QuickProfileLanguage: fix up block code quotes

Steve Beattie 2017-11-03 17:23:40 -07:00
parent e41aff00f5
commit 7b5d370eb3

@ -80,8 +80,10 @@ profiles. Eg:
**\#** and include must not be separated from the **include** with
white space otherwise it is considered a comment
` # include is a comment`
` #include `<file>
 # include is a comment
 #include <file>
### Child profiles
@ -90,23 +92,25 @@ to confine an application in a special way, or when you want the
child to be unconfined on the system, but confined when called from
the parent. Eg:
` /parent/profile {`
`     /path/to/child1 cx -> child1,`
`     /path/to/child2 cx,`
`     /path/to/* cx,           # for * matching child3 will transition to child3,`
`                              # child4, child5, ... will transition to /path/to/child*`
`                              # if matching child profile does not exist will fail`
`     /another/path/to/* cx -> child1,        # send all matching execs to child1`
`     profile child1 {`
`     }`
`     profile /path/to/child2 {`
`     }`
`     profile /path/to/child3 {`
`     }`
`     # generic fall back profile`
`     profile /path/to/child* {`
`     }`
`  }`
 /parent/profile {
     /path/to/child1 cx -> child1,
     /path/to/child2 cx,
     /path/to/* cx,           # for * matching child3 will transition to child3,
                              # child4, child5, ... will transition to /path/to/child*
                              # if matching child profile does not exist will fail
     /another/path/to/* cx -> child1,        # send all matching execs to child1
     profile child1 {
     profile /path/to/child2 {
     profile /path/to/child3 {
     # generic fall back profile
     profile /path/to/child* {
### Hats
@ -114,10 +118,12 @@ Hats are a special child profile that can be used with the change\_hat
API call. To denote a hat, prepend **^** before the hat name with no
spaces. Eg:
` /parent/profile {`
`     ^hat {`
`     }`
` }`
 /parent/profile {
     ^hat {
Capability Rules
@ -127,10 +133,12 @@ capabilities (see 'man capabilities) and capabilities rules are
used to allow access to these capabilities. For example, a setuid
application which drops privileges might need:
` /profile {`
`    capability setuid,`
`    capability setgid,`
` }`
 /profile {
    capability setuid,
    capability setgid,
Network Rules
@ -138,17 +146,21 @@ Network Rules
AppArmor currently supports course grained access to networking via
network rules. For example, a network daemon might need:
` /profile {`
`   network inet dgram,`
`   network inet stream,`
` }`
 /profile {
   network inet dgram,
   network inet stream,
Or a packet analyzer might need:
` /profile {`
`   network raw,`
`   network packet,`
` }`
 /profile {
   network raw,
   network packet,
Rlimit Rules
@ -164,12 +176,14 @@ terminated by a comma. They can be written with either the permission
first or the pathname first, though the convention it to list the
path first. A valid pathname always begins with a **/**. Eg:
` /profile {`
`    /path/to/file  rw,   # file rule beginning with a pathname (convention)`
`    rw /path/to/file2,   # file rule beginning with permissions`
`    /path/to/file3       # file rule split over multiple lines`
`         rw,`
` }`
 /profile {
    /path/to/file  rw,   # file rule beginning with a pathname (convention)
    rw /path/to/file2,   # file rule beginning with permissions
    /path/to/file3       # file rule split over multiple lines
File rules can contain special globbing characters that allow matching
to multiple files (see File Globbing, below)
@ -220,22 +234,24 @@ The following are proposed additions to the current file globbing and are not cu
#### File Globbing examples
`/dir/file     - match a specific file`
`/dir/*        - match any files in a directory (including dot files)`
`/dir/a*       - match any file in a directory starting with `<b>`a`</b>
`/dir/*.png    - match any file in a directory ending with `<b>`.png`</b>
`/dir/[^.]*    - match any file in a directory except dot files`
/dir/file     - match a specific file
/dir/*        - match any files in a directory (including dot files)
/dir/a*       - match any file in a directory starting with 'a'
/dir/*.png    - match any file in a directory ending with '.png'
/dir/[^.]*    - match any file in a directory except dot files
`/dir/         - match a directory`
`/dir/*/       - match any directory within /dir/`
`/dir/a*/      - match any directory within /dir/ starting with a`
`/dir/*a/      - match any directory within /dir/ ending with a`
/dir/         - match a directory
/dir/*/       - match any directory within /dir/
/dir/a*/      - match any directory within /dir/ starting with a
/dir/*a/      - match any directory within /dir/ ending with a
`/dir/**       - match any file or directory in or below /dir/`
`/dir/**/      - match any directory in or below /dir/`
`/dir/**[^/]   - match any file in or below /dir/`
/dir/**       - match any file or directory in or below /dir/
/dir/**/      - match any directory in or below /dir/
/dir/**[^/]   - match any file in or below /dir/
`/dir{,1,2}/** - match any file or directory in or below /dir/, /dir1/, and /dir2/`
/dir{,1,2}/** - match any file or directory in or below /dir/, /dir1/, and /dir2/
### File permissions
@ -369,13 +385,17 @@ The permissions to create and/or delete a file are:
The permissions to copy a file are:
` /foo/src      r,
 /foo/dst      w,`
 /foo/src      r,
 /foo/dst      w,
The permissions to move a file are:
` /foo/src     rw,`
` /foo/dst      w,`
 /foo/src     rw,
 /foo/dst      w,
Notice in the above that AppArmor does not require additional rules
in the policy to access or write to the / or /foo/ directories (DAC
@ -420,13 +440,15 @@ following modifiers can be prepended to a rule to change this behavior:
` /profile {`
`    /path/to/file*            r,  # allow read to /path/to/file*`
`    /path/to/file1            w,  # allow write to /path/to/file1`
`    deny /path/to/file2,      w,  # deny write to /path/to/file2, without logging`
`    audit /path/to/file3      w,  # allow write to /path/to/file3, with logging`
`    audit deny /path/to/file4 r,  # deny read to /path/to/file4, with logging`
` }`
 /profile {
    /path/to/file*            r,  # allow read to /path/to/file*
    /path/to/file1            w,  # allow write to /path/to/file1
    deny /path/to/file2,      w,  # deny write to /path/to/file2, without logging
    audit /path/to/file3      w,  # allow write to /path/to/file3, with logging
    audit deny /path/to/file4 r,  # deny read to /path/to/file4, with logging
**IMPORTANT:** deny rules are evaluated before allow rules and cannot
be overridden by an allow rule. They are often used to override file