Updated Stamps (markdown)

Frank Denis 2019-10-14 13:08:12 +02:00
parent 31795c693d
commit 4d4f915a4a

@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ be provided for seamless rotations.
`hostname` is the server host name which will also be used as a SNI name.
`path` is the absolute URI path, such as `/.well-known/dns-query`.
`path` is the absolute URI path, such as `/dns-query`.
`bootstrap_ipi` is the IP address of a recommended resolver accessible over standard DNS
in order to resolve `hostname`. This is optional, and clients can ignore this information.
@ -108,19 +108,19 @@ Format:
`addr` is the IP address of the server. IPv6 strings must be included in square brackets: `[fe80::6d6d:f72c:3ad:60b8]`.
## Implementations
## Anonymized DNSCrypt relay stamps
### Libraries
"sdns://" || base64url(0x81 || LP(addr))
`0x81` is the protocol identifier for a DNSCrypt relay.
`addr` is the IP address and port, as a string. IPv6 strings must be included in square brackets: `[fe80::6d6d:f72c:3ad:60b8]:443`.
## Implementations
- A [golang implementation of DNS stamps](https://github.com/jedisct1/go-dnsstamps)
- A [.NET implementation of DNS stamps](https://github.com/bitbeans/DnsCrypt.Toolbox/tree/master/DnsCrypt.Stamps) by @bitbeans
### Applications
DNS stamps are known to be used in the following applications:
- dnscrypt-proxy
- dnscrypt-wrapper
- simple dnscrypt
- dnscloak
- yourfriendlydns