added more kernel config paths for checking system requirements

On Fedora Silverblue the kernel config of the current kernel is under

Closes: #1117
This commit is contained in:
Gustavo Iñiguez Goia 2024-04-27 23:36:04 +02:00
parent bf9801f917
commit 81dd625a1c
Failed to generate hash of commit

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@ -43,17 +43,34 @@ func CheckSysRequirements() {
log.Raw("\n\t%sChecking system requirements for kernel version %s%s\n", log.FG_WHITE+log.BG_LBLUE, kVer, log.RESET)
log.Raw("%s------------------------------------------------------------------------------%s\n\n", log.FG_WHITE+log.BG_LBLUE, log.RESET)
confFile := fmt.Sprint("/boot/config-", kVer)
confPaths := []string{
fmt.Sprint("/boot/config-", kVer),
// Fedora SilverBlue
fmt.Sprint("/usr/lib/modules/", kVer, "/config"),
var fileContent []byte
var err error
if Exists(confFile) {
fileContent, err = ioutil.ReadFile(confFile)
} else {
confFile = "/proc/config.gz"
fileContent, err = ReadGzipFile(confFile)
for _, confFile := range confPaths {
if !Exists(confFile) {
err = fmt.Errorf("%s not found", confFile)
if confFile[len(confFile)-2:] == "gz" {
fileContent, err = ReadGzipFile(confFile)
} else {
fileContent, err = ioutil.ReadFile(confFile)
if err == nil {
if err != nil {
log.Error("%s not found", confFile)
fmt.Printf("\n\t%s kernel config not found (%s) in any of the expected paths.\n", log.Bold(log.Red("✘")), kVer)
fmt.Printf("\tPlease, open a new issue on github specifying your kernel and distro version (/etc/os-release).\n\n")