Use ebpf program to find PID of new connections. (#397)

* Use ebpf program to find PID of new connections.

    before running the branch you have to compile ebpf_prog/opensnitch.c
    opensnitch.c is an eBPF program. Compilation requires getting kernel source.

    cd opensnitch
    tar -xf v5.8.tar.gz
    patch linux-5.8/tools/lib/bpf/bpf_helpers.h < ebpf_prog/file.patch
    cp ebpf_prog/opensnitch.c ebpf_prog/Makefile linux-5.8/samples/bpf
    cd linux-5.8 && yes "" | make oldconfig && make prepare && make headers_install # (1 min)
    cd samples/bpf && make
    objdump -h opensnitch.o #you should see many section, number 1 should be called kprobe/tcp_v4_connect
    llvm-strip -g opensnitch.o #remove debug info
    sudo cp opensnitch.o /etc/opensnitchd
    cd ../../../daemon

    --opensnitchd expects to find opensnitch.o in /etc/opensnitchd/
    --start opensnitchd with:

    opensnitchd -rules-path /etc/opensnitchd/rules -process-monitor-method ebpf

Co-authored-by: themighty1 <>
Co-authored-by: Gustavo Iñiguez Goia <>
This commit is contained in:
themighty1 2021-04-05 09:28:16 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 148526e527
commit 9497cf8394
Failed to generate hash of commit
14 changed files with 1319 additions and 93 deletions

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
@ -81,24 +82,47 @@ func newConnectionImpl(nfp *netfilter.Packet, c *Connection, protoType string) (
INode: -1,
// 0. lookup uid and inode via netlink. Can return several inodes.
// 1. lookup uid and inode using /proc/net/(udp|tcp|udplite)
// 2. lookup pid by inode
// 3. if this is coming from us, just accept
// 4. lookup process info by pid
uid, inodeList := netlink.GetSocketInfo(c.Protocol, c.SrcIP, c.SrcPort, c.DstIP, c.DstPort)
if len(inodeList) == 0 {
if c.Entry = netstat.FindEntry(c.Protocol, c.SrcIP, c.SrcPort, c.DstIP, c.DstPort); c.Entry == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not find netstat entry for: %s", c)
pid := -1
var uid int
if procmon.MethodIsEbpf() {
pid, uid, err = ebpf.GetPid(c.Protocol, c.SrcPort, c.SrcIP, c.DstIP, c.DstPort)
if err != nil {
log.Warning("ebpf warning: %v", err)
return nil, nil
if c.Entry.INode > 0 {
log.Debug("connection found in netstat: %v", c.Entry)
inodeList = append([]int{c.Entry.INode}, inodeList...)
// sometimes when using eBPF the connection is not found, but falling back to legacy
// methods helps to find it and avoid "unknown/kernel pop-ups". TODO: investigate
if pid == -1 {
// 0. lookup uid and inode via netlink. Can return several inodes.
// 1. lookup uid and inode using /proc/net/(udp|tcp|udplite)
// 2. lookup pid by inode
// 3. if this is coming from us, just accept
// 4. lookup process info by pid
var inodeList []int
uid, inodeList = netlink.GetSocketInfo(c.Protocol, c.SrcIP, c.SrcPort, c.DstIP, c.DstPort)
if len(inodeList) == 0 {
if c.Entry = netstat.FindEntry(c.Protocol, c.SrcIP, c.SrcPort, c.DstIP, c.DstPort); c.Entry == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not find netstat entry for: %s", c)
if c.Entry.INode > 0 {
log.Debug("connection found in netstat: %v", c.Entry)
inodeList = append([]int{c.Entry.INode}, inodeList...)
if len(inodeList) == 0 {
log.Debug("<== no inodes found, applying default action.")
return nil, nil
for n, inode := range inodeList {
pid = procmon.GetPIDFromINode(inode, fmt.Sprint(inode, c.SrcIP, c.SrcPort, c.DstIP, c.DstPort))
if pid != -1 {
log.Debug("[%d] PID found %d", n, pid)
c.Entry.INode = inode
if len(inodeList) == 0 {
log.Debug("<== no inodes found, applying default action.")
return nil, nil
if uid != -1 {
@ -107,26 +131,18 @@ func newConnectionImpl(nfp *netfilter.Packet, c *Connection, protoType string) (
c.Entry.UserId = int(nfp.UID)
pid := -1
for n, inode := range inodeList {
if pid = procmon.GetPIDFromINode(inode, fmt.Sprint(inode, c.SrcIP, c.SrcPort, c.DstIP, c.DstPort)); pid == os.Getpid() {
// return a Process object with our PID, to be able to exclude our own connections
// (to the UI on a local socket for example)
c.Process = procmon.NewProcess(pid, "")
return c, nil
if pid != -1 {
log.Debug("[%d] PID found %d", n, pid)
c.Entry.INode = inode
if pid == os.Getpid() {
// return a Process object with our PID, to be able to exclude our own connections
// (to the UI on a local socket for example)
c.Process = procmon.NewProcess(pid, "")
return c, nil
if c.Process = procmon.FindProcess(pid, showUnknownCons); c.Process == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not find process by its pid %d for: %s", pid, c)
return c, nil
// NewConnection creates a new Connection object, and returns the details of it.

View file

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ var (
func init() {
flag.BoolVar(&showVersion, "version", debug, "Show daemon version of this executable and exit.")
flag.StringVar(&procmonMethod, "process-monitor-method", procmonMethod, "How to search for processes path. Options: ftrace, audit (experimental), proc (default)")
flag.StringVar(&procmonMethod, "process-monitor-method", procmonMethod, "How to search for processes path. Options: ftrace, audit (experimental), ebpf (experimental), proc (default)")
flag.StringVar(&uiSocket, "ui-socket", uiSocket, "Path the UI gRPC service listener (")
flag.StringVar(&rulesPath, "rules-path", rulesPath, "Path to load JSON rules from.")
flag.IntVar(&queueNum, "queue-num", queueNum, "Netfilter queue number.")
@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ func setupWorkers() {
func doCleanup(queue, repeatQueue *netfilter.Queue) {
log.Info("Cleaning up ...")
@ -387,7 +388,7 @@ func main() {
if procmonMethod != "" {
// queue is ready, run firewall rules

View file

@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ var (
activePidsLock = sync.RWMutex{}
//monitorActivePids checks that each process in activePids
//MonitorActivePids checks that each process in activePids
//is still running and if not running (or another process with the same pid is running),
//removes the pid from activePids
func monitorActivePids() {
func MonitorActivePids() {
for {

View file

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ func deleteInodeEntry(pid int) {
func cacheCleanerTask() {
func CacheCleanerTask() {
for {
select {
case <-cacheTicker.C:

daemon/procmon/ebpf/ebpf.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
package ebpf
import (
daemonNetlink ""
elf ""
//contains pointers to ebpf maps for a given protocol (tcp/udp/v6)
type ebpfMapsForProto struct {
counterMap *elf.Map
bpfmap *elf.Map
lastPurgedMax uint64 // max counter value up to and including which the map was purged on the last purge
var (
m *elf.Module
mapSize = 12000
ebpfMaps map[string]*ebpfMapsForProto
//connections which were established at the time when opensnitch started
alreadyEstablishedTCP = make(map[*daemonNetlink.Socket]int)
alreadyEstablishedTCPv6 = make(map[*daemonNetlink.Socket]int)
//stop == true is a signal for all goroutines to stop
stop = false
// list of local addresses of this machine
localAddresses []net.IP
localAddressesLock sync.RWMutex
hostByteOrder binary.ByteOrder
//Start installs ebpf kprobes
func Start() error {
m = elf.NewModule("/etc/opensnitchd/opensnitch.o")
if err := m.Load(nil); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to load /etc/opensnitchd/opensnitch.o", err)
return err
// if previous shutdown was unclean, then we must remove the dangling kprobe
// and install it again (close the module and load it again)
if err := m.EnableKprobes(0); err != nil {
if err := m.Load(nil); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to load /etc/opensnitchd/opensnitch.o", err)
return err
if err := m.EnableKprobes(0); err != nil {
log.Error("Error when enabling kprobes", err)
return err
// init all connection counters to 0
zeroKey := make([]byte, 4)
zeroValue := make([]byte, 8)
for _, name := range []string{"tcpcounter", "tcpv6counter", "udpcounter", "udpv6counter"} {
err := m.UpdateElement(m.Map(name), unsafe.Pointer(&zeroKey[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&zeroValue[0]), 0)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Could not init counters to zero", err)
return err
//determine host byte order
buf := [2]byte{}
*(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])) = uint16(0xABCD)
switch buf {
case [2]byte{0xCD, 0xAB}:
hostByteOrder = binary.LittleEndian
case [2]byte{0xAB, 0xCD}:
hostByteOrder = binary.BigEndian
log.Error("Could not determine host byte order.")
ebpfMaps = map[string]*ebpfMapsForProto{
"tcp": {lastPurgedMax: 0,
counterMap: m.Map("tcpcounter"),
bpfmap: m.Map("tcpMap")},
"tcp6": {lastPurgedMax: 0,
counterMap: m.Map("tcpv6counter"),
bpfmap: m.Map("tcpv6Map")},
"udp": {lastPurgedMax: 0,
counterMap: m.Map("udpcounter"),
bpfmap: m.Map("udpMap")},
"udp6": {lastPurgedMax: 0,
counterMap: m.Map("udpv6counter"),
bpfmap: m.Map("udpv6Map")},
// save already established connections
socketListTCP, err := daemonNetlink.SocketsDump(uint8(syscall.AF_INET), uint8(syscall.IPPROTO_TCP))
if err != nil {
log.Error("Could not dump TCP sockets via netlink", err)
return err
for _, sock := range socketListTCP {
inode := int((*sock).INode)
pid := procmon.GetPIDFromINode(inode, fmt.Sprint(inode,
(*sock).ID.Source, (*sock).ID.SourcePort, (*sock).ID.Destination, (*sock).ID.DestinationPort))
alreadyEstablishedTCP[sock] = pid
socketListTCPv6, err := daemonNetlink.SocketsDump(uint8(syscall.AF_INET6), uint8(syscall.IPPROTO_TCP))
if err != nil {
log.Error("Could not dump TCPv6 sockets via netlink", err)
return err
for _, sock := range socketListTCPv6 {
inode := int((*sock).INode)
pid := procmon.GetPIDFromINode(inode, fmt.Sprint(inode,
(*sock).ID.Source, (*sock).ID.SourcePort, (*sock).ID.Destination, (*sock).ID.DestinationPort))
alreadyEstablishedTCPv6[sock] = pid
go monitorMaps()
go monitorLocalAddresses()
go monitorAlreadyEstablished()
return nil
func Stop() {
stop = true
if m != nil {
// delete all map's elements which have counter value <= maxToDelete
func deleteOld(bpfmap *elf.Map, isIPv6 bool, maxToDelete uint64) {
var lookupKey []byte
var nextKey []byte
var value []byte
if !isIPv6 {
lookupKey = make([]byte, 12)
nextKey = make([]byte, 12)
value = make([]byte, 24)
} else {
lookupKey = make([]byte, 36)
nextKey = make([]byte, 36)
value = make([]byte, 24)
firstrun := true
i := 0
for {
if i > 12000 {
// there were more iterations than the max amount of elements in map
// TODO find out what causes the endless loop
// maybe because ebpf prog modified the map while we were iterating
log.Error("Breaking because endless loop was detected in deleteOld")
ok, err := m.LookupNextElement(bpfmap, unsafe.Pointer(&lookupKey[0]),
unsafe.Pointer(&nextKey[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&value[0]))
if err != nil {
log.Error("LookupNextElement error", err)
if firstrun {
// on first run lookupKey is a dummy, nothing to delete
firstrun = false
copy(lookupKey, nextKey)
// last 8 bytes of value is counter value
counterValue := hostByteOrder.Uint64(value[16:24])
if counterValue > maxToDelete {
copy(lookupKey, nextKey)
if err := m.DeleteElement(bpfmap, unsafe.Pointer(&lookupKey[0])); err != nil {
log.Error("DeleteElement error", err)
if !ok { //reached end of map
copy(lookupKey, nextKey)
// we need to manually remove old connections from a bpf map
// since when a bpf map is full it doesn't allow any more insertions
func monitorMaps() {
zeroKey := make([]byte, 4)
for {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
if stop {
for name, ebpfMap := range ebpfMaps {
value := make([]byte, 8)
if err := m.LookupElement(ebpfMap.counterMap,
unsafe.Pointer(&zeroKey[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])); err != nil {
log.Error("m.LookupElement", err)
counterValue := hostByteOrder.Uint64(value)
if counterValue-ebpfMap.lastPurgedMax > 10000 {
ebpfMap.lastPurgedMax = counterValue - 5000
deleteOld(ebpfMap.bpfmap, name == "tcp6" || name == "udp6", ebpfMap.lastPurgedMax)
// GetPid looks up process pid in a bpf map. If not found there, then it searches
// already-established TCP connections.
func GetPid(proto string, srcPort uint, srcIP net.IP, dstIP net.IP, dstPort uint) (int, int, error) {
if hostByteOrder == nil {
return -1, -1, fmt.Errorf("eBPF monitoring method not initialized yet")
if pid, uid := getPidFromEbpf(proto, srcPort, srcIP, dstIP, dstPort); pid != -1 {
return pid, uid, nil
//check if it comes from already established TCP
if proto == "tcp" || proto == "tcp6" {
if pid, uid, err := findInAlreadyEstablishedTCP(proto, srcPort, srcIP, dstIP, dstPort); err == nil {
return pid, uid, nil
//using netlink.GetSocketInfo to check if UID is 0 (in-kernel connection)
if uid, _ := daemonNetlink.GetSocketInfo(proto, srcIP, srcPort, dstIP, dstPort); uid == 0 {
return -100, -100, nil
if !findAddressInLocalAddresses(srcIP) {
// systemd-resolved sometimes makes a TCP Fast Open connection to a DNS server ( on my machine)
// and we get a packet here with **source** (not detination!!!) IP
// Maybe it's an in-kernel response with spoofed IP because wireshark does not show neither
// resolved's TCP Fast Open packet, nor the response
// Until this is better understood, we simply do not allow this machine to make connections with
// arbitrary source IPs
return -1, -1, fmt.Errorf("Packet with unknown source IP: %s", srcIP)
return -1, -1, nil
// getPidFromEbpf looks up a connection in bpf map and returns PID if found
// the lookup keys and values are defined in opensnitch.c , e.g.
// struct tcp_key_t {
// u16 sport;
// u32 daddr;
// u16 dport;
// u32 saddr;
// }__attribute__((packed));
// struct tcp_value_t{
// u64 pid;
// u64 uid;
// u64 counter;
// }__attribute__((packed));;
func getPidFromEbpf(proto string, srcPort uint, srcIP net.IP, dstIP net.IP, dstPort uint) (pid int, uid int) {
var key []byte
var value []byte
var isIP4 bool = (proto == "tcp") || (proto == "udp") || (proto == "udplite")
if isIP4 {
key = make([]byte, 12)
value = make([]byte, 24)
copy(key[2:6], dstIP)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(key[6:8], uint16(dstPort))
copy(key[8:12], srcIP)
} else { // IPv6
key = make([]byte, 36)
value = make([]byte, 24)
copy(key[2:18], dstIP)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(key[18:20], uint16(dstPort))
copy(key[20:36], srcIP)
hostByteOrder.PutUint16(key[0:2], uint16(srcPort))
err := m.LookupElement(ebpfMaps[proto].bpfmap, unsafe.Pointer(&key[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&value[0]))
if err != nil {
// key not found
// maybe srcIP is Happens especially with UDP sendto()
// TODO: can this happen with TCP?
if isIP4 {
zeroes := make([]byte, 4)
copy(key[8:12], zeroes)
} else {
zeroes := make([]byte, 16)
copy(key[20:36], zeroes)
err = m.LookupElement(ebpfMaps[proto].bpfmap, unsafe.Pointer(&key[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&value[0]))
if err != nil && proto == "udp" && srcIP.String() == dstIP.String() {
// very rarely I see this connection. It has srcIP and dstIP == in ebpf map
// it is a localhost to localhost connection
// srcIP was already set to 0, set dstIP to zero also
// TODO try to reproduce it and look for srcIP/dstIP in other kernel structures
zeroes := make([]byte, 4)
copy(key[2:6], zeroes)
err = m.LookupElement(ebpfMaps[proto].bpfmap, unsafe.Pointer(&key[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&value[0]))
if err != nil {
// key not found in bpf map
return -1, -1
pid = int(hostByteOrder.Uint32(value[0:4]))
uid = int(hostByteOrder.Uint32(value[8:12]))
return pid, uid
// FindInAlreadyEstablishedTCP searches those TCP connections which were already established at the time
// when opensnitch started
func findInAlreadyEstablishedTCP(proto string, srcPort uint, srcIP net.IP, dstIP net.IP, dstPort uint) (int, int, error) {
var alreadyEstablished map[*daemonNetlink.Socket]int
if proto == "tcp" {
alreadyEstablished = alreadyEstablishedTCP
} else if proto == "tcp6" {
alreadyEstablished = alreadyEstablishedTCPv6
for sock, v := range alreadyEstablished {
if (*sock).ID.SourcePort == uint16(srcPort) && (*sock).ID.Source.Equal(srcIP) &&
(*sock).ID.Destination.Equal(dstIP) && (*sock).ID.DestinationPort == uint16(dstPort) {
return v, int((*sock).UID), nil
return -1, -1, fmt.Errorf("Inode not found")
//returns true if addr is in the list of this machine's addresses
func findAddressInLocalAddresses(addr net.IP) bool {
defer localAddressesLock.Unlock()
for _, a := range localAddresses {
if addr.String() == a.String() {
return true
return false
// maintains a list of this machine's local addresses
func monitorLocalAddresses() {
for {
addr, err := netlink.AddrList(nil, netlink.FAMILY_ALL)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error looking up this machine's addresses via netlink", err)
localAddresses = nil
for _, a := range addr {
localAddresses = append(localAddresses, a.IP)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
if stop {
// monitorAlreadyEstablished makes sure that when an already-established connection is closed
// it will be removed from alreadyEstablished. If we don't do this and keep the alreadyEstablished entry forever,
// then after the genuine process quits,a malicious process may reuse PID-srcPort-srcIP-dstPort-dstIP
func monitorAlreadyEstablished() {
for {
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
if stop {
socketListTCP, err := daemonNetlink.SocketsDump(uint8(syscall.AF_INET), uint8(syscall.IPPROTO_TCP))
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error in dumping TCP sockets via netlink")
for aesock := range alreadyEstablishedTCP {
found := false
for _, sock := range socketListTCP {
if (*aesock).INode == (*sock).INode &&
//inodes are unique enough, so the matches below will never have to be checked
(*aesock).ID.SourcePort == (*sock).ID.SourcePort &&
(*aesock).ID.Source.Equal((*sock).ID.Source) &&
(*aesock).ID.Destination.Equal((*sock).ID.Destination) &&
(*aesock).ID.DestinationPort == (*sock).ID.DestinationPort &&
(*aesock).UID == (*sock).UID {
found = true
if !found {
delete(alreadyEstablishedTCP, aesock)
socketListTCPv6, err := daemonNetlink.SocketsDump(uint8(syscall.AF_INET6), uint8(syscall.IPPROTO_TCP))
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error in dumping TCPv6 sockets via netlink")
for aesock := range alreadyEstablishedTCPv6 {
found := false
for _, sock := range socketListTCPv6 {
if (*aesock).INode == (*sock).INode &&
//inodes are unique enough, so the matches below will never have to be checked
(*aesock).ID.SourcePort == (*sock).ID.SourcePort &&
(*aesock).ID.Source.Equal((*sock).ID.Source) &&
(*aesock).ID.Destination.Equal((*sock).ID.Destination) &&
(*aesock).ID.DestinationPort == (*sock).ID.DestinationPort &&
(*aesock).UID == (*sock).UID {
found = true
if !found {
delete(alreadyEstablishedTCPv6, aesock)
//Not in use, ~4usec faster lookup compared to m.LookupElement()
//mimics union bpf_attr's anonymous struct used by BPF_MAP_*_ELEM commands
//from <linux_headers>/include/uapi/linux/bpf.h
type bpf_lookup_elem_t struct {
map_fd uint64 //even though in bpf.h its type is __u32, we must make it 8 bytes long
//because "key" is of type __aligned_u64, i.e. "key" must be aligned on an 8-byte boundary
key uintptr
value uintptr
//make bpf() syscall with bpf_lookup prepared by the caller
func makeBpfSyscall(bpf_lookup *bpf_lookup_elem_t) uintptr {
BPF_MAP_LOOKUP_ELEM := 1 //cmd number
syscall_BPF := 321 //syscall number
sizeOfStruct := 24 //sizeof bpf_lookup_elem_t struct
r1, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(uintptr(syscall_BPF), uintptr(BPF_MAP_LOOKUP_ELEM),
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(bpf_lookup)), uintptr(sizeOfStruct))
return r1
// print map contents. used only for debugging
func dumpMap(bpfmap *elf.Map, isIPv6 bool) {
var lookupKey []byte
var nextKey []byte
var value []byte
if !isIPv6 {
lookupKey = make([]byte, 12)
nextKey = make([]byte, 12)
value = make([]byte, 24)
} else {
lookupKey = make([]byte, 36)
nextKey = make([]byte, 36)
value = make([]byte, 24)
firstrun := true
i := 0
for {
ok, err := m.LookupNextElement(bpfmap, unsafe.Pointer(&lookupKey[0]),
unsafe.Pointer(&nextKey[0]), unsafe.Pointer(&value[0]))
if err != nil {
log.Error("LookupNextElement error", err)
if firstrun {
// on first run lookupKey is a dummy, nothing to delete
firstrun = false
copy(lookupKey, nextKey)
fmt.Println("key, value", lookupKey, value)
if !ok { //reached end of map
copy(lookupKey, nextKey)
//PrintEverything prints all the stats. used only for debugging
func PrintEverything() {
bash, _ := exec.LookPath("bash")
//get the number of the first map
out, err := exec.Command(bash, "-c", "bpftool map show | head -n 1 | cut -d ':' -f1").Output()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("bpftool map dump name tcpMap ", err)
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(string(out[:len(out)-1]))
fmt.Println("i is", i)
//dump all maps for analysis
for j := i; j < i+14; j++ {
_, _ = exec.Command(bash, "-c", "bpftool map dump id "+strconv.Itoa(j)+" > dump"+strconv.Itoa(j)).Output()
for sock1, v := range alreadyEstablishedTCP {
fmt.Println(*sock1, v)
for sock1, v := range alreadyEstablishedTCPv6 {
fmt.Println(*sock1, v)
sockets, _ := daemonNetlink.SocketsDump(syscall.AF_INET, syscall.IPPROTO_TCP)
for idx := range sockets {
fmt.Println("socket tcp: ", sockets[idx])
sockets, _ = daemonNetlink.SocketsDump(syscall.AF_INET6, syscall.IPPROTO_TCP)
for idx := range sockets {
fmt.Println("socket tcp6: ", sockets[idx])
sockets, _ = daemonNetlink.SocketsDump(syscall.AF_INET, syscall.IPPROTO_UDP)
for idx := range sockets {
fmt.Println("socket udp: ", sockets[idx])
sockets, _ = daemonNetlink.SocketsDump(syscall.AF_INET6, syscall.IPPROTO_UDP)
for idx := range sockets {
fmt.Println("socket udp6: ", sockets[idx])

View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package monitor
import (
var (
cacheMonitorsRunning = false
// monitor method supported types
const (
MethodFtrace = "ftrace"
MethodProc = "proc"
MethodAudit = "audit"
MethodEbpf = "ebpf"
// End stops the way of parsing new connections.
func End() {
if procmon.MethodIsAudit() {
} else if procmon.MethodIsEbpf() {
} else if procmon.MethodIsFtrace() {
go func() {
if err := procmon.Stop(); err != nil {
log.Warning("procmon.End() stop ftrace error: %v", err)
// Init starts parsing connections using the method specified.
func Init() (err error) {
if cacheMonitorsRunning == false {
go procmon.MonitorActivePids()
go procmon.CacheCleanerTask()
cacheMonitorsRunning = true
if procmon.MethodIsEbpf() {
err = ebpf.Start()
if err == nil {
log.Info("Process monitor method ebpf")
return nil
log.Warning("error starting ebpf monitor method: %v", err)
} else if procmon.MethodIsFtrace() {
err = procmon.Start()
if err == nil {
log.Info("Process monitor method ftrace")
return nil
log.Warning("error starting ftrace monitor method: %v", err)
} else if procmon.MethodIsAudit() {
var auditConn net.Conn
auditConn, err = audit.Start()
if err == nil {
log.Info("Process monitor method audit")
go audit.Reader(auditConn, (chan<- audit.Event)(audit.EventChan))
return nil
log.Warning("error starting audit monitor method: %v", err)
// if any of the above methods have failed, fallback to proc
log.Info("Process monitor method /proc")
return err

View file

@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ func GetPIDFromINode(inode int, inodeKey string) int {
return cachedPid
if methodIsAudit() {
if MethodIsAudit() {
if aPid, pos := getPIDFromAuditEvents(inode, inodeKey, expect); aPid != -1 {
log.Debug("PID found via audit events: %v, position: %d", time.Since(start), pos)
return aPid
} else if methodIsFtrace() && IsWatcherAvailable() {
} else if MethodIsFtrace() && IsWatcherAvailable() {
forEachProcess(func(pid int, path string, args []string) bool {
if inodeFound("/proc/", expect, inodeKey, inode, pid) {
found = pid
@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ func GetPIDFromINode(inode int, inodeKey string) int {
// If it exists in /proc, a new Process{} object is returned with the details
// to identify a process (cmdline, name, environment variables, etc).
func FindProcess(pid int, interceptUnknown bool) *Process {
if pid == -100 {
return NewProcess(-100, "Linux kernel")
if interceptUnknown && pid < 0 {
return NewProcess(0, "")
@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ func FindProcess(pid int, interceptUnknown bool) *Process {
return proc
if methodIsAudit() {
if MethodIsAudit() {
if aevent := audit.GetEventByPid(pid); aevent != nil {
proc := NewProcess(pid, aevent.ProcPath)

View file

@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
package procmon
import (
var (
@ -73,14 +69,21 @@ func SetMonitorMethod(newMonitorMethod string) {
monitorMethod = newMonitorMethod
func methodIsFtrace() bool {
func MethodIsEbpf() bool {
defer lock.RUnlock()
return monitorMethod == MethodEbpf
func MethodIsFtrace() bool {
defer lock.RUnlock()
return monitorMethod == MethodFtrace
func methodIsAudit() bool {
func MethodIsAudit() bool {
defer lock.RUnlock()
@ -93,49 +96,3 @@ func methodIsProc() bool {
return monitorMethod == MethodProc
// End stops the way of parsing new connections.
func End() {
if methodIsAudit() {
} else if methodIsFtrace() {
go func() {
if err := Stop(); err != nil {
log.Warning("procmon.End() stop ftrace error: %v", err)
// Init starts parsing connections using the method specified.
func Init() (err error) {
if cacheMonitorsRunning == false {
go monitorActivePids()
go cacheCleanerTask()
cacheMonitorsRunning = true
if methodIsFtrace() {
err = Start()
if err == nil {
log.Info("Process monitor method ftrace")
return nil
log.Warning("error starting ftrace monitor method: %v", err)
} else if methodIsAudit() {
var auditConn net.Conn
auditConn, err = audit.Start()
if err == nil {
log.Info("Process monitor method audit")
go audit.Reader(auditConn, (chan<- audit.Event)(audit.EventChan))
return nil
log.Warning("error starting audit monitor method: %v", err)
// if any of the above methods have failed, fallback to proc
log.Info("Process monitor method /proc")
return err

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ const (
MethodFtrace = "ftrace"
MethodProc = "proc"
MethodAudit = "audit"
MethodEbpf = "ebpf"
const (

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ func (c *Client) handleActionChangeConfig(stream protocol.UI_NotificationsClient
// in such case close the current method, and start the new one.
procMonitorEqual := c.isProcMonitorEqual(newConf.ProcMonitorMethod)
if procMonitorEqual == false {
// this save operation triggers a re-loadConfiguration()
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ func (c *Client) handleActionChangeConfig(stream protocol.UI_NotificationsClient
if err != nil {
log.Warning("[notification] CHANGE_CONFIG not applied %s", err)
} else if err == nil && procMonitorEqual == false {
if err := procmon.Init(); err != nil {
if err := monitor.Init(); err != nil {
c.sendNotificationReply(stream, notification.Id, "", err)

ebpf_prog/Makefile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
#taken from /samples/bpf/Makefile and removed all targets
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
BPF_SAMPLES_PATH ?= $(abspath $(srctree)/$(src))
# Libbpf dependencies
LIBBPF = $(TOOLS_PATH)/lib/bpf/libbpf.a
CGROUP_HELPERS := ../../tools/testing/selftests/bpf/cgroup_helpers.o
TRACE_HELPERS := ../../tools/testing/selftests/bpf/trace_helpers.o
always-y += opensnitch.o
ifeq ($(ARCH), arm)
# Strip all except -D__LINUX_ARM_ARCH__ option needed to handle linux
# headers when arm instruction set identification is requested.
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -Wmissing-prototypes
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -Wstrict-prototypes
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -I$(objtree)/usr/include
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/lib/
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/include
TPROGS_CFLAGS += -I$(srctree)/tools/perf
TPROGCFLAGS_bpf_load.o += -Wno-unused-variable
TPROGS_LDLIBS += $(LIBBPF) -lelf -lz
TPROGLDLIBS_tracex4 += -lrt
TPROGLDLIBS_trace_output += -lrt
TPROGLDLIBS_map_perf_test += -lrt
TPROGLDLIBS_test_overhead += -lrt
TPROGLDLIBS_xdpsock += -pthread
# Allows pointing LLC/CLANG to a LLVM backend with bpf support, redefine on cmdline:
# make M=samples/bpf/ LLC=~/git/llvm/build/bin/llc CLANG=~/git/llvm/build/bin/clang
LLC ?= llc
CLANG ?= clang
LLVM_OBJCOPY ?= llvm-objcopy
BTF_PAHOLE ?= pahole
# Detect that we're cross compiling and use the cross compiler
CLANG_ARCH_ARGS = --target=$(notdir $(CROSS_COMPILE:%-=%))
# Don't evaluate probes and warnings if we need to run make recursively
ifneq ($(src),)
HDR_PROBE := $(shell printf "\#include <linux/types.h>\n struct list_head { int a; }; int main() { return 0; }" | \
-o /dev/null 2>/dev/null && echo okay)
ifeq ($(HDR_PROBE),)
$(warning WARNING: Detected possible issues with include path.)
$(warning WARNING: Please install kernel headers locally (make headers_install).)
BTF_LLC_PROBE := $(shell $(LLC) -march=bpf -mattr=help 2>&1 | grep dwarfris)
BTF_PAHOLE_PROBE := $(shell $(BTF_PAHOLE) --help 2>&1 | grep BTF)
BTF_OBJCOPY_PROBE := $(shell $(LLVM_OBJCOPY) --help 2>&1 | grep -i 'usage.*llvm')
BTF_LLVM_PROBE := $(shell echo "int main() { return 0; }" | \
$(CLANG) -target bpf -O2 -g -c -x c - -o ./llvm_btf_verify.o; \
readelf -S ./llvm_btf_verify.o | grep BTF; \
/bin/rm -f ./llvm_btf_verify.o)
BPF_EXTRA_CFLAGS += -fno-stack-protector
ifneq ($(BTF_LLVM_PROBE),)
LLC_FLAGS += -mattr=dwarfris
# Trick to allow make to be run from this directory
$(MAKE) -C ../../ M=$(CURDIR) clean
@find $(CURDIR) -type f -name '*~' -delete
# Fix up variables inherited from Kbuild that tools/ build system won't like
$(MAKE) -C $(dir $@) RM='rm -rf' EXTRA_CFLAGS="$(TPROGS_CFLAGS)" \
$(obj)/syscall_nrs.h: $(obj)/syscall_nrs.s FORCE
$(call filechk,offsets,__SYSCALL_NRS_H__)
targets += syscall_nrs.s
clean-files += syscall_nrs.h
# Verify LLVM compiler tools are available and bpf target is supported by llc
.PHONY: verify_cmds verify_target_bpf $(CLANG) $(LLC)
verify_cmds: $(CLANG) $(LLC)
@for TOOL in $^ ; do \
if ! (which -- "$${TOOL}" > /dev/null 2>&1); then \
echo "*** ERROR: Cannot find LLVM tool $${TOOL}" ;\
exit 1; \
else true; fi; \
verify_target_bpf: verify_cmds
@if ! (${LLC} -march=bpf -mattr=help > /dev/null 2>&1); then \
echo "*** ERROR: LLVM (${LLC}) does not support 'bpf' target" ;\
echo " NOTICE: LLVM version >= 3.7.1 required" ;\
exit 2; \
else true; fi
$(BPF_SAMPLES_PATH)/*.c: verify_target_bpf $(LIBBPF)
$(src)/*.c: verify_target_bpf $(LIBBPF)
$(obj)/tracex5_kern.o: $(obj)/syscall_nrs.h
$(obj)/hbm_out_kern.o: $(src)/hbm.h $(src)/hbm_kern.h
$(obj)/hbm.o: $(src)/hbm.h
$(obj)/hbm_edt_kern.o: $(src)/hbm.h $(src)/hbm_kern.h
-include $(BPF_SAMPLES_PATH)/
# asm/sysreg.h - inline assembly used by it is incompatible with llvm.
# But, there is no easy way to fix it, so just exclude it since it is
# useless for BPF samples.
$(obj)/%.o: $(src)/%.c
@echo " CLANG-bpf " $@
-I$(obj) -I$(srctree)/tools/testing/selftests/bpf/ \
-I$(srctree)/tools/lib/ \
-D__KERNEL__ -D__BPF_TRACING__ -Wno-unused-value -Wno-pointer-sign \
-D__TARGET_ARCH_$(SRCARCH) -Wno-compare-distinct-pointer-types \
-Wno-gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end \
-Wno-address-of-packed-member -Wno-tautological-compare \
-Wno-unknown-warning-option $(CLANG_ARCH_ARGS) \
-I$(srctree)/samples/bpf/ -include asm_goto_workaround.h \
-O2 -emit-llvm -c $< -o -| $(LLC) -march=bpf $(LLC_FLAGS) -filetype=obj -o $@
ifeq ($(DWARF2BTF),y)

ebpf_prog/README Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
opensnitch.c is an eBPF program. Compilation requires getting kernel source.
sudo apt install clang llvm libelf-dev libzip-dev
cd opensnitch
tar -xf v5.8.tar.gz
patch linux-5.8/tools/lib/bpf/bpf_helpers.h < ebpf_prog/file.patch
cp ebpf_prog/opensnitch.c ebpf_prog/Makefile linux-5.8/samples/bpf
cd linux-5.8 && yes "" | make oldconfig && make prepare && make headers_install # (1 min)
cd samples/bpf && make
objdump -h opensnitch.o #you should see many section, number 1 should be called kprobe/tcp_v4_connect
llvm-strip -g opensnitch.o #remove debug info
sudo cp opensnitch.o /etc/opensnitchd/
cd ../../../daemon
--opensnitchd expects to find opensnitch.o in /etc/opensnitchd/
--start opensnitchd with:
opensnitchd -rules-path /etc/opensnitchd/rules -process-monitor-method ebpf

ebpf_prog/file.patch Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
--- linux-5.8/tools/lib/bpf/bpf_helpers.h 2020-08-03 00:21:45.000000000 +0300
+++ linux-5.8/tools/lib/bpf/bpf_helpersnew.h 2021-02-23 18:45:21.789624834 +0300
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
* Helper structure used by eBPF C program
* to describe BPF map attributes to libbpf loader
-struct bpf_map_def {
+struct bpf_map_defold {
unsigned int type;
unsigned int key_size;
unsigned int value_size;

ebpf_prog/opensnitch.c Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
#define KBUILD_MODNAME "dummy"
//uncomment if building on x86_32
//#define OPENSNITCH_x86_32
#include <linux/ptrace.h>
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <uapi/linux/bpf.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_tracing.h>
#include <net/sock.h>
#include <net/inet_sock.h>
#define MAPSIZE 12000
//-------------------------------map definitions
// which expects
#define BUF_SIZE_MAP_NS 256
typedef struct bpf_map_def {
unsigned int type;
unsigned int key_size;
unsigned int value_size;
unsigned int max_entries;
unsigned int map_flags;
unsigned int pinning;
char namespace[BUF_SIZE_MAP_NS];
} bpf_map_def;
enum bpf_pin_type {
// even though we only need 32 bits of pid, on x86_32 ebpf verifier complained when pid type was set to u32
typedef u64 pid_size_t;
typedef u64 uid_size_t;
struct tcp_key_t {
u16 sport;
u32 daddr;
u16 dport;
u32 saddr;
struct tcp_value_t{
pid_size_t pid;
uid_size_t uid;
u64 counter;
// not using unsigned __int128 because it is not supported on x86_32
struct ipV6 {
u64 part1;
u64 part2;
struct tcpv6_key_t {
u16 sport;
struct ipV6 daddr;
u16 dport;
struct ipV6 saddr;
struct tcpv6_value_t{
pid_size_t pid;
uid_size_t uid;
u64 counter;
struct udp_key_t {
u16 sport;
u32 daddr;
u16 dport;
u32 saddr;
} __attribute__((packed));
struct udp_value_t{
pid_size_t pid;
uid_size_t uid;
u64 counter;
struct udpv6_key_t {
u16 sport;
struct ipV6 daddr;
u16 dport;
struct ipV6 saddr;
struct udpv6_value_t{
pid_size_t pid;
uid_size_t uid;
u64 counter;
// on x86_32 "struct sock" is arranged differently from x86_64 (at least on Debian kernels).
// We hardcode offsets of IP addresses.
struct sock_on_x86_32_t {
u8 data_we_dont_care_about[40];
struct ipV6 daddr;
struct ipV6 saddr;
// Add +1,+2,+3 etc. to map size helps to easier distinguish maps in bpftool's output
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps/tcpMap") tcpMap = {
.key_size = sizeof(struct tcp_key_t),
.value_size = sizeof(struct tcp_value_t),
.max_entries = MAPSIZE+1,
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps/tcpv6Map") tcpv6Map = {
.key_size = sizeof(struct tcpv6_key_t),
.value_size = sizeof(struct tcpv6_value_t),
.max_entries = MAPSIZE+2,
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps/udpMap") udpMap = {
.key_size = sizeof(struct udp_key_t),
.value_size = sizeof(struct udp_value_t),
.max_entries = MAPSIZE+3,
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps/udpv6Map") udpv6Map = {
.key_size = sizeof(struct udpv6_key_t),
.value_size = sizeof(struct udpv6_value_t),
.max_entries = MAPSIZE+4,
// for TCP the IP-tuple can be copied from "struct sock" only upon return from tcp_connect().
// We stash the socket here to look it up upon return.
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps/tcpsock") tcpsock = {
.key_size = sizeof(u64),
.value_size = sizeof(u64),// using u64 instead of sizeof(struct sock *)
// to avoid pointer size related quirks on x86_32
.max_entries = 100,
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps/tcpv6sock") tcpv6sock = {
.key_size = sizeof(u64),
.value_size = sizeof(u64),
.max_entries = 100,
// //counts how many connections we've processed. Starts at 0.
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps/tcpcounter") tcpcounter = {
.key_size = sizeof(u32),
.value_size = sizeof(u64),
.max_entries = 1,
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps/tcpv6counter") tcpv6counter = {
.key_size = sizeof(u32),
.value_size = sizeof(u64),
.max_entries = 1,
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps/udpcounter") udpcounter = {
.key_size = sizeof(u32),
.value_size = sizeof(u64),
.max_entries = 1,
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps/udpv6counter") udpv6counter = {
.key_size = sizeof(u32),
.value_size = sizeof(u64),
.max_entries = 1,
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps/debugcounter") debugcounter = {
.key_size = sizeof(u32),
.value_size = sizeof(u64),
.max_entries = 1,
// size 150 gave ebpf verifier errors for kernel 4.14, 100 is ok
// we can cast any struct into rawBytes_t to be able to access arbitrary bytes of the struct
struct rawBytes_t {
u8 bytes[100];
//used for debug purposes only
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps/bytes") bytes = {
.key_size = sizeof(u32),
.value_size = sizeof(u32),
.max_entries = 222,
//used for debug purposes only
struct bpf_map_def SEC("maps/debug") debug = {
.key_size = sizeof(struct tcpv6_key_t),
.value_size = sizeof(struct rawBytes_t),
.max_entries = 555,
// initializing variables with __builtin_memset() is required
// for compatibility with bpf on kernel 4.4
int kprobe__tcp_v4_connect(struct pt_regs *ctx)
#ifdef OPENSNITCH_x86_32
// On x86_32 platforms I couldn't get function arguments using PT_REGS_PARM1
// that's why we are accessing registers directly
struct sock *sk = (struct sock *)((ctx)->ax);
struct sock *sk = (struct sock *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);
u64 skp = (u64)sk;
u64 pid_tgid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
bpf_map_update_elem(&tcpsock, &pid_tgid, &skp, BPF_ANY);
return 0;
int kretprobe__tcp_v4_connect(struct pt_regs *ctx)
u64 pid_tgid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
u64 *skp = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&tcpsock, &pid_tgid);
if (skp == NULL) {return 0;}
struct sock *sk;
__builtin_memset(&sk, 0, sizeof(sk));
sk = (struct sock *)*skp;
struct tcp_key_t tcp_key;
__builtin_memset(&tcp_key, 0, sizeof(tcp_key));
bpf_probe_read(&tcp_key.dport, sizeof(tcp_key.dport), &sk->__sk_common.skc_dport);
bpf_probe_read(&, sizeof(, &sk->__sk_common.skc_num);
bpf_probe_read(&tcp_key.daddr, sizeof(tcp_key.daddr), &sk->__sk_common.skc_daddr);
bpf_probe_read(&tcp_key.saddr, sizeof(tcp_key.saddr), &sk->__sk_common.skc_rcv_saddr);
u32 zero_key = 0;
u64 *val = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&tcpcounter, &zero_key);
if (val == NULL){return 0;}
struct tcp_value_t tcp_value;
__builtin_memset(&tcp_value, 0, sizeof(tcp_value)); = pid_tgid >> 32;
tcp_value.uid = bpf_get_current_uid_gid() & 0xffffffff;
tcp_value.counter = *val;
bpf_map_update_elem(&tcpMap, &tcp_key, &tcp_value, BPF_ANY);
u64 newval = *val + 1;
bpf_map_update_elem(&tcpcounter, &zero_key, &newval, BPF_ANY);
bpf_map_delete_elem(&tcpsock, &pid_tgid);
return 0;
int kprobe__tcp_v6_connect(struct pt_regs *ctx)
#ifdef OPENSNITCH_x86_32
struct sock *sk = (struct sock *)((ctx)->ax);
struct sock *sk = (struct sock *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);
u64 skp = (u64)sk;
u64 pid_tgid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
bpf_map_update_elem(&tcpv6sock, &pid_tgid, &skp, BPF_ANY);
return 0;
int kretprobe__tcp_v6_connect(struct pt_regs *ctx)
u64 pid_tgid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
u64 *skp = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&tcpv6sock, &pid_tgid);
if (skp == NULL) {return 0;}
struct sock *sk;
__builtin_memset(&sk, 0, sizeof(sk));
sk = (struct sock *)*skp;
struct tcpv6_key_t tcpv6_key;
__builtin_memset(&tcpv6_key, 0, sizeof(tcpv6_key));
bpf_probe_read(&tcpv6_key.dport, sizeof(tcpv6_key.dport), &sk->__sk_common.skc_dport);
bpf_probe_read(&, sizeof(, &sk->__sk_common.skc_num);
#ifdef OPENSNITCH_x86_32
struct sock_on_x86_32_t sock;
__builtin_memset(&sock, 0, sizeof(sock));
bpf_probe_read(&sock, sizeof(sock), *(&sk));
tcpv6_key.daddr = sock.daddr;
tcpv6_key.saddr = sock.saddr;
bpf_probe_read(&tcpv6_key.daddr, sizeof(tcpv6_key.daddr), &sk->__sk_common.skc_v6_daddr.in6_u.u6_addr32);
bpf_probe_read(&tcpv6_key.saddr, sizeof(tcpv6_key.saddr), &sk->__sk_common.skc_v6_rcv_saddr.in6_u.u6_addr32);
u32 zero_key = 0;
u64 *val = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&tcpv6counter, &zero_key);
if (val == NULL){return 0;}
struct tcpv6_value_t tcpv6_value;
__builtin_memset(&tcpv6_value, 0, sizeof(tcpv6_value)); = pid_tgid >> 32;
tcpv6_value.uid = bpf_get_current_uid_gid() & 0xffffffff;
tcpv6_value.counter = *val;
bpf_map_update_elem(&tcpv6Map, &tcpv6_key, &tcpv6_value, BPF_ANY);
u64 newval = *val + 1;
bpf_map_update_elem(&tcpv6counter, &zero_key, &newval, BPF_ANY);
bpf_map_delete_elem(&tcpv6sock, &pid_tgid);
return 0;
int kprobe__udp_sendmsg(struct pt_regs *ctx)
#ifdef OPENSNITCH_x86_32
struct sock *sk = (struct sock *)((ctx)->ax);
struct msghdr *msg = (struct msghdr *)((ctx)->dx);
struct sock *sk = (struct sock *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);
struct msghdr *msg = (struct msghdr *)PT_REGS_PARM2(ctx);
u64 msg_name; //pointer
__builtin_memset(&msg_name, 0, sizeof(msg_name));
bpf_probe_read(&msg_name, sizeof(msg_name), &msg->msg_name);
struct sockaddr_in * usin = (struct sockaddr_in *)msg_name;
struct udp_key_t udp_key;
__builtin_memset(&udp_key, 0, sizeof(udp_key));
bpf_probe_read(&udp_key.dport, sizeof(udp_key.dport), &usin->sin_port);
if (udp_key.dport != 0){ //likely
bpf_probe_read(&udp_key.daddr, sizeof(udp_key.daddr), &usin->sin_addr.s_addr);
else {
//very rarely dport can be found in skc_dport
bpf_probe_read(&udp_key.dport, sizeof(udp_key.dport), &sk->__sk_common.skc_dport);
bpf_probe_read(&udp_key.daddr, sizeof(udp_key.daddr), &sk->__sk_common.skc_daddr);
bpf_probe_read(&, sizeof(, &sk->__sk_common.skc_num);
bpf_probe_read(&udp_key.saddr, sizeof(udp_key.saddr), &sk->__sk_common.skc_rcv_saddr);
u32 zero_key = 0;
__builtin_memset(&zero_key, 0, sizeof(zero_key));
u64 *counterVal = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&udpcounter, &zero_key);
if (counterVal == NULL){return 0;}
struct udp_value_t *lookedupValue = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&udpMap, &udp_key);
u64 pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32;
if ( lookedupValue == NULL || lookedupValue->pid != pid) {
struct udp_value_t udp_value;
__builtin_memset(&udp_value, 0, sizeof(udp_value)); = pid;
udp_value.uid = bpf_get_current_uid_gid() & 0xffffffff;
udp_value.counter = *counterVal;
bpf_map_update_elem(&udpMap, &udp_key, &udp_value, BPF_ANY);
u64 newval = *counterVal + 1;
bpf_map_update_elem(&udpcounter, &zero_key, &newval, BPF_ANY);
//else nothing to do
return 0;
int kprobe__udpv6_sendmsg(struct pt_regs *ctx)
#ifdef OPENSNITCH_x86_32
struct sock *sk = (struct sock *)((ctx)->ax);
struct msghdr *msg = (struct msghdr *)((ctx)->dx);
struct sock *sk = (struct sock *)PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx);
struct msghdr *msg = (struct msghdr *)PT_REGS_PARM2(ctx);
u64 msg_name; //a pointer
__builtin_memset(&msg_name, 0, sizeof(msg_name));
bpf_probe_read(&msg_name, sizeof(msg_name), &msg->msg_name);
struct udpv6_key_t udpv6_key;
__builtin_memset(&udpv6_key, 0, sizeof(udpv6_key));
bpf_probe_read(&udpv6_key.dport, sizeof(udpv6_key.dport), &sk->__sk_common.skc_dport);
if (udpv6_key.dport != 0){ //likely
bpf_probe_read(&udpv6_key.daddr, sizeof(udpv6_key.daddr), &sk->__sk_common.skc_v6_daddr.in6_u.u6_addr32);
else {
struct sockaddr_in6 * sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)msg_name;
bpf_probe_read(&udpv6_key.dport, sizeof(udpv6_key.dport), &sin6->sin6_port);
bpf_probe_read(&udpv6_key.daddr, sizeof(udpv6_key.daddr), &sin6->sin6_addr.in6_u.u6_addr32);
bpf_probe_read(&, sizeof(, &sk->__sk_common.skc_num);
bpf_probe_read(&udpv6_key.saddr, sizeof(udpv6_key.saddr), &sk->__sk_common.skc_v6_rcv_saddr.in6_u.u6_addr32);
#ifdef OPENSNITCH_x86_32
struct sock_on_x86_32_t sock;
__builtin_memset(&sock, 0, sizeof(sock));
bpf_probe_read(&sock, sizeof(sock), *(&sk));
udpv6_key.daddr = sock.daddr;
udpv6_key.saddr = sock.saddr;
u32 zero_key = 0;
u64 *counterVal = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&udpv6counter, &zero_key);
if (counterVal == NULL){return 0;}
struct udpv6_value_t *lookedupValue = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&udpv6Map, &udpv6_key);
u64 pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32;
if ( lookedupValue == NULL || lookedupValue->pid != pid) {
struct udpv6_value_t udpv6_value;
__builtin_memset(&udpv6_value, 0, sizeof(udpv6_value)); = pid;
udpv6_value.uid = bpf_get_current_uid_gid() & 0xffffffff;
udpv6_value.counter = *counterVal;
bpf_map_update_elem(&udpv6Map, &udpv6_key, &udpv6_value, BPF_ANY);
u64 newval = *counterVal + 1;
bpf_map_update_elem(&udpv6counter, &zero_key, &newval, BPF_ANY);
//else nothing to do
return 0;
// debug only: increment key's value by 1 in map "bytes"
void increment(u32 key){
u32 *lookedupValue = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&bytes, &key);
if (lookedupValue == NULL){
u32 zero = 0;
bpf_map_update_elem(&bytes, &key, &zero, BPF_ANY);
else {
u32 newval = *lookedupValue + 1;
bpf_map_update_elem(&bytes, &key, &newval, BPF_ANY);
char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";
// this number will be interpreted by the elf loader
// to set the current running kernel version
u32 _version SEC("version") = 0xFFFFFFFE;