mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 20:27:41 +01:00
Switch CI to Nix flakes
We also move tests to Flakes. This would allow users to submit PRs with a fork of nixpkgs when they want to test nixpkgs PRs against SNM.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 85 additions and 92 deletions
@ -8,56 +8,26 @@ let
{ enabled = 1;
hidden = false;
description = "PR ${num}: ${info.title}";
nixexprinput = "snm";
nixexprpath = ".hydra/default.nix";
checkinterval = 30;
schedulingshares = 20;
enableemail = false;
emailoverride = "";
keepnr = 1;
type = 0;
inputs = {
# This is only used to allow Niv to use pkgs.fetchzip which is
# required because of Hydra restricted evaluation mode.
nixpkgs = {
value = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs b6eefa48d8e10491e43c0c6155ac12b463f6fed3";
type = "git";
emailresponsible = false;
snm = {
type = "git";
value = "${info.target_repo_url} merge-requests/${info.iid}/head";
emailresponsible = false;
type = 1;
flake = "gitlab:simple-nixos-mailserver/nixos-mailserver/merge-requests/${info.iid}/head";
) prs;
mkJobset = branch: {
description = "Build ${branch} branch of Simple NixOS MailServer";
checkinterval = "60";
enabled = "1";
nixexprinput = "snm";
nixexprpath = ".hydra/default.nix";
schedulingshares = 100;
enableemail = false;
emailoverride = "";
keepnr = 3;
hidden = false;
type = 0;
inputs = {
# This is only used to allow Niv to use pkgs.fetchzip which is
# required because of Hydra restricted evaluation mode.
nixpkgs = {
value = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs b6eefa48d8e10491e43c0c6155ac12b463f6fed3";
type = "git";
emailresponsible = false;
snm = {
value = "https://gitlab.com/simple-nixos-mailserver/nixos-mailserver ${branch}";
type = "git";
emailresponsible = false;
type = 1;
flake = "gitlab:simple-nixos-mailserver/nixos-mailserver/${branch}";
desc = prJobsets // {
@ -68,10 +38,20 @@ let
"nixos-21.05" = mkJobset "nixos-21.05";
log = {
pulls = prs;
jobsets = desc;
in {
jobsets = pkgs.runCommand "spec-jobsets.json" {} ''
cat >$out <<EOF
${builtins.toJSON desc}
# This is to get nice .jobsets build logs on Hydra
cat >tmp <<EOF
${builtins.toJSON log}
${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq . tmp
@ -9,13 +9,23 @@ You can also chat with us on the Libera IRC channel ``#nixos-mailserver``.
Run NixOS tests
You can run the testsuite via
To run the test suite, you need to enable `Nix Flakes
You can then run the testsuite via
$ nix-build tests -A external.nixpkgs_20_03
$ nix-build tests -A internal.nixpkgs_unstable
$ nix flake check -L
Since Nix doesn't garantee your machine have enough resources to run
all test VMs in parallel, some tests can fail. You would then haev to
run tests manually. For instance:
$ nix build .#hydraJobs.x86_64-linux.external-unstable -L
Contributing to the documentation
@ -15,9 +15,25 @@
"type": "indirect"
"nixpkgs-21_05": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1625692408,
"narHash": "sha256-e9L3TLLDVIJpMnHtiNHJE62oOh6emRtSZ244bgYJUZs=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "c06613c25df3fe1dd26243847a3c105cf6770627",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"id": "nixpkgs",
"ref": "nixos-21.05",
"type": "indirect"
"root": {
"inputs": {
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs",
"nixpkgs-21_05": "nixpkgs-21_05",
"utils": "utils"
@ -4,15 +4,50 @@
inputs = {
utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
nixpkgs.url = "flake:nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
nixpkgs-21_05.url = "flake:nixpkgs/nixos-21.05";
outputs = { self, utils, nixpkgs }: {
outputs = { self, utils, nixpkgs, nixpkgs-21_05 }: let
system = "x86_64-linux";
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
# We want to test nixos-mailserver on several nixos releases
releases = [
name = "unstable";
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
name = "21_05";
pkgs = nixpkgs-21_05.legacyPackages.${system};
testNames = [
genTest = testName: release: {
"name"= "${testName}-${release.name}";
"value"= import (./tests/. + "/${testName}.nix") {
pkgs = release.pkgs;
# Generate an attribute set such as
# {
# external-unstable = <derivation>;
# external-21_05 = <derivation>;
# ...
# }
allTests = pkgs.lib.listToAttrs (
pkgs.lib.flatten (map (t: map (r: genTest t r) releases) testNames));
in {
nixosModules.mailserver = import ./.;
nixosModule = self.nixosModules.mailserver;
} // utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
in {
devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
hydraJobs.${system} = allTests;
checks.${system} = allTests;
devShell.${system} = pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
(python3.withPackages (p: with p; [
@ -22,5 +57,5 @@
@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
# Generate an attribute sets containing all tests for all releaeses
# It looks like:
# - external.nixpkgs_20.03
# - external.nixpkgs_unstable
# - internal.nixpkgs_20.03
# - internal.nixpkgs_unstable
with builtins;
sources = import ../nix/sources.nix;
releases = listToAttrs (map genRelease releaseNames);
genRelease = name: {
name = name;
value = import sources."${name}" {};
genTest = testName: release:
pkgs = releases."${release}";
test = pkgs.callPackage (./. + "/${testName}.nix") { };
in {
"name"= builtins.replaceStrings ["." "-"] ["_" "_"] release;
"value"= test;
releaseNames = [
testNames = [
# Generate an attribute set containing one test per releases
genTests = testName: {
name = testName;
value = listToAttrs (map (genTest testName) (builtins.attrNames releases));
in listToAttrs (map genTests testNames)
Reference in a new issue