Updater deps

This commit is contained in:
Frank Denis 2022-12-17 14:50:10 +01:00
parent 5705b60936
commit e13b4842e8
14 changed files with 203 additions and 94 deletions

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@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ require (
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@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ require (
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View file

@ -432,8 +432,8 @@ github.com/lib/pq v1.0.0/go.mod h1:5WUZQaWbwv1U+lTReE5YruASi9Al49XbQIvNi/34Woo=
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@ -739,8 +739,8 @@ golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190605123033-f99c8df09eb5/go.mod h1:yigFU9vqHzYiE8U
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@ -897,8 +897,8 @@ golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210423082822-04245dca01da/go.mod h1:h1NjWce9XRLGQEsW7w
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golang.org/x/sys v0.2.0 h1:ljd4t30dBnAvMZaQCevtY0xLLD0A+bRZXbgLMLU1F/A=
golang.org/x/sys v0.2.0/go.mod h1:oPkhp1MJrh7nUepCBck5+mAzfO9JrbApNNgaTdGDITg=
golang.org/x/sys v0.3.0 h1:w8ZOecv6NaNa/zC8944JTU3vz4u6Lagfk4RPQxv92NQ=
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golang.org/x/term v0.0.0-20201117132131-f5c789dd3221/go.mod h1:Nr5EML6q2oocZ2LXRh80K7BxOlk5/8JxuGnuhpl+muw=
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@ -908,8 +908,8 @@ golang.org/x/text v0.3.2/go.mod h1:bEr9sfX3Q8Zfm5fL9x+3itogRgK3+ptLWKqgva+5dAk=
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golang.org/x/text v0.4.0 h1:BrVqGRd7+k1DiOgtnFvAkoQEWQvBc25ouMJM6429SFg=
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golang.org/x/text v0.5.0 h1:OLmvp0KP+FVG99Ct/qFiL/Fhk4zp4QQnZ7b2U+5piUM=
golang.org/x/text v0.5.0/go.mod h1:mrYo+phRRbMaCq/xk9113O4dZlRixOauAjOtrjsXDZ8=
golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20180412165947-fbb02b2291d2/go.mod h1:tRJNPiyCQ0inRvYxbN9jk5I+vvW/OXSQhTDSoE431IQ=
golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20181108054448-85acf8d2951c/go.mod h1:tRJNPiyCQ0inRvYxbN9jk5I+vvW/OXSQhTDSoE431IQ=
golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20190308202827-9d24e82272b4/go.mod h1:tRJNPiyCQ0inRvYxbN9jk5I+vvW/OXSQhTDSoE431IQ=

View file

@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ func (h *cryptoSetup) onError(alert uint8, message string) {
if alert == 0 {
err = &qerr.TransportError{ErrorCode: qerr.InternalError, ErrorMessage: message}
} else {
err = qerr.NewCryptoError(alert, message)
err = qerr.NewLocalCryptoError(alert, message)

View file

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ func (e TransportErrorCode) String() string {
if e.IsCryptoError() {
return fmt.Sprintf("CRYPTO_ERROR (%#x)", uint16(e))
return fmt.Sprintf("CRYPTO_ERROR %#x", uint16(e))
return fmt.Sprintf("unknown error code: %#x", uint16(e))

View file

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ type TransportError struct {
var _ error = &TransportError{}
// NewCryptoError create a new TransportError instance for a crypto error
func NewCryptoError(tlsAlert uint8, errorMessage string) *TransportError {
// NewLocalCryptoError create a new TransportError instance for a crypto error
func NewLocalCryptoError(tlsAlert uint8, errorMessage string) *TransportError {
return &TransportError{
ErrorCode: 0x100 + TransportErrorCode(tlsAlert),
ErrorMessage: errorMessage,
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func NewCryptoError(tlsAlert uint8, errorMessage string) *TransportError {
func (e *TransportError) Error() string {
str := e.ErrorCode.String()
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", e.ErrorCode.String(), getRole(e.Remote))
if e.FrameType != 0 {
str += fmt.Sprintf(" (frame type: %#x)", e.FrameType)
@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ var _ error = &ApplicationError{}
func (e *ApplicationError) Error() string {
if len(e.ErrorMessage) == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("Application error %#x", e.ErrorCode)
return fmt.Sprintf("Application error %#x (%s)", e.ErrorCode, getRole(e.Remote))
return fmt.Sprintf("Application error %#x: %s", e.ErrorCode, e.ErrorMessage)
return fmt.Sprintf("Application error %#x (%s): %s", e.ErrorCode, getRole(e.Remote), e.ErrorMessage)
type IdleTimeoutError struct{}
@ -122,3 +122,10 @@ func (e *StatelessResetError) Is(target error) bool {
func (e *StatelessResetError) Timeout() bool { return false }
func (e *StatelessResetError) Temporary() bool { return true }
func getRole(remote bool) string {
if remote {
return "remote"
return "local"

View file

@ -264,36 +264,35 @@ func (s *String) ReadASN1Boolean(out *bool) bool {
return true
var bigIntType = reflect.TypeOf((*big.Int)(nil)).Elem()
// ReadASN1Integer decodes an ASN.1 INTEGER into out and advances. If out does
// not point to an integer or to a big.Int, it panics. It reports whether the
// read was successful.
// not point to an integer, to a big.Int, or to a []byte it panics. Only
// positive and zero values can be decoded into []byte, and they are returned as
// big-endian binary values that share memory with s. Positive values will have
// no leading zeroes, and zero will be returned as a single zero byte.
// ReadASN1Integer reports whether the read was successful.
func (s *String) ReadASN1Integer(out interface{}) bool {
if reflect.TypeOf(out).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic("out is not a pointer")
switch reflect.ValueOf(out).Elem().Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
switch out := out.(type) {
case *int, *int8, *int16, *int32, *int64:
var i int64
if !s.readASN1Int64(&i) || reflect.ValueOf(out).Elem().OverflowInt(i) {
return false
return true
case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
case *uint, *uint8, *uint16, *uint32, *uint64:
var u uint64
if !s.readASN1Uint64(&u) || reflect.ValueOf(out).Elem().OverflowUint(u) {
return false
return true
case reflect.Struct:
if reflect.TypeOf(out).Elem() == bigIntType {
return s.readASN1BigInt(out.(*big.Int))
case *big.Int:
return s.readASN1BigInt(out)
case *[]byte:
return s.readASN1Bytes(out)
panic("out does not point to an integer type")
panic("out does not point to an integer type")
func checkASN1Integer(bytes []byte) bool {
@ -333,6 +332,21 @@ func (s *String) readASN1BigInt(out *big.Int) bool {
return true
func (s *String) readASN1Bytes(out *[]byte) bool {
var bytes String
if !s.ReadASN1(&bytes, asn1.INTEGER) || !checkASN1Integer(bytes) {
return false
if bytes[0]&0x80 == 0x80 {
return false
for len(bytes) > 1 && bytes[0] == 0 {
bytes = bytes[1:]
*out = bytes
return true
func (s *String) readASN1Int64(out *int64) bool {
var bytes String
if !s.ReadASN1(&bytes, asn1.INTEGER) || !checkASN1Integer(bytes) || !asn1Signed(out, bytes) {
@ -654,34 +668,27 @@ func (s *String) SkipOptionalASN1(tag asn1.Tag) bool {
return s.ReadASN1(&unused, tag)
// ReadOptionalASN1Integer attempts to read an optional ASN.1 INTEGER
// explicitly tagged with tag into out and advances. If no element with a
// matching tag is present, it writes defaultValue into out instead. If out
// does not point to an integer or to a big.Int, it panics. It reports
// whether the read was successful.
// ReadOptionalASN1Integer attempts to read an optional ASN.1 INTEGER explicitly
// tagged with tag into out and advances. If no element with a matching tag is
// present, it writes defaultValue into out instead. Otherwise, it behaves like
// ReadASN1Integer.
func (s *String) ReadOptionalASN1Integer(out interface{}, tag asn1.Tag, defaultValue interface{}) bool {
if reflect.TypeOf(out).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic("out is not a pointer")
var present bool
var i String
if !s.ReadOptionalASN1(&i, &present, tag) {
return false
if !present {
switch reflect.ValueOf(out).Elem().Kind() {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64,
reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
switch out.(type) {
case *int, *int8, *int16, *int32, *int64,
*uint, *uint8, *uint16, *uint32, *uint64, *[]byte:
case reflect.Struct:
if reflect.TypeOf(out).Elem() != bigIntType {
panic("invalid integer type")
if reflect.TypeOf(defaultValue).Kind() != reflect.Ptr ||
reflect.TypeOf(defaultValue).Elem() != bigIntType {
case *big.Int:
if defaultValue, ok := defaultValue.(*big.Int); ok {
} else {
panic("out points to big.Int, but defaultValue does not")
panic("invalid integer type")

View file

@ -116,6 +116,11 @@ func (e *Encoder) SetMaxDynamicTableSize(v uint32) {
// MaxDynamicTableSize returns the current dynamic header table size.
func (e *Encoder) MaxDynamicTableSize() (v uint32) {
return e.dynTab.maxSize
// SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit changes the maximum value that can be
// specified in SetMaxDynamicTableSize to v. By default, it is set to
// 4096, which is the same size of the default dynamic header table

View file

@ -98,6 +98,19 @@ type Server struct {
// the HTTP/2 spec's recommendations.
MaxConcurrentStreams uint32
// MaxDecoderHeaderTableSize optionally specifies the http2
// SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE to send in the initial settings frame. It
// informs the remote endpoint of the maximum size of the header compression
// table used to decode header blocks, in octets. If zero, the default value
// of 4096 is used.
MaxDecoderHeaderTableSize uint32
// MaxEncoderHeaderTableSize optionally specifies an upper limit for the
// header compression table used for encoding request headers. Received
// SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE settings are capped at this limit. If zero,
// the default value of 4096 is used.
MaxEncoderHeaderTableSize uint32
// MaxReadFrameSize optionally specifies the largest frame
// this server is willing to read. A valid value is between
// 16k and 16M, inclusive. If zero or otherwise invalid, a
@ -170,6 +183,20 @@ func (s *Server) maxConcurrentStreams() uint32 {
return defaultMaxStreams
func (s *Server) maxDecoderHeaderTableSize() uint32 {
if v := s.MaxDecoderHeaderTableSize; v > 0 {
return v
return initialHeaderTableSize
func (s *Server) maxEncoderHeaderTableSize() uint32 {
if v := s.MaxEncoderHeaderTableSize; v > 0 {
return v
return initialHeaderTableSize
// maxQueuedControlFrames is the maximum number of control frames like
// SETTINGS, PING and RST_STREAM that will be queued for writing before
// the connection is closed to prevent memory exhaustion attacks.
@ -394,7 +421,6 @@ func (s *Server) ServeConn(c net.Conn, opts *ServeConnOpts) {
advMaxStreams: s.maxConcurrentStreams(),
initialStreamSendWindowSize: initialWindowSize,
maxFrameSize: initialMaxFrameSize,
headerTableSize: initialHeaderTableSize,
serveG: newGoroutineLock(),
pushEnabled: true,
sawClientPreface: opts.SawClientPreface,
@ -424,12 +450,13 @@ func (s *Server) ServeConn(c net.Conn, opts *ServeConnOpts) {
sc.hpackEncoder = hpack.NewEncoder(&sc.headerWriteBuf)
fr := NewFramer(sc.bw, c)
if s.CountError != nil {
fr.countError = s.CountError
fr.ReadMetaHeaders = hpack.NewDecoder(initialHeaderTableSize, nil)
fr.ReadMetaHeaders = hpack.NewDecoder(s.maxDecoderHeaderTableSize(), nil)
fr.MaxHeaderListSize = sc.maxHeaderListSize()
sc.framer = fr
@ -559,9 +586,9 @@ type serverConn struct {
streams map[uint32]*stream
initialStreamSendWindowSize int32
maxFrameSize int32
headerTableSize uint32
peerMaxHeaderListSize uint32 // zero means unknown (default)
canonHeader map[string]string // http2-lower-case -> Go-Canonical-Case
canonHeaderKeysSize int // canonHeader keys size in bytes
writingFrame bool // started writing a frame (on serve goroutine or separate)
writingFrameAsync bool // started a frame on its own goroutine but haven't heard back on wroteFrameCh
needsFrameFlush bool // last frame write wasn't a flush
@ -740,6 +767,13 @@ func (sc *serverConn) condlogf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) {
// maxCachedCanonicalHeadersKeysSize is an arbitrarily-chosen limit on the size
// of the entries in the canonHeader cache.
// This should be larger than the size of unique, uncommon header keys likely to
// be sent by the peer, while not so high as to permit unreasonable memory usage
// if the peer sends an unbounded number of unique header keys.
const maxCachedCanonicalHeadersKeysSize = 2048
func (sc *serverConn) canonicalHeader(v string) string {
@ -755,14 +789,10 @@ func (sc *serverConn) canonicalHeader(v string) string {
sc.canonHeader = make(map[string]string)
cv = http.CanonicalHeaderKey(v)
// maxCachedCanonicalHeaders is an arbitrarily-chosen limit on the number of
// entries in the canonHeader cache. This should be larger than the number
// of unique, uncommon header keys likely to be sent by the peer, while not
// so high as to permit unreasonable memory usage if the peer sends an unbounded
// number of unique header keys.
const maxCachedCanonicalHeaders = 32
if len(sc.canonHeader) < maxCachedCanonicalHeaders {
size := 100 + len(v)*2 // 100 bytes of map overhead + key + value
if sc.canonHeaderKeysSize+size <= maxCachedCanonicalHeadersKeysSize {
sc.canonHeader[v] = cv
sc.canonHeaderKeysSize += size
return cv
@ -864,6 +894,7 @@ func (sc *serverConn) serve() {
{SettingMaxFrameSize, sc.srv.maxReadFrameSize()},
{SettingMaxConcurrentStreams, sc.advMaxStreams},
{SettingMaxHeaderListSize, sc.maxHeaderListSize()},
{SettingHeaderTableSize, sc.srv.maxDecoderHeaderTableSize()},
{SettingInitialWindowSize, uint32(sc.srv.initialStreamRecvWindowSize())},
@ -1661,7 +1692,6 @@ func (sc *serverConn) processSetting(s Setting) error {
switch s.ID {
case SettingHeaderTableSize:
sc.headerTableSize = s.Val
case SettingEnablePush:
sc.pushEnabled = s.Val != 0

View file

@ -118,6 +118,28 @@ type Transport struct {
// to mean no limit.
MaxHeaderListSize uint32
// MaxReadFrameSize is the http2 SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE to send in the
// initial settings frame. It is the size in bytes of the largest frame
// payload that the sender is willing to receive. If 0, no setting is
// sent, and the value is provided by the peer, which should be 16384
// according to the spec:
// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7540#section-6.5.2.
// Values are bounded in the range 16k to 16M.
MaxReadFrameSize uint32
// MaxDecoderHeaderTableSize optionally specifies the http2
// SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE to send in the initial settings frame. It
// informs the remote endpoint of the maximum size of the header compression
// table used to decode header blocks, in octets. If zero, the default value
// of 4096 is used.
MaxDecoderHeaderTableSize uint32
// MaxEncoderHeaderTableSize optionally specifies an upper limit for the
// header compression table used for encoding request headers. Received
// SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE settings are capped at this limit. If zero,
// the default value of 4096 is used.
MaxEncoderHeaderTableSize uint32
// StrictMaxConcurrentStreams controls whether the server's
// globally. If false, new TCP connections are created to the
@ -171,6 +193,19 @@ func (t *Transport) maxHeaderListSize() uint32 {
return t.MaxHeaderListSize
func (t *Transport) maxFrameReadSize() uint32 {
if t.MaxReadFrameSize == 0 {
return 0 // use the default provided by the peer
if t.MaxReadFrameSize < minMaxFrameSize {
return minMaxFrameSize
if t.MaxReadFrameSize > maxFrameSize {
return maxFrameSize
return t.MaxReadFrameSize
func (t *Transport) disableCompression() bool {
return t.DisableCompression || (t.t1 != nil && t.t1.DisableCompression)
@ -293,10 +328,11 @@ type ClientConn struct {
lastActive time.Time
lastIdle time.Time // time last idle
// Settings from peer: (also guarded by wmu)
maxFrameSize uint32
maxConcurrentStreams uint32
peerMaxHeaderListSize uint64
initialWindowSize uint32
maxFrameSize uint32
maxConcurrentStreams uint32
peerMaxHeaderListSize uint64
peerMaxHeaderTableSize uint32
initialWindowSize uint32
// reqHeaderMu is a 1-element semaphore channel controlling access to sending new requests.
// Write to reqHeaderMu to lock it, read from it to unlock.
@ -681,6 +717,20 @@ func (t *Transport) expectContinueTimeout() time.Duration {
return t.t1.ExpectContinueTimeout
func (t *Transport) maxDecoderHeaderTableSize() uint32 {
if v := t.MaxDecoderHeaderTableSize; v > 0 {
return v
return initialHeaderTableSize
func (t *Transport) maxEncoderHeaderTableSize() uint32 {
if v := t.MaxEncoderHeaderTableSize; v > 0 {
return v
return initialHeaderTableSize
func (t *Transport) NewClientConn(c net.Conn) (*ClientConn, error) {
return t.newClientConn(c, t.disableKeepAlives())
@ -721,15 +771,19 @@ func (t *Transport) newClientConn(c net.Conn, singleUse bool) (*ClientConn, erro
cc.br = bufio.NewReader(c)
cc.fr = NewFramer(cc.bw, cc.br)
if t.maxFrameReadSize() != 0 {
if t.CountError != nil {
cc.fr.countError = t.CountError
cc.fr.ReadMetaHeaders = hpack.NewDecoder(initialHeaderTableSize, nil)
maxHeaderTableSize := t.maxDecoderHeaderTableSize()
cc.fr.ReadMetaHeaders = hpack.NewDecoder(maxHeaderTableSize, nil)
cc.fr.MaxHeaderListSize = t.maxHeaderListSize()
// TODO: SetMaxDynamicTableSize, SetMaxDynamicTableSizeLimit on
// henc in response to SETTINGS frames?
cc.henc = hpack.NewEncoder(&cc.hbuf)
cc.peerMaxHeaderTableSize = initialHeaderTableSize
if t.AllowHTTP {
cc.nextStreamID = 3
@ -744,9 +798,15 @@ func (t *Transport) newClientConn(c net.Conn, singleUse bool) (*ClientConn, erro
{ID: SettingEnablePush, Val: 0},
{ID: SettingInitialWindowSize, Val: transportDefaultStreamFlow},
if max := t.maxFrameReadSize(); max != 0 {
initialSettings = append(initialSettings, Setting{ID: SettingMaxFrameSize, Val: max})
if max := t.maxHeaderListSize(); max != 0 {
initialSettings = append(initialSettings, Setting{ID: SettingMaxHeaderListSize, Val: max})
if maxHeaderTableSize != initialHeaderTableSize {
initialSettings = append(initialSettings, Setting{ID: SettingHeaderTableSize, Val: maxHeaderTableSize})
@ -2773,8 +2833,10 @@ func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processSettingsNoWrite(f *SettingsFrame) error {
cc.initialWindowSize = s.Val
case SettingHeaderTableSize:
cc.peerMaxHeaderTableSize = s.Val
// TODO(bradfitz): handle more settings? SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE probably.
cc.vlogf("Unhandled Setting: %v", s)
return nil

View file

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@
package execabs
import "strings"
import (
func isGo119ErrDot(err error) bool {
// TODO: return errors.Is(err, exec.ErrDot)
return strings.Contains(err.Error(), "current directory")
return errors.Is(err, exec.ErrDot)

View file

@ -367,6 +367,7 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr {
//sys IsWindowUnicode(hwnd HWND) (isUnicode bool) = user32.IsWindowUnicode
//sys IsWindowVisible(hwnd HWND) (isVisible bool) = user32.IsWindowVisible
//sys GetGUIThreadInfo(thread uint32, info *GUIThreadInfo) (err error) = user32.GetGUIThreadInfo
//sys GetLargePageMinimum() (size uintptr)
// Volume Management Functions
//sys DefineDosDevice(flags uint32, deviceName *uint16, targetPath *uint16) (err error) = DefineDosDeviceW

View file

@ -252,6 +252,7 @@ var (
procGetFileType = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFileType")
procGetFinalPathNameByHandleW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFinalPathNameByHandleW")
procGetFullPathNameW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetFullPathNameW")
procGetLargePageMinimum = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLargePageMinimum")
procGetLastError = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLastError")
procGetLogicalDriveStringsW = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLogicalDriveStringsW")
procGetLogicalDrives = modkernel32.NewProc("GetLogicalDrives")
@ -2180,6 +2181,12 @@ func GetFullPathName(path *uint16, buflen uint32, buf *uint16, fname **uint16) (
func GetLargePageMinimum() (size uintptr) {
r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procGetLargePageMinimum.Addr(), 0, 0, 0, 0)
size = uintptr(r0)
func GetLastError() (lasterr error) {
r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procGetLastError.Addr(), 0, 0, 0, 0)
if r0 != 0 {

View file

@ -37,18 +37,6 @@ const (
unknownClass = ^Class(0)
var controlToClass = map[rune]Class{
0x202D: LRO, // LeftToRightOverride,
0x202E: RLO, // RightToLeftOverride,
0x202A: LRE, // LeftToRightEmbedding,
0x202B: RLE, // RightToLeftEmbedding,
0x202C: PDF, // PopDirectionalFormat,
0x2066: LRI, // LeftToRightIsolate,
0x2067: RLI, // RightToLeftIsolate,
0x2068: FSI, // FirstStrongIsolate,
0x2069: PDI, // PopDirectionalIsolate,
// A trie entry has the following bits:
// 7..5 XOR mask for brackets
// 4 1: Bracket open, 0: Bracket close

vendor/modules.txt vendored
View file

@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ github.com/ldez/gomoddirectives
# github.com/ldez/tagliatelle v0.2.0
## explicit; go 1.16
# github.com/lucas-clemente/quic-go v0.31.0
# github.com/lucas-clemente/quic-go v0.31.1
## explicit; go 1.18
@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ github.com/uudashr/gocognit
# github.com/yeya24/promlinter v0.1.0
## explicit; go 1.14
# golang.org/x/crypto v0.3.0
# golang.org/x/crypto v0.4.0
## explicit; go 1.17
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ golang.org/x/mod/internal/lazyregexp
# golang.org/x/net v0.2.0
# golang.org/x/net v0.4.0
## explicit; go 1.17
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ golang.org/x/net/internal/socks
# golang.org/x/sys v0.2.0
# golang.org/x/sys v0.3.0
## explicit; go 1.17
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ golang.org/x/sys/windows/registry
# golang.org/x/text v0.4.0
# golang.org/x/text v0.5.0
## explicit; go 1.17