package main // Much of the core of this is copied from go's cover tool itself. // Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // The rest is written by Dustin Sallings import ( "fmt" "go/build" "io/ioutil" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "" ) func findFile(rootPackage string, rootDir string, file string) (string, error) { // If we find a file that is inside the root package, we already know // where it should be! if rootPackage != "" { if relPath, _ := filepath.Rel(rootPackage, file); !strings.HasPrefix(relPath, "..") { // The file is inside the root package... return filepath.Join(rootDir, relPath), nil } } dir, file := filepath.Split(file) pkg, err := build.Import(dir, ".", build.FindOnly) if err != nil { return "", fmt.Errorf("can't find %q: %v", file, err) } return filepath.Join(pkg.Dir, file), nil } // mergeProfs merges profiles for same target packages. // It assumes each profiles have same sorted FileName and Blocks. func mergeProfs(pfss [][]*cover.Profile) []*cover.Profile { if len(pfss) == 0 { return nil } for len(pfss) > 1 { i := 0 for ; 2*i+1 < len(pfss); i++ { pfss[i] = mergeTwoProfs(pfss[2*i], pfss[2*i+1]) } if 2*i < len(pfss) { pfss[i] = pfss[2*i] i++ } pfss = pfss[:i] } return pfss[0] } func mergeTwoProfs(left, right []*cover.Profile) []*cover.Profile { ret := make([]*cover.Profile, 0, len(left)+len(right)) for len(left) > 0 && len(right) > 0 { if left[0].FileName == right[0].FileName { profile := &cover.Profile{ FileName: left[0].FileName, Mode: left[0].Mode, Blocks: mergeTwoProfBlock(left[0].Blocks, right[0].Blocks), } ret = append(ret, profile) left = left[1:] right = right[1:] } else if left[0].FileName < right[0].FileName { ret = append(ret, left[0]) left = left[1:] } else { ret = append(ret, right[0]) right = right[1:] } } ret = append(ret, left...) ret = append(ret, right...) return ret } func mergeTwoProfBlock(left, right []cover.ProfileBlock) []cover.ProfileBlock { ret := make([]cover.ProfileBlock, 0, len(left)+len(right)) for len(left) > 0 && len(right) > 0 { a, b := left[0], right[0] if a.StartLine == b.StartLine && a.StartCol == b.StartCol && a.EndLine == b.EndLine && a.EndCol == b.EndCol { ret = append(ret, cover.ProfileBlock{ StartLine: a.StartLine, StartCol: a.StartCol, EndLine: a.EndLine, EndCol: a.EndCol, NumStmt: a.NumStmt, Count: a.Count + b.Count, }) left = left[1:] right = right[1:] } else if a.StartLine < b.StartLine || (a.StartLine == b.StartLine && a.StartCol < b.StartCol) { ret = append(ret, a) left = left[1:] } else { ret = append(ret, b) right = right[1:] } } ret = append(ret, left...) ret = append(ret, right...) return ret } // toSF converts profiles to sourcefiles for coveralls. func toSF(profs []*cover.Profile) ([]*SourceFile, error) { // find root package to reduce build.Import calls when importing files from relative root // rootDirectory, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("get working dir: %v", err) } rootPackage := findRootPackage(rootDirectory) var rv []*SourceFile for _, prof := range profs { path, err := findFile(rootPackage, rootDirectory, prof.FileName) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot find file %q: %v", prof.FileName, err) } sf := &SourceFile{ Name: getCoverallsSourceFileName(path), } lineLookup := map[int]int{} maxLineNo := 0 for _, block := range prof.Blocks { for i := block.StartLine; i <= block.EndLine; i++ { lineLookup[i] += block.Count } if block.EndLine > maxLineNo { maxLineNo = block.EndLine } } sf.Coverage = make([]interface{}, maxLineNo) for i := 1; i <= maxLineNo; i++ { if c, ok := lineLookup[i]; ok { sf.Coverage[i-1] = c } } if *uploadSource { fb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot read source of file %q: %v", path, err) } sf.Source = string(fb) } rv = append(rv, sf) } return rv, nil } func parseCover(fn string) ([]*SourceFile, error) { var pfss [][]*cover.Profile for _, p := range strings.Split(fn, ",") { profs, err := cover.ParseProfiles(p) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing coverage: %v", err) } pfss = append(pfss, profs) } sourceFiles, err := toSF(mergeProfs(pfss)) if err != nil { return nil, err } return sourceFiles, nil }