Limit the number of connections on the main tab.

With ~500k logged connections the app becomes unresponsive.
This way it minimizes a bit the high usage impact, but
definitely there's a limitation on this side, how many
events are we going to log?

It needs to be tested, but the same should be applied for the rest of
the tabs, and provide a search field and < > operands to navigate
This commit is contained in:
Gustavo Iñiguez Goia 2019-11-24 01:12:35 +01:00
parent 3e0b239d8f
commit 39a3820ea7
3 changed files with 107 additions and 16 deletions

View file

@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ class Database:
q = QSqlQuery("PRAGMA synchronous = OFF", self.db)
q = QSqlQuery("PRAGMA cache_size=10000", self.db)
q = QSqlQuery("create table if not exists connections (" \
"time text, " \
"action text, " \
@ -67,6 +69,10 @@ class Database:
q = QSqlQuery("create table if not exists users (what text primary key, hits integer)", self.db)
def clean(self, table):
q = QSqlQuery("delete from " + table, self.db)
def clone(self):
q = QSqlQuery(".dump", self.db)

View file

@ -21,9 +21,13 @@ class StatsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
GREEN = QtGui.QColor(0x2e, 0x90, 0x59)
_trigger = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
LIMITS = ["LIMIT 50", "LIMIT 100", "LIMIT 200", "LIMIT 300", ""]
0: {
"name": "connections",
@ -31,7 +35,8 @@ class StatsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
"tipLabel": None,
"cmd": None,
"view": None,
"display_fields": "time as Time, action as Action, dst_host || ' -> ' || dst_port as Destination, protocol as Protocol, process as Process, rule as Rule"
"display_fields": "time as Time, action as Action, dst_host || ' -> ' || dst_port as Destination, protocol as Protocol, process as Process, rule as Rule",
"group_by": LAST_GROUP_BY
1: {
"name": "rules",
@ -118,7 +123,14 @@ class StatsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
self._events_filter_line = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QLineEdit, "filterLine")
self.TABLES[0]['view'] = self._setup_table(QtWidgets.QTreeView, "eventsTable", "connections", self.TABLES[0]['display_fields'], order_by="1")
self._limit_combo = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QComboBox, "limitCombo")
self._clean_sql_cmd = self.findChild(QtWidgets.QPushButton, "cmdCleanSql")
self.TABLES[0]['view'] = self._setup_table(QtWidgets.QTreeView, "eventsTable", "connections",
self.TABLES[0]['display_fields'], order_by="1", group_by=self.TABLES[0]['group_by'])
self.TABLES[1]['view'] = self._setup_table(QtWidgets.QTableView, "rulesTable", "rules", order_by="1")
self.TABLES[2]['view'] = self._setup_table(QtWidgets.QTableView, "hostsTable", "hosts")
self.TABLES[3]['view'] = self._setup_table(QtWidgets.QTableView, "procsTable", "procs")
@ -180,6 +192,7 @@ class StatsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
dialog_last_tab = self._cfg.getSettings("statsDialog/last_tab")
dialog_general_filter_text = self._cfg.getSettings("statsDialog/general_filter_text")
dialog_general_filter_action = self._cfg.getSettings("statsDialog/general_filter_action")
dialog_general_limit_results = self._cfg.getSettings("statsDialog/general_limit_results")
if dialog_geometry != None:
if dialog_last_tab != None:
@ -188,10 +201,15 @@ class StatsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
if dialog_general_filter_action != None:
if dialog_general_limit_results != None:
# XXX: a little hack, because if the saved index is 0, the signal is not fired.
def _save_settings(self):
self._cfg.setSettings("statsDialog/geometry", self.saveGeometry())
self._cfg.setSettings("statsDialog/last_tab", self._tabs.currentIndex())
self._cfg.setSettings("statsDialog/general_limit_results", self._limit_combo.currentIndex())
def _cb_table_header_clicked(self, pos, sortIdx):
model = self._get_active_table().model()
@ -208,24 +226,36 @@ class StatsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
" Time = \"" + text + "\" OR Action = \"" + text + "\"" + \
" OR Protocol = \"" +text + "\" OR Destination LIKE '%" + text + "%'" + \
" OR Process = \"" + text + "\" OR Rule LIKE '%" + text + "%'" + \
self.LAST_GROUP_BY + self._get_order() + self._get_limit()
self.setQuery(model, qstr)
self.setQuery(model, self._db.get_query("connections", self.TABLES[0]['display_fields']) + self._get_order())
self.setQuery(model, self._db.get_query("connections", self.TABLES[0]['display_fields']) + " " + self.LAST_GROUP_BY + " " + self._get_order() + self._get_limit())
self._cfg.setSettings("statsDialog/general_filter_text", text)
def _cb_limit_combo_changed(self, idx):
model = self._get_active_table().model()
qstr = model.query().lastQuery().split("LIMIT")[0]
if idx != 4:
qstr += " LIMIT " + self._limit_combo.currentText()
self.setQuery(model, qstr)
def _cb_combo_action_changed(self, idx):
model = self.TABLES[0]['view'].model()
qstr = self._db.get_query(self.TABLES[0]['name'], self.TABLES[0]['display_fields'])
if self._combo_action.currentText() == "-":
self.setQuery(model, self._db.get_query("connections", self.TABLES[0]['display_fields']) + self._get_order())
qstr += self.LAST_GROUP_BY + self._get_order() + self._get_limit()
action = "Action = '" + self._combo_action.currentText().lower() + "'"
qstr = self._db.get_query( self.TABLES[0]['name'], self.TABLES[0]['display_fields'] ) + " WHERE " + action + self._get_order()
self.setQuery(model, qstr)
qstr += " WHERE " + action + self.LAST_GROUP_BY + self._get_order() + self._get_limit()
self.setQuery(model, qstr)
self._cfg.setSettings("statsDialog/general_filter_action", idx)
def _cb_clean_sql_clicked(self):
def _cb_cmd_back_clicked(self, idx):
cur_idx = self._tabs.currentIndex()
@ -263,58 +293,74 @@ class StatsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
"WHERE r.Name = '%s' AND r.Name = c.rule GROUP BY c.process,c.dst_host %s" % (data, self._get_order()))
elif cur_idx == 2:
self.setQuery(model, "SELECT " \
"c.time as Time, " \
"c.action as Action, " \
"c.uid as UserID, " \
"c.protocol as Protocol, " \
"c.dst_port as DstPort, " \
"c.dst_ip as DstIP, " \
"c.process as Process, " \
"c.process_args as Args, " \
"count(c.process) as Hits " \
"count(c.process) as Hits, " \
"c.rule as Rule " \
"FROM hosts as h, connections as c " \
"WHERE c.dst_host = h.what AND h.what = '%s' GROUP BY c.process %s" % (data, self._get_order()))
elif cur_idx == 3:
self.setQuery(model, "SELECT " \
"c.time as Time, " \
"c.dst_host as Destination, " \
"c.uid as UserID, " \
"c.action as Action, " \
"c.uid as UserID, " \
"c.dst_host as Destination, " \
"c.process as Process, " \
"c.process_args as Args, " \
"count(c.dst_host) as Hits " \
"count(c.dst_host) as Hits, " \
"c.rule as Rule " \
"FROM procs as p, connections as c " \
"WHERE p.what = c.process AND p.what = '%s' GROUP BY c.dst_host " % data)
elif cur_idx == 4:
self.setQuery(model, "SELECT " \
"c.time as Time, " \
"c.action as Action, " \
"c.uid as UserID, " \
"c.protocol as Protocol, " \
"c.dst_port as DstPort, " \
"c.process as Process, " \
"c.process_args as Args, " \
"count(c.dst_ip) as Hits " \
"count(c.dst_ip) as Hits, " \
"c.rule as Rule " \
"FROM addrs as a, connections as c " \
"WHERE c.dst_ip = a.what AND a.what = '%s' GROUP BY c.dst_ip " % data)
elif cur_idx == 5:
self.setQuery(model, "SELECT " \
"c.time as Time, " \
"c.action as Action, " \
"c.uid as UserID, " \
"c.protocol as Protocol, " \
"c.dst_ip as DstIP, " \
"c.dst_port as DstPort, " \
"c.process as Process, " \
"c.process_args as Args, " \
"count(c.dst_ip) as Hits " \
"count(c.dst_ip) as Hits, " \
"c.rule as Rule " \
"FROM ports as p, connections as c " \
"WHERE c.dst_port = p.what AND p.what = '%s' GROUP BY c.dst_ip " % data)
elif cur_idx == 6:
self.setQuery(model, "SELECT " \
"c.time as Time, " \
"c.action as Action, " \
"c.protocol as Protocol, " \
"c.dst_ip as DstIP, " \
"c.dst_port as DstPort, " \
"c.process as Process, " \
"c.process_args as Args, " \
"count(c.dst_ip) as Hits " \
"count(c.dst_ip) as Hits, " \
"c.rule as Rule " \
"FROM users as u, connections as c " \
"WHERE u.what = '%s' AND u.what LIKE '%%(' || c.uid || ')' GROUP BY c.dst_ip" % data)
def _get_limit(self):
return " " + self.LIMITS[self._limit_combo.currentIndex()]
def _get_order(self):
return " ORDER BY %d %s" % (self.LAST_ORDER_BY, self.SORT_ORDER[self.LAST_ORDER_TO])
@ -370,11 +416,11 @@ class StatsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
values.append(table.model().index(row, col).data())
def _setup_table(self, widget, name, table_name, fields="*", order_by="2"):
def _setup_table(self, widget, name, table_name, fields="*", group_by="", order_by="2", limit=""):
table = self.findChild(widget, name)
model = QSqlQueryModel()
self.setQuery(model, "SELECT " + fields + " FROM " + table_name + " ORDER BY " + order_by + " DESC")
self.setQuery(model, "SELECT " + fields + " FROM " + table_name + group_by + " ORDER BY " + order_by + " DESC" + limit)

View file

@ -452,6 +452,45 @@
<widget class="QComboBox" name="limitCombo">
<property name="text">
<property name="text">
<property name="text">
<property name="text">
<property name="text">
<widget class="QPushButton" name="cmdCleanSql">
<property name="text">
<property name="icon">
<iconset theme="edit-clear"/>
<item row="0" column="1">