> eBPF Failed to load /etc/opensnitchd/opensnitch.o: error while loading "kprobe/tcp_v4_connect" (invalid argument):
This error may indicate that your kernel doesn't have [ftrace](https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/trace/ftrace.html) support, which is needed for eBPF to work.
CONFIG_FTRACE should be **y** and the directory `/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/` must exist.
$ grep CONFIG_FTRACE /boot/config-$(uname-r)
If the output is `# CONFIG_FTRACE is not set`, your kernel is not compiled with ftrace support.
In both cases the idea is to allow certain programs needed by KDE, Gnome, etc: dirmngr, xbrlapi, host, kdeinit5. [more info #402](https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/issues/402):
See [issue #25](https://github.com/gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch/issues/25), [issue #16](https://github.com/gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch/issues/16) and [issue #32](https://github.com/gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch/issues/32) for additional information.
This error means that your `python3-protobuf` is not compatible with OpenSnitch. Try uninstalling or upgrading it. If the GUI keeps failing with the same error, install protobuf using pip3: `pip3 install protobuf==3.6`
If after installing OpenSnitch and reboot, the GUI does not show up upon login to your Desktop Environment, be sure that the following path exist in your $HOME:
If you have installed the GUI from the repositories of a distribution, tell the maintainer of the package to create that symbolic link after installation.
see issue [#434](https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/issues/434#issuecomment-859968103) for more information.
Be sure that you have properly set the icon theme of your Window Manager. [More information](https://github.com/gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch/issues/53#issuecomment-671419790)
Some users have reported issues displaying the GUI on 4k monitors. See [#43](https://github.com/gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch/issues/43) for more information.
### OpenSnitch icon does not show up on Gnome-Shell
On Gnome-Shell >= 3.16, systray icons have been removed. You have to install the extension [gnome-shell-extension-appindicator](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/615/appindicator-support/) to get them back.
1. Download latest version - https://github.com/ubuntu/gnome-shell-extension-appindicator/releases
2. Install it with your regular user: `gnome-extensions install gnome-shell-extension-appindicator-v33.zip`
See this comment/issue for more information: [#44](https://github.com/gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch/issues/44#issuecomment-654373737)
*`Error while enabling probe descriptor for opensnitch_exec_probe: write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_events: no such file or directory` (the kernel does not have support for CONFIG_FTRACE, or it's not loaded)
*`Error while creating queue #0: Error unbinding existing q handler from AF_INET protocol` see [#323](https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/issues/323) and [#204](https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/issues/204#issuecomment-802932344). (probably ip_queue loaded. Unload it and try again)
Some users have reported kernel panics with kernel 5.6.16 ([#297](https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/issues/297)) and other kernels([#41](https://github.com/gustavo-iniguez-goya/opensnitch/issues/41)). **deathtrip** found that the culprit in his/her case was a configuration of the Arch's [linux-hardened](https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/linux-hardened/) kernel command line option.
Removing the following options from the kernel booting parameters solved the issue:
`slab_nomerge, slub_debug=FZP and page_alloc.shuffle=1`
On Debian with kernel 5.7.0, remove `slub_debug=FZP` if you have it configured and try again.