2020-09-28 20:51:32 +02:00
import smtplib , sys
import argparse
import os
import uuid
import imaplib
from datetime import datetime , timedelta
import email
2024-11-23 13:00:00 +01:00
import email . utils
2020-09-28 20:51:32 +02:00
import time
RETRY = 100
2022-08-12 18:54:12 +02:00
def _send_mail ( smtp_host , smtp_port , smtp_username , from_addr , from_pwd , to_addr , subject , starttls ) :
2020-09-28 20:51:32 +02:00
print ( " Sending mail with subject ' {} ' " . format ( subject ) )
message = " \n " . join ( [
" From: {from_addr} " ,
" To: {to_addr} " ,
" Subject: {subject} " ,
2024-11-23 13:00:00 +01:00
" Message-ID: {random} @mail-check.py " ,
" Date: {date} " ,
2020-09-28 20:51:32 +02:00
" " ,
" This validates our mail server can send to Gmail :/ " ] ) . format (
from_addr = from_addr ,
to_addr = to_addr ,
2024-11-23 13:00:00 +01:00
subject = subject ,
random = str ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) ) ,
date = email . utils . formatdate ( ) ,
2020-09-28 20:51:32 +02:00
retry = RETRY
while True :
2021-01-28 23:58:08 +01:00
try :
with smtplib . SMTP ( smtp_host , port = smtp_port ) as smtp :
try :
if starttls :
smtp . starttls ( )
if from_pwd is not None :
2022-08-12 18:54:12 +02:00
smtp . login ( smtp_username or from_addr , from_pwd )
2021-01-28 23:58:08 +01:00
smtp . sendmail ( from_addr , [ to_addr ] , message )
except smtplib . SMTPResponseException as e :
if e . smtp_code == 451 : # service unavailable error
print ( e )
elif e . smtp_code == 454 : # smtplib.SMTPResponseException: (454, b'4.3.0 Try again later')
print ( e )
2020-09-28 20:51:32 +02:00
else :
2021-01-28 23:58:08 +01:00
except OSError as e :
if e . errno in [ 16 , - 2 ] :
print ( " OSError exception message: " , e )
else :
if retry > 0 :
retry = retry - 1
time . sleep ( 1 )
print ( " Retrying " )
else :
print ( " Retry attempts exhausted " )
exit ( 5 )
2020-09-28 20:51:32 +02:00
def _read_mail (
imap_host ,
imap_port ,
imap_username ,
to_pwd ,
subject ,
ignore_dkim_spf ,
show_body = False ,
delete = True ) :
print ( " Reading mail from %s " % imap_username )
message = None
obj = imaplib . IMAP4_SSL ( imap_host , imap_port )
obj . login ( imap_username , to_pwd )
obj . select ( )
today = datetime . today ( )
cutoff = today - timedelta ( days = 1 )
dt = cutoff . strftime ( ' %d - % b- % Y ' )
for _ in range ( 0 , RETRY ) :
print ( " Retrying " )
obj . select ( )
typ , data = obj . search ( None , ' (SINCE %s ) (SUBJECT " %s " ) ' % ( dt , subject ) )
if data == [ b ' ' ] :
time . sleep ( 1 )
uids = data [ 0 ] . decode ( " utf-8 " ) . split ( " " )
if len ( uids ) != 1 :
print ( " Warning: %d messages have been found with subject containing %s " % ( len ( uids ) , subject ) )
# FIXME: we only consider the first matching message...
uid = uids [ 0 ]
_ , raw = obj . fetch ( uid , ' (RFC822) ' )
if delete :
obj . store ( uid , ' +FLAGS ' , ' \\ Deleted ' )
obj . expunge ( )
message = email . message_from_bytes ( raw [ 0 ] [ 1 ] )
print ( " Message with subject ' %s ' has been found " % message [ ' subject ' ] )
if show_body :
for m in message . get_payload ( ) :
if m . get_content_type ( ) == ' text/plain ' :
print ( " Body: \n %s " % m . get_payload ( decode = True ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) )
if message is None :
print ( " Error: no message with subject ' %s ' has been found in INBOX of %s " % ( subject , imap_username ) )
exit ( 1 )
if ignore_dkim_spf :
# gmail set this standardized header
if ' ARC-Authentication-Results ' in message :
if " dkim=pass " in message [ ' ARC-Authentication-Results ' ] :
print ( " DKIM ok " )
else :
print ( " Error: no DKIM validation found in message: " )
print ( message . as_string ( ) )
exit ( 2 )
if " spf=pass " in message [ ' ARC-Authentication-Results ' ] :
print ( " SPF ok " )
else :
print ( " Error: no SPF validation found in message: " )
print ( message . as_string ( ) )
exit ( 3 )
else :
print ( " DKIM and SPF verification failed " )
exit ( 4 )
def send_and_read ( args ) :
src_pwd = None
if args . src_password_file is not None :
src_pwd = args . src_password_file . readline ( ) . rstrip ( )
dst_pwd = args . dst_password_file . readline ( ) . rstrip ( )
if args . imap_username != ' ' :
imap_username = args . imap_username
else :
imap_username = args . to_addr
subject = " {} " . format ( uuid . uuid4 ( ) )
_send_mail ( smtp_host = args . smtp_host ,
smtp_port = args . smtp_port ,
2022-08-12 18:54:12 +02:00
smtp_username = args . smtp_username ,
2020-09-28 20:51:32 +02:00
from_addr = args . from_addr ,
from_pwd = src_pwd ,
to_addr = args . to_addr ,
subject = subject ,
starttls = args . smtp_starttls )
_read_mail ( imap_host = args . imap_host ,
imap_port = args . imap_port ,
imap_username = imap_username ,
to_pwd = dst_pwd ,
subject = subject ,
ignore_dkim_spf = args . ignore_dkim_spf )
def read ( args ) :
_read_mail ( imap_host = args . imap_host ,
imap_port = args . imap_port ,
to_addr = args . imap_username ,
to_pwd = args . imap_password ,
subject = args . subject ,
ignore_dkim_spf = args . ignore_dkim_spf ,
show_body = args . show_body ,
delete = False )
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( )
subparsers = parser . add_subparsers ( )
parser_send_and_read = subparsers . add_parser ( ' send-and-read ' , description = " Send a email with a subject containing a random UUID and then try to read this email from the recipient INBOX. " )
parser_send_and_read . add_argument ( ' --smtp-host ' , type = str )
parser_send_and_read . add_argument ( ' --smtp-port ' , type = str , default = 25 )
parser_send_and_read . add_argument ( ' --smtp-starttls ' , action = ' store_true ' )
2022-08-12 18:54:12 +02:00
parser_send_and_read . add_argument ( ' --smtp-username ' , type = str , default = ' ' , help = " username used for smtp login. If not specified, the from-addr value is used " )
2020-09-28 20:51:32 +02:00
parser_send_and_read . add_argument ( ' --from-addr ' , type = str )
parser_send_and_read . add_argument ( ' --imap-host ' , required = True , type = str )
parser_send_and_read . add_argument ( ' --imap-port ' , type = str , default = 993 )
parser_send_and_read . add_argument ( ' --to-addr ' , type = str , required = True )
parser_send_and_read . add_argument ( ' --imap-username ' , type = str , default = ' ' , help = " username used for imap login. If not specified, the to-addr value is used " )
parser_send_and_read . add_argument ( ' --src-password-file ' , type = argparse . FileType ( ' r ' ) )
parser_send_and_read . add_argument ( ' --dst-password-file ' , required = True , type = argparse . FileType ( ' r ' ) )
parser_send_and_read . add_argument ( ' --ignore-dkim-spf ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = " to ignore the dkim and spf verification on the read mail " )
parser_send_and_read . set_defaults ( func = send_and_read )
parser_read = subparsers . add_parser ( ' read ' , description = " Search for an email with a subject containing ' subject ' in the INBOX. " )
parser_read . add_argument ( ' --imap-host ' , type = str , default = " localhost " )
parser_read . add_argument ( ' --imap-port ' , type = str , default = 993 )
parser_read . add_argument ( ' --imap-username ' , required = True , type = str )
parser_read . add_argument ( ' --imap-password ' , required = True , type = str )
parser_read . add_argument ( ' --ignore-dkim-spf ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = " to ignore the dkim and spf verification on the read mail " )
parser_read . add_argument ( ' --show-body ' , action = ' store_true ' , help = " print mail text/plain payload " )
parser_read . add_argument ( ' subject ' , type = str )
parser_read . set_defaults ( func = read )
args = parser . parse_args ( )
args . func ( args )