0ko 2382b74526
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feat(ui): add MIME types for generated archives (#6959)
* add MIME types `application/zip` and `application/gzip` to anchors of automatically generated archives.
* add testing for that, and also for

## Why

Many instances are struggling with crawlers that are fetching these links, causing archives to be generated. The content is actually never downloaded.

[MDN describes]( this attribute as a "hint". So this hint can help a client to decide against fetching the href contents. I don't believe this change will actually improve the situation, however, I think this attribute is nice to have.

## MIME types

It was a bit difficult to determine which are the right ones for this use case.
[IANA lists]( both `application/zip` and `application/gzip`.
`application/zip` refers to [RFC6713]( and `application/gzip` doesn't refer to an RFC directly. It also has [detailed information]( about zip. [gzip is less detailed](

* [`application/zip`](
    > ZIP files are binary data and thus should be encoded for MIME mail

    This was written in 1993, but probably applies to the more modern web as well.
* [`application/gzip`](
    > The 'application/gzip' media type describes a block of data that is
   compressed using gzip [RFC1952] compression.  The data is a stream of
   bytes as described in RFC 1952.

    [RFC1952]( is a "GZIP file format specification", but there's a warning: "This RFC is not endorsed by the IETF and has no formal standing in the IETF standards process.". Anyway, I consider it as the right way to mark .tar.gz files too.

Additional stuff that I read while researching:

Reviewed-by: Earl Warren <>
Reviewed-by: Otto <>
Co-authored-by: 0ko <>
Co-committed-by: 0ko <>
2025-02-16 12:59:28 +00:00

142 lines
6.9 KiB
Go HTML Template

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