misc: small fix or general refactoring i did not bother commenting

This commit is contained in:
evilsocket 2018-04-17 12:13:31 +02:00
parent 0687203a20
commit 595471dbda
Failed to generate hash of commit

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@ -17,20 +17,22 @@
Make sure you have a correctly configured **Go >= 1.8** environment, that `$GOPATH` is defined, that `$GOPATH/bin` is in `$PATH` and then:
# install dependencies
sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler libpcap-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev
go get github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
go get github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch
# clone the repository (ignore the message about no Go files being found)
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch
# compile && install
sudo make install
# enable opensnitchd as a systemd service and start the UI
sudo systemctl enable opensnitchd
sudo service opensnitchd start
# install dependencies
sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler libpcap-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev
go get github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
go get github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch
# clone the repository (ignore the message about no Go files being found)
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch
# compile && install
sudo make install
# enable opensnitchd as a systemd service and start the UI
sudo systemctl enable opensnitchd
sudo service opensnitchd start
### Daemon