '(audit)', 'audit', False, '',
more_rules='\n hat foobar (attach_disconnected) { # comment\n}\n',
expected_more_rules='\n hat foobar flags=(attach_disconnected) { # comment\n}\n'
# test handling of child profiles
def test_change_profile_flags_with_child_01(self):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain)', 'audit', True, 'audit, complain',
more_rules='\n profile /bin/bar {\n}\n',
expected_more_rules='\n profile /bin/bar flags=(audit) {\n}\n'
def test_change_profile_flags_with_child_02(self):
# XXX child profile flags aren't changed if profile parameter is not None
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain)', 'audit', True, 'audit, complain',
more_rules='\n profile /bin/bar {\n}\n',
expected_more_rules='\n profile /bin/bar {\n}\n' # flags(audit) should be added
def test_change_profile_flags_invalid_01(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', '()', None, False, '', check_new_flags=False)
def test_change_profile_flags_invalid_02(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=()', None, True, '', check_new_flags=False)
def test_change_profile_flags_invalid_03(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', '( )', '', True, '', check_new_flags=False)
def test_change_profile_flags_invalid_04(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
self._test_change_profile_flags('/foo', 'flags=(complain, audit)', ' ', True, 'audit, complain', check_new_flags=False) # whitespace-only newflags
def test_change_profile_flags_other_profile(self):
# test behaviour if the file doesn't contain the specified /foo profile
orig_prof = '/no-such-profile flags=(complain) {\n}'
self.file = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'profile', orig_prof)
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
change_profile_flags(self.file, '/foo', 'audit', True)
# the file should not be changed
real_new_prof = read_file(self.file)
self.assertEqual(orig_prof, real_new_prof)
def test_change_profile_flags_no_profile_found(self):
# test behaviour if the file doesn't contain any profile
orig_prof = '# /comment flags=(complain) {\n# }'
self.file = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'profile', orig_prof)
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
change_profile_flags(self.file, None, 'audit', True)
# the file should not be changed
real_new_prof = read_file(self.file)
self.assertEqual(orig_prof, real_new_prof)
def test_change_profile_flags_file_not_found(self):
with self.assertRaises(IOError):
change_profile_flags('%s/file-not-found' % self.tmpdir, '/foo', 'audit', True)
class AaTest_set_options_audit_mode(AATest):
tests = [
((FileRule.parse('audit /foo/bar r,'), ['/foo/bar r,', '/foo/* r,', '/** r,'] ), ['audit /foo/bar r,', 'audit /foo/* r,', 'audit /** r,']),
((FileRule.parse('audit /foo/bar r,'), ['/foo/bar r,', 'audit /foo/* r,', 'audit /** r,'] ), ['audit /foo/bar r,', 'audit /foo/* r,', 'audit /** r,']),
((FileRule.parse('/foo/bar r,'), ['/foo/bar r,', '/foo/* r,', '/** r,'] ), ['/foo/bar r,', '/foo/* r,', '/** r,']),
((FileRule.parse('/foo/bar r,'), ['audit /foo/bar r,', 'audit /foo/* r,', 'audit /** r,'] ), ['/foo/bar r,', '/foo/* r,', '/** r,']),
((FileRule.parse('audit /foo/bar r,'), ['/foo/bar r,', '/foo/* r,', '#include <abstractions/base>']), ['audit /foo/bar r,', 'audit /foo/* r,', '#include <abstractions/base>']),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
rule_obj, options = params
new_options = set_options_audit_mode(rule_obj, options)
self.assertEqual(new_options, expected)
class AaTest_set_options_owner_mode(AATest):
tests = [
((FileRule.parse('owner /foo/bar r,'), ['/foo/bar r,', '/foo/* r,', '/** r,'] ), ['owner /foo/bar r,', 'owner /foo/* r,', 'owner /** r,']),
((FileRule.parse('owner /foo/bar r,'), ['/foo/bar r,', 'owner /foo/* r,', 'owner /** r,'] ), ['owner /foo/bar r,', 'owner /foo/* r,', 'owner /** r,']),
((FileRule.parse('/foo/bar r,'), ['/foo/bar r,', '/foo/* r,', '/** r,'] ), ['/foo/bar r,', '/foo/* r,', '/** r,']),
((FileRule.parse('/foo/bar r,'), ['owner /foo/bar r,', 'owner /foo/* r,', 'owner /** r,'] ), ['/foo/bar r,', '/foo/* r,', '/** r,']),
((FileRule.parse('audit owner /foo/bar r,'),['audit /foo/bar r,', 'audit /foo/* r,', '#include <abstractions/base>']), ['audit owner /foo/bar r,', 'audit owner /foo/* r,', '#include <abstractions/base>']),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
rule_obj, options = params
new_options = set_options_owner_mode(rule_obj, options)
self.assertEqual(new_options, expected)
class AaTest_is_skippable_file(AATest):
def test_not_skippable_01(self):
def test_not_skippable_02(self):
def test_not_skippable_03(self):
def test_not_skippable_04(self):
def test_not_skippable_05(self):
# normally is_skippable_file should be called without directory, but it shouldn't hurt too much
def test_not_skippable_06(self):
def test_skippable_01(self):
def test_skippable_02(self):
def test_skippable_03(self):
def test_skippable_04(self):
def test_skippable_05(self):
def test_skippable_06(self):
def test_skippable_07(self):
def test_skippable_08(self):
def test_skippable_09(self):
def test_skippable_10(self):
def test_skippable_11(self):
def test_skippable_12(self):
def test_skippable_13(self):
def test_skippable_14(self):
self.assertTrue(is_skippable_file('')) # empty filename
def test_skippable_15(self):
self.assertTrue(is_skippable_file('/etc/apparmor.d/')) # directory without filename
def test_skippable_16(self):
class AaTest_is_skippable_dir(AATest):
tests = [
('disable', True),
('cache', True),
('lxc', True),
('force-complain', True),
('/etc/apparmor.d/cache', True),
('/etc/apparmor.d/cache.d', True),
('/etc/apparmor.d/cache.d/', True),
('/etc/apparmor.d/lxc/', True),
('/etc/apparmor.d/.git/', True),
('dont_disable', False),
('/etc/apparmor.d/cache_foo', False),
('abstractions', False),
('apache2.d', False),
('/etc/apparmor.d/apache2.d', False),
('local', False),
('/etc/apparmor.d/local/', False),
('tunables', False),
('/etc/apparmor.d/tunables', False),
('/etc/apparmor.d/tunables/multiarch.d', False),
('/etc/apparmor.d/tunables/xdg-user-dirs.d', False),
('/etc/apparmor.d/tunables/home.d', False),
('/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions', False),
('/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/ubuntu-browsers.d', False),
('/etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/apparmor_api', False),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
self.assertEqual(is_skippable_dir(params), expected)
class AaTest_parse_profile_start(AATest):
def _parse(self, line, profile, hat):
return parse_profile_start(line, 'somefile', 1, profile, hat)
# (profile, hat, attachment, xattrs, flags, in_contained_hat, pps_set_profile, pps_set_hat_external)
def test_parse_profile_start_01(self):
result = self._parse('/foo {', None, None)
expected = ('/foo', '/foo', None, None, None, False, False, False)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_parse_profile_start_02(self):
result = self._parse('/foo (complain) {', None, None)
expected = ('/foo', '/foo', None, None, 'complain', False, False, False)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_parse_profile_start_03(self):
result = self._parse('profile foo /foo {', None, None) # named profile
expected = ('foo', 'foo', '/foo', None, None, False, False, False)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_parse_profile_start_04(self):
result = self._parse('profile /foo {', '/bar', '/bar') # child profile
expected = ('/bar', '/foo', None, None, None, True, True, False)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_parse_profile_start_05(self):
result = self._parse('/foo//bar {', None, None) # external hat
expected = ('/foo', 'bar', None, None, None, False, False, True)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_parse_profile_start_06(self):
result = self._parse('profile "/foo" (complain) {', None, None)
expected = ('/foo', '/foo', None, None, 'complain', False, False, False)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_parse_profile_start_07(self):
result = self._parse('profile "/foo" xattrs=( {', None, None)
expected = ('/foo', '/foo', None, '', None, False, False, False)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_parse_profile_start_08(self):
result = self._parse('profile "/foo" xattrs=(*) {', None, None)
expected = ('/foo', '/foo', None, '*', None, False, False, False)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_parse_profile_start_09(self):
result = self._parse('/usr/bin/xattrs-test xattrs=(myvalue="") {', None, None)
expected = ('/usr/bin/xattrs-test', '/usr/bin/xattrs-test', None, 'myvalue=""', None, False, False, False)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_parse_profile_start_unsupported_01(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
self._parse('/foo///bar///baz {', None, None) # XXX deeply nested external hat
def test_parse_profile_start_invalid_01(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
self._parse('/foo {', '/bar', '/bar') # child profile without profile keyword
def test_parse_profile_start_invalid_02(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorBug):
self._parse('xy', '/bar', '/bar') # not a profile start
class AaTest_parse_profile_data(AATest):
def test_parse_empty_profile_01(self):
prof = parse_profile_data('/foo {\n}\n'.split(), 'somefile', False)
self.assertEqual(list(prof.keys()), ['/foo'])
self.assertEqual(list(prof['/foo'].keys()), ['/foo'])
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['name'], '/foo')
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['filename'], 'somefile')
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['flags'], None)
def test_parse_duplicate_profile(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
# file contains two profiles with the same name
parse_profile_data('profile /foo {\n}\nprofile /foo {\n}\n'.split(), 'somefile', False)
def test_parse_duplicate_child_profile(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
# file contains two child profiles with the same name
parse_profile_data('profile /foo {\nprofile /bar {\n}\nprofile /bar {\n}\n}\n'.split(), 'somefile', False)
def test_parse_duplicate_hat(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
# file contains two hats with the same name
parse_profile_data('profile /foo {\n^baz {\n}\n^baz {\n}\n}\n'.split(), 'somefile', False)
def test_parse_xattrs_01(self):
prof = parse_profile_data('/foo xattrs=( {\n}\n'.split(), 'somefile', False)
self.assertEqual(list(prof.keys()), ['/foo'])
self.assertEqual(list(prof['/foo'].keys()), ['/foo'])
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['name'], '/foo')
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['filename'], 'somefile')
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['flags'], None)
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['xattrs'], '')
def test_parse_xattrs_02(self):
prof = parse_profile_data('/foo xattrs=(*) {\n}\n'.split(), 'somefile', False)
self.assertEqual(list(prof.keys()), ['/foo'])
self.assertEqual(list(prof['/foo'].keys()), ['/foo'])
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['name'], '/foo')
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['filename'], 'somefile')
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['flags'], None)
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['xattrs'], '*')
def test_parse_xattrs_03(self):
d = '/foo xattrs=( flags=(complain) {\n}\n'
prof = parse_profile_data(d.split(), 'somefile', False)
self.assertEqual(list(prof.keys()), ['/foo'])
self.assertEqual(list(prof['/foo'].keys()), ['/foo'])
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['name'], '/foo')
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['filename'], 'somefile')
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['flags'], 'complain')
self.assertEqual(prof['/foo']['/foo']['xattrs'], '')
def test_parse_xattrs_04(self):
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
# flags before xattrs
d = '/foo flags=(complain) xattrs=( {\n}\n'
parse_profile_data(d.split(), 'somefile', False)
class AaTest_separate_vars(AATest):
tests = [
('' , set() ),
(' ' , set() ),
(' foo bar' , {'foo', 'bar' }),
('foo " ' , AppArmorException ),
(' " foo ' , AppArmorException ), # half-quoted
(' foo bar ' , {'foo', 'bar' }),
(' foo bar # comment' , {'foo', 'bar', '#', 'comment'}), # XXX should comments be stripped?
('foo' , {'foo' }),
('"foo" "bar baz"' , {'foo', 'bar baz' }),
('foo "bar baz" xy' , {'foo', 'bar baz', 'xy' }),
('foo "bar baz ' , AppArmorException ), # half-quoted
(' " foo" bar' , {' foo', 'bar' }),
(' " foo" bar x' , {' foo', 'bar', 'x' }),
('""' , {'' }), # empty value
('"" foo' , {'', 'foo' }), # empty value + 'foo'
('"" foo "bar"' , {'', 'foo', 'bar' }), # empty value + 'foo' + 'bar' (bar has superfluous quotes)
('"bar"' , {'bar' }), # 'bar' with superfluous quotes
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
if expected == AppArmorException:
with self.assertRaises(expected):
result = separate_vars(params)
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
class AaTest_store_list_var(AATest):
tests = [
# old var value operation expected (False for exception)
([ {} , 'foo' , '=' ], {'foo'} ), # set
([ {} , 'foo bar' , '=' ], {'foo', 'bar'} ), # set multi
([ {'@{var}': {'foo'}} , 'bar' , '=' ], False ), # redefine var
([ {} , 'bar' , '+=' ], False ), # add to undefined var
([ {'@{var}': {'foo'}} , 'bar' , '+=' ], {'foo', 'bar'} ), # add
([ {'@{var}': {'foo'}} , 'bar baz' , '+=' ], {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'} ), # add multi
([ {'@{var}': {'foo', 'xy'}} , 'bar baz' , '+=' ], {'foo', 'xy', 'bar', 'baz'} ), # add multi to multi
([ {} , 'foo' , '-=' ], False ), # unknown operation
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
var = params[0]
value = params[1]
operation = params[2]
if not expected:
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
store_list_var(var, '@{var}', value, operation, 'somefile')
# dumy value that must not be changed
var['@{foo}'] = {'one', 'two'}
exp_var = {
'@{foo}': {'one', 'two'},
'@{var}': expected,
store_list_var(var, '@{var}', value, operation, 'somefile')
self.assertEqual(var.keys(), exp_var.keys())
for key in exp_var:
self.assertEqual(var[key], exp_var[key])
class AaTest_write_header(AATest):
tests = [
# name embedded_hat write_flags depth flags attachment prof.keyw. comment expected
(['/foo', False, True, 1, 'complain', None, None, None ], ' /foo flags=(complain) {'),
(['/foo', True, True, 1, 'complain', None, None, None ], ' profile /foo flags=(complain) {'),
(['/foo sp', False, False, 2, 'complain', None, None, None ], ' "/foo sp" {'),
(['/foo' ,False, False, 2, 'complain', None, None, None ], ' /foo {'),
(['/foo', True, False, 2, 'complain', None, None, None ], ' profile /foo {'),
(['/foo', False, True, 0, None, None, None, None ], '/foo {'),
(['/foo', True, True, 0, None, None, None, None ], 'profile /foo {'),
(['/foo', False, False, 0, None, None, None, None ], '/foo {'),
(['/foo', True, False, 0, None, None, None, None ], 'profile /foo {'),
(['bar', False, True, 1, 'complain', None, None, None ], ' profile bar flags=(complain) {'),
(['bar', False, True, 1, 'complain', '/foo', None, None ], ' profile bar /foo flags=(complain) {'),
(['bar', True, True, 1, 'complain', '/foo', None, None ], ' profile bar /foo flags=(complain) {'),
(['bar baz', False, True, 1, None, '/foo', None, None ], ' profile "bar baz" /foo {'),
(['bar', True, True, 1, None, '/foo', None, None ], ' profile bar /foo {'),
(['bar baz', False, True, 1, 'complain', '/foo sp', None, None ], ' profile "bar baz" "/foo sp" flags=(complain) {'),
(['^foo', False, True, 1, 'complain', None, None, None ], ' profile ^foo flags=(complain) {'),
(['^foo', True, True, 1, 'complain', None, None, None ], ' ^foo flags=(complain) {'),
(['^foo', True, True, 1.5, 'complain', None, None, None ], ' ^foo flags=(complain) {'),
(['^foo', True, True, 1.3, 'complain', None, None, None ], ' ^foo flags=(complain) {'),
(['/foo', False, True, 1, 'complain', None, 'profile', None ], ' profile /foo flags=(complain) {'),
(['/foo', True, True, 1, 'complain', None, 'profile', None ], ' profile /foo flags=(complain) {'),
(['/foo', False, True, 1, 'complain', None, None, '# x' ], ' /foo flags=(complain) { # x'),
(['/foo', True, True, 1, None, None, None, '# x' ], ' profile /foo { # x'),
(['/foo', False, True, 1, None, None, 'profile', '# x' ], ' profile /foo { # x'),
(['/foo', True, True, 1, 'complain', None, 'profile', '# x' ], ' profile /foo flags=(complain) { # x'),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
name = params[0]
embedded_hat = params[1]
write_flags = params[2]
depth = params[3]
prof_data = { 'flags': params[4], 'attachment': params[5], 'profile_keyword': params[6], 'header_comment': params[7], 'xattrs': '' }
result = write_header(prof_data, depth, name, embedded_hat, write_flags)
self.assertEqual(result, [expected])
class AaTest_write_header_01(AATest):
tests = [
{'name': '/foo', 'write_flags': True, 'depth': 1, 'flags': 'complain'},
' /foo flags=(complain) {',
{'name': '/foo', 'write_flags': True, 'depth': 1, 'flags': 'complain', 'profile_keyword': 'profile'},
' profile /foo flags=(complain) {',
{'name': '/foo', 'write_flags': True, 'flags': 'complain'},
'/foo flags=(complain) {',
{'name': '/foo', 'xattrs': '', 'write_flags': True, 'flags': 'complain'},
'/foo xattrs=( flags=(complain) {',
{'name': '/foo', 'xattrs': '', 'embedded_hat': True},
'profile /foo xattrs=( {',
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
name = params['name']
embedded_hat = params.get('embedded_hat', False)
write_flags = params.get('write_flags', False)
depth = params.get('depth', 0)
prof_data = {
'xattrs': params.get('xattrs', None),
'flags': params.get('flags', None),
'attachment': params.get('attachment', None),
'profile_keyword': params.get('profile_keyword', None),
'header_comment': params.get('header_comment', None),
result = write_header(prof_data, depth, name, embedded_hat, write_flags)
self.assertEqual(result, [expected])
class AaTest_get_file_perms_1(AATest):
tests = [
('/usr/share/common-licenses/foo/bar', {'allow': {'all': set(), 'owner': {'w'} }, 'deny': {'all':set(), 'owner': set()}, 'paths': {'/usr/share/common-licenses/**'} }),
('/dev/null', {'allow': {'all': {'r', 'w', 'k'}, 'owner': set() }, 'deny': {'all':set(), 'owner': set()}, 'paths': {'/dev/null'} }),
('/foo/bar', {'allow': {'all': {'r', 'w'}, 'owner': set() }, 'deny': {'all':set(), 'owner': set()}, 'paths': {'/foo/bar'} }), # exec perms not included
('/no/thing', {'allow': {'all': set(), 'owner': set() }, 'deny': {'all':set(), 'owner': set()}, 'paths': set() }),
('/usr/lib/ispell/', {'allow': {'all': set(), 'owner': set() }, 'deny': {'all':set(), 'owner': set()}, 'paths': set() }),
('/usr/lib/aspell/*.so', {'allow': {'all': set(), 'owner': set() }, 'deny': {'all':set(), 'owner': set()}, 'paths': set() }),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
#copy the local profiles to the test directory
self.profile_dir = '%s/profiles' % self.tmpdir
shutil.copytree('../../profiles/apparmor.d/', self.profile_dir, symlinks=True)
profile = apparmor.aa.ProfileStorage('/test', '/test', '')
# simple profile without any includes
profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('owner /usr/share/common-licenses/** w,'))
profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('/dev/null rwk,'))
profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('/foo/bar rwix,'))
perms = get_file_perms(profile, params, False, False) # only testing with audit and deny = False
self.assertEqual(perms, expected)
class AaTest_get_file_perms_2(AATest):
tests = [
('/usr/share/common-licenses/foo/bar', {'allow': {'all': {'r'}, 'owner': {'w'} }, 'deny': {'all':set(), 'owner': set()}, 'paths': {'/usr/share/common-licenses/**'} }),
('/usr/share/common-licenses/what/ever', {'allow': {'all': {'r'}, 'owner': {'w'} }, 'deny': {'all':set(), 'owner': set()}, 'paths': {'/usr/share/common-licenses/**', '/usr/share/common-licenses/what/ever'} }),
('/dev/null', {'allow': {'all': {'r', 'w', 'k'}, 'owner': set() }, 'deny': {'all':set(), 'owner': set()}, 'paths': {'/dev/null'} }),
('/foo/bar', {'allow': {'all': {'r', 'w'}, 'owner': set() }, 'deny': {'all':set(), 'owner': set()}, 'paths': {'/foo/bar'} }), # exec perms not included
('/no/thing', {'allow': {'all': set(), 'owner': set() }, 'deny': {'all':set(), 'owner': set()}, 'paths': set() }),
('/usr/lib/ispell/', {'allow': {'all': {'r'}, 'owner': set() }, 'deny': {'all':set(), 'owner': set()}, 'paths': {'/usr/lib/ispell/', '/{usr/,}lib{,32,64}/**'} }), # from abstractions/enchant
('/usr/lib/aspell/*.so', {'allow': {'all': {'m', 'r'}, 'owner': set() }, 'deny': {'all':set(), 'owner': set()}, 'paths': {'/usr/lib/aspell/*', '/usr/lib/aspell/*.so', '/{usr/,}lib{,32,64}/**', '/{usr/,}lib{,32,64}/**.so*'} }), # from abstractions/aspell via abstractions/enchant and from abstractions/base
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
#copy the local profiles to the test directory
self.profile_dir = '%s/profiles' % self.tmpdir
shutil.copytree('../../profiles/apparmor.d/', self.profile_dir, symlinks=True)
# load the abstractions we need in the test
apparmor.aa.profiledir = self.profile_dir
profile = apparmor.aa.ProfileStorage('/test', '/test', '')
profile['include']['abstractions/base'] = True
profile['include']['abstractions/bash'] = True
profile['include']['abstractions/enchant'] = True # includes abstractions/aspell
profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('owner /usr/share/common-licenses/** w,'))
profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('owner /usr/share/common-licenses/what/ever a,')) # covered by the above 'w' rule, so 'a' should be ignored
profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('/dev/null rwk,'))
profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('/foo/bar rwix,'))
perms = get_file_perms(profile, params, False, False) # only testing with audit and deny = False
self.assertEqual(perms, expected)
class AaTest_propose_file_rules(AATest):
tests = [
# log event path and perms expected proposals
(['/usr/share/common-licenses/foo/bar', 'w'], ['/usr/share/common*/foo/* rw,', '/usr/share/common-licenses/** rw,', '/usr/share/common-licenses/foo/bar rw,'] ),
(['/dev/null', 'wk'], ['/dev/null rwk,'] ),
(['/foo/bar', 'rw'], ['/foo/bar rw,'] ),
(['/usr/lib/ispell/', 'w'], ['/{usr/,}lib{,32,64}/** rw,', '/usr/lib/ispell/ rw,'] ),
(['/usr/lib/aspell/', 'k'], ['/usr/lib/aspell/* mrk,', '/usr/lib/aspell/*.so mrk,', '/{usr/,}lib{,32,64}/** mrk,', '/{usr/,}lib{,32,64}/**.so* mrk,', '/usr/lib/aspell/ mrk,'] ),
(['/foo/log', 'w'], ['/foo/log w,'] ),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
#copy the local profiles to the test directory
self.profile_dir = '%s/profiles' % self.tmpdir
shutil.copytree('../../profiles/apparmor.d/', self.profile_dir, symlinks=True)
# load the abstractions we need in the test
apparmor.aa.profiledir = self.profile_dir
# add some user_globs ('(N)ew') to simulate a professional aa-logprof user (and to make sure that part of the code also gets tested)
apparmor.aa.user_globs['/usr/share/common*/foo/*'] = AARE('/usr/share/common*/foo/*', True)
apparmor.aa.user_globs['/no/thi*ng'] = AARE('/no/thi*ng', True)
profile = apparmor.aa.ProfileStorage('/test', '/test', '')
profile['include']['abstractions/base'] = True
profile['include']['abstractions/bash'] = True
profile['include']['abstractions/enchant'] = True # includes abstractions/aspell
profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('owner /usr/share/common-licenses/** w,'))
profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('/dev/null rwk,'))
profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('/foo/bar rwix,'))
profile['file'].add(FileRule.parse('/foo/log a,')) # will be replaced with '/foo/log w,' (not 'wa')
rule_obj = FileRule(params[0], params[1], None, FileRule.ALL, owner=False, log_event=True)
proposals = propose_file_rules(profile, rule_obj)
self.assertEqual(proposals, expected)
class AaTest_propose_file_rules_with_absolute_includes(AATest):
tests = [
# log event path and perms expected proposals
(['/not/found/anywhere', 'r'], ['/not/found/anywhere r,']),
(['/dev/null', 'w'], ['/dev/null rw,']),
(['/some/random/include', 'r'], ['/some/random/include rw,']),
(['/some/other/include', 'w'], ['/some/other/* rw,', '/some/other/inc* rw,', '/some/other/include rw,']),
def _run_test(self, params, expected):
#copy the local profiles to the test directory
self.profile_dir = '%s/profiles' % self.tmpdir
shutil.copytree('../../profiles/apparmor.d/', self.profile_dir, symlinks=True)
# load the abstractions we need in the test
apparmor.aa.profiledir = self.profile_dir
abs_include1 = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'test-abs1', "/some/random/include rw,")
abs_include2 = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'test-abs2', "/some/other/* rw,")
abs_include3 = write_file(self.tmpdir, 'test-abs3', "/some/other/inc* rw,")
profile = apparmor.aa.ProfileStorage('/test', '/test', '')
profile['include']['abstractions/base'] = False
profile['include'][abs_include1] = False
profile['include'][abs_include2] = False
profile['include'][abs_include3] = False
rule_obj = FileRule(params[0], params[1], None, FileRule.ALL, owner=False, log_event=True)
proposals = propose_file_rules(profile, rule_obj)
self.assertEqual(proposals, expected)
class AaTest_nonexistent_includes(AATest):
def test_bad_includes(self):
tests = [
for i in tests:
with self.assertRaises(AppArmorException):
if __name__ == '__main__':