Updated systemd (markdown)

admzzz 2021-01-18 13:45:46 +00:00
parent e2fe0b8d95
commit 6883b05b33

@ -215,3 +215,7 @@ systemctl status dnscrypt-proxy.service
Are you familiar with systemd? Please update this Wiki page with relevant information!
UPDATE for v2.0.45
for setting up v2.0.45 with systemd (tested on linuxmint 18.3 & linuxmint 19.3):
remove line with dnscrypt-proxy-resolvconf from dnscrypt-proxy.socket, change in the dnscrypt-proxy.toml 2 lines to "listen =['']" and "ipv6_servers = false" (without quotas both), disable and delete dnscrypt-proxy-resolvconf.service from the systemctl, delete file /lib/systemd/system/dnscrypt-proxy-resolvconf.service and reboot.