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synced 2025-03-04 08:24:42 +01:00

Technical stuff first:
Replace existing_profiles (a dict with the filenames for both active and
inactive profiles) with active_profiles and extra_profiles which are
ProfileList()s and store the active profiles and those in the extra
directory separately. Thanks to ProfileList, now also the relation
between attachments and filenames is easily available.
Also replace all usage of existing_profiles with active_profiles and
extra_profiles, and adjust it to the ProfileList syntax everywhere.
With this change, several bugs in aa-complain and the other minitools
get fixed:
- aa-complain etc. never found profiles that have a profile name
(the attachment wasn't checked)
- even if the profile name was given as parameter to aa-complain, it
first did "which $parameter" so it never matched on named profiles
- profile names with alternations (without attachment specification)
also never matched because the old code didn't use AARE.
References: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=882047#92
(search for "As usual" ;-)
Just for completeness - the matching still doesn't honor/expand
variables in the profile name.
(cherry picked from commit 4d722f1839
201 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable file
201 lines
7.1 KiB
Executable file
#! /usr/bin/python3
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2013 Kshitij Gupta <kgupta8592@gmail.com>
# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
import argparse
import os
import apparmor.aa
import apparmor.aamode
import apparmor.severity
import apparmor.cleanprofile as cleanprofile
import apparmor.ui as aaui
from apparmor.common import AppArmorException
from apparmor.regex import re_match_include
# setup exception handling
from apparmor.fail import enable_aa_exception_handler
# setup module translations
from apparmor.translations import init_translation
_ = init_translation()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=_('Merge the given profiles into /etc/apparmor.d/ (or the directory specified with -d)'))
parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+', type=str, help=_('Profile(s) to merge'))
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dir', type=str, help=_('path to profiles'))
#parser.add_argument('-a', '--auto', action='store_true', help=_('Automatically merge profiles, exits incase of *x conflicts'))
args = parser.parse_args()
args.other = None
profiles = args.files
profiledir = args.dir
if profiledir:
apparmor.aa.profile_dir = apparmor.aa.get_full_path(profiledir)
if not os.path.isdir(apparmor.aa.profile_dir):
raise AppArmorException(_("%s is not a directory.") %profiledir)
def reset_aa():
apparmor.aa.aa = apparmor.aa.hasher()
apparmor.aa.filelist = apparmor.aa.hasher()
apparmor.aa.include = dict()
apparmor.aa.active_profiles = apparmor.aa.ProfileList()
apparmor.aa.original_aa = apparmor.aa.hasher()
def find_profiles_from_files(files):
profile_to_filename = dict()
for file_name in files:
apparmor.aa.read_profile(file_name, True)
for profile_name in apparmor.aa.filelist[file_name]['profiles'].keys():
profile_to_filename[profile_name] = file_name
return profile_to_filename
def find_files_from_profiles(profiles):
profile_to_filename = dict()
for profile_name in profiles:
profile_to_filename[profile_name] = apparmor.aa.get_profile_filename_from_profile_name(profile_name, True)
return profile_to_filename
def main():
base_profile_to_file = find_profiles_from_files(profiles)
profiles_to_merge = set(base_profile_to_file.keys())
user_profile_to_file = find_files_from_profiles(profiles_to_merge)
for profile_name in profiles_to_merge:
aaui.UI_Info("\n\n" + _("Merging profile for %s" % profile_name))
user_file = user_profile_to_file[profile_name]
base_file = base_profile_to_file.get(profile_name, None)
act([user_file, base_file], profile_name)
def act(files, merging_profile):
mergeprofiles = Merge(files)
#Get rid of common/superfluous stuff
# if not args.auto:
if 1 == 1: # workaround to avoid lots of whitespace changes
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.title = _('Changed Local Profiles')
q.explanation = _('The following local profiles were changed. Would you like to save them?')
q.default = 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES'
q.options = [merging_profile]
q.selected = 0
ans = ''
arg = None
programs = list(mergeprofiles.user.aa.keys())
program = programs[0]
while ans != 'CMD_SAVE_CHANGES':
ans, arg = q.promptUser()
if ans == 'CMD_SAVE_CHANGES':
elif ans == 'CMD_VIEW_CHANGES':
for program in programs:
apparmor.aa.original_aa[program] = apparmor.aa.deepcopy(apparmor.aa.aa[program])
#oldprofile = apparmor.serialize_profile(apparmor.original_aa[program], program, '')
newprofile = apparmor.aa.serialize_profile(mergeprofiles.user.aa[program], program, '')
aaui.UI_Changes(mergeprofiles.user.filename, newprofile, comments=True)
elif ans == 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY':
class Merge(object):
def __init__(self, profiles):
user, base = profiles
#Read and parse base profile and save profile data, include data from it and reset them
apparmor.aa.read_profile(base, True)
self.base = cleanprofile.Prof(base)
#Read and parse user profile
apparmor.aa.read_profile(user, True)
self.user = cleanprofile.Prof(user)
def clear_common(self):
deleted = 0
#Remove off the parts in base profile which are common/superfluous from user profile
user_base = cleanprofile.CleanProf(False, self.user, self.base)
deleted += user_base.compare_profiles()
def ask_merge_questions(self):
other = self.base
log_dict = {'merge': other.aa}
done = False
#Add the file-wide includes from the other profile to the user profile
options = []
for inc in other.filelist[other.filename]['include'].keys():
if not inc in self.user.filelist[self.user.filename]['include'].keys():
if inc.startswith('/'):
options.append('#include "%s"' %inc)
options.append('#include <%s>' %inc)
default_option = 1
q = aaui.PromptQuestion()
q.options = options
q.selected = default_option - 1
q.headers = [_('File includes'), _('Select the ones you wish to add')]
q.default = 'CMD_ALLOW'
while not done and options:
ans, selected = q.promptUser()
if ans == 'CMD_IGNORE_ENTRY':
done = True
elif ans == 'CMD_ALLOW':
selection = options[selected]
inc = re_match_include(selection)
self.user.filelist[self.user.filename]['include'][inc] = True
aaui.UI_Info(_('Adding %s to the file.') % selection)
elif ans == 'CMD_FINISHED':
if not apparmor.aa.sev_db:
apparmor.aa.sev_db = apparmor.severity.Severity(apparmor.aa.CONFDIR + '/severity.db', _('unknown'))
if __name__ == '__main__':