2023-06-24 22:11:47 +02:00

157 lines
4.2 KiB

package main
import (
iradix "github.com/hashicorp/go-immutable-radix"
type PluginAllowedIP struct {
allowedPrefixes *iradix.Tree
allowedIPs map[string]interface{}
logger io.Writer
format string
func (plugin *PluginAllowedIP) Name() string {
return "allow_ip"
func (plugin *PluginAllowedIP) Description() string {
return "Allows DNS queries containing specific IP addresses"
func (plugin *PluginAllowedIP) Init(proxy *Proxy) error {
dlog.Noticef("Loading the set of allowed IP rules from [%s]", proxy.allowedIPFile)
lines, err := ReadTextFile(proxy.allowedIPFile)
if err != nil {
return err
plugin.allowedPrefixes = iradix.New()
plugin.allowedIPs = make(map[string]interface{})
for lineNo, line := range strings.Split(lines, "\n") {
line = TrimAndStripInlineComments(line)
if len(line) == 0 {
ip := net.ParseIP(line)
trailingStar := strings.HasSuffix(line, "*")
if len(line) < 2 || (ip != nil && trailingStar) {
dlog.Errorf("Suspicious allowed IP rule [%s] at line %d", line, lineNo)
if trailingStar {
line = line[:len(line)-1]
if strings.HasSuffix(line, ":") || strings.HasSuffix(line, ".") {
line = line[:len(line)-1]
if len(line) == 0 {
dlog.Errorf("Empty allowed IP rule at line %d", lineNo)
if strings.Contains(line, "*") {
dlog.Errorf("Invalid rule: [%s] - wildcards can only be used as a suffix at line %d", line, lineNo)
line = strings.ToLower(line)
if trailingStar {
plugin.allowedPrefixes, _, _ = plugin.allowedPrefixes.Insert([]byte(line), 0)
} else {
plugin.allowedIPs[line] = true
if len(proxy.allowedIPLogFile) == 0 {
return nil
plugin.logger = Logger(proxy.logMaxSize, proxy.logMaxAge, proxy.logMaxBackups, proxy.allowedIPLogFile)
plugin.format = proxy.allowedIPFormat
return nil
func (plugin *PluginAllowedIP) Drop() error {
return nil
func (plugin *PluginAllowedIP) Reload() error {
return nil
func (plugin *PluginAllowedIP) Eval(pluginsState *PluginsState, msg *dns.Msg) error {
answers := msg.Answer
if len(answers) == 0 {
return nil
allowed, reason, ipStr := false, "", ""
for _, answer := range answers {
header := answer.Header()
Rrtype := header.Rrtype
if header.Class != dns.ClassINET || (Rrtype != dns.TypeA && Rrtype != dns.TypeAAAA) {
if Rrtype == dns.TypeA {
ipStr = answer.(*dns.A).A.String()
} else if Rrtype == dns.TypeAAAA {
ipStr = answer.(*dns.AAAA).AAAA.String() // IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses are converted to IPv4
if _, found := plugin.allowedIPs[ipStr]; found {
allowed, reason = true, ipStr
match, _, found := plugin.allowedPrefixes.Root().LongestPrefix([]byte(ipStr))
if found {
if len(match) == len(ipStr) || (ipStr[len(match)] == '.' || ipStr[len(match)] == ':') {
allowed, reason = true, string(match)+"*"
if allowed {
pluginsState.sessionData["whitelisted"] = true
if plugin.logger != nil {
qName := pluginsState.qName
var clientIPStr string
switch pluginsState.clientProto {
case "udp":
clientIPStr = (*pluginsState.clientAddr).(*net.UDPAddr).IP.String()
case "tcp", "local_doh":
clientIPStr = (*pluginsState.clientAddr).(*net.TCPAddr).IP.String()
// Ignore internal flow.
return nil
var line string
if plugin.format == "tsv" {
now := time.Now()
year, month, day := now.Date()
hour, minute, second := now.Clock()
tsStr := fmt.Sprintf("[%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d]", year, int(month), day, hour, minute, second)
line = fmt.Sprintf(
} else if plugin.format == "ltsv" {
line = fmt.Sprintf("time:%d\thost:%s\tqname:%s\tip:%s\tmessage:%s\n", time.Now().Unix(), clientIPStr, StringQuote(qName), StringQuote(ipStr), StringQuote(reason))
} else {
dlog.Fatalf("Unexpected log format: [%s]", plugin.format)
if plugin.logger == nil {
return errors.New("Log file not initialized")
_, _ = plugin.logger.Write([]byte(line))
return nil