diff --git a/ui/i18n/locales/cs_CZ/opensnitch-cs_CZ.ts b/ui/i18n/locales/cs_CZ/opensnitch-cs_CZ.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06a40477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/i18n/locales/cs_CZ/opensnitch-cs_CZ.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3261 @@
+ Dialog
+ opensnitch-qt
+ opensnitch-qt
+ User ID
+ Identif. uživatele
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Executed from</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Spuštěno z</span></p></body></html>
+ TextLabel
+ Source IP
+ Zdrojová IP adresa
+ Process ID
+ Identif. procesu
+ Destination IP
+ Cílová IP adresa
+ Dst Port
+ Cíl. port
+ from this executable
+ z tohoto spustitelného souboru
+ from this command line
+ z tohoto příkazového řádku
+ this destination port
+ tento cílový port
+ this user
+ tento uživatel
+ this destination ip
+ tato cílová ip adresa
+ once
+ jednorázově
+ for this session
+ durante esta sesión
+ forever
+ navždy
+ Deny
+ Odepřít
+ Allow
+ Umožnit
+ +
+ +
+ until reboot
+ do restartu
+ from this PID
+ z tohoto PID
+ action
+ akce
+ 30s
+ 30s
+ 5m
+ 5m
+ 15m
+ 15m
+ 30m
+ 30m
+ 1h
+ 1h
+ Firewall
+ Brána firewall
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Firewall</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Brána firewall</span></p></body></html>
+ Inbound
+ Příchozí
+ Outbound
+ Odchozí
+ Profile
+ Profil
+ Allow inbound connections to a port
+ Umožnit příchozí spojení na port
+ Allow service (IN)
+ Umožnit službu (PŘÍCHOZÍ)
+ Exclude outbound connections to a port from being intercepted
+ Vynechat odchozí spojení na port ze zachycování
+ Allow service (OUT)
+ Umožnit službu (ODCHOZÍ)
+ New rule
+ Nové pravidlo
+ Close
+ Zavřít
+ Firewall rule
+ Pravidlo brány firewall
+ Node
+ Uzel
+ Enable
+ Zapnout
+ Description
+ Popis
+ Simple
+ Jednoduché
+ Add new condition
+ Přidat novou podmínku
+ Remove selected condition
+ Odebrat označenou podmínku
+ Direction
+ Směr
+ IN
+ Do
+ Action
+ Akce
+ Clear
+ Vyčištit
+ Delete
+ Smazat
+ Save
+ Uložit
+ Add
+ Přidat
+ depending on the Action (i.e.: target), the syntaxis of the parameters will vary.
+Some examples:
+QUEUE -> num 0 (or 1, 2, ...)
+ to :22
+ to
+ to
+ to 1024-2048 (masquerade)
+ PreferencesDialog
+ Preferences
+ Předvolby
+ UI
+ Uživ. rozhraní
+ <html><head/><body><p>This timeout is the countdown you see when a pop-up dialog is shown.</p></body></html>
+ Este timeout es la cuenta atrás que aparece cuando se muestra una ventana emergente
+ Default timeout
+ Výchozí časový limit
+ Pop-up default duration
+ Výchozí doba zobrazování vyskakovacího okna
+ Default duration
+ Výchozí délka trvání
+ Pop-up default action
+ Acción por defecto de la ventana emergente
+ Default action
+ Acción por defecto
+ Default target
+ Výchozí cíl
+ center
+ střed
+ top right
+ vpravo nahoře
+ bottom right
+ vpravo dole
+ top left
+ vlevo nahoře
+ bottom left
+ vlevo dole
+ Prompt dialog default position on screen
+ Posición por defecto
+ by executable
+ podle spustitelného souboru
+ by command line
+ podle příkazového řádku
+ by destination port
+ podle cílového portu
+ by destination ip
+ podle cílové ip adresy
+ by user id
+ podle identif. uživatele
+ once
+ jednorázově
+ for this session
+ durante esta sesión
+ forever
+ navždy
+ deny
+ odepřít
+ allow
+ umožnit
+ Disable pop-ups, only display an alert
+ Deshabilitar ventanas emergentes,
+sólo mostrar alerta
+ Nodes
+ Uzly
+ Process monitor method
+ Metoda monitorování procesů
+ <html><head/><body><p>The default duration will take place when there's no UI connected.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Address of the node.</p><p>Default: unix:///tmp/osui.sock (unix:// is mandatory if it's a Unix socket)</p><p>It can also be an IP address with the port:</p></body></html>
+ Address
+ Default log level
+ Version
+ <html><head/><body><p>The default action will take place when there's no UI connected.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Log file to write logs.<br/></p><p>/dev/stdout will print logs to the standard output.</p></body></html>
+ Log file
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, opensnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an asocciated PID, due to several reasons.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p></body></html>
+ Si marcas esta opción, OpenSnitch te preguntará para Aceptar o Denegar conexiones que no tengan un PID asociado por diferentes razones.
+La ventana emergente sólo contendrá información relativa a la conexión.
+Nota: Estas conexiones no tienen por qué indicar que algo sospechoso está sucediendo. Simplemente
+es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en la máquina, o paquetes en mal estado).
+ Intercept Unknown Connections
+ Interceptar conexiones desconocidas
+ HostName
+ unix:///tmp/osui.sock
+ until restart
+ always
+ /var/log/opensnitchd.log
+ /dev/stdout
+ Apply configuration to all nodes
+ Database
+ In memory
+ File
+ Close
+ Apply
+ Save
+ until reboot
+ Database type
+ Select
+ Pop-ups default options
+ Opciones por defecto de las ventanas emergentes
+ Pop-ups default position on screen
+ Posición en pantalla
+ <html><head/><body><p>The advanced view allows you to apply more filters on a connection</p><p>when a pop-up appears.</p></body></html>
+ La vista avanzada permite filtrar conexiones por más parámetros
+ Show advanced view by default
+ Action
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, the pop-ups will be displayed with the advanced view active.</p></body></html>
+ Duration
+ <html><head/><body><p>By default when a new pop-up appears, in its simplest form, you'll be able to filter connections or applications by one property of the connection (executable, port, IP, etc).</p><p>With these options, you can choose multiple fields to filter connections for.</p></body></html>
+ Filter connections also by:
+ If checked, this field will be checked when a pop-up is displayed
+ Si lo seleccionas, este campo se usará para filtrar las conexiones
+ User ID
+ Destination port
+ Destination IP
+ <html><head/><body><p>This timeout is the countdown you see when a pop-up dialog is shown.</p><p>If the pop-up is not answered, the default options will be applied.</p></body></html>
+ The advanced view allows you to easily select multiple fields to filter connections
+ If checked, this field will be selected when a pop-up is displayed
+ <html><head/><body><p>Pop-up default action.</p><p>When a new outgoing connection is about to be established, this action will be selected by default, so if the timeout fires, this is the option that will be applied.</p><p><br/></p><p>While a pop-up is asking the user to allow or deny a connection:</p><p>1. new outgoing connections are denied.</p><p>2. known connections are allowed or denied based on the rules defined by the user.</p></body></html>
+ Default action when the GUI is disconnected
+ Debug invalid connections
+ Pop-ups
+ Default options
+ Default position on screen
+ any temporary rules
+ <html><head/><body><p>When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.</p><p><br/></p><p>Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Cuando esta opción está seleccionada, las reglas de la duración elegida no se añadirán a la lista de reglas temporales en la GUI.</p><p><br/></p><p>Las reglas temporales seguirán siendo válidas, y puedes usarlas cuando se pregunte para permitir o denegar una nueva conexión.</p></body></html>
+ Don't save rules of duration
+ No guardar reglas de duración
+ Show events columns
+ Mostrar columnas de la pestaña Eventos
+ Time
+ Destination
+ Protocol
+ Process
+ Rule
+ Node
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, opensnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an asocciated PID, due to several reasons, mostly due to bad state connections.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p><p>There're some scenarios where these are valid connections though, like when establishing a VPN using wireguard.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Si se selecciona opensnitch te preguntará para permitir o denegar conexiones que no tienen un PID asociado. Esto puede pasar por diferentes motivos, principalmente debido a conexiones inválidas.</p><p>La ventana emergente sólo contendrá información de la conexión.</p><p>Hay algunas situaciones en las que estas conexiones son válidas, por ejemplo al establecer un túnel VPN con wireguard.</p></body></html>
+ Events tab columns
+ by PID
+ Disable pop-ups, only display a notification
+ Desktop notifications
+ Use system notifications
+ Use Qt notifications
+ Test
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, OpenSnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an associated PID, due to several reasons, mostly due to bad state connections.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p><p>There're some scenarios where these are valid connections though, like when establishing a VPN using WireGuard.</p></body></html>
+ minutes
+ Minutes between events purges
+ days
+ Maximum days of events to keep
+ reject
+ System
+ Command line
+ Theme
+ 30s
+ 5m
+ 15m
+ 30m
+ 1h
+ Rules
+ When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.
+Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.
+ Don't save/Delete rules of duration
+ 30s or less
+ 5m or less
+ 15m or less
+ 30m or less
+ 1h or less
+ Language
+ ProcessDetailsDialog
+ Process details
+ loading...
+ CWD: loading...
+ mem stats: loading...
+ Status
+ Open files
+ I/O Statistics
+ Memory mapped files
+ Stack
+ Environment variables
+ Application pids
+ Start or stop monitoring this process
+ Close
+ RulesDialog
+ Rule
+ Node
+ Apply rule to all nodes
+ From this command line
+ From this executable
+ Action
+ /path/to/executable, .*/bin/executable[0-9\.]+$, ...
+ /ruta/al/ejecutable, .*/bin/executable[0-9\.]+$, ...
+ To this IP / Network
+ once
+ until restart
+ hasta reiniciar (el servicio)
+ always
+ To this port
+ From this user ID
+ Commas or spaces are not allowed to specify multiple domains.
+Use regular expressions instead:
+or a single domain:
+www.gnu.org - it'll only match www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, nor www2.gnu.org, ...
+gnu.org - it'll only match gnu.org, nor www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, ...
+ www.domain.org, .*\.domain.org
+ <html><head/><body><p>Only TCP, UDP or UDPLITE are allowed</p><p>You can use regexp, i.e.: ^(TCP|UDP)$</p></body></html>
+ You can specify a single IP:
+or a regular expression:
+- 192\.168\.1\.[0-9]+
+multiple IPs:
+- ^(192\.168\.1\.1|172\.16\.0\.1)$
+You can also specify a subnet:
+Note: Commas or spaces are not allowed to separate IPs or networks.
+ Duration
+ Protocol
+ To this host
+ Deny
+ Allow
+ Name
+ Enable
+ The rules are checked in alphabetical order, so you can name them accordingly to prioritize them.
+ leave blank to autocreate
+ dejar en blanco para autoasignar nombre
+ If checked, this rule will take precedence over the rest of the rules. No others rules will be checked after this one.
+You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because they're checked in alphabetical order. For example:
+[x] Priority - 000-priority-rule
+[ ] Priority - 001-less-priority-rule
+ Priority rule
+ <html><head/><body><p>By default, the field of the rules are case-insensitive, i.e., if a process tries to access gOOgle.CoM and you have a rule to Deny .*google.com, the connection will be blocked.<br/></p><p>If you check this box, you have to specify the exact string (domain, executable, command line) that you want to filter.</p></body></html>
+ Case-sensitive
+ <html><head/><body><p>You can specify multiple ports using regular expressions:</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 80 or 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 or 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
+ Puedes especificar múltiples puertos usando expresiones regulares:
+- 53, 80 o 443:
+- 53, 443 o 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:
+ until reboot
+ To this list of domains
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with lists of domains to block or allow.</p><p>Put inside that directory files with any extension containing lists of domains.</p><p><br/>The format of each entry of a list is as follow (hosts format):</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>or </p><p> www.domain.com</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Selecciona un directorio con listas de dominios para permitir o denegar.</p><p>Mete dentro de este directorio ficheros con cualquier extensión que contengan listas de dominios.</p><p><br/>El formato de cada dominio de la lista tiene que estar en formato hosts, así:</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>o </p><p> www.domain.com</p></body></html>
+ Applications
+ <html><head/><body><p>This field will only match the executable path. It is not modifiable by the user.<br/></p><p>You can use regular expressions to deny executions from /tmp for example:<br/></p><p>^/tmp/.*$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Este campo sólo comprueba la ruta del ejecutable (la cual no es modificable por el usuario).<br/></p><p>Puedes usar expresiones regulares para denegar cualquier ejecución desde /tmp, por ejemplo; ^/tmp/.*$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>This field will contain and match the command line that was executed by the user.<br/></p><p>If the user typed the command, only the command will appear:</p><p>telnet<br/></p><p>If the user typed the absolute or relative path to the command, that is what will appear:</p><p>/usr/bin/telnet</p><p>../../../usr/bin/telnet</p></body></html>
+ From this PID
+ Network
+ List of domains/IPs
+ To this list of network ranges
+ To this list of IPs
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with files containing list of IPs to block or allow:</p><p></p><p></p><p>.</p><p>etc.</p><p>One IP per line. Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with files containing list of network ranges to block or allow:</p><p></p><p></p><p>.</p><p>etc.<br/></p><p>One Network Range per line. Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with lists of domains to block or allow.</p><p>Put inside that directory files with any extension containing lists of domains.</p><p><br/>The format of each entry of a list is as follow (hosts format):</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>or </p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ To this list of domains
+(regular expressions)
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with files containing regular expressions of domains to block or allow:</p><p>.*\.example\.com</p><p>You can also use a domain as is: "example.com" , and it'll match whatever.example.com, whatever.example.com.localdomain, etc.</p><p>One domain per line. Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ Reject
+ Description...
+ <html><head/><body><p>The value of this field is always the absolute path to the executable: /path/to/binary<br/></p><p>Examples:</p><p>- Simple: /path/to/binary</p><p>- Multiple paths: ^/usr/lib(64|)/firefox/firefox$</p><p>- Multiple binaries: ^(/usr/sbin/ntpd|/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd|/usr/bin/xbrlapi|/usr/bin/dirmngr)$ </p><p>- Deny/Allow executions from /tmp:</p><p>^/(var/|)tmp/.*$<br/></p><p>For more examples visit the <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/Rules-examples">wiki page</a> or ask on the <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/discussions">Discussion forums</a>.</p></body></html>
+ Is regular expression
+ is regular expression
+ Network interface
+ More
+ Don't log connections that match this rule
+ Don't log connections
+ Deny will just discard the connection
+ Reject will drop the connection, and kill the socket that initiated it
+ Allow will allow the connection
+ From this IP / Network
+ From this port
+ <html><head/><body><p>You can specify multiple ports using regular expressions:</p><p>- 53, 80 or 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 or 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
+ StatsDialog
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics
+ Save to CSV
+ Exportar a CSV.
+ Ctrl+S
+ Ctrl+S
+ Create a new rule
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:11pt; font-weight:600;">hostname -</span></p></body></html>
+ Status
+ -
+ Start or Stop interception
+ Events
+ Filter
+ Allow
+ Deny
+ Ex.: firefox
+ 50
+ 100
+ 200
+ 300
+ Nodes
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on the Addr column to view details of a node)</span></p></body></html>
+ (doble click en la columna Dirección para ver los detalles)
+ Rules
+ enable
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on the Name column to view details of a rule)</span></p></body></html>
+ (doble click en la columna Nombre para ver los detalles)
+ search rule name
+ buscar regla
+ Application rules
+ Permanent
+ Temporary
+ Hosts
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click to view details of an item)</span></p></body></html>
+ (doble click en un dominio para ver detalles)
+ Applications
+ Addresses
+ Ports
+ Users
+ Connections
+ Dropped
+ Uptime
+ Version
+ Delete all intercepted events
+ Edit rule
+ Delete rule
+ Delete all intercepted hosts
+ Borrar todos los hosts
+ Delete all intercepted applications
+ Borrar todos las aplicaciones
+ Delete all intercepted addresses
+ Borrar todas las direcciones
+ Delete all intercepted ports
+ Borrar todos los puertos
+ Delete all intercepted users
+ Borrar todos los usuarios
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on a row to view details of a rule)</span></p></body></html>
+ (Doble click en una fila para editar una regla)
+ Delete connections that matched this rule
+ Borrar conexiones que coinciden con esta regla
+ All applications
+ Reject
+ 0
+ 2
+ System rules
+ Delete this node
+ Show the preferences of this node
+ Start or stop interception of this node
+ contextual_menu
+ Statistics
+ Help
+ Close
+ Enable
+ Disable
+ firewall
+ Configuration applied.
+ Error: {0}
+ Applying changes...
+ Error getting INPUT chain policy
+ Error getting OUTPUT chain policy
+ In order to configure firewall rules from the GUI, we need to use 'nftables' instead of 'iptables'
+ Enabling firewall...
+ Disabling firewall...
+ Dest Port
+ Source Port
+ Dest IP
+ Source IP
+ Input interface
+ Output interface
+ Set conntrack mark
+ Match conntrack mark
+ Match conntrack state(s)
+ Set mark on packet
+ Match packet information
+ Bandwidth quotas
+ Rate limit connections
+ Your protobuf version is incompatible, you need to install protobuf 3.8.0 or superior
+(pip3 install --ignore-installed protobuf==3.8.0)
+ Rule deleted
+ Rule added
+ You can use ',' or '-' to specify multiple ports/IPs or ranges/values:<br><br>ports: 22 or 22,443 or 50000-60000<br>IPs: or<br>Values: echo-reply,echo-request<br>Values: new,established,related
+ Deleting rule, wait
+ Error updating rule
+ Adding rule, wait
+ <select a statement>
+ Equal
+ Not equal
+ Greater or equal than
+ Greater than
+ Less or equal than
+ Less than
+ Firewall rule
+ Simple
+ Advanced
+ This rule is not supported yet.
+ Exclude service
+ Allow inbound connections to the selected port.
+ Allow outbound connections to the selected port.
+ select a statement.
+ value cannot be 0 or empty.
+ the value format is 1024/kbytes (or bytes, mbytes, gbytes)
+ the value format is 1024/kbytes/second (or bytes, mbytes, gbytes)
+ rate-limit not valid, use: bytes, kbytes, mbytes or gbytes.
+ time-limit not valid, use: second, minute, hour or day
+ port not valid.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: 23
+ - Ranges: 80-1024
+ - Multiple ports: 80,443,8080
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple:
+ - IP ranges:
+ - Network ranges:
+ Match input interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ Match output interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ Set a conntrack mark on the connection, in decimal format.
+ Match a conntrack mark of the connection, in decimal format.
+ Match conntrack states.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: new
+ - Multiple states separated by commas: related,new
+Match packet's metainformation.
+Value must be in decimal format, except for the "l4proto" option.
+For l4proto it can be a lower case string, for example:
+ tcp
+ udp
+ icmp,
+ etc
+If the value is decimal for protocol or lproto, it'll use it as the code of
+that protocol.
+ Set a mark on the packet matching the specified conditions. The value is in decimal format.
+Match ICMP codes.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: echo-request
+ - Multiple separated by commas: echo-request,echo-reply
+Match ICMPv6 codes.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: echo-request
+ - Multiple separated by commas: echo-request,echo-reply
+ Print a message when this rule matches a packet.
+Apply quotas on connections.
+For example when:
+ - "quota over 10/mbytes" -> apply the Action defined (DROP)
+ - "quota until 10/mbytes" -> apply the Action defined (ACCEPT)
+The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS, for example:
+ - 10mbytes, 1/gbytes, etc
+Apply limits on connections.
+For example when:
+ - "limit over 10/mbytes/minute" -> apply the Action defined (DROP, ACCEPT, etc)
+ (When there're more than 10MB per minute, apply an Action)
+ - "limit until 10/mbytes/hour" -> apply the Action defined (ACCEPT)
+The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
+ - 10/mbytes/minute, 1/gbytes/hour, etc
+ num
+ to
+ menu_close
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ menu_help
+ Help
+ Ayuda
+ menu_statistics
+ Statistics
+ Eventos
+ messages
+ Info
+ Error
+ Warning
+ notifications
+ System notifications are not available, you need to install python3-notify2.
+ popups
+ Allow
+ Deny
+ forever
+ Outgoing connection
+ Process launched from:
+ from this command line
+ from this executable
+ Unknown process
+ Proceso no encontrado
+ until reboot
+ to port {0}
+ <b>%s</b> is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ <b>%s</b> está conectándose a <b>%s</b> en el puerto %s %d
+ <b>Remote</b> process <b>%s</b> running on <b>%s</b> is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ El proceso <b>remoto %s</b> ejecutándose en <b>%s</b> está conectándose a <b>%s</b> en el puerto %s %d
+ to {0}
+ from user {0}
+ to {0}.*
+ to *.{0}
+ to *{0}
+ a *{0}
+ <b>Remote</b> process %s running on <b>%s</b>
+ is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ is attempting to resolve <b>%s</b> via %s, %s port %d
+ from this PID
+ New outgoing connection
+ Reject
+ is connecting to <b>%s</b>, %s
+ Open
+ popups2
+ <b>Remote</b> process <b>%s</b> running on <b>%s</b> is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ El proceso <b>remoto %s</b> ejecutándose en <b>%s</b> está conectándose a <b>%s</b> en el puerto %s %d
+ preferences
+ Exception saving config: %s
+ Error al guarda la configuración: %s
+ Applying configuration on %s ...
+ Aplicando configuración en %s ...
+ Server address can not be empty
+ Error loading %s configuration
+ Error al cargar la configuración %s
+ Configuration applied.
+ Error applying configuration: %s
+ Error al aplicar la configuración: %s
+ Exception saving config: {0}
+ Applying configuration on {0} ...
+ Error loading {0} configuration
+ Error applying configuration: {0}
+ Warning
+ You must select a file for the database<br>or choose "In memory" type.
+ DB type changed
+ Restart the GUI in order effects to take effect
+ Hover the mouse over the texts to display the help<br><br>Don't forget to visit the wiki: <a href="{0}">{0}</a>
+ System
+ Themes not available. Install qt-material: pip3 install qt-material
+ UI theme changed
+ Restart the GUI in order to apply the new theme
+ Ok
+ Restart the GUI in order changes to take effect
+ Reinicie la interfaz gráfica de usuario para que los cambios surtan efecto
+ There're no nodes connected
+ Exception saving node config {0}: {1}
+ System default
+ Language changed
+ proc_details
+ <b>Error loading process information:</b> <br><br>
+ <b>Error stopping monitoring process:</b><br><br>
+ loading...
+ rules
+ There're no nodes connected.
+ Rule applied.
+ Error applying rule: %s
+ Error al aplicar la regla: %s
+ protocol can not be empty, or uncheck it
+ Protocol regexp error
+ process path can not be empty
+ Process path regexp error
+ command line can not be empty
+ Command line regexp error
+ Dest port can not be empty
+ Dst port regexp error
+ Dest host can not be empty
+ Dst host regexp error
+ Dest IP/Network can not be empty
+ Dst IP regexp error
+ User ID can not be empty
+ User ID regexp error
+ Error applying rule: {0}
+ Lists field cannot be empty
+ Lists field must be a directory
+ <b>Rule not supported</b>
+ <b>Error loading rule</b>
+ There's already a rule with this name.
+ PID field can not be empty
+ PID field regexp error
+ Select at least one field.
+ Network interface can not be empty
+ Network interface regexp error
+ Source port can not be empty
+ Source port regexp error
+ Source IP/Network can not be empty
+ Source IP regexp error
+ stats
+ Not running
+ Disabled
+ Running
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics
+ Eventos de OpenSnitch
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics for
+ Eventos de OpenSnitch de
+ Your are about to delete this rule.
+ Are you sure?
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics {0}
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics for {0}
+ Name
+ Nombre
+ Address
+ Dirección
+ Status
+ Estado
+ Hostname
+ Hostname
+ Version
+ Versión
+ Rules
+ Time
+ Hora
+ Action
+ Duration
+ Duración
+ Node
+ Nodo
+ Hits
+ Protocol
+ Protocolo
+ Save as CSV
+ Enabled
+ Habilitado
+ Delete
+ always
+ siempre
+ <b>Error:</b><br><br>{0}
+ <b>Error:</b><br><br>{0}
+ Disable
+ Enable
+ Duplicate
+ Edit
+ Rule not found by that name and node
+ <b>Error:</b><br><br>
+ {0}
+ Warning:
+ Allow
+ Deny
+ Always
+ Until reboot
+ You are about to delete this rule.
+ Process
+ Aplicación
+ Destination
+ Destino
+ Rule
+ Regla
+ UserID
+ UserID
+ LastConnection
+ ÚltimaConexión
+ Name
+ xxxxx
+ Nombre
+ Name
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Nombre
+ Address
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Dirección
+ Status
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Estado
+ Hostname
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Hostname
+ Version
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Versión
+ Rules
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Reglas
+ Time
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Hora
+ Action
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Acción
+ Duration
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Duración
+ Node
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Nodo
+ Enabled
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Habilitado
+ Hits
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Total
+ Protocol
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Protocolo
+ Process
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Aplicación
+ Destination
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Destino
+ Rule
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Regla
+ UserID
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ UserID
+ LastConnection
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ ÚltimaConexión
+ Name
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Address
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Status
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Hostname
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Version
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Rules
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Time
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Action
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Duration
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Node
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Enabled
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Hits
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Protocol
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Process
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Destination
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Rule
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ UserID
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ LastConnection
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Args
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Args
+ DstIP
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ DstHost
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ DstPort
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Addr
+ Dirección
+ Connections
+ Conexiones
+ Dropped
+ Rechazadas
+ What
+ Apply to
+ Reject
+ Network name
+ Addr
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Dirección
+ Uptime
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Connections
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Dropped
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ What
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Precedence
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ New node connected
+ Description
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Cmdline
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Export rules
+ Import rules
+ Export events to CSV
+ Quit
+ Export
+ To clipboard
+ To disk
+ Select a directory to export rules
+ Your are about to delete this entry.
+ You are about to delete this node.
+ <b>Error deleting node</b><br><br>
+ {0}
+ Error exporting rules
+ Select a directory with rules to import (JSON files)
+ Rules imported fine
+ Details
+ New
+ stats_deleterule
+ Your are about to delete this rule.
+ Estás a punto de borrar esta regla.
+ stats_deleterule2
+ Are you sure?
+ ¿Estás seguro?
+ stats_disabled
+ Disabled
+ Deshabilitado
+ stats_notrunning
+ Not running
+ Parado
+ stats_running
+ Running
+ Interceptando
+ stats_wintitle
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics
+ Eventos de red OpenSnitch
+ stats_wintitle2
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics for
+ Eventos de OpenSnitch de
diff --git a/ui/i18n/locales/de_DE/opensnitch-de_DE.ts b/ui/i18n/locales/de_DE/opensnitch-de_DE.ts
index bd717dd1..e7acf8e2 100644
--- a/ui/i18n/locales/de_DE/opensnitch-de_DE.ts
+++ b/ui/i18n/locales/de_DE/opensnitch-de_DE.ts
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
- Verweigern
+ Verweigern
@@ -146,42 +146,42 @@
from this PID
+ von dieser pidaction
+ aktionFirewall
+ Firewall<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Firewall</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Firewall</span></p></body></html>Inbound
+ EingehendOutbound
+ AusgehendProfile
+ ProfilAllow inbound connections to a port
+ Erlaube eingehende Verbindungen zu einem Port
@@ -191,57 +191,57 @@
Exclude outbound connections to a port from being intercepted
+ Schließe ausgehende Verbindungen zu einem Port vom Mitschnitt ausAllow service (OUT)
+ Erlaube service (ausgehend)New rule
+ Neue RegelClose
+ schließenFirewall rule
+ Firewall regelNode
- Knoten
+ KnotenEnable
- Aktivieren
+ AktivierenDescription
+ BeschreibungSimple
+ EinfachAdd new condition
+ Füge neue Bedingung hinzuRemove selected condition
+ Entferne ausgewählte Verbindung
@@ -261,12 +261,12 @@
- Aktion
+ AktionACCEPT
+ Erlauben
diff --git a/ui/i18n/locales/fr_FR/opensnitch-fr_FR.ts b/ui/i18n/locales/fr_FR/opensnitch-fr_FR.ts
index 5ac785e0..3d606c94 100644
--- a/ui/i18n/locales/fr_FR/opensnitch-fr_FR.ts
+++ b/ui/i18n/locales/fr_FR/opensnitch-fr_FR.ts
@@ -126,12 +126,12 @@
until reboot
- jusqu'au redémarrage
+ jusqu'au redémarragefrom this PID
+ depuis ce PID
@@ -161,12 +161,12 @@
+ ProfilAllow inbound connections to a port
+ Permettre les connexions entrantes sur un port
@@ -186,12 +186,12 @@
New rule
+ Nouvelle règleClose
+ Fermer
@@ -211,22 +211,22 @@
+ DescriptionSimple
+ SimpleAdd new condition
+ Ajouter une nouvelle conditionRemove selected condition
+ Retirer la condition sélectionnée
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
+ Ajouter
by executable
- par l'exécutable
+ par l'exécutable
by destination port
- par l'interface de destination
+ par l'interface de destinationby destination ip
- par l'IP de destination
+ par l'IP de destination
<html><head/><body><p>The default duration will take place when there's no UI connected.</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>La durée par défaut concerne le cas où aucun utilisateur n'est connecté.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>La durée par défaut concerne le cas où aucun utilisateur n'est connecté.</p></body></html><html><head/><body><p>Address of the node.</p><p>Default: unix:///tmp/osui.sock (unix:// is mandatory if it's a Unix socket)</p><p>It can also be an IP address with the port:</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Adresse du noeud.</p><p>Default: unix:///tmp/osui.sock (unix:// requise si c'est un socket Unix)</p><p>Peut aussi être une adresse IP avec son port:</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Adresse du noeud.</p><p>Default: unix:///tmp/osui.sock (unix:// requise si c'est un socket Unix)</p><p>Peut aussi être une adresse IP avec son port:</p></body></html>
<html><head/><body><p>The default action will take place when there's no UI connected.</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>L'action par défaut se déclenche s'il n'y a pas d'utilisateur connecté.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>L'action par défaut se déclenche s'il n'y a pas d'utilisateur connecté.</p></body></html>
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
- nom d'hôte (host)
+ nom d'hôte (host)
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
until restart
- jusqu'au redémarrage
+ jusqu'au redémarrage
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
until reboot
- jusqu'au redémarrage
+ jusqu'au redémarrage
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
<html><head/><body><p>If checked, the pop-ups will be displayed with the advanced view active.</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Sélectionner pour que les dialogues s'ouvrent avec le détail avancé.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Sélectionner pour que les dialogues s'ouvrent avec le détail avancé.</p></body></html>
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
<html><head/><body><p>This timeout is the countdown you see when a pop-up dialog is shown.</p><p>If the pop-up is not answered, the default options will be applied.</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Ctte durée est l'attente par défaut lorsqu'un dialogue est présenté.</p><p>Sans réponse au dialogue, les options par défaut sont appliquées.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Ctte durée est l'attente par défaut lorsqu'un dialogue est présenté.</p><p>Sans réponse au dialogue, les options par défaut sont appliquées.</p></body></html>
@@ -717,17 +717,17 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
If checked, this field will be selected when a pop-up is displayed
- cocher pour que ce champ soit préselectionné lorsqu'un dialogue est affiché
+ cocher pour que ce champ soit préselectionné lorsqu'un dialogue est affiché<html><head/><body><p>Pop-up default action.</p><p>When a new outgoing connection is about to be established, this action will be selected by default, so if the timeout fires, this is the option that will be applied.</p><p><br/></p><p>While a pop-up is asking the user to allow or deny a connection:</p><p>1. new outgoing connections are denied.</p><p>2. known connections are allowed or denied based on the rules defined by the user.</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Action par défaut du dialogue.</p><p>Lorsqu'un nouveau dialogue est affiché, cette action sera présélectionnée, et donc appliquée s'il n'y a pas de réponse après le délai par défaut.</p><p><br/></p><p>Pendant que le dialogue demande si on autorise ou non la connexion:</p><p>1. toute autre nouvelle demande de connexion est refusée.</p><p>2. les connexions déjà connues sont autorisée ou rejetées selon les règles définies par l'utilisateur.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Action par défaut du dialogue.</p><p>Lorsqu'un nouveau dialogue est affiché, cette action sera présélectionnée, et donc appliquée s'il n'y a pas de réponse après le délai par défaut.</p><p><br/></p><p>Pendant que le dialogue demande si on autorise ou non la connexion:</p><p>1. toute autre nouvelle demande de connexion est refusée.</p><p>2. les connexions déjà connues sont autorisée ou rejetées selon les règles définies par l'utilisateur.</p></body></html>Default action when the GUI is disconnected
- Action par défaut lorsque l'interface graphique utilisateur n'est pas connectée
+ Action par défaut lorsque l'interface graphique utilisateur n'est pas connectée
@@ -747,7 +747,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
Default position on screen
- Position par défaut sur l'écran
+ Position par défaut sur l'écran
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
<html><head/><body><p>When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.</p><p><br/></p><p>Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Lorsque cette option est choisie, les règles de la durée sélectionnée ne sont pas ajoutées à la liste des règles temporaires présentées dans l'interface graphique utilisateur.</p><p><br/></p><p>Les règles temporaires sont cependant toujours valides et peuvent être utilisées lors d'une demande d'autorisation /refus de connexion.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Lorsque cette option est choisie, les règles de la durée sélectionnée ne sont pas ajoutées à la liste des règles temporaires présentées dans l'interface graphique utilisateur.</p><p><br/></p><p>Les règles temporaires sont cependant toujours valides et peuvent être utilisées lors d'une demande d'autorisation /refus de connexion.</p></body></html>
@@ -802,7 +802,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
<html><head/><body><p>If checked, opensnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an asocciated PID, due to several reasons, mostly due to bad state connections.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p><p>There're some scenarios where these are valid connections though, like when establishing a VPN using wireguard.</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>cochez ceci pour recevoir une demande d'autorisation/refus sur les connexions qui n'ont pas de processus (PID) associé, généralement parce que la connexion est en mauvais état.</p><p>Le dialogue ne contiendra alors que l'information sur la connexion.</p><p>Il y a cependant des scénarios pour lesquels ces demandes sont valides, comme par exemple l'établissement d'un VPN utilisant wireguard.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>cochez ceci pour recevoir une demande d'autorisation/refus sur les connexions qui n'ont pas de processus (PID) associé, généralement parce que la connexion est en mauvais état.</p><p>Le dialogue ne contiendra alors que l'information sur la connexion.</p><p>Il y a cependant des scénarios pour lesquels ces demandes sont valides, comme par exemple l'établissement d'un VPN utilisant wireguard.</p></body></html>
@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow
Environment variables
- Variables d'environnement
+ Variables d'environnement
@@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@ www.gnu.org - it'll only match www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, nor www2.gnu.o
gnu.org - it'll only match gnu.org, nor www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, ...
ni virgules ni espaces ne sont autorisés pour spécifier de multiples domaines.
-Utiliser à la place des 'expressions régulières' (RegExp):
+Utiliser à la place des 'expressions régulières' (RegExp):
@@ -1314,7 +1314,7 @@ You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because
[ ] Priority - 001-less-priority-rule
Cocher pour que cette règle ait priorité sur toutes les autres. Aucune autre règle ne sera appliquée après celle-ci.
-Vous devez nommer la règle de façon qu'elle soit testée en premier, par ordre alphabétique. Par exemple:
+Vous devez nommer la règle de façon qu'elle soit testée en premier, par ordre alphabétique. Par exemple:
[x] Priority - 000-règle-prioritaire
[ ] Priority - 001-règle-moins-prioritaire
@@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@ Vous devez nommer la règle de façon qu'elle soit testée en premier, par ordre
<html><head/><body><p>By default, the field of the rules are case-insensitive, i.e., if a process tries to access gOOgle.CoM and you have a rule to Deny .*google.com, the connection will be blocked.<br/></p><p>If you check this box, you have to specify the exact string (domain, executable, command line) that you want to filter.</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Par défaut, le champ des règles n'est pas sensible à la casse. Par exemple si un processus tente d'atteindre gOOgle.CoM alors que vous avez une règle interdisant .*google.com, la connexion gOOgle.CoM sera bloquée.<br/></p><p>Si vous cochez ceci, vous devrez spécifier la chaîne exacte (domaine, exécutable, ligne de commande) que vous voulez filtrer.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Par défaut, le champ des règles n'est pas sensible à la casse. Par exemple si un processus tente d'atteindre gOOgle.CoM alors que vous avez une règle interdisant .*google.com, la connexion gOOgle.CoM sera bloquée.<br/></p><p>Si vous cochez ceci, vous devrez spécifier la chaîne exacte (domaine, exécutable, ligne de commande) que vous voulez filtrer.</p></body></html>
@@ -1337,12 +1337,12 @@ Vous devez nommer la règle de façon qu'elle soit testée en premier, par ordre
<html><head/><body><p>You can specify multiple ports using regular expressions:</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 80 or 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 or 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Vous pouvez spécifier plusieurs ports d'interface avec des "expessions régulières":</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 80 ou 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 ou 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Vous pouvez spécifier plusieurs ports d'interface avec des "expessions régulières":</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 80 ou 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 ou 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>until reboot
- jusqu'au redémarrage
+ jusqu'au redémarrage
@@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@ Vous devez nommer la règle de façon qu'elle soit testée en premier, par ordre
<html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with lists of domains to block or allow.</p><p>Put inside that directory files with any extension containing lists of domains.</p><p><br/>The format of each entry of a list is as follow (hosts format):</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>or </p><p> www.domain.com</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Choisir un dossier contenant des listes de domaines à autoriser ou interdire.</p><p>Y mettre des fichiers contenant des listes de domaines, avec n'importe quelle extension.</p><p><br/>Le format de chaque entrée (hist format) est comme suit:</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>ou </p><p> www.domain.com</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Choisir un dossier contenant des listes de domaines à autoriser ou interdire.</p><p>Y mettre des fichiers contenant des listes de domaines, avec n'importe quelle extension.</p><p><br/>Le format de chaque entrée (hist format) est comme suit:</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>ou </p><p> www.domain.com</p></body></html>
@@ -1551,7 +1551,7 @@ Vous devez nommer la règle de façon qu'elle soit testée en premier, par ordre
Start or Stop interception
- Démarre ou stoppe l'interception
+ Démarre ou stoppe l'interception
@@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@ Vous devez nommer la règle de façon qu'elle soit testée en premier, par ordre
<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on the Addr column to view details of a node)</span></p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double cliquer sur la colonne Addr pour voir les détails d'un noeud)</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double cliquer sur la colonne Addr pour voir les détails d'un noeud)</span></p></body></html>
@@ -1631,7 +1631,7 @@ Vous devez nommer la règle de façon qu'elle soit testée en premier, par ordre
Application rules
- Règle d'applications
+ Règle d'applications
@@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ Vous devez nommer la règle de façon qu'elle soit testée en premier, par ordre
<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click to view details of an item)</span></p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double clic pour voir les détails d'un élément)</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double clic pour voir les détails d'un élément)</span></p></body></html>
@@ -1736,7 +1736,7 @@ Vous devez nommer la règle de façon qu'elle soit testée en premier, par ordre
<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on a row to view details of a rule)</span></p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double clic sur une ligne pour voir les détails d'une règle)</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double clic sur une ligne pour voir les détails d'une règle)</span></p></body></html>
@@ -2297,7 +2297,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
until reboot
- jusqu'au redémarrage
+ jusqu'au redémarrage
@@ -2322,7 +2322,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
from user {0}
- de l'utilisateur {0}
+ de l'utilisateur {0}
@@ -2403,7 +2403,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
Server address can not be empty
- L'adresse du serveur ne peut être vide
+ L'adresse du serveur ne peut être vide
@@ -2438,7 +2438,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
Error applying configuration: {0}
- Erreur en tentant d'appliquer la configution : {0}
+ Erreur en tentant d'appliquer la configution : {0}
@@ -2458,12 +2458,12 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
Restart the GUI in order effects to take effect
- Prendra effet au redémarrage de l'interface graphique
+ Prendra effet au redémarrage de l'interface graphiqueHover the mouse over the texts to display the help<br><br>Don't forget to visit the wiki: <a href="{0}">{0}</a>
- Glisser la souris sur les textes pour afficher l'aide<br><br>N'hésitez pas à visiter le Wiki : <a href="{0}">{0}</a>
+ Glisser la souris sur les textes pour afficher l'aide<br><br>N'hésitez pas à visiter le Wiki : <a href="{0}">{0}</a>
@@ -2518,7 +2518,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
<b>Error loading process information:</b> <br><br>
- <b>Erreur au chargement d'information sur le processus:</b> <br><br>
+ <b>Erreur au chargement d'information sur le processus:</b> <br><br>
@@ -2538,7 +2538,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
There're no nodes connected.
- Aucun noeud n'est connecté.
+ Aucun noeud n'est connecté.
@@ -2558,7 +2558,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
Protocol regexp error
- Erreur à l'interprétation du RegExp protocole
+ Erreur à l'interprétation du RegExp protocole
@@ -2583,42 +2583,42 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
Dest port can not be empty
- l'interface (port) destination ne peut être vide
+ l'interface (port) destination ne peut être videDst port regexp error
- ereur RegExp sur l'interface (port) de destination
+ ereur RegExp sur l'interface (port) de destinationDest host can not be empty
- l'hôte de destination ne peut être vide
+ l'hôte de destination ne peut être videDst host regexp error
- erreur RegExp sur l'hôte de destination
+ erreur RegExp sur l'hôte de destinationDest IP/Network can not be empty
- l'IP / réseau de destination ne peut être vide
+ l'IP / réseau de destination ne peut être videDst IP regexp error
- erreur RegExp sur l'IP destination
+ erreur RegExp sur l'IP destinationUser ID can not be empty
- l'ID utilisateur ne peut être vide
+ l'ID utilisateur ne peut être videUser ID regexp error
- erreur RegExp sur l'ID utilisateur
+ erreur RegExp sur l'ID utilisateur
@@ -2726,7 +2726,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
Your are about to delete this rule.
- Vous êtes sur le point d'effacer cette règle.
+ Vous êtes sur le point d'effacer cette règle.
@@ -2882,12 +2882,12 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
Until reboot
- Jusqu'au redémarrage
+ Jusqu'au redémarrage You are about to delete this rule.
- Vous êtes sur le point d'effacer cette règle.
+ Vous êtes sur le point d'effacer cette règle.
@@ -3050,7 +3050,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
HostnameThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.
- Nom d'hôte
+ Nom d'hôte
diff --git a/ui/i18n/locales/hi_IN/opensnitch-hi_IN.ts b/ui/i18n/locales/hi_IN/opensnitch-hi_IN.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ed06129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/i18n/locales/hi_IN/opensnitch-hi_IN.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3365 @@
+ Dialog
+ opensnitch-qt
+ ओपनस्निच-क्यूटी
+ User ID
+ उपयोक्ता आईडी
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Executed from</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">इससे निष्पादित</span></p></body></html>
+ TextLabel
+ पाठलेबल
+ Source IP
+ स्रोत आईपी
+ Process ID
+ प्रक्रिया आईडी
+ Destination IP
+ गंतव्य आईपी
+ Dst Port
+ गंतव्य पोर्ट
+ from this executable
+ इस निष्पादनयोग्य से
+ from this command line
+ इस कमांड लाइन से
+ this destination port
+ यह गंतव्य पोर्ट
+ this user
+ यह उपयोक्ता
+ this destination ip
+ यह गंतव्य आईपी
+ once
+ एक बार
+ for this session
+ durante esta sesión
+ forever
+ हमेशा के लिए
+ Deny
+ अस्वीकारें
+ Allow
+ स्वीकारें
+ +
+ +
+ until reboot
+ रिबूट होने तक
+ from this PID
+ इस पीआईडी से
+ action
+ कार्रवाई
+ 30s
+ 30s
+ 5m
+ 5m
+ 15m
+ 15m
+ 30m
+ 30m
+ 1h
+ 1h
+ Firewall
+ फायरवॉल
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Firewall</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">फायरवॉल</span></p></body></html>
+ Inbound
+ आवक
+ Outbound
+ जावक
+ Profile
+ प्रोफाइल
+ Allow inbound connections to a port
+ पोर्ट पर आवक कनेक्शन की अनुमति दें
+ Allow service (IN)
+ सेवा को अनुमति दें (अंदर)
+ Exclude outbound connections to a port from being intercepted
+ किसी पोर्ट से जावक कनेक्शन को इंटरसेप्ट होने से रोकें
+ Allow service (OUT)
+ सेवा को अनुमति दें (बाहर)
+ New rule
+ नया नियम
+ Close
+ बंद करें
+ Firewall rule
+ फायरवॉल नियम
+ Node
+ नोड
+ Enable
+ सक्षम करें
+ Description
+ विवरण
+ Simple
+ सरल
+ Add new condition
+ नई शर्त जोड़ें
+ Remove selected condition
+ चयनित शर्त हटाएं
+ Direction
+ दिशा
+ IN
+ अंदर
+ बाहर
+ Action
+ कार्रवाई
+ स्वीकारें
+ गिराया
+ अस्वीकारें
+ वापसी
+ Clear
+ साफ़ करें
+ Delete
+ मिटाएं
+ Save
+ सहेजें
+ Add
+ जोड़ें
+ अग्रेषण
+ प्रीरूटिंग
+ पोस्टरूटिंग
+ कतार
+ पुनर्निर्देशित करें
+ depending on the Action (i.e.: target), the syntaxis of the parameters will vary.
+Some examples:
+QUEUE -> num 0 (or 1, 2, ...)
+ to :22
+ to
+ to
+ to 1024-2048 (masquerade)
+ कार्रवाई (जैसे: लक्ष्य) के आधार पर, पैरामीटर्स का वाक्यविन्यास अलग-अलग होगा।
+कुछ उदाहरण:
+QUEUE -> num 0 (or 1, 2, ...)
+ :22 पर
+ पर
+ पर
+ 1024-2048 (masquerade) पर
+ PreferencesDialog
+ Preferences
+ प्राथमिकताएं
+ UI
+ यूआई
+ <html><head/><body><p>This timeout is the countdown you see when a pop-up dialog is shown.</p></body></html>
+ Este timeout es la cuenta atrás que aparece cuando se muestra una ventana emergente
+ Default timeout
+ तयशुदा टाइमआउट
+ Pop-up default duration
+ पॉप-अप की तयशुदा अवधि
+ Default duration
+ तयशुदा अवधि
+ Pop-up default action
+ Acción por defecto de la ventana emergente
+ Default action
+ Acción por defecto
+ Default target
+ तयशुदा लक्ष्य
+ center
+ मध्य
+ top right
+ ऊपर दाएं
+ bottom right
+ नीचे दाएं
+ top left
+ ऊपर बाएं
+ bottom left
+ नीचे बाएं
+ Prompt dialog default position on screen
+ Posición por defecto
+ by executable
+ निष्पादनयोग्य द्वारा
+ by command line
+ कमांड लाइन द्वारा
+ by destination port
+ गंतव्य पोर्ट द्वारा
+ by destination ip
+ गंतव्य आईपी द्वारा
+ by user id
+ उपयोक्ता आईडी द्वारा
+ once
+ एक बार
+ for this session
+ durante esta sesión
+ forever
+ हमेशा के लिए
+ deny
+ अस्वीकारें
+ allow
+ स्वीकारें
+ Disable pop-ups, only display an alert
+ Deshabilitar ventanas emergentes,
+sólo mostrar alerta
+ Nodes
+ नोड
+ Process monitor method
+ प्रक्रिया निगरानी विधि
+ <html><head/><body><p>The default duration will take place when there's no UI connected.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>तयशुदा अवधि तब होगी जब कोई UI कनेक्ट नहीं होगा।</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Address of the node.</p><p>Default: unix:///tmp/osui.sock (unix:// is mandatory if it's a Unix socket)</p><p>It can also be an IP address with the port:</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>नोड का पता।</p><p>तयशुदा: unix:///tmp/osui.sock (यदि यह एक यूनिक्स सॉकेट है तो unix:// अनिवार्य है)</p><p>यह पोर्ट के साथ एक आईपी पता भी हो सकता है:</p></body></html>
+ Address
+ पता
+ Default log level
+ तयशुदा लॉग स्तर
+ Version
+ संस्करण
+ <html><head/><body><p>The default action will take place when there's no UI connected.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>तयशुदा कार्रवाई तब होगी जब कोई यूआई कनेक्ट नहीं होगा।</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Log file to write logs.<br/></p><p>/dev/stdout will print logs to the standard output.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>लॉग लिखने के लिए लॉग फाइल।<br/></p><p>/dev/stdout मानक आउटपुट पर लॉग प्रिंट करेगा।</p></body></html>
+ Log file
+ लॉग फाइल
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, opensnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an asocciated PID, due to several reasons.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p></body></html>
+ Si marcas esta opción, OpenSnitch te preguntará para Aceptar o Denegar conexiones que no tengan un PID asociado por diferentes razones.
+La ventana emergente sólo contendrá información relativa a la conexión.
+Nota: Estas conexiones no tienen por qué indicar que algo sospechoso está sucediendo. Simplemente
+es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en la máquina, o paquetes en mal estado).
+ Intercept Unknown Connections
+ Interceptar conexiones desconocidas
+ HostName
+ होस्टनाम
+ unix:///tmp/osui.sock
+ unix:///tmp/osui.sock
+ until restart
+ पुनः आरंभ होने तक
+ always
+ हमेशा
+ /var/log/opensnitchd.log
+ /var/log/opensnitchd.log
+ /dev/stdout
+ /dev/stdout
+ Apply configuration to all nodes
+ सभी नोड पर विन्यास लागू करें
+ Database
+ डेटाबेस
+ In memory
+ मेमोरी में
+ File
+ फाइल
+ Close
+ बंद करें
+ Apply
+ लागू करें
+ Save
+ सहेजें
+ until reboot
+ रिबूट होने तक
+ Database type
+ डेटाबेस प्रकार
+ Select
+ चुनें
+ Pop-ups default options
+ Opciones por defecto de las ventanas emergentes
+ Pop-ups default position on screen
+ Posición en pantalla
+ <html><head/><body><p>The advanced view allows you to apply more filters on a connection</p><p>when a pop-up appears.</p></body></html>
+ La vista avanzada permite filtrar conexiones por más parámetros
+ Show advanced view by default
+ तयशुदा रूप से उन्नत दृश्य दिखाएं
+ Action
+ कार्रवाई
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, the pop-ups will be displayed with the advanced view active.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>यदि चयनित है, तो पॉप-अप उन्नत दृश्य सक्रिय के साथ प्रदर्शित किए जाएंगे।</p></body></html>
+ Duration
+ अवधि
+ <html><head/><body><p>By default when a new pop-up appears, in its simplest form, you'll be able to filter connections or applications by one property of the connection (executable, port, IP, etc).</p><p>With these options, you can choose multiple fields to filter connections for.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>तयशुदा रूप से, जब कोई नया पॉप-अप प्रकट होता है, तो उसके सरलतम रूप में, आप कनेक्शन के एक गुण (निष्पादनयोग्य, पोर्ट, आईपी, आदि) के आधार पर कनेक्शन या अनुप्रयोगों को फिल्टर करने में सक्षम होंगे।</p><p>इन विकल्पों के साथ, आप कनेक्शन फिल्टर करने के लिए एकाधिक क्षेत्र चुन सकते हैं।</p></body></html>
+ Filter connections also by:
+ कनेक्शन को ऐसे भी फिल्टर करें:
+ If checked, this field will be checked when a pop-up is displayed
+ Si lo seleccionas, este campo se usará para filtrar las conexiones
+ User ID
+ उपयोक्ता आईडी
+ Destination port
+ गंतव्य पोर्ट
+ Destination IP
+ गंतव्य आईपी
+ <html><head/><body><p>This timeout is the countdown you see when a pop-up dialog is shown.</p><p>If the pop-up is not answered, the default options will be applied.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>यह टाइमआउट वह उल्टी गिनती है जो आप पॉप-अप संवाद दिखाए जाने पर देखते हैं।</p><p>यदि पॉप-अप का उत्तर नहीं दिया जाता है, तो तयशुदा विकल्प लागू होंगे।</p></body></html>
+ The advanced view allows you to easily select multiple fields to filter connections
+ उन्नत दृश्य आपको कनेक्शन फिल्टर करने के लिए आसानी से कई क्षेत्र चुनने की अनुमति देता है
+ If checked, this field will be selected when a pop-up is displayed
+ यदि चयनित है, तो पॉप-अप प्रदर्शित होने पर यह क्षेत्र चयनित हो जाएगी
+ <html><head/><body><p>Pop-up default action.</p><p>When a new outgoing connection is about to be established, this action will be selected by default, so if the timeout fires, this is the option that will be applied.</p><p><br/></p><p>While a pop-up is asking the user to allow or deny a connection:</p><p>1. new outgoing connections are denied.</p><p>2. known connections are allowed or denied based on the rules defined by the user.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>पॉप-अप तयशुदा कार्रवाई।</p><p>जब कोई नया आउटगोइंग कनेक्शन स्थापित होने वाला हो, तो यह कार्रवाई तयशुदा रूप से चयनित होगी, इसलिए यदि टाइमआउट हो जाता है, तो यह विकल्प लागू होगा।</p><p><br/></p><p>जब कोई पॉप-अप उपयोक्ता से कनेक्शन की अनुमति देने या अस्वीकार करने के लिए कहता है:</p><p>1. नये आउटगोइंग कनेक्शन अस्वीकृत कर दिये गये हैं।</p><p>2. ज्ञात कनेक्शनों को उपयोक्ता द्वारा निर्धारित नियमों के आधार पर अनुमति दी जाती है या अस्वीकृत किया जाता है।</p></body></html>
+ Default action when the GUI is disconnected
+ GUI डिस्कनेक्ट होने पर तयशुदा कार्रवाई
+ Debug invalid connections
+ अमान्य कनेक्शन डीबग करें
+ Pop-ups
+ पॉप-अप
+ Default options
+ तयशुदा विकल्प
+ Default position on screen
+ स्क्रीन पर तयशुदा स्थान
+ any temporary rules
+ कोई अस्थायी नियम
+ <html><head/><body><p>When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.</p><p><br/></p><p>Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Cuando esta opción está seleccionada, las reglas de la duración elegida no se añadirán a la lista de reglas temporales en la GUI.</p><p><br/></p><p>Las reglas temporales seguirán siendo válidas, y puedes usarlas cuando se pregunte para permitir o denegar una nueva conexión.</p></body></html>
+ Don't save rules of duration
+ No guardar reglas de duración
+ Show events columns
+ Mostrar columnas de la pestaña Eventos
+ Time
+ समय
+ Destination
+ गंतव्य
+ Protocol
+ प्रोटोकॉल
+ Process
+ प्रक्रिया
+ Rule
+ नियम
+ Node
+ नोड
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, opensnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an asocciated PID, due to several reasons, mostly due to bad state connections.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p><p>There're some scenarios where these are valid connections though, like when establishing a VPN using wireguard.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Si se selecciona opensnitch te preguntará para permitir o denegar conexiones que no tienen un PID asociado. Esto puede pasar por diferentes motivos, principalmente debido a conexiones inválidas.</p><p>La ventana emergente sólo contendrá información de la conexión.</p><p>Hay algunas situaciones en las que estas conexiones son válidas, por ejemplo al establecer un túnel VPN con wireguard.</p></body></html>
+ Events tab columns
+ घटना टैब कॉलम
+ by PID
+ पीआईडी द्वारा
+ Disable pop-ups, only display a notification
+ पॉप-अप अक्षम करें, केवल अधिसूचना प्रदर्शित करें
+ Desktop notifications
+ डेस्कटॉप अधिसूचनाएं
+ Use system notifications
+ सिस्टम अधिसूचनाओं का उपयोग करें
+ Use Qt notifications
+ Qt अधिसूचनाओं का उपयोग करें
+ Test
+ परीक्षण
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, OpenSnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an associated PID, due to several reasons, mostly due to bad state connections.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p><p>There're some scenarios where these are valid connections though, like when establishing a VPN using WireGuard.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>यदि चयनित है, तो ओपनस्निच आपको उन कनेक्शनों को अनुमति देने या अस्वीकार करने के लिए संकेत देगा जिनके पास कोई संबद्ध PID नहीं है, कई कारणों से, ज्यादातर खराब स्थिति वाले कनेक्शनों के कारण।</p><p>पॉप-अप संवाद में केवल नेटवर्क कनेक्शन के बारे में जानकारी होगी।</p><p>हालांकि कुछ परिदृश्य ऐसे भी हैं जहां ये मान्य कनेक्शन हैं, जैसे वायरगार्ड का उपयोग करके वीपीएन स्थापित करते समय।</p></body></html>
+ minutes
+ मिनट
+ Minutes between events purges
+ घटना समाशोधन के बीच मिनटों की संख्या
+ days
+ दिन
+ Maximum days of events to keep
+ प्रति दिन घटनाओं का अधिकतम भंडारण
+ reject
+ अस्वीकारें
+ System
+ सिस्टम
+ Command line
+ कमांड लाइन
+ Theme
+ थीम
+ 30s
+ 30 सेकंड
+ 5m
+ 5 मिनट
+ 15m
+ 15 मिनट
+ 30m
+ 30 मिनट
+ 1h
+ 1 घंटा
+ Rules
+ नियम
+ When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.
+Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.
+ जब यह विकल्प चुना जाता है, तो चयनित अवधि के नियम GUI में अस्थायी नियमों की सूची में नहीं जोड़े जाएंगे।
+अस्थायी नियम अभी भी मान्य रहेंगे, और आप नए कनेक्शन को स्वीकार/अस्वीकार करने के लिए संकेत मिलने पर उनका उपयोग कर सकते हैं।
+ Don't save/Delete rules of duration
+ अवधि के नियमों को सहेजें/मिटाएं नहीं
+ 30s or less
+ 30 सेकंड या कम
+ 5m or less
+ 5 मिनट या कम
+ 15m or less
+ 15 मिनट या कम
+ 30m or less
+ 30 मिनट या कम
+ 1h or less
+ 1 घंटा या कम
+ Language
+ भाषा
+ ProcessDetailsDialog
+ Process details
+ प्रक्रिया विवरण
+ loading...
+ लोड हो रहा है…
+ CWD: loading...
+ CWD: लोड हो रहा है…
+ mem stats: loading...
+ मेमोरी आंकड़े: लोड हो रहे हैं…
+ Status
+ स्थिति
+ Open files
+ फाइलें खोलें
+ I/O Statistics
+ I/O आंकड़े
+ Memory mapped files
+ मेमोरी मैप की गई फाइलें
+ Stack
+ स्टैक
+ Environment variables
+ वातावरण वेरिएबल
+ Application pids
+ अनुप्रयोग पीआईडी
+ Start or stop monitoring this process
+ इस प्रक्रिया की निगरानी शुरू करें या बंद करें
+ Close
+ बंद करें
+ RulesDialog
+ Rule
+ नियम
+ Node
+ नोड
+ Apply rule to all nodes
+ सभी नोड पर नियम लागू करें
+ From this command line
+ इस कमांड लाइन से
+ From this executable
+ इस निष्पादनयोग्य से
+ Action
+ कार्रवाई
+ /path/to/executable, .*/bin/executable[0-9\.]+$, ...
+ /ruta/al/ejecutable, .*/bin/executable[0-9\.]+$, ...
+ To this IP / Network
+ इस आईपी / नेटवर्क के लिए
+ once
+ एक बार
+ until restart
+ hasta reiniciar (el servicio)
+ always
+ हमेशा
+ To this port
+ इस पोर्ट तक
+ From this user ID
+ इस उपयोक्ता आईडी से
+ Commas or spaces are not allowed to specify multiple domains.
+Use regular expressions instead:
+or a single domain:
+www.gnu.org - it'll only match www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, nor www2.gnu.org, ...
+gnu.org - it'll only match gnu.org, nor www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, ...
+ एकाधिक डोमेन निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए अल्पविराम या रिक्त स्थान की अनुमति नहीं है।
+इसके बजाय नियमित अभिव्यक्ति का उपयोग करें:
+या एकल डोमेन:
+www.gnu.org - यह केवल www.gnu.org से मेल खाएगा, ftp.gnu.org से नहीं, www2.gnu.org से भी नहीं, …
+gnu.org - यह केवल gnu.org से ही मेल खाएगा, न ही www.gnu.org से, न ही ftp.gnu.org से, …
+ www.domain.org, .*\.domain.org
+ www.domain.org, .*\.domain.org
+ <html><head/><body><p>Only TCP, UDP or UDPLITE are allowed</p><p>You can use regexp, i.e.: ^(TCP|UDP)$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>केवल TCP, UDP या UDPLITE की अनुमति है</p><p>आप regexp का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, अर्थात: ^(TCP|UDP)$</p></body></html>
+ You can specify a single IP:
+or a regular expression:
+- 192\.168\.1\.[0-9]+
+multiple IPs:
+- ^(192\.168\.1\.1|172\.16\.0\.1)$
+You can also specify a subnet:
+Note: Commas or spaces are not allowed to separate IPs or networks.
+ आप एक एकल IP निर्दिष्ट कर सकते हैं:
+या एक नियमित अभिव्यक्ति:
+- 192\.168\.1\.[0-9]+
+एकाधिक आईपी:
+- ^(192\.168\.1\.1|172\.16\.0\.1)$
+आप एक सबनेट भी निर्दिष्ट कर सकते हैं:
+नोट: आईपी या नेटवर्क को अलग करने के लिए अल्पविराम या रिक्त स्थान की अनुमति नहीं है।
+ Duration
+ अवधि
+ Protocol
+ प्रोटोकॉल
+ To this host
+ इस होस्ट को
+ Deny
+ अस्वीकारें
+ Allow
+ स्वीकारें
+ Name
+ नाम
+ Enable
+ सक्षम करें
+ The rules are checked in alphabetical order, so you can name them accordingly to prioritize them.
+ नियमों को वर्णानुक्रम में जांचा जाता है, इसलिए आप उन्हें प्राथमिकता देने के लिए तदनुसार नाम दे सकते हैं।
+ leave blank to autocreate
+ dejar en blanco para autoasignar nombre
+ If checked, this rule will take precedence over the rest of the rules. No others rules will be checked after this one.
+You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because they're checked in alphabetical order. For example:
+[x] Priority - 000-priority-rule
+[ ] Priority - 001-less-priority-rule
+ यदि चयनित है, तो यह नियम बाकी नियमों पर वरीयता लेगा। इसके बाद कोई अन्य नियम चयनित नहीं किया जाएगा।
+आपको नियम का नाम इस तरह रखना चाहिए कि उसे पहले चयनित किया जाए, क्योंकि उन्हें वर्णानुक्रम में चयनित किया जाता है। उदाहरण के लिए:
+[x] प्राथमिकता - 000-priority-rule
+[ ] प्राथमिकता - 001-less-priority-rule
+ Priority rule
+ प्राथमिकता नियम
+ <html><head/><body><p>By default, the field of the rules are case-insensitive, i.e., if a process tries to access gOOgle.CoM and you have a rule to Deny .*google.com, the connection will be blocked.<br/></p><p>If you check this box, you have to specify the exact string (domain, executable, command line) that you want to filter.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>तयशुदा रूप से, नियमों का क्षेत्र केस-असंवेदनशील होता है, अर्थात, यदि कोई प्रक्रिया gOOgle.CoM तक पहुंचने का प्रयास करती है और आपके पास .*google.com को अस्वीकार करने का नियम है, तो कनेक्शन अवरुद्ध हो जाएगा।<br/></p><p>यदि आप इस बॉक्स को चयनित करते हैं, तो आपको वह सटीक स्ट्रिंग (डोमेन, निष्पादन योग्य, कमांड लाइन) निर्दिष्ट करनी होगी जिसे आप फिल्टर करना चाहते हैं।</p></body></html>
+ Case-sensitive
+ अक्षर-संवेदनशील
+ <html><head/><body><p>You can specify multiple ports using regular expressions:</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 80 or 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 or 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
+ Puedes especificar múltiples puertos usando expresiones regulares:
+- 53, 80 o 443:
+- 53, 443 o 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:
+ until reboot
+ रिबूट होने तक
+ To this list of domains
+ डोमेन की इस सूची के लिए
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with lists of domains to block or allow.</p><p>Put inside that directory files with any extension containing lists of domains.</p><p><br/>The format of each entry of a list is as follow (hosts format):</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>or </p><p> www.domain.com</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Selecciona un directorio con listas de dominios para permitir o denegar.</p><p>Mete dentro de este directorio ficheros con cualquier extensión que contengan listas de dominios.</p><p><br/>El formato de cada dominio de la lista tiene que estar en formato hosts, así:</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>o </p><p> www.domain.com</p></body></html>
+ Applications
+ अनुप्रयोग
+ <html><head/><body><p>This field will only match the executable path. It is not modifiable by the user.<br/></p><p>You can use regular expressions to deny executions from /tmp for example:<br/></p><p>^/tmp/.*$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Este campo sólo comprueba la ruta del ejecutable (la cual no es modificable por el usuario).<br/></p><p>Puedes usar expresiones regulares para denegar cualquier ejecución desde /tmp, por ejemplo; ^/tmp/.*$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>This field will contain and match the command line that was executed by the user.<br/></p><p>If the user typed the command, only the command will appear:</p><p>telnet<br/></p><p>If the user typed the absolute or relative path to the command, that is what will appear:</p><p>/usr/bin/telnet</p><p>../../../usr/bin/telnet</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>यह क्षेत्र उपयोक्ता द्वारा निष्पादित कमांड लाइन को समाहित करेगी और उससे मेल खाएगी।<br/></p><p>यदि उपयोक्ता ने कमांड टाइप किया है, तो केवल कमांड ही दिखाई देगा:</p><p>telnet<br/></p><p>यदि उपयोक्ता ने कमांड का पूर्ण या सापेक्ष पथ टाइप किया है, तो वह प्रदर्शित होगा:</p><p>/usr/bin/telnet</p><p>../../../usr/bin/telnet</p></body></html>
+ From this PID
+ इस पीआईडी से
+ Network
+ नेटवर्क
+ List of domains/IPs
+ डोमेन/आईपी की सूची
+ To this list of network ranges
+ नेटवर्क श्रेणियों की इस सूची के लिए
+ To this list of IPs
+ आईपी की इस सूची के लिए
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with files containing list of IPs to block or allow:</p><p></p><p></p><p>.</p><p>etc.</p><p>One IP per line. Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>ब्लॉक करने या अनुमति देने के लिए IP की सूची वाली फाइलों वाली निर्देशिका का चयन करें:</p><p></p><p></p><p>.</p><p>आदि।</p><p>प्रति पंक्ति एक IP। खाली पंक्तियां या # से शुरू होने वाली पंक्तियों को अनदेखा किया जाता है।</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with files containing list of network ranges to block or allow:</p><p></p><p></p><p>.</p><p>etc.<br/></p><p>One Network Range per line. Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>ब्लॉक करने या अनुमति देने के लिए नेटवर्क श्रेणियों की सूची वाली फाइलों वाली निर्देशिका का चयन करें:</p><p></p><p></p><p>.</p><p>आदि।<br/></p><p>प्रति पंक्ति एक नेटवर्क रेंज। खाली पंक्तियां या # से शुरू होने वाली पंक्तियों को अनदेखा किया जाता है।</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with lists of domains to block or allow.</p><p>Put inside that directory files with any extension containing lists of domains.</p><p><br/>The format of each entry of a list is as follow (hosts format):</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>or </p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>ब्लॉक या अनुमति देने के लिए डोमेन की सूची वाली निर्देशिका का चयन करें।</p><p>उस निर्देशिका के अंदर किसी भी एक्सटेंशन वाली फाइलें रखें जिसमें डोमेन की सूची हो।</p><p><br/>सूची की प्रत्येक प्रविष्टि का प्रारूप इस प्रकार है (होस्ट प्रारूप):</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>या </p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>रिक्त पंक्तियों या # से शुरू होने वाली पंक्तियों को नजरअंदाज कर दिया जाता है।</p></body></html>
+ To this list of domains
+(regular expressions)
+ डोमेन की इस सूची के लिए
+(नियमित अभिव्यक्ति)
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with files containing regular expressions of domains to block or allow:</p><p>.*\.example\.com</p><p>You can also use a domain as is: "example.com" , and it'll match whatever.example.com, whatever.example.com.localdomain, etc.</p><p>One domain per line. Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>ब्लॉक करने या अनुमति देने के लिए डोमेन की नियमित अभिव्यक्ति वाली फाइलों वाली निर्देशिका का चयन करें:</p><p>.*\.example\.com</p><p>आप किसी डोमेन का उपयोग ऐसे भी कर सकते हैं: "example.com" , और यह whatever.example.com, whatever.example.com.localdomain, आदि से मेल खाएगा।</p><p>प्रति पंक्ति एक डोमेन। रिक्त पंक्तियों या # से शुरू होने वाली पंक्तियों को नजरअंदाज कर दिया जाता है।</p></body></html>
+ Reject
+ अस्वीकारें
+ Description...
+ वर्णन…
+ <html><head/><body><p>The value of this field is always the absolute path to the executable: /path/to/binary<br/></p><p>Examples:</p><p>- Simple: /path/to/binary</p><p>- Multiple paths: ^/usr/lib(64|)/firefox/firefox$</p><p>- Multiple binaries: ^(/usr/sbin/ntpd|/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd|/usr/bin/xbrlapi|/usr/bin/dirmngr)$ </p><p>- Deny/Allow executions from /tmp:</p><p>^/(var/|)tmp/.*$<br/></p><p>For more examples visit the <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/Rules-examples">wiki page</a> or ask on the <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/discussions">Discussion forums</a>.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>इस क्षेत्र का मान हमेशा निष्पादनयोग्य फाइल का पूर्ण पथ होता है: /path/to/binary<br/></p><p>उदाहरण:</p><p>- सरल: /path/to/binary</p><p>- अनेक पथ: ^/usr/lib(64|)/firefox/firefox$</p><p>- Multiple binaries: ^(/usr/sbin/ntpd|/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd|/usr/bin/xbrlapi|/usr/bin/dirmngr)$ </p><p>- /tmp से निष्पादन को अस्वीकार/अनुमति दें:</p><p>^/(var/|)tmp/.*$<br/></p><p>अधिक उदाहरणों के लिए <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/Rules-examples">विकी पृष्ठ</a> पर जाएं या <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/discussions">चर्चा मंच</a> पर पूछें।</p></body></html>
+ Is regular expression
+ नियमित अभिव्यक्ति है
+ is regular expression
+ नियमित अभिव्यक्ति है
+ Network interface
+ नेटवर्क इंटरफ़ेस
+ More
+ अधिक
+ Don't log connections that match this rule
+ इस नियम से मेल खाने वाले कनेक्शनों को लॉग न करें
+ Don't log connections
+ कनेक्शन लॉग न करें
+ Deny will just discard the connection
+ अस्वीकार करने से कनेक्शन समाप्त हो जाएगा
+ Reject will drop the connection, and kill the socket that initiated it
+ अस्वीकार करने से कनेक्शन टूट जाएगा, और उसे आरंभ करने वाला सॉकेट नष्ट हो जाएगा
+ Allow will allow the connection
+ अनुमति दें कनेक्शन की अनुमति देगा
+ From this IP / Network
+ इस आईपी / नेटवर्क से
+ From this port
+ इस पोर्ट से
+ <html><head/><body><p>You can specify multiple ports using regular expressions:</p><p>- 53, 80 or 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 or 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>आप नियमित अभिव्यक्तियों का उपयोग करके एकाधिक पोर्ट निर्दिष्ट कर सकते हैं:</p><p>- 53, 80 या 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 या 5551, 5552, 5553, आदि:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
+ StatsDialog
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics
+ ओपनस्निच नेटवर्क आंकड़े
+ Save to CSV
+ Exportar a CSV.
+ Ctrl+S
+ Ctrl+S
+ Create a new rule
+ नया नियम बनाएं
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:11pt; font-weight:600;">hostname -</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:11pt; font-weight:600;">होस्टनाम -</span></p></body></html>
+ Status
+ स्थिति
+ -
+ -
+ Start or Stop interception
+ अवरोधन शुरू करें या रोकें
+ Events
+ घटनाएं
+ Filter
+ फिल्टर
+ Allow
+ स्वीकारें
+ Deny
+ अस्वीकारें
+ Ex.: firefox
+ उदा.: firefox
+ 50
+ 50
+ 100
+ 100
+ 200
+ 200
+ 300
+ 300
+ Nodes
+ नोड
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on the Addr column to view details of a node)</span></p></body></html>
+ (doble click en la columna Dirección para ver los detalles)
+ Rules
+ नियम
+ enable
+ सक्षम करें
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on the Name column to view details of a rule)</span></p></body></html>
+ (doble click en la columna Nombre para ver los detalles)
+ search rule name
+ buscar regla
+ Application rules
+ अनुप्रयोग नियम
+ Permanent
+ स्थायी
+ Temporary
+ अस्थायी
+ Hosts
+ होस्ट
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click to view details of an item)</span></p></body></html>
+ (doble click en un dominio para ver detalles)
+ Applications
+ अनुप्रयोग
+ Addresses
+ पते
+ Ports
+ पोर्ट
+ Users
+ उपयोक्ता
+ Connections
+ कनेक्शन
+ Dropped
+ गिराए गए
+ Uptime
+ सक्रिय-अवधि
+ Version
+ संस्करण
+ Delete all intercepted events
+ सभी अवरोधित घटनाएं हटाएं
+ Edit rule
+ नियम संपादित करें
+ Delete rule
+ नियम मिटाएं
+ Delete all intercepted hosts
+ Borrar todos los hosts
+ Delete all intercepted applications
+ Borrar todos las aplicaciones
+ Delete all intercepted addresses
+ Borrar todas las direcciones
+ Delete all intercepted ports
+ Borrar todos los puertos
+ Delete all intercepted users
+ Borrar todos los usuarios
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on a row to view details of a rule)</span></p></body></html>
+ (Doble click en una fila para editar una regla)
+ Delete connections that matched this rule
+ Borrar conexiones que coinciden con esta regla
+ All applications
+ सभी अनुप्रयोग
+ Reject
+ अस्वीकारें
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 2
+ System rules
+ सिस्टम नियम
+ Delete this node
+ इस नोड को मिटाएं
+ Show the preferences of this node
+ इस नोड की प्राथमिकताएं दिखाएं
+ Start or stop interception of this node
+ इस नोड का अवरोधन प्रारंभ करें या रोकें
+ contextual_menu
+ Statistics
+ आंकड़े
+ Help
+ सहायता
+ Close
+ बंद करें
+ Enable
+ सक्षम करें
+ Disable
+ अक्षम करें
+ firewall
+ Configuration applied.
+ विन्यास लागू।
+ Error: {0}
+ त्रुटि: {0}
+ Applying changes...
+ परिवर्तन लागू किये जा रहें है…
+ Error getting INPUT chain policy
+ इनपुट श्रृंखला नीति प्राप्त करने में त्रुटि
+ Error getting OUTPUT chain policy
+ आउटपुट श्रृंखला नीति प्राप्त करने में त्रुटि
+ In order to configure firewall rules from the GUI, we need to use 'nftables' instead of 'iptables'
+ GUI से फायरवॉल नियमों को विन्यस्त करने के लिए, हमें 'iptables' के बजाय 'nftables' का उपयोग करना होगा
+ Enabling firewall...
+ फायरवॉल सक्षम करी जा रही है…
+ Disabling firewall...
+ फायरवॉल अक्षम करी जा रही है…
+ Dest Port
+ गंतव्य पोर्ट
+ Source Port
+ स्रोत पोर्ट
+ Dest IP
+ गंतव्य आईपी
+ Source IP
+ स्रोत आईपी
+ Input interface
+ इनपुट इंटरफ़ेस
+ Output interface
+ आउटपुट इंटरफ़ेस
+ Set conntrack mark
+ conntrack चिह्न तय करें
+ Match conntrack mark
+ conntrack चिह्न का मिलान करें
+ Match conntrack state(s)
+ conntrack स्थिति से मिलान करें
+ Set mark on packet
+ पैकेट पर निशान लगाएं
+ Match packet information
+ पैकेट जानकारी का मिलान करें
+ Bandwidth quotas
+ बैंडविथ कोटा
+ Rate limit connections
+ कनेक्शन की दर सीमा
+ Your protobuf version is incompatible, you need to install protobuf 3.8.0 or superior
+(pip3 install --ignore-installed protobuf==3.8.0)
+ आपका protobuf संस्करण असंगत है, आपको protobuf 3.8.0 या उच्चतर स्थापित करने की आवश्यकता है
+(pip3 install --ignore-installed protobuf==3.8.0)
+ Rule deleted
+ नियम मिटाया गया
+ Rule added
+ नियम जोड़ा गया
+ You can use ',' or '-' to specify multiple ports/IPs or ranges/values:<br><br>ports: 22 or 22,443 or 50000-60000<br>IPs: or<br>Values: echo-reply,echo-request<br>Values: new,established,related
+ आप एकाधिक पोर्ट/आईपी या श्रेणियां/मान निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए ',' या '-' का उपयोग कर सकते हैं:<br><br>पोर्ट: 22 या 22,443 या 50000-60000<br>आईपी: या<br>मान: echo-reply,echo-request<br>मान: new,established,related
+ Deleting rule, wait
+ नियम मिटाया जा रहा है, प्रतीक्षा करें
+ Error updating rule
+ नियम अद्यतन करने में त्रुटि
+ Adding rule, wait
+ नियम जोड़ा जा रहा है, प्रतीक्षा करें
+ <select a statement>
+ <एक कथन चुनें>
+ Equal
+ बराबर
+ Not equal
+ बराबर नही
+ Greater or equal than
+ इससे बड़ा या बराबर
+ Greater than
+ से अधिक
+ Less or equal than
+ इससे कम या बराबर
+ Less than
+ से कम
+ Firewall rule
+ फायरवॉल नियम
+ Simple
+ सरल
+ Advanced
+ उन्नत
+ This rule is not supported yet.
+ यह नियम अभी तक समर्थित नहीं है।
+ Exclude service
+ सेवा शामिल ना करें
+ Allow inbound connections to the selected port.
+ चयनित पोर्ट पर इनबाउंड कनेक्शन की अनुमति दें।
+ Allow outbound connections to the selected port.
+ चयनित पोर्ट पर आउटबाउंड कनेक्शन की अनुमति दें।
+ select a statement.
+ एक कथन चुनें।
+ value cannot be 0 or empty.
+ मान 0 या खाली नहीं हो सकता।
+ the value format is 1024/kbytes (or bytes, mbytes, gbytes)
+ मान प्रारूप 1024/kbytes (या bytes, mbytes, gbytes) है
+ the value format is 1024/kbytes/second (or bytes, mbytes, gbytes)
+ मान प्रारूप 1024/kbytes/सेकंड (या bytes, mbytes, gbytes) है
+ rate-limit not valid, use: bytes, kbytes, mbytes or gbytes.
+ दर-सीमा मान्य नहीं है, उपयोग करें: bytes, kbytes, mbytes या gbytes।
+ time-limit not valid, use: second, minute, hour or day
+ समय-सीमा मान्य नहीं है, उपयोग करें: सेकंड, मिनट, घंटा या दिन
+ port not valid.
+ पोर्ट मान्य नहीं है।
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: 23
+ - Ranges: 80-1024
+ - Multiple ports: 80,443,8080
+समर्थित प्रारूप:
+ - सरल: 23
+ - सीमा: 80-1024
+ - एकाधिक पोर्ट: 80,443,8080
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple:
+ - IP ranges:
+ - Network ranges:
+समर्थित प्रारूप:
+ - सरल:
+ - आईपी रेंज:
+ - नेटवर्क रेंज:
+ Match input interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ इनपुट इंटरफ़ेस से मिलान करें। नियमित अभिव्यक्ति की अनुमति नहीं है।
+ Match output interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ आउटपुट इंटरफ़ेस से मिलान करें। नियमित अभिव्यक्ति की अनुमति नहीं है।
+ Set a conntrack mark on the connection, in decimal format.
+ कनेक्शन पर दशमलव प्रारूप में एक conntrack चिह्न तय करें।
+ Match a conntrack mark of the connection, in decimal format.
+ दशमलव प्रारूप में कनेक्शन के एक conntrack चिह्न का मिलान करें।
+ Match conntrack states.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: new
+ - Multiple states separated by commas: related,new
+ conntrack स्थिति का मिलान करें।
+समर्थित प्रारूप:
+ - सरल: new
+ - एकाधिक अवस्थाएं अल्पविराम द्वारा अलग: related,new
+Match packet's metainformation.
+Value must be in decimal format, except for the "l4proto" option.
+For l4proto it can be a lower case string, for example:
+ tcp
+ udp
+ icmp,
+ etc
+If the value is decimal for protocol or lproto, it'll use it as the code of
+that protocol.
+पैकेट की मेटा-सूचना का मिलान करें।
+"l4proto" विकल्प को छोड़कर, मान दशमलव प्रारूप में होना चाहिए।
+l4proto के लिए यह छोटे अक्षर स्ट्रिंग में हो सकती है, उदाहरण के लिए:
+ tcp
+ udp
+ icmp,
+ आदि
+यदि प्रोटोकॉल या lproto के लिए मान दशमलव है, तो यह उसका उपयोग उस प्रोटोकॉल के
+कोड के रूप में करेगा।
+ Set a mark on the packet matching the specified conditions. The value is in decimal format.
+ निर्दिष्ट शर्तों से मेल खाने वाले पैकेट पर एक चिह्न तय करें। मान दशमलव प्रारूप में है।
+Match ICMP codes.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: echo-request
+ - Multiple separated by commas: echo-request,echo-reply
+ICMP कोड का मिलान करें।
+समर्थित प्रारूप:
+ - सरल: echo-request
+ - एकाधिक अल्पविराम द्वारा अलग किए गए: echo-request,echo-reply
+Match ICMPv6 codes.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: echo-request
+ - Multiple separated by commas: echo-request,echo-reply
+ICMPv6 कोड का मिलान करें।
+समर्थित प्रारूप:
+ - सरल: echo-request
+ - एकाधिक अल्पविराम द्वारा अलग किए गए: echo-request,echo-reply
+ Print a message when this rule matches a packet.
+ जब यह नियम किसी पैकेट से मेल खाता हो तो संदेश प्रिंट करें।
+Apply quotas on connections.
+For example when:
+ - "quota over 10/mbytes" -> apply the Action defined (DROP)
+ - "quota until 10/mbytes" -> apply the Action defined (ACCEPT)
+The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS, for example:
+ - 10mbytes, 1/gbytes, etc
+कनेक्शनों पर कोटा लागू करें।
+उदाहरण के लिए जब:
+ - "quota over 10/mbytes" -> परिभाषित कार्रवाई लागू करें (गिराएं)
+ - "quota until 10/mbytes" -> परिभाषित कार्रवाई लागू करें (स्वीकारें)
+मान इस प्रारूप में होना चाहिए: मान/इकाई, उदाहरण के लिए:
+ - 10mbytes, 1/gbytes, आदि
+Apply limits on connections.
+For example when:
+ - "limit over 10/mbytes/minute" -> apply the Action defined (DROP, ACCEPT, etc)
+ (When there're more than 10MB per minute, apply an Action)
+ - "limit until 10/mbytes/hour" -> apply the Action defined (ACCEPT)
+The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
+ - 10/mbytes/minute, 1/gbytes/hour, etc
+कनेक्शन पर सीमाएं लागू करें।
+उदाहरण के लिए जब:
+ - "limit over 10/mbytes/minute" -> परिभाषित कार्रवाई लागू करें (गिराएं, स्वीकारें, आदि)
+ (जब प्रति मिनट 10MB से अधिक हो, तो कार्रवाई लागू करें)
+ - "limit until 10/mbytes/hour" -> परिभाषित कार्रवाई लागू करें (स्वीकारें)
+मान इस प्रारूप में होना चाहिए: मान/इकाई/समय, उदाहरण के लिए:
+ - 10/mbytes/minute, 1/gbytes/hour, आदि
+ num
+ संख्या
+ to
+ निम्न के लिए
+ menu_close
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ menu_help
+ Help
+ Ayuda
+ menu_statistics
+ Statistics
+ Eventos
+ messages
+ Info
+ जानकारी
+ Error
+ त्रुटि
+ Warning
+ चेतावनी
+ notifications
+ System notifications are not available, you need to install python3-notify2.
+ सिस्टम अधिसूचनाएं उपलब्ध नहीं हैं, आपको python3-notify2 स्थापित करना होगा।
+ popups
+ Allow
+ स्वीकारें
+ Deny
+ अस्वीकारें
+ forever
+ हमेशा
+ Outgoing connection
+ जावक कनेक्शन
+ Process launched from:
+ प्रक्रिया प्रारंभ की गई:
+ from this command line
+ इस कमांड लाइन से
+ from this executable
+ इस निष्पादनयोग्य से
+ Unknown process
+ Proceso no encontrado
+ until reboot
+ रिबूट होने तक
+ to port {0}
+ पोर्ट {0} पर
+ <b>%s</b> is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ <b>%s</b> está conectándose a <b>%s</b> en el puerto %s %d
+ <b>Remote</b> process <b>%s</b> running on <b>%s</b> is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ El proceso <b>remoto %s</b> ejecutándose en <b>%s</b> está conectándose a <b>%s</b> en el puerto %s %d
+ to {0}
+ {0} तक
+ from user {0}
+ उपयोक्ता {0} से
+ to {0}.*
+ {0}.* तक
+ to *.{0}
+ *.{0} तक
+ to *{0}
+ a *{0}
+ <b>Remote</b> process %s running on <b>%s</b>
+ <b>रिमोट</b> प्रक्रिया %s <b>%s</b> पर चल रही है
+ is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ %2$s पोर्ट %3$d पर <b>%1$s</b> से कनेक्ट हो रहा है
+ is attempting to resolve <b>%s</b> via %s, %s port %d
+ %2$s, %3$s पोर्ट %4d के माध्यम से <b>%1$s</b> को हल करने का प्रयास कर रहा है
+ from this PID
+ इस पीआईडी से
+ New outgoing connection
+ नया जावक कनेक्शन
+ Reject
+ अस्वीकारें
+ is connecting to <b>%s</b>, %s
+ <b>%s</b> से जुड़ रहा है, %s
+ Open
+ खोलें
+ popups2
+ <b>Remote</b> process <b>%s</b> running on <b>%s</b> is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ El proceso <b>remoto %s</b> ejecutándose en <b>%s</b> está conectándose a <b>%s</b> en el puerto %s %d
+ preferences
+ Exception saving config: %s
+ Error al guarda la configuración: %s
+ Applying configuration on %s ...
+ Aplicando configuración en %s ...
+ Server address can not be empty
+ सर्वर पता खाली नहीं हो सकता
+ Error loading %s configuration
+ Error al cargar la configuración %s
+ Configuration applied.
+ विन्यास लागू हुआ।
+ Error applying configuration: %s
+ Error al aplicar la configuración: %s
+ Exception saving config: {0}
+ विन्यास सहेजते समय अपवाद: {0}
+ Applying configuration on {0} ...
+ {0} पर विन्यास लागू किया जा रहा है…
+ Error loading {0} configuration
+ {0} विन्यास लोड करते समय त्रुटि
+ Error applying configuration: {0}
+ विन्यास लागू करते समय त्रुटि: {0}
+ Warning
+ चेतावनी
+ You must select a file for the database<br>or choose "In memory" type.
+ आपको डेटाबेस के लिए एक फाइल का चयन करना होगा<br>या "मेमोरी में" प्रकार चुनें।
+ DB type changed
+ डीबी प्रकार बदल गया
+ Restart the GUI in order effects to take effect
+ प्रभावों को प्रभावी करने के लिए GUI को पुनरारंभ करें
+ Hover the mouse over the texts to display the help<br><br>Don't forget to visit the wiki: <a href="{0}">{0}</a>
+ सहायता प्रदर्शित करने के लिए पाठ पर माउस घुमाएं<br><br>विकि पर जाना न भूलें: <a href="{0}">{0}</a>
+ System
+ सिस्टम
+ Themes not available. Install qt-material: pip3 install qt-material
+ थीम उपलब्ध नहीं है। qt-material स्थापित करें: pip3 install qt-material
+ UI theme changed
+ UI थीम बदली गई
+ Restart the GUI in order to apply the new theme
+ नई थीम लागू करने के लिए GUI को पुनरारंभ करें
+ Ok
+ ठीक है
+ Restart the GUI in order changes to take effect
+ Reinicie la interfaz gráfica de usuario para que los cambios surtan efecto
+ There're no nodes connected
+ कोई नोड जुड़ा हुआ नहीं है
+ Exception saving node config {0}: {1}
+ नोड विन्यास {0} सहेजते समय अपवाद: {1}
+ System default
+ सिस्टम तयशुदा
+ Language changed
+ भाषा बदली गई
+ proc_details
+ <b>Error loading process information:</b> <br><br>
+ <b>प्रक्रिया जानकारी लोड करते समय त्रुटि:</b> <br><br>
+ <b>Error stopping monitoring process:</b><br><br>
+ <b>निगरानी प्रक्रिया रोकने में त्रुटि:</b><br><br>
+ loading...
+ लोड हो रहा है…
+ rules
+ There're no nodes connected.
+ कोई नोड जुड़ा हुआ नहीं है।
+ Rule applied.
+ नियम लागू।
+ Error applying rule: %s
+ Error al aplicar la regla: %s
+ protocol can not be empty, or uncheck it
+ प्रोटोकॉल खाली नहीं हो सकता, या इसे अचयनित करें
+ Protocol regexp error
+ प्रोटोकॉल regexp त्रुटि
+ process path can not be empty
+ प्रक्रिया पथ खाली नहीं हो सकता
+ Process path regexp error
+ प्रक्रिया पथ regexp त्रुटि
+ command line can not be empty
+ कमांड लाइन खाली नहीं हो सकती
+ Command line regexp error
+ कमांड लाइन regexp त्रुटि
+ Dest port can not be empty
+ गंतव्य पोर्ट खाली नहीं हो सकता
+ Dst port regexp error
+ गंतव्य पोर्ट regexp त्रुटि
+ Dest host can not be empty
+ गंतव्य होस्ट रिक्त नहीं हो सकता
+ Dst host regexp error
+ गंतव्य होस्ट regexp त्रुटि
+ Dest IP/Network can not be empty
+ गंतव्य IP/नेटवर्क रिक्त नहीं हो सकता
+ Dst IP regexp error
+ गंतव्य आईपी regexp त्रुटि
+ User ID can not be empty
+ उपयोक्ता आईडी खाली नहीं हो सकती
+ User ID regexp error
+ उपयोक्ता आईडी regexp त्रुटि
+ Error applying rule: {0}
+ नियम लागू करने में त्रुटि: {0}
+ Lists field cannot be empty
+ सूची क्षेत्र खाली नहीं हो सकती
+ Lists field must be a directory
+ सूची क्षेत्र एक निर्देशिका होनी चाहिए
+ <b>Rule not supported</b>
+ <b>नियम समर्थित नहीं</b>
+ <b>Error loading rule</b>
+ <b>नियम लोड करने में त्रुटि</b>
+ There's already a rule with this name.
+ इस नाम का एक नियम पहले से ही मौजूद है।
+ PID field can not be empty
+ पीआईडी क्षेत्र खाली नहीं हो सकती
+ PID field regexp error
+ पीआईडी क्षेत्र regexp त्रुटि
+ Select at least one field.
+ कम से कम एक क्षेत्र चुनें।
+ Network interface can not be empty
+ नेटवर्क इंटरफ़ेस खाली नहीं हो सकता
+ Network interface regexp error
+ नेटवर्क इंटरफ़ेस regexp त्रुटि
+ Source port can not be empty
+ स्रोत पोर्ट रिक्त नहीं हो सकता
+ Source port regexp error
+ स्रोत पोर्ट regexp त्रुटि
+ Source IP/Network can not be empty
+ स्रोत आईपी/नेटवर्क रिक्त नहीं हो सकता
+ Source IP regexp error
+ स्रोत आईपी regexp त्रुटि
+ stats
+ Not running
+ चालू नहीं
+ Disabled
+ अक्षम
+ Running
+ चालू
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics
+ Eventos de OpenSnitch
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics for
+ Eventos de OpenSnitch de
+ Your are about to delete this rule.
+ आप इस नियम को हटाने वाले हैं।
+ Are you sure?
+ क्या आप निश्चित हैं?
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics {0}
+ ओपनस्निच नेटवर्क आंकड़े {0}
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics for {0}
+ {0} के लिए ओपनस्निच नेटवर्क आंकड़े
+ Name
+ Nombre
+ Address
+ Dirección
+ Status
+ Estado
+ Hostname
+ Hostname
+ Version
+ Versión
+ Rules
+ नियम
+ Time
+ Hora
+ Action
+ कार्रवाई
+ Duration
+ Duración
+ Node
+ Nodo
+ Hits
+ हिट
+ Protocol
+ Protocolo
+ Save as CSV
+ CSV के रूप में सहेजें
+ Enabled
+ Habilitado
+ Delete
+ मिटाएं
+ always
+ siempre
+ <b>Error:</b><br><br>{0}
+ <b>Error:</b><br><br>{0}
+ Disable
+ अक्षम करें
+ Enable
+ सक्षम करें
+ Duplicate
+ डुप्लिकेट
+ Edit
+ संपादित करें
+ Rule not found by that name and node
+ उस नाम और नोड से नियम नहीं मिला
+ <b>Error:</b><br><br>
+ {0}
+ <b>त्रुटि:</b><br><br>
+ Warning:
+ चेतावनी:
+ Allow
+ स्वीकारें
+ Deny
+ अस्वीकारें
+ Always
+ हमेशा
+ Until reboot
+ रिबूट होने तक
+ You are about to delete this rule.
+ आप यह नियम हटाने वाले हैं।
+ Process
+ Aplicación
+ Destination
+ Destino
+ Rule
+ Regla
+ UserID
+ UserID
+ LastConnection
+ ÚltimaConexión
+ Name
+ xxxxx
+ Nombre
+ Name
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Nombre
+ Address
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Dirección
+ Status
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Estado
+ Hostname
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Hostname
+ Version
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Versión
+ Rules
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Reglas
+ Time
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Hora
+ Action
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Acción
+ Duration
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Duración
+ Node
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Nodo
+ Enabled
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Habilitado
+ Hits
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Total
+ Protocol
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Protocolo
+ Process
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Aplicación
+ Destination
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Destino
+ Rule
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Regla
+ UserID
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ UserID
+ LastConnection
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ ÚltimaConexión
+ Name
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ नाम
+ Address
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ पता
+ Status
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ स्थिति
+ Hostname
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ होस्टनाम
+ Version
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ संस्करण
+ Rules
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ नियम
+ Time
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ समय
+ Action
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ कार्रवाई
+ Duration
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ अवधि
+ Node
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ नोड
+ Enabled
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ सक्रिय
+ Hits
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ हिट
+ Protocol
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ प्रोटोकॉल
+ Process
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ प्रक्रिया
+ Destination
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ गंतव्य
+ Rule
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ नियम
+ UserID
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ उपयोक्ताआईडी
+ LastConnection
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ अंतिमकनेक्शन
+ Args
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Args
+ DstIP
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ गंतव्यआईपी
+ DstHost
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ गंतव्यहोस्ट
+ DstPort
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ गंतव्यपोर्ट
+ Addr
+ Dirección
+ Connections
+ Conexiones
+ Dropped
+ Rechazadas
+ What
+ क्या
+ Apply to
+ इसपे लागू
+ Reject
+ अस्वीकारें
+ Network name
+ नेटवर्क का नाम
+ Addr
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Dirección
+ Uptime
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ सक्रिय-अवधि
+ Connections
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ कनेक्शन
+ Dropped
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ गिराया गया
+ What
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ क्या
+ Precedence
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ प्रधानता
+ New node connected
+ नया नोड कनेक्ट हुआ
+ Description
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ वर्णन
+ Cmdline
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ कमांडलाइन
+ Export rules
+ नियम निर्यात करें
+ Import rules
+ नियम आयात करें
+ Export events to CSV
+ ईवेंट को सीएसवी में निर्यात करें
+ Quit
+ बंद करें
+ Export
+ निर्यात करें
+ To clipboard
+ क्लिपबोर्ड पर
+ To disk
+ डिस्क पर
+ Select a directory to export rules
+ नियमों को निर्यात करने के लिए एक निर्देशिका चुनें
+ Your are about to delete this entry.
+ आप इस प्रविष्टि को हटाने वाले हैं।
+ You are about to delete this node.
+ आप इस नोड को हटाने वाले हैं।
+ <b>Error deleting node</b><br><br>
+ {0}
+ <b>नोड हटाने में त्रुटि</b><br><br>
+ Error exporting rules
+ नियम निर्यात करते समय त्रुटि
+ Select a directory with rules to import (JSON files)
+ आयात करने के लिए नियमों वाली निर्देशिका चुनें (JSON फाइलें)
+ Rules imported fine
+ नियम सुरक्षित आयातित
+ चेतावनी
+ Details
+ विवरण
+ New
+ नया
+ stats_deleterule
+ Your are about to delete this rule.
+ Estás a punto de borrar esta regla.
+ stats_deleterule2
+ Are you sure?
+ ¿Estás seguro?
+ stats_disabled
+ Disabled
+ Deshabilitado
+ stats_notrunning
+ Not running
+ Parado
+ stats_running
+ Running
+ Interceptando
+ stats_wintitle
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics
+ Eventos de red OpenSnitch
+ stats_wintitle2
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics for
+ Eventos de OpenSnitch de
diff --git a/ui/i18n/locales/hu_HU/opensnitch-hu_HU.ts b/ui/i18n/locales/hu_HU/opensnitch-hu_HU.ts
index cea0fbee..1fa38d0e 100644
--- a/ui/i18n/locales/hu_HU/opensnitch-hu_HU.ts
+++ b/ui/i18n/locales/hu_HU/opensnitch-hu_HU.ts
@@ -316,37 +316,37 @@
to 1024-2048 (masquerade)
+ a művelettől (azaz: céltól) függően a paraméterek szintaxisa változni fog.
+Néhány példa:
+VÁRAKOZÁSI SOR -> szám: 0 (vagy 1, 2, …)
+ ide :22
+ ide
+ ide
+ ide 1024-2048 (helyettesítés)
@@ -971,7 +979,7 @@ Az ideiglenes szabályok továbbra is érvényesek maradnak, és használhatja
+ Nyelv
@@ -1337,7 +1345,7 @@ gnu.org - csak a gnu.org-nak fog megfelelni, nem a www.gnu.org-nak, nem
- Név
+ Név
@@ -1547,17 +1555,17 @@ A szabályt úgy kell megneveznie, hogy először ellenőrizni fogják, mert bet
From this IP / Network
+ Erről az IP-címről/hálózatrólFrom this port
+ Ebből a kikötőből<html><head/><body><p>You can specify multiple ports using regular expressions:</p><p>- 53, 80 or 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 or 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Több kikötőt is megadhat reguláris kifejezésekkel:</p><p>- 53, 80 vagy 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 vagy 5551, 5552, 5553, stb:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
@@ -1983,7 +1991,7 @@ A szabályt úgy kell megneveznie, hogy először ellenőrizni fogják, mert bet
You can use ',' or '-' to specify multiple ports/IPs or ranges/values:<br><br>ports: 22 or 22,443 or 50000-60000<br>IPs: or<br>Values: echo-reply,echo-request<br>Values: new,established,related
- A ',' vagy '-' karakterekkel több kikötők/IP-címet vagy tartományt/értéket adhat meg:<br><br>kikötők: 22 vagy 22,443 vagy 50000-60000<br>IP-címek: vagy 192.168 .1.30-<br>Értékek: echo-reply,echo-request<br>Értékek: new,established,related
+ A ',' vagy '-' karakterekkel több kikötők/IP-címet vagy tartományt/értéket adhat meg:<br><br>kikötők: 22 vagy 22,443 vagy 50000-60000<br>IP-címek: vagy 192.168 .1.30-<br>Értékek: echo-reply,echo-request<br>Értékek: new,established,related
@@ -2114,7 +2122,13 @@ Supported formats:
- Ranges: 80-1024
- Multiple ports: 80,443,8080
+Támogatott formátumok:
+ - Egyszerű: 23
+ - Tartomány: 80-1024
+ - Több kikötő: 80,443,8080
@@ -2125,27 +2139,33 @@ Supported formats:
- IP ranges:
- Network ranges:
+Támogatott formátumok:
+ - Egyszerű:
+ - IP-címtartomány:
+ - Hálózati tartomány:
+Match input interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ Bemeneti felület egyezése. A reguláris kifejezések nem engedélyezettek.Match output interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ Kimeneti felület egyezése. A reguláris kifejezések nem engedélyezettek.Set a conntrack mark on the connection, in decimal format.
+ Állítson be egy conntrack jelet a kapcsolaton decimális formátumban.Match a conntrack mark of the connection, in decimal format.
+ Párosítsa a kapcsolat conntrack jelét decimális formátumban.
@@ -2155,7 +2175,12 @@ Supported formats:
- Simple: new
- Multiple states separated by commas: related,new
+ Conntrack állapotegyeztetése.
+Támogatott formátumok:
+ - Egyszerű: új
+ - Több állapot vesszővel elválasztva: kapcsolódó,új
@@ -2172,12 +2197,23 @@ For l4proto it can be a lower case string, for example:
If the value is decimal for protocol or lproto, it'll use it as the code of
that protocol.
+A csomag metainformációinak egyezése.
+Az értéket decimális formátumban kell megadni, kivéve az „l4proto” beállítást.
+Az l4proto esetén ez lehet egy kisbetűs karakterlánc, például:
+ tcp
+ udp
+ icmp
+ stb.
+Ha az érték decimális a protokoll vagy az lproto esetében, akkor ezt használja a kódjaként azt a protokollt.
+Set a mark on the packet matching the specified conditions. The value is in decimal format.
+ Állítson be egy jelölést a csomagon, amely megfelel a megadott feltételeknek. Az érték decimális formátumban van megadva.
@@ -2188,7 +2224,13 @@ Supported formats:
- Simple: echo-request
- Multiple separated by commas: echo-request,echo-reply
+Az ICMP-kódok egyezése.
+Támogatott formátumok:
+ - Egyszerű: echo-request
+ - Több vesszővel elválasztva: echo-request,echo-reply
@@ -2199,12 +2241,18 @@ Supported formats:
- Simple: echo-request
- Multiple separated by commas: echo-request,echo-reply
+Az ICMPv6-kódok egyezése.
+Támogatott formátumok:
+ - Egyszerű: echo-request
+ - Több vesszővel elválasztva: echo-request,echo-reply
+Print a message when this rule matches a packet.
+ Üzenet nyomtatása, ha ez a szabály megegyezik egy csomaggal.
@@ -2218,7 +2266,16 @@ For example when:
The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS, for example:
- 10mbytes, 1/gbytes, etc
+Alkalmazzon kvótákat a kapcsolatokra.
+Például amikor:
+ - „10 mbájt feletti kvóta” → alkalmazza a meghatározott műveletet (ELDOBÁS)
+ - „10 mbájt alatti kvóta” → alkalmazza a meghatározott műveletet (ELFOGADÁS)
+A mennyiségnek a következő formátumban kell lennie: ÉRTÉK/EGYSÉG, például:
+ - 10/mbájt, 1/gbyte, stb.
@@ -2234,17 +2291,28 @@ For example when:
The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
- 10/mbytes/minute, 1/gbytes/hour, etc
+Alkalmazzon korlátozásokat a kapcsolatokra.
+Például amikor:
+ - „10 mbájt/perc feletti korlát” → alkalmazza a meghatározott műveletet (ELDOBÁS, ELFOGADÁS, stb.)
+ (Ha több mint 10 MB percenként, alkalmazzon egy műveletet)
+ - „10 mbájt/óra alatti korlát” → a meghatározott művelet alkalmazása (ELFOGADÁS)
+A mennyiségnek a következő formátumban kell lennie: ÉRTÉK/EGYSÉG/IDŐ, például:
+ - 10/mbájt/perc, 1/gbyte/óra, stb.
+ számto
+ a következőnek:
@@ -2383,7 +2451,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
+ Megnyitás
@@ -2486,12 +2554,12 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
System default
+ Rendszer alapértelmezettLanguage changed
+ Nyelv módosítva
@@ -2656,22 +2724,22 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
Source port can not be empty
+ Forráskikötő nem lehet üresSource port regexp error
+ Forráskikötő szabályos kifejezési hibaSource IP/Network can not be empty
+ Forrás IP-címe/hálózata nem lehet üresSource IP regexp error
+ ForrásIP-cím szabályos kifejezési hiba
@@ -2704,7 +2772,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
- Szabályok
+ Szabályok
@@ -2714,7 +2782,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
- Művelet
+ Művelet
@@ -3235,17 +3303,17 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
+ RészletekNew
+ Új
diff --git a/ui/i18n/locales/id_ID/opensnitch-id_ID.ts b/ui/i18n/locales/id_ID/opensnitch-id_ID.ts
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
diff --git a/ui/i18n/locales/it_IT/opensnitch-it_IT.ts b/ui/i18n/locales/it_IT/opensnitch-it_IT.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21075e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/i18n/locales/it_IT/opensnitch-it_IT.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3261 @@
+ Dialog
+ opensnitch-qt
+ opensnitch-qt
+ User ID
+ ID Utente
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Executed from</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Eseguito da</span></p></body></html>
+ TextLabel
+ TextLabel
+ Source IP
+ Process ID
+ Destination IP
+ Dst Port
+ from this executable
+ from this command line
+ this destination port
+ this user
+ this destination ip
+ once
+ for this session
+ durante esta sesión
+ forever
+ Deny
+ Allow
+ +
+ until reboot
+ from this PID
+ action
+ 30s
+ 5m
+ 15m
+ 30m
+ 1h
+ Firewall
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Firewall</span></p></body></html>
+ Inbound
+ Outbound
+ Profile
+ Allow inbound connections to a port
+ Allow service (IN)
+ Exclude outbound connections to a port from being intercepted
+ Allow service (OUT)
+ New rule
+ Close
+ Firewall rule
+ Node
+ Enable
+ Description
+ Simple
+ Add new condition
+ Remove selected condition
+ Direction
+ IN
+ Action
+ Clear
+ Delete
+ Save
+ Add
+ depending on the Action (i.e.: target), the syntaxis of the parameters will vary.
+Some examples:
+QUEUE -> num 0 (or 1, 2, ...)
+ to :22
+ to
+ to
+ to 1024-2048 (masquerade)
+ PreferencesDialog
+ Preferences
+ UI
+ <html><head/><body><p>This timeout is the countdown you see when a pop-up dialog is shown.</p></body></html>
+ Este timeout es la cuenta atrás que aparece cuando se muestra una ventana emergente
+ Default timeout
+ Pop-up default duration
+ Default duration
+ Pop-up default action
+ Acción por defecto de la ventana emergente
+ Default action
+ Acción por defecto
+ Default target
+ center
+ top right
+ bottom right
+ top left
+ bottom left
+ Prompt dialog default position on screen
+ Posición por defecto
+ by executable
+ by command line
+ by destination port
+ by destination ip
+ by user id
+ once
+ for this session
+ durante esta sesión
+ forever
+ deny
+ allow
+ Disable pop-ups, only display an alert
+ Deshabilitar ventanas emergentes,
+sólo mostrar alerta
+ Nodes
+ Process monitor method
+ <html><head/><body><p>The default duration will take place when there's no UI connected.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Address of the node.</p><p>Default: unix:///tmp/osui.sock (unix:// is mandatory if it's a Unix socket)</p><p>It can also be an IP address with the port:</p></body></html>
+ Address
+ Default log level
+ Version
+ <html><head/><body><p>The default action will take place when there's no UI connected.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Log file to write logs.<br/></p><p>/dev/stdout will print logs to the standard output.</p></body></html>
+ Log file
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, opensnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an asocciated PID, due to several reasons.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p></body></html>
+ Si marcas esta opción, OpenSnitch te preguntará para Aceptar o Denegar conexiones que no tengan un PID asociado por diferentes razones.
+La ventana emergente sólo contendrá información relativa a la conexión.
+Nota: Estas conexiones no tienen por qué indicar que algo sospechoso está sucediendo. Simplemente
+es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en la máquina, o paquetes en mal estado).
+ Intercept Unknown Connections
+ Interceptar conexiones desconocidas
+ HostName
+ unix:///tmp/osui.sock
+ until restart
+ always
+ /var/log/opensnitchd.log
+ /dev/stdout
+ Apply configuration to all nodes
+ Database
+ In memory
+ File
+ Close
+ Apply
+ Save
+ until reboot
+ Database type
+ Select
+ Pop-ups default options
+ Opciones por defecto de las ventanas emergentes
+ Pop-ups default position on screen
+ Posición en pantalla
+ <html><head/><body><p>The advanced view allows you to apply more filters on a connection</p><p>when a pop-up appears.</p></body></html>
+ La vista avanzada permite filtrar conexiones por más parámetros
+ Show advanced view by default
+ Action
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, the pop-ups will be displayed with the advanced view active.</p></body></html>
+ Duration
+ <html><head/><body><p>By default when a new pop-up appears, in its simplest form, you'll be able to filter connections or applications by one property of the connection (executable, port, IP, etc).</p><p>With these options, you can choose multiple fields to filter connections for.</p></body></html>
+ Filter connections also by:
+ If checked, this field will be checked when a pop-up is displayed
+ Si lo seleccionas, este campo se usará para filtrar las conexiones
+ User ID
+ Destination port
+ Destination IP
+ <html><head/><body><p>This timeout is the countdown you see when a pop-up dialog is shown.</p><p>If the pop-up is not answered, the default options will be applied.</p></body></html>
+ The advanced view allows you to easily select multiple fields to filter connections
+ If checked, this field will be selected when a pop-up is displayed
+ <html><head/><body><p>Pop-up default action.</p><p>When a new outgoing connection is about to be established, this action will be selected by default, so if the timeout fires, this is the option that will be applied.</p><p><br/></p><p>While a pop-up is asking the user to allow or deny a connection:</p><p>1. new outgoing connections are denied.</p><p>2. known connections are allowed or denied based on the rules defined by the user.</p></body></html>
+ Default action when the GUI is disconnected
+ Debug invalid connections
+ Pop-ups
+ Default options
+ Default position on screen
+ any temporary rules
+ <html><head/><body><p>When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.</p><p><br/></p><p>Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Cuando esta opción está seleccionada, las reglas de la duración elegida no se añadirán a la lista de reglas temporales en la GUI.</p><p><br/></p><p>Las reglas temporales seguirán siendo válidas, y puedes usarlas cuando se pregunte para permitir o denegar una nueva conexión.</p></body></html>
+ Don't save rules of duration
+ No guardar reglas de duración
+ Show events columns
+ Mostrar columnas de la pestaña Eventos
+ Time
+ Destination
+ Protocol
+ Process
+ Rule
+ Node
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, opensnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an asocciated PID, due to several reasons, mostly due to bad state connections.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p><p>There're some scenarios where these are valid connections though, like when establishing a VPN using wireguard.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Si se selecciona opensnitch te preguntará para permitir o denegar conexiones que no tienen un PID asociado. Esto puede pasar por diferentes motivos, principalmente debido a conexiones inválidas.</p><p>La ventana emergente sólo contendrá información de la conexión.</p><p>Hay algunas situaciones en las que estas conexiones son válidas, por ejemplo al establecer un túnel VPN con wireguard.</p></body></html>
+ Events tab columns
+ by PID
+ Disable pop-ups, only display a notification
+ Desktop notifications
+ Use system notifications
+ Use Qt notifications
+ Test
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, OpenSnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an associated PID, due to several reasons, mostly due to bad state connections.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p><p>There're some scenarios where these are valid connections though, like when establishing a VPN using WireGuard.</p></body></html>
+ minutes
+ Minutes between events purges
+ days
+ Maximum days of events to keep
+ reject
+ System
+ Command line
+ Theme
+ 30s
+ 5m
+ 15m
+ 30m
+ 1h
+ Rules
+ When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.
+Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.
+ Don't save/Delete rules of duration
+ 30s or less
+ 5m or less
+ 15m or less
+ 30m or less
+ 1h or less
+ Language
+ ProcessDetailsDialog
+ Process details
+ loading...
+ CWD: loading...
+ mem stats: loading...
+ Status
+ Open files
+ I/O Statistics
+ Memory mapped files
+ Stack
+ Environment variables
+ Application pids
+ Start or stop monitoring this process
+ Close
+ RulesDialog
+ Rule
+ Node
+ Apply rule to all nodes
+ From this command line
+ From this executable
+ Action
+ /path/to/executable, .*/bin/executable[0-9\.]+$, ...
+ /ruta/al/ejecutable, .*/bin/executable[0-9\.]+$, ...
+ To this IP / Network
+ once
+ until restart
+ hasta reiniciar (el servicio)
+ always
+ To this port
+ From this user ID
+ Commas or spaces are not allowed to specify multiple domains.
+Use regular expressions instead:
+or a single domain:
+www.gnu.org - it'll only match www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, nor www2.gnu.org, ...
+gnu.org - it'll only match gnu.org, nor www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, ...
+ www.domain.org, .*\.domain.org
+ <html><head/><body><p>Only TCP, UDP or UDPLITE are allowed</p><p>You can use regexp, i.e.: ^(TCP|UDP)$</p></body></html>
+ You can specify a single IP:
+or a regular expression:
+- 192\.168\.1\.[0-9]+
+multiple IPs:
+- ^(192\.168\.1\.1|172\.16\.0\.1)$
+You can also specify a subnet:
+Note: Commas or spaces are not allowed to separate IPs or networks.
+ Duration
+ Protocol
+ To this host
+ Deny
+ Allow
+ Name
+ Enable
+ The rules are checked in alphabetical order, so you can name them accordingly to prioritize them.
+ leave blank to autocreate
+ dejar en blanco para autoasignar nombre
+ If checked, this rule will take precedence over the rest of the rules. No others rules will be checked after this one.
+You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because they're checked in alphabetical order. For example:
+[x] Priority - 000-priority-rule
+[ ] Priority - 001-less-priority-rule
+ Priority rule
+ <html><head/><body><p>By default, the field of the rules are case-insensitive, i.e., if a process tries to access gOOgle.CoM and you have a rule to Deny .*google.com, the connection will be blocked.<br/></p><p>If you check this box, you have to specify the exact string (domain, executable, command line) that you want to filter.</p></body></html>
+ Case-sensitive
+ <html><head/><body><p>You can specify multiple ports using regular expressions:</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 80 or 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 or 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
+ Puedes especificar múltiples puertos usando expresiones regulares:
+- 53, 80 o 443:
+- 53, 443 o 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:
+ until reboot
+ To this list of domains
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with lists of domains to block or allow.</p><p>Put inside that directory files with any extension containing lists of domains.</p><p><br/>The format of each entry of a list is as follow (hosts format):</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>or </p><p> www.domain.com</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Selecciona un directorio con listas de dominios para permitir o denegar.</p><p>Mete dentro de este directorio ficheros con cualquier extensión que contengan listas de dominios.</p><p><br/>El formato de cada dominio de la lista tiene que estar en formato hosts, así:</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>o </p><p> www.domain.com</p></body></html>
+ Applications
+ <html><head/><body><p>This field will only match the executable path. It is not modifiable by the user.<br/></p><p>You can use regular expressions to deny executions from /tmp for example:<br/></p><p>^/tmp/.*$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Este campo sólo comprueba la ruta del ejecutable (la cual no es modificable por el usuario).<br/></p><p>Puedes usar expresiones regulares para denegar cualquier ejecución desde /tmp, por ejemplo; ^/tmp/.*$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>This field will contain and match the command line that was executed by the user.<br/></p><p>If the user typed the command, only the command will appear:</p><p>telnet<br/></p><p>If the user typed the absolute or relative path to the command, that is what will appear:</p><p>/usr/bin/telnet</p><p>../../../usr/bin/telnet</p></body></html>
+ From this PID
+ Network
+ List of domains/IPs
+ To this list of network ranges
+ To this list of IPs
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with files containing list of IPs to block or allow:</p><p></p><p></p><p>.</p><p>etc.</p><p>One IP per line. Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with files containing list of network ranges to block or allow:</p><p></p><p></p><p>.</p><p>etc.<br/></p><p>One Network Range per line. Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with lists of domains to block or allow.</p><p>Put inside that directory files with any extension containing lists of domains.</p><p><br/>The format of each entry of a list is as follow (hosts format):</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>or </p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ To this list of domains
+(regular expressions)
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with files containing regular expressions of domains to block or allow:</p><p>.*\.example\.com</p><p>You can also use a domain as is: "example.com" , and it'll match whatever.example.com, whatever.example.com.localdomain, etc.</p><p>One domain per line. Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ Reject
+ Description...
+ <html><head/><body><p>The value of this field is always the absolute path to the executable: /path/to/binary<br/></p><p>Examples:</p><p>- Simple: /path/to/binary</p><p>- Multiple paths: ^/usr/lib(64|)/firefox/firefox$</p><p>- Multiple binaries: ^(/usr/sbin/ntpd|/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd|/usr/bin/xbrlapi|/usr/bin/dirmngr)$ </p><p>- Deny/Allow executions from /tmp:</p><p>^/(var/|)tmp/.*$<br/></p><p>For more examples visit the <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/Rules-examples">wiki page</a> or ask on the <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/discussions">Discussion forums</a>.</p></body></html>
+ Is regular expression
+ is regular expression
+ Network interface
+ More
+ Don't log connections that match this rule
+ Don't log connections
+ Deny will just discard the connection
+ Reject will drop the connection, and kill the socket that initiated it
+ Allow will allow the connection
+ From this IP / Network
+ From this port
+ <html><head/><body><p>You can specify multiple ports using regular expressions:</p><p>- 53, 80 or 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 or 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
+ StatsDialog
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics
+ Save to CSV
+ Exportar a CSV.
+ Ctrl+S
+ Ctrl+S
+ Create a new rule
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:11pt; font-weight:600;">hostname -</span></p></body></html>
+ Status
+ -
+ Start or Stop interception
+ Events
+ Filter
+ Allow
+ Deny
+ Ex.: firefox
+ 50
+ 100
+ 200
+ 300
+ Nodes
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on the Addr column to view details of a node)</span></p></body></html>
+ (doble click en la columna Dirección para ver los detalles)
+ Rules
+ enable
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on the Name column to view details of a rule)</span></p></body></html>
+ (doble click en la columna Nombre para ver los detalles)
+ search rule name
+ buscar regla
+ Application rules
+ Permanent
+ Temporary
+ Hosts
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click to view details of an item)</span></p></body></html>
+ (doble click en un dominio para ver detalles)
+ Applications
+ Addresses
+ Ports
+ Users
+ Connections
+ Dropped
+ Uptime
+ Version
+ Delete all intercepted events
+ Edit rule
+ Delete rule
+ Delete all intercepted hosts
+ Borrar todos los hosts
+ Delete all intercepted applications
+ Borrar todos las aplicaciones
+ Delete all intercepted addresses
+ Borrar todas las direcciones
+ Delete all intercepted ports
+ Borrar todos los puertos
+ Delete all intercepted users
+ Borrar todos los usuarios
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on a row to view details of a rule)</span></p></body></html>
+ (Doble click en una fila para editar una regla)
+ Delete connections that matched this rule
+ Borrar conexiones que coinciden con esta regla
+ All applications
+ Reject
+ 0
+ 2
+ System rules
+ Delete this node
+ Show the preferences of this node
+ Start or stop interception of this node
+ contextual_menu
+ Statistics
+ Help
+ Close
+ Enable
+ Disable
+ firewall
+ Configuration applied.
+ Error: {0}
+ Applying changes...
+ Error getting INPUT chain policy
+ Error getting OUTPUT chain policy
+ In order to configure firewall rules from the GUI, we need to use 'nftables' instead of 'iptables'
+ Enabling firewall...
+ Disabling firewall...
+ Dest Port
+ Source Port
+ Dest IP
+ Source IP
+ Input interface
+ Output interface
+ Set conntrack mark
+ Match conntrack mark
+ Match conntrack state(s)
+ Set mark on packet
+ Match packet information
+ Bandwidth quotas
+ Rate limit connections
+ Your protobuf version is incompatible, you need to install protobuf 3.8.0 or superior
+(pip3 install --ignore-installed protobuf==3.8.0)
+ Rule deleted
+ Rule added
+ You can use ',' or '-' to specify multiple ports/IPs or ranges/values:<br><br>ports: 22 or 22,443 or 50000-60000<br>IPs: or<br>Values: echo-reply,echo-request<br>Values: new,established,related
+ Deleting rule, wait
+ Error updating rule
+ Adding rule, wait
+ <select a statement>
+ Equal
+ Not equal
+ Greater or equal than
+ Greater than
+ Less or equal than
+ Less than
+ Firewall rule
+ Simple
+ Advanced
+ This rule is not supported yet.
+ Exclude service
+ Allow inbound connections to the selected port.
+ Allow outbound connections to the selected port.
+ select a statement.
+ value cannot be 0 or empty.
+ the value format is 1024/kbytes (or bytes, mbytes, gbytes)
+ the value format is 1024/kbytes/second (or bytes, mbytes, gbytes)
+ rate-limit not valid, use: bytes, kbytes, mbytes or gbytes.
+ time-limit not valid, use: second, minute, hour or day
+ port not valid.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: 23
+ - Ranges: 80-1024
+ - Multiple ports: 80,443,8080
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple:
+ - IP ranges:
+ - Network ranges:
+ Match input interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ Match output interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ Set a conntrack mark on the connection, in decimal format.
+ Match a conntrack mark of the connection, in decimal format.
+ Match conntrack states.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: new
+ - Multiple states separated by commas: related,new
+Match packet's metainformation.
+Value must be in decimal format, except for the "l4proto" option.
+For l4proto it can be a lower case string, for example:
+ tcp
+ udp
+ icmp,
+ etc
+If the value is decimal for protocol or lproto, it'll use it as the code of
+that protocol.
+ Set a mark on the packet matching the specified conditions. The value is in decimal format.
+Match ICMP codes.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: echo-request
+ - Multiple separated by commas: echo-request,echo-reply
+Match ICMPv6 codes.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: echo-request
+ - Multiple separated by commas: echo-request,echo-reply
+ Print a message when this rule matches a packet.
+Apply quotas on connections.
+For example when:
+ - "quota over 10/mbytes" -> apply the Action defined (DROP)
+ - "quota until 10/mbytes" -> apply the Action defined (ACCEPT)
+The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS, for example:
+ - 10mbytes, 1/gbytes, etc
+Apply limits on connections.
+For example when:
+ - "limit over 10/mbytes/minute" -> apply the Action defined (DROP, ACCEPT, etc)
+ (When there're more than 10MB per minute, apply an Action)
+ - "limit until 10/mbytes/hour" -> apply the Action defined (ACCEPT)
+The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
+ - 10/mbytes/minute, 1/gbytes/hour, etc
+ num
+ to
+ menu_close
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ menu_help
+ Help
+ Ayuda
+ menu_statistics
+ Statistics
+ Eventos
+ messages
+ Info
+ Error
+ Warning
+ notifications
+ System notifications are not available, you need to install python3-notify2.
+ popups
+ Allow
+ Deny
+ forever
+ Outgoing connection
+ Process launched from:
+ from this command line
+ from this executable
+ Unknown process
+ Proceso no encontrado
+ until reboot
+ to port {0}
+ <b>%s</b> is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ <b>%s</b> está conectándose a <b>%s</b> en el puerto %s %d
+ <b>Remote</b> process <b>%s</b> running on <b>%s</b> is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ El proceso <b>remoto %s</b> ejecutándose en <b>%s</b> está conectándose a <b>%s</b> en el puerto %s %d
+ to {0}
+ from user {0}
+ to {0}.*
+ to *.{0}
+ to *{0}
+ a *{0}
+ <b>Remote</b> process %s running on <b>%s</b>
+ is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ is attempting to resolve <b>%s</b> via %s, %s port %d
+ from this PID
+ New outgoing connection
+ Reject
+ is connecting to <b>%s</b>, %s
+ Open
+ popups2
+ <b>Remote</b> process <b>%s</b> running on <b>%s</b> is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ El proceso <b>remoto %s</b> ejecutándose en <b>%s</b> está conectándose a <b>%s</b> en el puerto %s %d
+ preferences
+ Exception saving config: %s
+ Error al guarda la configuración: %s
+ Applying configuration on %s ...
+ Aplicando configuración en %s ...
+ Server address can not be empty
+ Error loading %s configuration
+ Error al cargar la configuración %s
+ Configuration applied.
+ Error applying configuration: %s
+ Error al aplicar la configuración: %s
+ Exception saving config: {0}
+ Applying configuration on {0} ...
+ Error loading {0} configuration
+ Error applying configuration: {0}
+ Warning
+ You must select a file for the database<br>or choose "In memory" type.
+ DB type changed
+ Restart the GUI in order effects to take effect
+ Hover the mouse over the texts to display the help<br><br>Don't forget to visit the wiki: <a href="{0}">{0}</a>
+ System
+ Themes not available. Install qt-material: pip3 install qt-material
+ UI theme changed
+ Restart the GUI in order to apply the new theme
+ Ok
+ Restart the GUI in order changes to take effect
+ Reinicie la interfaz gráfica de usuario para que los cambios surtan efecto
+ There're no nodes connected
+ Exception saving node config {0}: {1}
+ System default
+ Language changed
+ proc_details
+ <b>Error loading process information:</b> <br><br>
+ <b>Error stopping monitoring process:</b><br><br>
+ loading...
+ rules
+ There're no nodes connected.
+ Rule applied.
+ Error applying rule: %s
+ Error al aplicar la regla: %s
+ protocol can not be empty, or uncheck it
+ Protocol regexp error
+ process path can not be empty
+ Process path regexp error
+ command line can not be empty
+ Command line regexp error
+ Dest port can not be empty
+ Dst port regexp error
+ Dest host can not be empty
+ Dst host regexp error
+ Dest IP/Network can not be empty
+ Dst IP regexp error
+ User ID can not be empty
+ User ID regexp error
+ Error applying rule: {0}
+ Lists field cannot be empty
+ Lists field must be a directory
+ <b>Rule not supported</b>
+ <b>Error loading rule</b>
+ There's already a rule with this name.
+ PID field can not be empty
+ PID field regexp error
+ Select at least one field.
+ Network interface can not be empty
+ Network interface regexp error
+ Source port can not be empty
+ Source port regexp error
+ Source IP/Network can not be empty
+ Source IP regexp error
+ stats
+ Not running
+ Disabled
+ Running
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics
+ Eventos de OpenSnitch
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics for
+ Eventos de OpenSnitch de
+ Your are about to delete this rule.
+ Are you sure?
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics {0}
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics for {0}
+ Name
+ Nombre
+ Address
+ Dirección
+ Status
+ Estado
+ Hostname
+ Hostname
+ Version
+ Versión
+ Rules
+ Reglas
+ Time
+ Hora
+ Action
+ Acción
+ Duration
+ Duración
+ Node
+ Nodo
+ Hits
+ Protocol
+ Protocolo
+ Save as CSV
+ Enabled
+ Habilitado
+ Delete
+ always
+ siempre
+ <b>Error:</b><br><br>{0}
+ <b>Error:</b><br><br>{0}
+ Disable
+ Enable
+ Duplicate
+ Edit
+ Rule not found by that name and node
+ <b>Error:</b><br><br>
+ {0}
+ Warning:
+ Allow
+ Deny
+ Always
+ Until reboot
+ You are about to delete this rule.
+ Process
+ Aplicación
+ Destination
+ Destino
+ Rule
+ Regla
+ UserID
+ UserID
+ LastConnection
+ ÚltimaConexión
+ Name
+ xxxxx
+ Nombre
+ Name
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Nombre
+ Address
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Dirección
+ Status
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Estado
+ Hostname
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Hostname
+ Version
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Versión
+ Rules
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Reglas
+ Time
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Hora
+ Action
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Acción
+ Duration
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Duración
+ Node
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Nodo
+ Enabled
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Habilitado
+ Hits
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Total
+ Protocol
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Protocolo
+ Process
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Aplicación
+ Destination
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Destino
+ Rule
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Regla
+ UserID
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ UserID
+ LastConnection
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ ÚltimaConexión
+ Name
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Address
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Status
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Hostname
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Version
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Rules
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Time
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Action
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Duration
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Node
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Enabled
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Hits
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Protocol
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Process
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Destination
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Rule
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ UserID
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ LastConnection
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Args
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Args
+ DstIP
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ DstHost
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ DstPort
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Addr
+ Dirección
+ Connections
+ Conexiones
+ Dropped
+ Rechazadas
+ What
+ Apply to
+ Reject
+ Network name
+ Addr
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Dirección
+ Uptime
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Connections
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Dropped
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ What
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Precedence
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ New node connected
+ Nuovo nodo connesso
+ Description
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Cmdline
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Export rules
+ Import rules
+ Export events to CSV
+ Quit
+ Export
+ To clipboard
+ To disk
+ Select a directory to export rules
+ Your are about to delete this entry.
+ You are about to delete this node.
+ <b>Error deleting node</b><br><br>
+ {0}
+ Error exporting rules
+ Select a directory with rules to import (JSON files)
+ Rules imported fine
+ Details
+ New
+ Nuovo
+ stats_deleterule
+ Your are about to delete this rule.
+ Estás a punto de borrar esta regla.
+ stats_deleterule2
+ Are you sure?
+ ¿Estás seguro?
+ stats_disabled
+ Disabled
+ Deshabilitado
+ stats_notrunning
+ Not running
+ Parado
+ stats_running
+ Running
+ Interceptando
+ stats_wintitle
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics
+ Eventos de red OpenSnitch
+ stats_wintitle2
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics for
+ Eventos de OpenSnitch de
diff --git a/ui/i18n/locales/lt_LT/opensnitch-lt_LT.ts b/ui/i18n/locales/lt_LT/opensnitch-lt_LT.ts
index 1824111a..3958d95d 100644
--- a/ui/i18n/locales/lt_LT/opensnitch-lt_LT.ts
+++ b/ui/i18n/locales/lt_LT/opensnitch-lt_LT.ts
@@ -131,22 +131,22 @@
from this PID
+ iš šio PIDaction
+ veiksmasFirewall
+ Užkarda<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Firewall</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Užkarda</span></p></body></html>
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
+ Profilis
@@ -186,32 +186,32 @@
New rule
+ Nauja taisyklėClose
+ UžvertiFirewall rule
+ Užkardos taisyklėNode
+ MazgasEnable
- Įjungti
+ ĮjungtiDescription
+ Aprašas
@@ -221,17 +221,17 @@
Add new condition
+ Pridėti naują sąlygąRemove selected condition
+ Pašalinti pasirinktą sąlygąDirection
+ Kryptis
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
<html><head/><body><p>By default when a new pop-up appears, in its simplest form, you'll be able to filter connections or applications by one property of the connection (executable, port, IP, etc).</p><p>With these options, you can choose multiple fields to filter connections for.</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>By default when a new pop-up appears, in its simplest form, you'll be able to filter connections or applications by one property of the connection (executable, port, IP, etc).</p><p>With these options, you can choose multiple fields to filter connections for.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>By default when a new pop-up appears, in its simplest form, you'll be able to filter connections or applications by one property of the connection (executable, port, IP, etc).</p><p>With these options, you can choose multiple fields to filter connections for.</p></body></html>
@@ -757,12 +757,12 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
<html><head/><body><p>When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.</p><p><br/></p><p>Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.</p><p><br/></p><p>Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.</p><p><br/></p><p>Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.</p></body></html>Don't save rules of duration
- Don't save rules of duration
+ Don't save rules of duration
diff --git a/ui/i18n/locales/nb_NO/opensnitch-nb_NO.ts b/ui/i18n/locales/nb_NO/opensnitch-nb_NO.ts
index 97737414..71286dae 100644
--- a/ui/i18n/locales/nb_NO/opensnitch-nb_NO.ts
+++ b/ui/i18n/locales/nb_NO/opensnitch-nb_NO.ts
@@ -166,22 +166,22 @@
Allow inbound connections to a port
+ Tillat inngående forbindelser til en portAllow service (IN)
+ Tillat tjeneste (INN)Exclude outbound connections to a port from being intercepted
+ Ekskluder utgående forbindelser til en port fra å bli fanget oppAllow service (OUT)
+ Tillat tjeneste (UT)
@@ -206,27 +206,27 @@
- Aktiver
+ AktiverDescription
- Beskrivelse
+ BeskrivelseSimple
+ EnkelAdd new condition
+ Legg til nytt vilkårRemove selected condition
+ Fjern valgte vilkår
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
@@ -266,12 +266,12 @@
+ Nullstill
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
- Lagre
+ Lagre
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
@@ -306,12 +306,12 @@
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
until reboot
- frem til omstart
+ frem til maskinomstart
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
<html><head/><body><p>If checked, the pop-ups will be displayed with the advanced view active.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Når markert vil oppsprettmeldinger bli vist frem med avansert fremvisning aktivt.</p></body></html>
@@ -683,17 +683,17 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
<html><head/><body><p>This timeout is the countdown you see when a pop-up dialog is shown.</p><p>If the pop-up is not answered, the default options will be applied.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Dette tidsutløpet er telleren som teller ned når oppsprettdialogen vises</p><p>Hvis oppsprettdialogen ikke blir besvart så vil forvalgte verdier bli brukt.</p></body></html>The advanced view allows you to easily select multiple fields to filter connections
+ Den avanserte fremvisningen lar deg enkelt velge flere felt for å filtrere forbindelserIf checked, this field will be selected when a pop-up is displayed
+ Hvis markert så vil dette feltet være valgt når oppsprettdialogen vises
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
+ Oppsprettmeldinger
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
+ Node
@@ -773,37 +773,37 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
Events tab columns
+ Kolonner for Hendelser-faneby PID
+ etter PIDDisable pop-ups, only display a notification
+ Deaktiver oppsprettdialoger, vis bare et varselDesktop notifications
+ SkrivebordsvarslerUse system notifications
+ Bruk systemvarslerUse Qt notifications
+ Bruk Qt-varslerTest
+ Test
@@ -813,42 +813,42 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
+ minutterMinutes between events purges
+ Minutter mellom hendelsesutskyllingerdays
+ dagerMaximum days of events to keep
+ Maksimalt antall dager med hendelser å ta vare påreject
+ avvisSystem
+ SystemCommand line
+ KommandolinjeTheme
+ Utforming
@@ -895,22 +895,22 @@ Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow
30s or less
+ 30s eller mindre5m or less
+ 5m eller mindre15m or less
+ 15m eller mindre30m or less
+ 30m eller mindre
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow
+ Språk
@@ -928,12 +928,12 @@ Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow
Process details
+ Prosessdetaljerloading...
+ laster...
@@ -948,12 +948,12 @@ Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow
+ StatusOpen files
+ Åpne filer
@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow
Environment variables
+ Miljøvariabler
@@ -983,12 +983,12 @@ Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow
Start or stop monitoring this process
+ Start eller stopp monitorering av denne prosessenClose
+ Lukk
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow
Apply rule to all nodes
+ Bruk regel på alle noder
@@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow
- en gang
+ en gang
@@ -1046,12 +1046,12 @@ Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow
+ alltidTo this port
+ Til denne porten
@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@ Note: Commas or spaces are not allowed to separate IPs or networks.
+ Varighet
@@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ Note: Commas or spaces are not allowed to separate IPs or networks.
- Aktiver
+ Aktiver
@@ -1165,17 +1165,17 @@ You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because
+ Skill mellom små/store bokstaveruntil reboot
+ til omstartTo this list of domains
+ Til denne domenelisten
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because
+ Beskrivelse...
@@ -1337,7 +1337,7 @@ You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because
+ Navn
@@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because
From this port
+ Fra denne porten
@@ -1540,7 +1540,7 @@ You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because
Delete all intercepted events
+ Slett alle hendelser som er fanget opp
@@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because
- 2
+ 2
@@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@ You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because
Source IP
- Kilde-IP
+ Kilde-IP
@@ -1857,7 +1857,7 @@ You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because
Exclude service
+ Ekskluder tjeneste
@@ -1929,12 +1929,12 @@ Supported formats:
Match input interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ Treff på inngangsgrensesnitt. Ikke tillatt med regulæruttrykk.Match output interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ Treff på utgangsgrensesnitt. Ikke tillatt med regulæruttrykk.
@@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@ that protocol.
Set a mark on the packet matching the specified conditions. The value is in decimal format.
+ Sett et merke på pakken som stemmer med oppgitte vilkår. Verdien har desimalformat.
@@ -2080,12 +2080,12 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
+ FeilWarning
- Aviso
+ Advarsel
@@ -2093,7 +2093,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
System notifications are not available, you need to install python3-notify2.
+ Systemvarslinger er ikke tilgjengelig, du må installere python3-notify2.
@@ -2131,7 +2131,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
from this executable
- fra denne kjørbare fil
+ fra denne kjørbare fil
@@ -2141,7 +2141,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
until reboot
- frem til omstart
+ frem til maskinomstart
@@ -2201,17 +2201,17 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
from this PID
- fra denne PID
+ fra denne PIDNew outgoing connection
+ Ny utgående forbindelseReject
- Rechazar
+ Avvis
@@ -2332,12 +2332,12 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
+ OkThere're no nodes connected
+ Der er ingen noder koblet opp
@@ -2347,12 +2347,12 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
System default
+ SystemforvalgLanguage changed
+ Endret språk
@@ -2362,17 +2362,19 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
<b>Error loading process information:</b> <br><br>
+ <b>Feil ved lasting av prosessinformasjon:</b> <br><br>
+<b>Error stopping monitoring process:</b><br><br>
+ <b>Feil ved stopping av monitoreringsprosess:</b><br><br>loading...
+ laster...
@@ -2380,12 +2382,12 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
There're no nodes connected.
+ Det er ingen noder koblet opp.Rule applied.
+ Regel lagt inn.
@@ -2535,7 +2537,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
Source IP regexp error
+ Kilde-IP-regulæruttrykksfeil
@@ -2578,12 +2580,12 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
OpenSnitch Network Statistics {0}
+ OpenSnitch nettverksstatistikk {0}OpenSnitch Network Statistics for {0}
+ OpenSnitch nettverksstatistikk for {0}
@@ -2613,7 +2615,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
- Reglas
+ Regler
@@ -2623,7 +2625,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
- Acción
+ Handling
@@ -2683,7 +2685,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
+ Klon
@@ -2693,7 +2695,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
Rule not found by that name and node
+ Fant ingen regel med det navn eller node
@@ -2714,7 +2716,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
- Nekt
+ Nekt
@@ -2724,7 +2726,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
Until reboot
+ Til omstart
@@ -2928,7 +2930,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
NodeThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Node
@@ -3128,53 +3130,53 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
Select a directory to export rules
+ Velg en mappe å eksportere regler til Your are about to delete this entry.
+ Du er i ferd med å slette denne oppføringen. You are about to delete this node.
+ Du er i ferd med å slette denne noden. <b>Error deleting node</b><br><br>{0}
+ <b>Feil ved sletting av node</b><br><br>Error exporting rules
+ Feil ved eksport av reglerSelect a directory with rules to import (JSON files)
+ Velg en ordbok med regler som skal importeres (JSON-filer)Rules imported fine
+ Lastet inn regler uten problemerWARNING
+ DetaljerNew
+ Ny
diff --git a/ui/i18n/locales/ru_RU/opensnitch-ru_RU.ts b/ui/i18n/locales/ru_RU/opensnitch-ru_RU.ts
index d0829391..58569262 100644
--- a/ui/i18n/locales/ru_RU/opensnitch-ru_RU.ts
+++ b/ui/i18n/locales/ru_RU/opensnitch-ru_RU.ts
@@ -76,22 +76,22 @@
- 30 секунд
+ 30 сек5m
- 5 минут
+ 5 мин15m
- 15 минут
+ 15 мин30m
- 30 минут
+ 30 мин
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
from this PID
- из этого PIDа
+ из этого PID'а
@@ -141,12 +141,12 @@
- Фаервол
+ Межсетевой экран<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Firewall</span></p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Фаервол</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Межсетевой экран</span></p></body></html>
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
Firewall rule
- Правило фаервола
+ Правило межсетевого экрана
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
@@ -316,17 +316,17 @@
Default timeout
- Тайм-аут по умолчанию
+ Удержание по умолчанию
- 30 секунд
+ 30 сек5m
- 5 минут
+ 5 мин15m
- 15 минут
+ 15 мин30m
- 30 минут
+ 30 мин
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
Default action when the GUI is disconnected
- Обычное действие, когда интерфейс отключен
+ Обычное действие, когда интерфейс отключён
@@ -752,7 +752,7 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
Default options
- Параметры по умолчанию
+ Настройки по умолчанию
@@ -904,7 +904,9 @@ es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en
When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.
Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.
+ Если выбран этот параметр, правила выбранной продолжительности не будут добавлены в список временных правил в графическом интерфейсе.
+Временные правила по-прежнему будут действительны, и вы сможете использовать их, когда будет предложено разрешить/запретить новое соединение.
@@ -1864,12 +1866,12 @@ You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because
In order to configure firewall rules from the GUI, we need to use 'nftables' instead of 'iptables'
- Чтобы настроить правила фаервола из графического интерфейса, нам нужно использовать 'nftables' вместо 'iptables'
+ Чтобы настроить правила межсетевого экрана из оболочки, нам нужно использовать 'nftables' вместо 'iptables'Enabling firewall...
- Включение фаервола...
+ Включение межсетевого экрана...
@@ -2016,7 +2018,7 @@ You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because
Firewall rule
- Правило фаервола
+ Правило межсетевого экрана
@@ -3329,12 +3331,12 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
+ Подробности
diff --git a/ui/i18n/locales/sv_SE/opensnitch-sv_SE.ts b/ui/i18n/locales/sv_SE/opensnitch-sv_SE.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1cf7a34c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/i18n/locales/sv_SE/opensnitch-sv_SE.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3365 @@
+ Dialog
+ opensnitch-qt
+ opensnitch-qt
+ User ID
+ Användar-ID
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Executed from</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Utförd från</span></p></body></html>
+ TextLabel
+ TextLabel
+ Source IP
+ Käll-IP
+ Process ID
+ Process-ID
+ Destination IP
+ Destinations-IP
+ Dst Port
+ Dst-port
+ from this executable
+ från denna körbara
+ from this command line
+ från denna kommandorad
+ this destination port
+ denna destinationsport
+ this user
+ denna användare
+ this destination ip
+ denna destination-ip
+ once
+ en gång
+ for this session
+ durante esta sesión
+ forever
+ evigt
+ Deny
+ Neka
+ Allow
+ Tillåt
+ +
+ +
+ until reboot
+ tills omstart av datorn
+ from this PID
+ från denna PID
+ action
+ åtgärd
+ 30s
+ 30s
+ 5m
+ 5m
+ 15m
+ 15m
+ 30m
+ 30m
+ 1h
+ 1h
+ Firewall
+ Brandvägg
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Firewall</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">Brandvägg</span></p></body></html>
+ Inbound
+ Inkommande
+ Outbound
+ Utgående
+ Profile
+ Profil
+ Allow inbound connections to a port
+ Tillåt inkommande anslutningar till en port
+ Allow service (IN)
+ Tillåt tjänst (IN)
+ Exclude outbound connections to a port from being intercepted
+ Uteslut utgående anslutningar till en port från att kunna avlyssnas
+ Allow service (OUT)
+ Tillåt service (UT)
+ New rule
+ Ny regel
+ Close
+ Stäng
+ Firewall rule
+ Brandväggsregel
+ Node
+ Nod
+ Enable
+ Aktivera
+ Description
+ Beskrivning
+ Simple
+ Enkel
+ Add new condition
+ Lägg till nytt villkor
+ Remove selected condition
+ Ta bort det valda villkoret
+ Direction
+ Riktning
+ IN
+ IN
+ UT
+ Action
+ Åtgärd
+ Clear
+ Rensa
+ Delete
+ Ta bort
+ Save
+ Spara
+ Add
+ Lägg till
+ KÖ
+ depending on the Action (i.e.: target), the syntaxis of the parameters will vary.
+Some examples:
+QUEUE -> num 0 (or 1, 2, ...)
+ to :22
+ to
+ to
+ to 1024-2048 (masquerade)
+ beroende på åtgärden (dvs.: mål), kommer syntaxen för parametrarna att variera.
+Några exempel:
+KÖ -> num 0 (or 1, 2, ...)
+ to :22
+ to
+ to
+ to 1024-2048 (masquerade)
+ PreferencesDialog
+ Preferences
+ Inställningar
+ UI
+ Användargränssnitt
+ <html><head/><body><p>This timeout is the countdown you see when a pop-up dialog is shown.</p></body></html>
+ Este timeout es la cuenta atrás que aparece cuando se muestra una ventana emergente
+ Default timeout
+ Standard tidsgräns
+ Pop-up default duration
+ Popup-standardvaraktighet
+ Default duration
+ Standardvaraktighet
+ Pop-up default action
+ Acción por defecto de la ventana emergente
+ Default action
+ Acción por defecto
+ Default target
+ Standardmål
+ center
+ centrer
+ top right
+ uppe till höger
+ bottom right
+ nere till höger
+ top left
+ uppe till vänster
+ bottom left
+ nere till vänster
+ Prompt dialog default position on screen
+ Posición por defecto
+ by executable
+ efter körbar
+ by command line
+ efter kommandorad
+ by destination port
+ efter destinationsport
+ by destination ip
+ efter destination-ip
+ by user id
+ efter användar-id
+ once
+ en gång
+ for this session
+ durante esta sesión
+ forever
+ evigt
+ deny
+ neka
+ allow
+ tillåt
+ Disable pop-ups, only display an alert
+ Deshabilitar ventanas emergentes,
+sólo mostrar alerta
+ Nodes
+ Noder
+ Process monitor method
+ Processövervakningsmetod
+ <html><head/><body><p>The default duration will take place when there's no UI connected.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Standardvaraktigheten kommer att ske när det inte finns något gränssnitt anslutet.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Address of the node.</p><p>Default: unix:///tmp/osui.sock (unix:// is mandatory if it's a Unix socket)</p><p>It can also be an IP address with the port:</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Adress till noden.</p><p>Standard: unix:///tmp/osui.sock (unix:// är obligatoriskt om det är ett Unix-uttag)</p><p>Det kan också vara en IP-adress med porten:</p></body></html>
+ Address
+ Adress
+ Default log level
+ Standardloggnivå
+ Version
+ Version
+ <html><head/><body><p>The default action will take place when there's no UI connected.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Standardåtgärden kommer att äga rum när det inte finns något gränssnitt anslutet.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Log file to write logs.<br/></p><p>/dev/stdout will print logs to the standard output.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Loggfil för att skriva loggar.<br/></p><p>/dev/stdout kommer att skriva ut loggar till standardutdata.</p></body></html>
+ Log file
+ Loggfil
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, opensnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an asocciated PID, due to several reasons.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p></body></html>
+ Si marcas esta opción, OpenSnitch te preguntará para Aceptar o Denegar conexiones que no tengan un PID asociado por diferentes razones.
+La ventana emergente sólo contendrá información relativa a la conexión.
+Nota: Estas conexiones no tienen por qué indicar que algo sospechoso está sucediendo. Simplemente
+es que no hemos descubierto el PID (por ejemplo conexiones que no se originan en la máquina, o paquetes en mal estado).
+ Intercept Unknown Connections
+ Interceptar conexiones desconocidas
+ HostName
+ Värdnamn
+ unix:///tmp/osui.sock
+ unix:///tmp/osui.sock
+ until restart
+ tills omstart
+ always
+ alltid
+ /var/log/opensnitchd.log
+ /var/log/opensnitchd.log
+ /dev/stdout
+ /dev/stdout
+ Apply configuration to all nodes
+ Tillämpa konfiguration på alla noder
+ Database
+ Databas
+ In memory
+ I minnet
+ File
+ Fil
+ Close
+ Stäng
+ Apply
+ Tillämpa
+ Save
+ Spara
+ until reboot
+ tills omstart av datorn
+ Database type
+ Databastyp
+ Select
+ Välj
+ Pop-ups default options
+ Opciones por defecto de las ventanas emergentes
+ Pop-ups default position on screen
+ Posición en pantalla
+ <html><head/><body><p>The advanced view allows you to apply more filters on a connection</p><p>when a pop-up appears.</p></body></html>
+ La vista avanzada permite filtrar conexiones por más parámetros
+ Show advanced view by default
+ Visa avancerad vy som standard
+ Action
+ Åtgärd
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, the pop-ups will be displayed with the advanced view active.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Om markerad, kommer popup-fönster att visas med den avancerade vyn aktiv.</p></body></html>
+ Duration
+ Varaktighet
+ <html><head/><body><p>By default when a new pop-up appears, in its simplest form, you'll be able to filter connections or applications by one property of the connection (executable, port, IP, etc).</p><p>With these options, you can choose multiple fields to filter connections for.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Som standard när ett nytt popup-fönster visas, i sin enklaste form, kommer du att kunna filtrera anslutningar eller applikationer efter en egenskap hos anslutningen (körbar, port, IP, etc).</p><p>Med dessa alternativ kan du välja flera fält att filtrera anslutningar efter.</p></body></html>
+ Filter connections also by:
+ Filtrera anslutningar även efter:
+ If checked, this field will be checked when a pop-up is displayed
+ Si lo seleccionas, este campo se usará para filtrar las conexiones
+ User ID
+ Användar-ID
+ Destination port
+ Destinationsport
+ Destination IP
+ Destinations-IP
+ <html><head/><body><p>This timeout is the countdown you see when a pop-up dialog is shown.</p><p>If the pop-up is not answered, the default options will be applied.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Denna tidsgräns är nedräkningen du ser när en popup-dialogruta visas.</p><p>Om popup-fönstret inte besvaras kommer standardalternativen att tillämpas.</p></body></html>
+ The advanced view allows you to easily select multiple fields to filter connections
+ Den avancerade vyn låter dig enkelt välja flera fält för att filtrera anslutningar
+ If checked, this field will be selected when a pop-up is displayed
+ Om markerat kommer detta fält att väljas när ett popup-fönster visas
+ <html><head/><body><p>Pop-up default action.</p><p>When a new outgoing connection is about to be established, this action will be selected by default, so if the timeout fires, this is the option that will be applied.</p><p><br/></p><p>While a pop-up is asking the user to allow or deny a connection:</p><p>1. new outgoing connections are denied.</p><p>2. known connections are allowed or denied based on the rules defined by the user.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Popup-standardåtgärd.</p><p>När en ny utgående anslutning är på väg att upprättas kommer denna åtgärd att väljas som standard, så om tidsgräns utlöses är detta alternativ som kommer att tillämpas.</p ><p><br/></p><p>Medan ett popup-fönster ber användaren att tillåta eller neka en anslutning:</p><p>1. nya utgående anslutningar nekas.</p><p>2. kända anslutningar tillåts eller nekas baserat på reglerna som definierats av användaren.</p></body></html>
+ Default action when the GUI is disconnected
+ Standardåtgärd när det grafiska användargränssnittet är frånkopplat
+ Debug invalid connections
+ Felsök ogiltiga anslutningar
+ Pop-ups
+ Popup-fönster
+ Default options
+ Standardalternativ
+ Default position on screen
+ Standardposition på skärmen
+ any temporary rules
+ eventuella tillfälliga regler
+ <html><head/><body><p>When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.</p><p><br/></p><p>Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Cuando esta opción está seleccionada, las reglas de la duración elegida no se añadirán a la lista de reglas temporales en la GUI.</p><p><br/></p><p>Las reglas temporales seguirán siendo válidas, y puedes usarlas cuando se pregunte para permitir o denegar una nueva conexión.</p></body></html>
+ Don't save rules of duration
+ No guardar reglas de duración
+ Show events columns
+ Mostrar columnas de la pestaña Eventos
+ Time
+ Tid
+ Destination
+ Destination
+ Protocol
+ Protokoll
+ Process
+ Process
+ Rule
+ Regel
+ Node
+ Nod
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, opensnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an asocciated PID, due to several reasons, mostly due to bad state connections.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p><p>There're some scenarios where these are valid connections though, like when establishing a VPN using wireguard.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Si se selecciona opensnitch te preguntará para permitir o denegar conexiones que no tienen un PID asociado. Esto puede pasar por diferentes motivos, principalmente debido a conexiones inválidas.</p><p>La ventana emergente sólo contendrá información de la conexión.</p><p>Hay algunas situaciones en las que estas conexiones son válidas, por ejemplo al establecer un túnel VPN con wireguard.</p></body></html>
+ Events tab columns
+ Händelser-flikkolumner
+ by PID
+ efter PID
+ Disable pop-ups, only display a notification
+ Inaktivera popup-fönster, visa bara ett meddelande
+ Desktop notifications
+ Skrivbordsaviseringar
+ Use system notifications
+ Använd systemaviseringar
+ Use Qt notifications
+ Använd Qt-aviseringar
+ Test
+ Test
+ <html><head/><body><p>If checked, OpenSnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an associated PID, due to several reasons, mostly due to bad state connections.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p><p>There're some scenarios where these are valid connections though, like when establishing a VPN using WireGuard.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Om markerad kommer OpenSnitch att uppmana dig att tillåta eller neka anslutningar som inte har ett associerat PID, på grund av flera orsaker, mestadels på grund av dåliga anslutningar.</p><p>Popup-dialogrutan innehåller endast information om nätverksanslutningen.</p><p>Det finns vissa scenarier där dessa är giltiga anslutningar, som när du upprättar ett VPN med WireGuard.</p></body></html>
+ minutes
+ minuter
+ Minutes between events purges
+ Minuter mellan händelseutrensningar
+ days
+ dagar
+ Maximum days of events to keep
+ Maximalt antal dagar av händelser att behålla
+ reject
+ avvisa
+ System
+ System
+ Command line
+ Kommandorad
+ Theme
+ Tema
+ 30s
+ 30s
+ 5m
+ 5m
+ 15m
+ 15m
+ 30m
+ 30m
+ 1h
+ 1h
+ Rules
+ Regler
+ When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.
+Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.
+ När detta alternativ är valt kommer reglerna för den valda varaktigheten inte att läggas till i listan över temporära regler i det grafiska användargränssnittet.
+Tillfälliga regler kommer fortfarande att vara giltiga, och du kan använda dem när du uppmanas att tillåta/neka en ny anslutning.
+ Don't save/Delete rules of duration
+ Spara/Ta inte bort regler för varaktighet
+ 30s or less
+ 30s eller mindre
+ 5m or less
+ 5m eller mindre
+ 15m or less
+ 15m eller mindre
+ 30m or less
+ 30m eller mindre
+ 1h or less
+ 1h eller mindre
+ Language
+ Språk
+ ProcessDetailsDialog
+ Process details
+ Processdetaljer
+ loading...
+ läser in...
+ CWD: loading...
+ CWD: läser in...
+ mem stats: loading...
+ memstatistik: läser in...
+ Status
+ Status
+ Open files
+ Öppna filer
+ I/O Statistics
+ I/O-statistik
+ Memory mapped files
+ Minnesmappade filer
+ Stack
+ Stapla
+ Environment variables
+ Miljövariabler
+ Application pids
+ Applikationspids
+ Start or stop monitoring this process
+ Starta eller sluta övervaka denna process
+ Close
+ Stäng
+ RulesDialog
+ Rule
+ Regel
+ Node
+ Nod
+ Apply rule to all nodes
+ Tillämpa regel på alla noder
+ From this command line
+ Från denna kommandorad
+ From this executable
+ Från denna körbara
+ Action
+ Åtgärd
+ /path/to/executable, .*/bin/executable[0-9\.]+$, ...
+ /ruta/al/ejecutable, .*/bin/executable[0-9\.]+$, ...
+ To this IP / Network
+ Till denna IP / nätverk
+ once
+ en gång
+ until restart
+ hasta reiniciar (el servicio)
+ always
+ alltid
+ To this port
+ Till denna port
+ From this user ID
+ Från detta användar-ID
+ Commas or spaces are not allowed to specify multiple domains.
+Use regular expressions instead:
+or a single domain:
+www.gnu.org - it'll only match www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, nor www2.gnu.org, ...
+gnu.org - it'll only match gnu.org, nor www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, ...
+ Komma eller mellanslag är inte tillåtna för att ange flera domäner.
+Använd reguljära uttryck istället:
+eller en enda domän:
+www.gnu.org - det kommer bara att matcha www.gnu.org, inte ftp.gnu.org eller www2.gnu.org, ...
+gnu.org - det kommer bara att matcha gnu.org, inte www.gnu.org eller ftp.gnu.org, ...
+ www.domain.org, .*\.domain.org
+ www.domain.org, .*\.domain.org
+ <html><head/><body><p>Only TCP, UDP or UDPLITE are allowed</p><p>You can use regexp, i.e.: ^(TCP|UDP)$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Endast TCP, UDP eller UDPLITE är tillåtna</p><p>Du kan använda regexp, dvs.: ^(TCP|UDP)$</p></body> </html>
+ You can specify a single IP:
+or a regular expression:
+- 192\.168\.1\.[0-9]+
+multiple IPs:
+- ^(192\.168\.1\.1|172\.16\.0\.1)$
+You can also specify a subnet:
+Note: Commas or spaces are not allowed to separate IPs or networks.
+ Du kan ange en enda IP:
+eller ett reguljärt uttryck:
+- 192\.168\.1\.[0-9]+
+flera IP:er:
+- ^(192\.168\.1\.1|172\.16\.0\.1)$
+Du kan också ange ett undernät:
+Obs: Komma eller mellanslag är inte tillåtna för att separera IP:er eller nätverk.
+ Duration
+ Varaktighet
+ Protocol
+ Protokoll
+ To this host
+ Till denna värd
+ Deny
+ Neka
+ Allow
+ Tillåt
+ Name
+ Namn
+ Enable
+ Aktivera
+ The rules are checked in alphabetical order, so you can name them accordingly to prioritize them.
+ Reglerna kontrolleras i alfabetisk ordning, så du kan namnge dem i enlighet med dem för att prioritera dem.
+ leave blank to autocreate
+ dejar en blanco para autoasignar nombre
+ If checked, this rule will take precedence over the rest of the rules. No others rules will be checked after this one.
+You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because they're checked in alphabetical order. For example:
+[x] Priority - 000-priority-rule
+[ ] Priority - 001-less-priority-rule
+ Om markerad kommer denna regel att ha företräde framför resten av reglerna. Inga andra regler kommer att kontrolleras efter denna.
+Du måste namnge regeln på ett sådant sätt att den kommer att kontrolleras först, eftersom de är markerade i alfabetisk ordning. Till exempel:
+[x] Priority - 000-priority-rule
+[ ] Priority - 001-less-priority-rule
+ Priority rule
+ Prioritetsregel
+ <html><head/><body><p>By default, the field of the rules are case-insensitive, i.e., if a process tries to access gOOgle.CoM and you have a rule to Deny .*google.com, the connection will be blocked.<br/></p><p>If you check this box, you have to specify the exact string (domain, executable, command line) that you want to filter.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Som standard är fältet för reglerna skiftlägesokänsligt, d.v.s. om en process försöker komma åt gOOgle.CoM och du har en regel att neka .*google.com, anslutningen kommer att blockeras.<br/></p><p>Om du markerar denna ruta måste du ange den exakta strängen (domän, körbar, kommandorad) som du vill filtrera.</p></ body></html>
+ Case-sensitive
+ Skiftlägeskänslig
+ <html><head/><body><p>You can specify multiple ports using regular expressions:</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 80 or 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 or 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
+ Puedes especificar múltiples puertos usando expresiones regulares:
+- 53, 80 o 443:
+- 53, 443 o 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:
+ until reboot
+ tills omstart av datorn
+ To this list of domains
+ Till denna lista över domäner
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with lists of domains to block or allow.</p><p>Put inside that directory files with any extension containing lists of domains.</p><p><br/>The format of each entry of a list is as follow (hosts format):</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>or </p><p> www.domain.com</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Selecciona un directorio con listas de dominios para permitir o denegar.</p><p>Mete dentro de este directorio ficheros con cualquier extensión que contengan listas de dominios.</p><p><br/>El formato de cada dominio de la lista tiene que estar en formato hosts, así:</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>o </p><p> www.domain.com</p></body></html>
+ Applications
+ Applikationer
+ <html><head/><body><p>This field will only match the executable path. It is not modifiable by the user.<br/></p><p>You can use regular expressions to deny executions from /tmp for example:<br/></p><p>^/tmp/.*$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Este campo sólo comprueba la ruta del ejecutable (la cual no es modificable por el usuario).<br/></p><p>Puedes usar expresiones regulares para denegar cualquier ejecución desde /tmp, por ejemplo; ^/tmp/.*$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>This field will contain and match the command line that was executed by the user.<br/></p><p>If the user typed the command, only the command will appear:</p><p>telnet<br/></p><p>If the user typed the absolute or relative path to the command, that is what will appear:</p><p>/usr/bin/telnet</p><p>../../../usr/bin/telnet</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Detta fält kommer att innehålla och matcha kommandoraden som kördes av användaren.<br/></p><p>Om användaren skrev kommandot är det bara kommandot kommer att visas:</p><p>telnet<br/></p><p>Om användaren skrev den absoluta eller relativa sökvägen till kommandot, är det vad som kommer att visas:</p><p >/usr/bin/telnet</p><p>../../../usr/bin/telnet</p></body></html>
+ From this PID
+ Från denna PID
+ Network
+ Nätverk
+ List of domains/IPs
+ Lista över domäner/IP:er
+ To this list of network ranges
+ Till denna lista över nätverksintervall
+ To this list of IPs
+ Till denna lista med IP-adresser
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with files containing list of IPs to block or allow:</p><p></p><p></p><p>.</p><p>etc.</p><p>One IP per line. Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Välj en katalog med filer som innehåller en lista med IP-adresser att blockera eller tillåta:</p><p></p><p> 6</p><p>.</p><p>osv.</p><p>En IP per rad. Tomma rader eller inledda med # ignoreras.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with files containing list of network ranges to block or allow:</p><p></p><p></p><p>.</p><p>etc.<br/></p><p>One Network Range per line. Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Välj en katalog med filer som innehåller en lista över nätverksintervall att blockera eller tillåta:</p><p></p><p> /20</p><p>.</p><p>osv.<br/></p><p>Ett nätverksintervall per linje. Tomma rader eller inledda med # ignoreras.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with lists of domains to block or allow.</p><p>Put inside that directory files with any extension containing lists of domains.</p><p><br/>The format of each entry of a list is as follow (hosts format):</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>or </p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Välj en katalog med listor över domäner att blockera eller tillåta.</p><p>Placera filer i den katalogen med valfritt tillägg som innehåller listor över domäner.</p><p><br/>Formatet för varje post i en lista är som följer (värdformat):</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>eller </p>< p> www.domain.com</p><p>Tomma rader eller som börjar med # ignoreras.</p></body></html>
+ To this list of domains
+(regular expressions)
+ Till denna lista över domäner
+(reguljära uttryck)
+ <html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with files containing regular expressions of domains to block or allow:</p><p>.*\.example\.com</p><p>You can also use a domain as is: "example.com" , and it'll match whatever.example.com, whatever.example.com.localdomain, etc.</p><p>One domain per line. Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Välj en katalog med filer som innehåller reguljära uttryck för domäner att blockera eller tillåta:</p><p>.*\.example\.com</p><p> Du kan också använda en domän som den är: "example.com" , och det kommer att matcha whatever.example.com, whatever.example.com.localdomain, etc.</p><p>En domän per rad. Tomma rader eller inledda med # ignoreras.</p></body></html>
+ Reject
+ Avvisa
+ Description...
+ Beskrivning...
+ <html><head/><body><p>The value of this field is always the absolute path to the executable: /path/to/binary<br/></p><p>Examples:</p><p>- Simple: /path/to/binary</p><p>- Multiple paths: ^/usr/lib(64|)/firefox/firefox$</p><p>- Multiple binaries: ^(/usr/sbin/ntpd|/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd|/usr/bin/xbrlapi|/usr/bin/dirmngr)$ </p><p>- Deny/Allow executions from /tmp:</p><p>^/(var/|)tmp/.*$<br/></p><p>For more examples visit the <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/Rules-examples">wiki page</a> or ask on the <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/discussions">Discussion forums</a>.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Värdet på detta fält är alltid den absoluta sökvägen till den körbara: /path/to/binary<br/></p><p>Exempel:</p> <p>- Enkel: /sökväg/till/binär</p><p>- Flera sökvägar: ^/usr/lib(64|)/firefox/firefox$</p><p>- Flera binärer: ^( /usr/sbin/ntpd|/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd|/usr/bin/xbrlapi|/usr/bin/dirmngr)$ </p><p>- Neka/tillåt körningar från /tmp:</p ><p>^/(var/|)tmp/.*$<br/></p><p>För fler exempel besök <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/Rules-examples">wikisida</a> eller fråga på <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/discussions">diskussionsforumet</a>.</p></body ></html>
+ Is regular expression
+ Är reguljärt uttryck
+ is regular expression
+ är reguljärt uttryck
+ Network interface
+ Nätverksgränssnitt
+ More
+ Mer
+ Don't log connections that match this rule
+ Logga inte anslutningar som matchar denna regel
+ Don't log connections
+ Logga inte anslutningar
+ Deny will just discard the connection
+ Neka kommer bara att ignorera anslutningen
+ Reject will drop the connection, and kill the socket that initiated it
+ Avvisa kommer att tappa anslutningen och döda uttaget som initierade den
+ Allow will allow the connection
+ Tillåt kommer att tillåta anslutningen
+ From this IP / Network
+ Från denna IP / nätverk
+ From this port
+ Från denna port
+ <html><head/><body><p>You can specify multiple ports using regular expressions:</p><p>- 53, 80 or 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 or 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Du kan ange flera portar med reguljära uttryck:</p><p>- 53, 80 eller 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443 )$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 eller 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0- 9])$</p></body></html>
+ StatsDialog
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics
+ OpenSnitch-nätverksstatistik
+ Save to CSV
+ Exportar a CSV.
+ Ctrl+S
+ Ctrl+S
+ Create a new rule
+ Skapa en ny regel
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:11pt; font-weight:600;">hostname -</span></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:11pt; font-weight:600;">värdnamn -</span></p></body></html>
+ Status
+ Status
+ -
+ -
+ Start or Stop interception
+ Starta eller stoppa avlyssning
+ Events
+ Händelser
+ Filter
+ Filtrera
+ Allow
+ Tillåt
+ Deny
+ Neka
+ Ex.: firefox
+ Ex.: firefox
+ 50
+ 50
+ 100
+ 100
+ 200
+ 200
+ 300
+ 300
+ Nodes
+ Noder
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on the Addr column to view details of a node)</span></p></body></html>
+ (doble click en la columna Dirección para ver los detalles)
+ Rules
+ Regler
+ enable
+ aktivera
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on the Name column to view details of a rule)</span></p></body></html>
+ (doble click en la columna Nombre para ver los detalles)
+ search rule name
+ buscar regla
+ Application rules
+ Applikationsregler
+ Permanent
+ Permanent
+ Temporary
+ Tillfällig
+ Hosts
+ Värdar
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click to view details of an item)</span></p></body></html>
+ (doble click en un dominio para ver detalles)
+ Applications
+ Applikationer
+ Addresses
+ Adresser
+ Ports
+ Portar
+ Users
+ Användare
+ Connections
+ Anslutningar
+ Dropped
+ Tappad
+ Uptime
+ Drifttid
+ Version
+ Version
+ Delete all intercepted events
+ Ta bort alla avlyssnade händelser
+ Edit rule
+ Redigera regel
+ Delete rule
+ Ta bort regel
+ Delete all intercepted hosts
+ Borrar todos los hosts
+ Delete all intercepted applications
+ Borrar todos las aplicaciones
+ Delete all intercepted addresses
+ Borrar todas las direcciones
+ Delete all intercepted ports
+ Borrar todos los puertos
+ Delete all intercepted users
+ Borrar todos los usuarios
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on a row to view details of a rule)</span></p></body></html>
+ (Doble click en una fila para editar una regla)
+ Delete connections that matched this rule
+ Borrar conexiones que coinciden con esta regla
+ All applications
+ Alla applikationer
+ Reject
+ Avvisa
+ 0
+ 0
+ 2
+ 2
+ System rules
+ Systemregler
+ Delete this node
+ Ta bort denna nod
+ Show the preferences of this node
+ Visa inställningarna för denna nod
+ Start or stop interception of this node
+ Starta eller stoppa avlyssning av denna nod
+ contextual_menu
+ Statistics
+ Statistik
+ Help
+ Hjälp
+ Close
+ Stäng
+ Enable
+ Aktivera
+ Disable
+ Inaktivera
+ firewall
+ Configuration applied.
+ Konfiguration tillämpad.
+ Error: {0}
+ Fel: {0}
+ Applying changes...
+ Tillämpar ändringar...
+ Error getting INPUT chain policy
+ Fel vid hämtning av INMATNINGS-kedjepolicy
+ Error getting OUTPUT chain policy
+ Fel vid hämtning av UTMATNINGS-kedjepolicy
+ In order to configure firewall rules from the GUI, we need to use 'nftables' instead of 'iptables'
+ För att konfigurera brandväggsregler från det grafiska användargränssnittet måste vi använda 'nftables' istället för 'iptables'
+ Enabling firewall...
+ Aktiverar brandvägg...
+ Disabling firewall...
+ Inaktiverar brandvägg...
+ Dest Port
+ Dest-port
+ Source Port
+ Källport
+ Dest IP
+ Dest-IP
+ Source IP
+ Käll-IP
+ Input interface
+ Inmatningsgränssnitt
+ Output interface
+ Utmatningsgränssnitt
+ Set conntrack mark
+ Ställ in conntrack-märke
+ Match conntrack mark
+ Matcha conntrack-märke
+ Match conntrack state(s)
+ Matcha conntrack tillstånd
+ Set mark on packet
+ Sätt märke på paket
+ Match packet information
+ Matcha paketinformation
+ Bandwidth quotas
+ Bandbreddskvoter
+ Rate limit connections
+ Hastighetsgränsanslutningar
+ Your protobuf version is incompatible, you need to install protobuf 3.8.0 or superior
+(pip3 install --ignore-installed protobuf==3.8.0)
+ Din protobuf-version är inkompatibel, du måste installera protobuf 3.8.0 eller högre
+(pip3 install --ignore-installed protobuf==3.8.0)
+ Rule deleted
+ Regel borttagen
+ Rule added
+ Regel tillagd
+ You can use ',' or '-' to specify multiple ports/IPs or ranges/values:<br><br>ports: 22 or 22,443 or 50000-60000<br>IPs: or<br>Values: echo-reply,echo-request<br>Values: new,established,related
+ Du kan använda ',' eller '-' för att ange flera portar/IP:er eller intervall/värden:<br><br>portar: 22 eller 22,443 eller 50000-60000<br>IP:er: eller .1.130<br>Värden: echo-reply,echo-request<br>Värden: new,established,related
+ Deleting rule, wait
+ Tar bort regel, vänta
+ Error updating rule
+ Fel vid uppdatering av regeln
+ Adding rule, wait
+ Lägger till regel, vänta
+ <select a statement>
+ <välj ett uttalande>
+ Equal
+ Lika
+ Not equal
+ Inte lika
+ Greater or equal than
+ Större eller lika med
+ Greater than
+ Större än
+ Less or equal than
+ Mindre eller lika med
+ Less than
+ Mindre än
+ Firewall rule
+ Brandväggsregel
+ Simple
+ Enkel
+ Advanced
+ Avancerad
+ This rule is not supported yet.
+ Denna regel stöds inte ännu.
+ Exclude service
+ Uteslut tjänst
+ Allow inbound connections to the selected port.
+ Tillåt inkommande anslutningar till den valda porten.
+ Allow outbound connections to the selected port.
+ Tillåt utgående anslutningar till den valda porten.
+ select a statement.
+ välj ett uttalande.
+ value cannot be 0 or empty.
+ värdet får inte vara 0 eller tomt.
+ the value format is 1024/kbytes (or bytes, mbytes, gbytes)
+ värdeformatet är 1024/kbyte (eller byte, mbyte, gbyte)
+ the value format is 1024/kbytes/second (or bytes, mbytes, gbytes)
+ värdeformatet är 1024/kbyte/sekund (eller byte, mbyte, gbyte)
+ rate-limit not valid, use: bytes, kbytes, mbytes or gbytes.
+ hastighetsgräns inte giltig, använd: byte, kbyte, mbyte eller gbyte.
+ time-limit not valid, use: second, minute, hour or day
+ tidsgräns inte giltig, använd: sekund, minut, timme eller dag
+ port not valid.
+ port inte giltig.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: 23
+ - Ranges: 80-1024
+ - Multiple ports: 80,443,8080
+Format som stöds:
+ - Enkel: 23
+ - Intervall: 80-1024
+ - Flera portar: 80,443,8080
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple:
+ - IP ranges:
+ - Network ranges:
+Format som stöds:
+ - Enkel:
+ - IP-intervall:
+ - Nätverksintervall:
+ Match input interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ Matcha ingångsgränssnitt. Reguljära uttryck är inte tillåtna.
+ Match output interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ Matcha utgångsgränssnitt. Reguljära uttryck är inte tillåtna.
+ Set a conntrack mark on the connection, in decimal format.
+ Sätt ett conntrack-märke på anslutningen, i decimalformat.
+ Match a conntrack mark of the connection, in decimal format.
+ Matcha ett conntrack-märke för anslutningen, i decimalformat.
+ Match conntrack states.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: new
+ - Multiple states separated by commas: related,new
+ Matcha conntrack-tillstånd.
+Format som stöds:
+ - Enkel: new
+ - Flera tillstånd separerade med kommatecken: related,new
+Match packet's metainformation.
+Value must be in decimal format, except for the "l4proto" option.
+For l4proto it can be a lower case string, for example:
+ tcp
+ udp
+ icmp,
+ etc
+If the value is decimal for protocol or lproto, it'll use it as the code of
+that protocol.
+Matcha paketets metainformation.
+Värdet måste vara i decimalformat, förutom alternativet "l4proto".
+För l4proto kan det vara en sträng med små bokstäver, till exempel:
+ tcp
+ utp
+ icmp,
+ etc
+Om värdet är decimalt för protokoll eller lproto, kommer det att använda det som koden för
+det protokollet.
+ Set a mark on the packet matching the specified conditions. The value is in decimal format.
+ Sätt ett märke på paketet som matchar de angivna villkoren. Värdet är i decimalformat.
+Match ICMP codes.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: echo-request
+ - Multiple separated by commas: echo-request,echo-reply
+Matcha ICMP-koder.
+Format som stöds:
+ - Enkel: echo-request
+ - Multipel separerade med kommatecken: echo-request,echo-reply
+Match ICMPv6 codes.
+Supported formats:
+ - Simple: echo-request
+ - Multiple separated by commas: echo-request,echo-reply
+Matcha ICMPv6-koder.
+Format som stöds:
+ - Enkelt: echo-request
+ - Multipel separerade med kommatecken: echo-request,echo-reply
+ Print a message when this rule matches a packet.
+ Skriv ut ett meddelande när denna regel matchar ett paket.
+Apply quotas on connections.
+For example when:
+ - "quota over 10/mbytes" -> apply the Action defined (DROP)
+ - "quota until 10/mbytes" -> apply the Action defined (ACCEPT)
+The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS, for example:
+ - 10mbytes, 1/gbytes, etc
+Tillämpa kvoter på anslutningar.
+Till exempel när:
+ - "kvot över 10/mbyte" -> tillämpa den definierade åtgärden (TAPPA)
+ - "kvot till 10/mbyte" -> tillämpa den definierade åtgärden (ACCEPTERA)
+Värdet måste vara i formatet: VÄRDE/ENHETER, till exempel:
+ - 10mbyte, 1/gbyte, etc
+Apply limits on connections.
+For example when:
+ - "limit over 10/mbytes/minute" -> apply the Action defined (DROP, ACCEPT, etc)
+ (When there're more than 10MB per minute, apply an Action)
+ - "limit until 10/mbytes/hour" -> apply the Action defined (ACCEPT)
+The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
+ - 10/mbytes/minute, 1/gbytes/hour, etc
+Tillämpa gränser för anslutningar.
+Till exempel när:
+ - "gräns över 10/mbyte/minut" -> tillämpa den definierade åtgärden (TAPPA, ACCEPTERA etc)
+ (När det finns mer än 10 MB per minut, tillämpa en åtgärd)
+ - "gräns till 10/mbyte/timme" -> tillämpa den definierade åtgärden (ACCEPTERA)
+Värdet måste vara i formatet: VÄRDE/ENHETER/TID, till exempel:
+ - 10/mbyte/minut, 1/gbyte/timme, etc
+ num
+ num
+ to
+ till
+ menu_close
+ Close
+ Cerrar
+ menu_help
+ Help
+ Ayuda
+ menu_statistics
+ Statistics
+ Eventos
+ messages
+ Info
+ Info
+ Error
+ Fel
+ Warning
+ Varning
+ notifications
+ System notifications are not available, you need to install python3-notify2.
+ Systemaviseringar är inte tillgängliga, du måste installera python3-notify2.
+ popups
+ Allow
+ Tillåt
+ Deny
+ Neka
+ forever
+ evigt
+ Outgoing connection
+ Utgående anslutning
+ Process launched from:
+ Processen startade från:
+ from this command line
+ från denna kommandorad
+ from this executable
+ från denna körbara
+ Unknown process
+ Proceso no encontrado
+ until reboot
+ tills omstart av datorn
+ to port {0}
+ till port {0}
+ <b>%s</b> is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ <b>%s</b> está conectándose a <b>%s</b> en el puerto %s %d
+ <b>Remote</b> process <b>%s</b> running on <b>%s</b> is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ El proceso <b>remoto %s</b> ejecutándose en <b>%s</b> está conectándose a <b>%s</b> en el puerto %s %d
+ to {0}
+ till {0}
+ from user {0}
+ från användare {0}
+ to {0}.*
+ till {0}.*
+ to *.{0}
+ till *.{0}
+ to *{0}
+ a *{0}
+ <b>Remote</b> process %s running on <b>%s</b>
+ <b>Fjärr</b>process %s körs på <b>%s</b>
+ is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ ansluter till <b>%s</b> på %s port %d
+ is attempting to resolve <b>%s</b> via %s, %s port %d
+ försöker lösa <b>%s</b> via %s, %s port %d
+ from this PID
+ från denna PID
+ New outgoing connection
+ Ny utgående anslutning
+ Reject
+ Avvisa
+ is connecting to <b>%s</b>, %s
+ ansluter till <b>%s</b>, %s
+ Open
+ Öppna
+ popups2
+ <b>Remote</b> process <b>%s</b> running on <b>%s</b> is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %d
+ El proceso <b>remoto %s</b> ejecutándose en <b>%s</b> está conectándose a <b>%s</b> en el puerto %s %d
+ preferences
+ Exception saving config: %s
+ Error al guarda la configuración: %s
+ Applying configuration on %s ...
+ Aplicando configuración en %s ...
+ Server address can not be empty
+ Serveradressen får inte vara tom
+ Error loading %s configuration
+ Error al cargar la configuración %s
+ Configuration applied.
+ Konfiguration tillämpad.
+ Error applying configuration: %s
+ Error al aplicar la configuración: %s
+ Exception saving config: {0}
+ Undantag för att spara konfiguration: {0}
+ Applying configuration on {0} ...
+ Tillämpar konfiguration på {0} ...
+ Error loading {0} configuration
+ Fel vid inläsning av {0}-konfigurationen
+ Error applying configuration: {0}
+ Fel vid tillämpning av konfiguration: {0}
+ Warning
+ Varning
+ You must select a file for the database<br>or choose "In memory" type.
+ Du måste välja en fil för databasen<br>eller välja typen "I minnet".
+ DB type changed
+ DB-typ ändrad
+ Restart the GUI in order effects to take effect
+ Starta om det grafiska användargränssnittet för att effekter ska börja träda i kraft
+ Hover the mouse over the texts to display the help<br><br>Don't forget to visit the wiki: <a href="{0}">{0}</a>
+ Håll musen över texterna för att visa hjälpen<br><br>Glöm inte att besöka wikin: <a href="{0}">{0}</a>
+ System
+ System
+ Themes not available. Install qt-material: pip3 install qt-material
+ Teman är inte tillgängliga. Installera qt-material: pip3 installera qt-material
+ UI theme changed
+ Användargränssnittets tema har ändrats
+ Restart the GUI in order to apply the new theme
+ Starta om det grafiska användargränssnittet för att använda det nya temat
+ Ok
+ Ok
+ Restart the GUI in order changes to take effect
+ Reinicie la interfaz gráfica de usuario para que los cambios surtan efecto
+ There're no nodes connected
+ Det finns inga noder anslutna
+ Exception saving node config {0}: {1}
+ Undantag för att spara nodkonfiguration {0}: {1}
+ System default
+ Systemstandard
+ Language changed
+ Språket har ändrats
+ proc_details
+ <b>Error loading process information:</b> <br><br>
+ <b>Fel vid läsning av processinformation:</b> <br><br>
+ <b>Error stopping monitoring process:</b><br><br>
+ <b>Fel vid stopp av övervakningsprocessen:</b><br><br>
+ loading...
+ läser in...
+ rules
+ There're no nodes connected.
+ Det finns inga noder anslutna.
+ Rule applied.
+ Regel tillämpad.
+ Error applying rule: %s
+ Error al aplicar la regla: %s
+ protocol can not be empty, or uncheck it
+ protokollet får inte vara tomt, eller avmarkera det
+ Protocol regexp error
+ Protokoll regexp-fel
+ process path can not be empty
+ processökvägen får inte vara tom
+ Process path regexp error
+ Processökväg regexp-fel
+ command line can not be empty
+ kommandoraden får inte vara tom
+ Command line regexp error
+ Kommandorad regexp-fel
+ Dest port can not be empty
+ Dest-porten får inte vara tom
+ Dst port regexp error
+ Dst-portens regexp fel
+ Dest host can not be empty
+ Dest-värden får inte vara tom
+ Dst host regexp error
+ Dst-värd regexp-fel
+ Dest IP/Network can not be empty
+ Dest-IP:t/nätverket får inte vara tomt
+ Dst IP regexp error
+ Dst-IP regexp-fel
+ User ID can not be empty
+ Användar-ID:t får inte vara tomt
+ User ID regexp error
+ Användar-ID regexp-fel
+ Error applying rule: {0}
+ Fel vid tillämpning av regel: {0}
+ Lists field cannot be empty
+ Listfältet får inte vara tomt
+ Lists field must be a directory
+ Listfältet måste vara en katalog
+ <b>Rule not supported</b>
+ <b>Regeln stöds inte</b>
+ <b>Error loading rule</b>
+ <b>Fel vid regelinläsning</b>
+ There's already a rule with this name.
+ Det finns redan en regel med detta namn.
+ PID field can not be empty
+ PID-fältet får inte vara tomt
+ PID field regexp error
+ PID-fält regexp-fel
+ Select at least one field.
+ Välj minst ett fält.
+ Network interface can not be empty
+ Nätverksgränssnittet får inte vara tomt
+ Network interface regexp error
+ Fel i nätverksgränssnittets regexp
+ Source port can not be empty
+ Källporten får inte vara tom
+ Source port regexp error
+ Fel i källportens regexp
+ Source IP/Network can not be empty
+ Käll-IP:t/nätverket får inte vara tomt
+ Source IP regexp error
+ Käll-IP regexp-fel
+ stats
+ Not running
+ Körs inte
+ Disabled
+ Inaktiverad
+ Running
+ Körs
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics
+ Eventos de OpenSnitch
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics for
+ Eventos de OpenSnitch de
+ Your are about to delete this rule.
+ Du håller på att ta bort denna regel.
+ Are you sure?
+ Är du säker?
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics {0}
+ OpenSnitch-nätverksstatistik {0}
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics for {0}
+ OpenSnitch-nätverksstatistik för {0}
+ Name
+ Nombre
+ Address
+ Dirección
+ Status
+ Estado
+ Hostname
+ Hostname
+ Version
+ Versión
+ Rules
+ Regler
+ Time
+ Hora
+ Action
+ Åtgärd
+ Duration
+ Duración
+ Node
+ Nodo
+ Hits
+ Träffar
+ Protocol
+ Protocolo
+ Save as CSV
+ Spara som CSV
+ Enabled
+ Habilitado
+ Delete
+ Ta bort
+ always
+ siempre
+ <b>Error:</b><br><br>{0}
+ <b>Error:</b><br><br>{0}
+ Disable
+ Inaktivera
+ Enable
+ Aktivera
+ Duplicate
+ Duplicera
+ Edit
+ Redigera
+ Rule not found by that name and node
+ Regel hittades inte med det namnet och noden
+ <b>Error:</b><br><br>
+ {0}
+ <b>Fel:</b><br><br>
+ Warning:
+ Varning:
+ Allow
+ Tillåt
+ Deny
+ Neka
+ Always
+ Alltid
+ Until reboot
+ Tills omstart av datorn
+ You are about to delete this rule.
+ Du håller på att ta bort denna regel.
+ Process
+ Aplicación
+ Destination
+ Destino
+ Rule
+ Regla
+ UserID
+ UserID
+ LastConnection
+ ÚltimaConexión
+ Name
+ xxxxx
+ Nombre
+ Name
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Nombre
+ Address
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Dirección
+ Status
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Estado
+ Hostname
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Hostname
+ Version
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Versión
+ Rules
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Reglas
+ Time
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Hora
+ Action
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Acción
+ Duration
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Duración
+ Node
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Nodo
+ Enabled
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Habilitado
+ Hits
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Total
+ Protocol
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Protocolo
+ Process
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Aplicación
+ Destination
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Destino
+ Rule
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ Regla
+ UserID
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ UserID
+ LastConnection
+ This is a word, without spaces
+ ÚltimaConexión
+ Name
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Namn
+ Address
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Adress
+ Status
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Status
+ Hostname
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Värdnamn
+ Version
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Version
+ Rules
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Regler
+ Time
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Tid
+ Action
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Åtgärd
+ Duration
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Varaktighet
+ Node
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Nod
+ Enabled
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Aktiverad
+ Hits
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Träffar
+ Protocol
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Protokoll
+ Process
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Process
+ Destination
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Destination
+ Rule
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Regel
+ UserID
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ UserID
+ LastConnection
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ LastConnection
+ Args
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Args
+ DstIP
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ DstIP
+ DstHost
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ DstHost
+ DstPort
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ DstPort
+ Addr
+ Dirección
+ Connections
+ Conexiones
+ Dropped
+ Rechazadas
+ What
+ Vad
+ Apply to
+ Tillämpa på
+ Reject
+ Avvisa
+ Network name
+ Nätverksnamn
+ Addr
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Dirección
+ Uptime
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Drifttid
+ Connections
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Anslutningar
+ Dropped
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Tappad
+ What
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Vad
+ Precedence
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Företräde
+ New node connected
+ Ny nod ansluten
+ Description
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Beskrivning
+ Cmdline
+ This is a word, without spaces and symbols.
+ Cmdline
+ Export rules
+ Exportregler
+ Import rules
+ Importregler
+ Export events to CSV
+ Exportera händelser till CSV
+ Quit
+ Avsluta
+ Export
+ Exportera
+ To clipboard
+ Till urklipp
+ To disk
+ Till disk
+ Select a directory to export rules
+ Välj en katalog för att exportera regler
+ Your are about to delete this entry.
+ Du håller på att ta bort denna post.
+ You are about to delete this node.
+ Du håller på att ta bort denna nod.
+ <b>Error deleting node</b><br><br>
+ {0}
+ <b>Fel vid borttagning av nod</b><br><br>
+ Error exporting rules
+ Fel vid export av regler
+ Select a directory with rules to import (JSON files)
+ Välj en katalog med regler att importera (JSON-filer)
+ Rules imported fine
+ Regler importerade
+ Details
+ Detaljer
+ New
+ Ny
+ stats_deleterule
+ Your are about to delete this rule.
+ Estás a punto de borrar esta regla.
+ stats_deleterule2
+ Are you sure?
+ ¿Estás seguro?
+ stats_disabled
+ Disabled
+ Deshabilitado
+ stats_notrunning
+ Not running
+ Parado
+ stats_running
+ Running
+ Interceptando
+ stats_wintitle
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics
+ Eventos de red OpenSnitch
+ stats_wintitle2
+ OpenSnitch Network Statistics for
+ Eventos de OpenSnitch de
diff --git a/ui/i18n/locales/tr_TR/opensnitch-tr_TR.ts b/ui/i18n/locales/tr_TR/opensnitch-tr_TR.ts
index bb150955..0ff0aae4 100644
--- a/ui/i18n/locales/tr_TR/opensnitch-tr_TR.ts
+++ b/ui/i18n/locales/tr_TR/opensnitch-tr_TR.ts
@@ -301,37 +301,37 @@
to 1024-2048 (masquerade)
+ Eyleme (örn. hedef) bağlı olarak parametrelerin söz dizimi değişir.
+Bazı örnekler:
+QUEUE -> num 0 (veya 1, 2, ...)
+ to :22
+ to
+ to
+ to 1024-2048 (masquerade)
by destination ip
- hedef IP'ye göre
+ hedef IP'ye göre
@@ -946,7 +954,7 @@ Geçici kurallar geçerli olmaya devam edecektir ve yeni bir bağlantıya izin v
+ Dil
@@ -1057,7 +1065,7 @@ Geçici kurallar geçerli olmaya devam edecektir ve yeni bir bağlantıya izin v
To this IP / Network
- Bu IP'ye / Ağa
+ Bu IP'ye / Ağa
@@ -1297,7 +1305,7 @@ Not: IP veya ağları ayırmak için virgüllere veya boşluklara izin verilmez.
- Ad
+ Ad
@@ -1400,7 +1408,7 @@ Alfabetik sıraya göre denetlendikleri için kuralı önce denetlenecek şekild
<html><head/><body><p>The value of this field is always the absolute path to the executable: /path/to/binary<br/></p><p>Examples:</p><p>- Simple: /path/to/binary</p><p>- Multiple paths: ^/usr/lib(64|)/firefox/firefox$</p><p>- Multiple binaries: ^(/usr/sbin/ntpd|/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd|/usr/bin/xbrlapi|/usr/bin/dirmngr)$ </p><p>- Deny/Allow executions from /tmp:</p><p>^/(var/|)tmp/.*$<br/></p><p>For more examples visit the <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/Rules-examples">wiki page</a> or ask on the <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/discussions">Discussion forums</a>.</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Bu alanın değeri her zaman program dosyasının mutlak yoludur: /programın/yolu<br/></p><p>Örnekler:</p><p>- Basit: /programın/yolu</p><p>- Birden çok yol: ^/usr/lib(64|)/firefox/firefox$</p><p>- Birden fazla program: ^(/usr/sbin/ntpd|/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd|/usr/bin/xbrlapi|/usr/bin/dirmngr)$ </p><p>- /tmp'den çalıştırmaları reddet/izin ver:</p><p>^/(var/|)tmp/.*$<br/></p><p>Daha fazla örnek için <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/Rules-examples">wiki sayfasını</a> ziyaret edin veya <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/discussions">Tartışma forumlarında</a> sorun.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Bu alanın değeri her zaman program dosyasının mutlak yoludur: /programın/yolu<br/></p><p>Örnekler:</p><p>- Basit: /programın/yolu</p><p>- Birden çok yol: ^/usr/lib(64|)/firefox/firefox$</p><p>- Birden fazla program: ^(/usr/sbin/ntpd|/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd|/usr/bin/xbrlapi|/usr/bin/dirmngr)$ </p><p>- /tmp'den çalıştırmaları reddet/izin ver:</p><p>^/(var/|)tmp/.*$<br/></p><p>Daha fazla örnek için <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/Rules-examples">wiki sayfasını</a> ziyaret edin veya <a href="https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/discussions">Tartışma forumlarında</a> sorun.</p></body></html>
@@ -1430,7 +1438,7 @@ Alfabetik sıraya göre denetlendikleri için kuralı önce denetlenecek şekild
List of domains/IPs
- Etki alanlarının/IP'lerin listesi
+ Etki alanlarının/IP'lerin listesi
@@ -1445,7 +1453,7 @@ Alfabetik sıraya göre denetlendikleri için kuralı önce denetlenecek şekild
<html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with files containing list of IPs to block or allow:</p><p></p><p></p><p>.</p><p>etc.</p><p>One IP per line. Empty lines or started with # are ignored.</p></body></html>
- <html><head/><body><p>Engellenecek veya izin verilecek IP'lerin listesini içeren dosyaların bulunduğu bir dizin seçin:</p><p></p><p></p><p>.</p><p>vb.</p><p>Satır başına bir IP. Boş veya # ile başlayan satırlar dikkate alınmaz.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Engellenecek veya izin verilecek IP'lerin listesini içeren dosyaların bulunduğu bir dizin seçin:</p><p></p><p></p><p>.</p><p>vb.</p><p>Satır başına bir IP. Boş veya # ile başlayan satırlar dikkate alınmaz.</p></body></html>
@@ -1527,17 +1535,17 @@ Alfabetik sıraya göre denetlendikleri için kuralı önce denetlenecek şekild
From this IP / Network
+ Bu IP / AğdanFrom this port
+ Bu bağlantı noktasından<html><head/><body><p>You can specify multiple ports using regular expressions:</p><p>- 53, 80 or 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 or 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Düzenli ifadeler kullanarak birden fazla bağlantı noktası belirtebilirsiniz:</p><p>- 53, 80 veya 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 veya 5551, 5552, 5553, vb.:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>
@@ -1871,7 +1879,7 @@ Alfabetik sıraya göre denetlendikleri için kuralı önce denetlenecek şekild
In order to configure firewall rules from the GUI, we need to use 'nftables' instead of 'iptables'
- Grafiksel arayüzden güvenlik duvarı kurallarını yapılandırmak için 'iptables' yerine 'nftables' kullanmamız gerekir
+ Grafiksel arayüzden güvenlik duvarı kurallarını yapılandırmak için 'iptables' yerine 'nftables' kullanmamız gerekir
@@ -1968,7 +1976,7 @@ Alfabetik sıraya göre denetlendikleri için kuralı önce denetlenecek şekild
You can use ',' or '-' to specify multiple ports/IPs or ranges/values:<br><br>ports: 22 or 22,443 or 50000-60000<br>IPs: or<br>Values: echo-reply,echo-request<br>Values: new,established,related
- Birden fazla bağlantı noktası/IP veya aralık/değer belirtmek için ',' veya '-' kullanabilirsiniz:<br><br>bağlantı noktaları: 22 veya 22,443 veya 50000-60000<br>IP adresleri: veya .1.130<br>Değerler: echo-reply,echo-request<br>Değerler: new,established,related
+ Birden fazla bağlantı noktası/IP veya aralık/değer belirtmek için ',' veya '-' kullanabilirsiniz:<br><br>bağlantı noktaları: 22 veya 22,443 veya 50000-60000<br>IP adresleri: veya .1.130<br>Değerler: echo-reply,echo-request<br>Değerler: new,established,related
@@ -2099,7 +2107,13 @@ Supported formats:
- Ranges: 80-1024
- Multiple ports: 80,443,8080
+Desteklenen biçimler:
+ - Basit: 23
+ - Aralık: 80-1024
+ - Çoklu bağlantı noktaları: 80,443,8080
@@ -2110,27 +2124,33 @@ Supported formats:
- IP ranges:
- Network ranges:
+Desteklenen biçimler:
+ - Basit:
+ - IP aralıkları:
+ - Ağ aralıkları:
+Match input interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ Giriş arayüzünü eşleştir. Düzenli ifadelere izin verilmez.Match output interface. Regular expressions not allowed.
+ Çıkış arayüzünü eşleştir. Düzenli ifadelere izin verilmez.Set a conntrack mark on the connection, in decimal format.
+ Bağlantı üzerinde ondalık formatta bir conntrack işareti ayarla.Match a conntrack mark of the connection, in decimal format.
+ Ondalık formatta, bağlantının bir conntrack işaretiyle eşleşir.
@@ -2140,7 +2160,12 @@ Supported formats:
- Simple: new
- Multiple states separated by commas: related,new
+ conntrack durumlarını eşleştir.
+Desteklenen biçimler:
+ - Basit: new
+ - Virgülle ayrılan birden fazla durum: related,new
@@ -2157,12 +2182,24 @@ For l4proto it can be a lower case string, for example:
If the value is decimal for protocol or lproto, it'll use it as the code of
that protocol.
+Paketin üst verilerini eşleştir.
+"l4proto" seçeneği dışında değer ondalık biçimde olmalıdır.
+l4proto için küçük harfli dizge olabilir, örneğin:
+ tcp
+ udp
+ icmp,
+ vb.
+İletişim kuralı veya lproto için değer ondalıksa, bu iletişim
+kuralının kodu olarak kullanacaktır.
+Set a mark on the packet matching the specified conditions. The value is in decimal format.
+ Belirtilen koşullarla eşleşen pakete bir işaret ayarla. Değer ondalık biçimdedir.
@@ -2173,7 +2210,13 @@ Supported formats:
- Simple: echo-request
- Multiple separated by commas: echo-request,echo-reply
+ICMP kodlarını eşleştir.
+Desteklenen biçimler:
+ - Basit: echo-request
+ - Virgülle ayrılan birden fazla: echo-request,echo-reply
@@ -2184,12 +2227,18 @@ Supported formats:
- Simple: echo-request
- Multiple separated by commas: echo-request,echo-reply
+ICMPv6 kodlarını eşleştir.
+Desteklenen biçimler:
+ - Basit: echo-request
+ - Virgülle ayrılan birden fazla: echo-request,echo-reply
+Print a message when this rule matches a packet.
+ Bu kural bir paketle eşleştiğinde bir mesaj yazdır.
@@ -2203,7 +2252,16 @@ For example when:
The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS, for example:
- 10mbytes, 1/gbytes, etc
+Bağlantılara kota uygula.
+ - "quota over 10/mbytes" -> tanımlanan eylemi uygula (BIRAK)
+ - "quota until 10/mbytes" -> tanımlanan eylemi uygula (KABUL ET)
+Değer DEĞER/BİRİM biçiminde olmalıdır, örneğin:
+ - 10/mbytes, 1/gbytes, vb.
@@ -2219,17 +2277,28 @@ For example when:
The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
- 10/mbytes/minute, 1/gbytes/hour, etc
+Bağlantılara sınırlar uygula.
+ - "limit over 10/mbytes/minute" -> tanımlanan eylemi uygula (BIRAK, KABUL ET, vb.)
+ (Dakikada 10 MB'tan fazla olduğunda bir eylem uygula)
+ - "limit until 10/mbytes/hour" -> tanımlanan eylemi uygula (KABUL ET)
+Değer DEĞER/BİRİM/ZAMAN biçiminde olmalıdır, örneğin:
+ - 10/mbytes/minute, 1/gbytes/hour, vb.
+ numto
+ hedef
@@ -2407,7 +2476,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
+ Aç
@@ -2538,12 +2607,12 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
System default
+ Sistem öntanımlı değeriLanguage changed
+ Dil değişti
@@ -2713,22 +2782,22 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
Source port can not be empty
+ Kaynak bağlantı noktası boş olamazSource port regexp error
+ Kaynak bağlantı noktası düzenli ifade hatasıSource IP/Network can not be empty
+ Kaynak IP/Ağ boş olamazSource IP regexp error
+ Kaynak IP düzenli ifade hatası
@@ -2806,7 +2875,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
- Reglas
+ Kurallar
@@ -2816,7 +2885,7 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
- Acción
+ Eylem
@@ -3336,17 +3405,17 @@ The value must be in the format: VALUE/UNITS/TIME, for example:
+ UYARIDetails
+ AyrıntılarNew
+ Yeni
diff --git a/ui/i18n/locales/zh_TW/opensnitch-zh_TW.ts b/ui/i18n/locales/zh_TW/opensnitch-zh_TW.ts
index 4c4582af..0d86a9a5 100644
--- a/ui/i18n/locales/zh_TW/opensnitch-zh_TW.ts
+++ b/ui/i18n/locales/zh_TW/opensnitch-zh_TW.ts
@@ -1246,7 +1246,15 @@ Use regular expressions instead:
or a single domain:
www.gnu.org - it'll only match www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, nor www2.gnu.org, ...
gnu.org - it'll only match gnu.org, nor www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, ...
+ 不能使用逗號或空格來指定多個網域。
+www.gnu.org - 這樣只會比對 www.gnu.org,不會比對 ftp.gnu.org 或 www2.gnu.org,...
+gnu.org - 這樣只會比對 gnu.org,不會比對 www.gnu.org 或 ftp.gnu.org,...
diff --git a/ui/i18n/opensnitch_i18n.pro b/ui/i18n/opensnitch_i18n.pro
index bcb7fd1e..8ca984df 100644
--- a/ui/i18n/opensnitch_i18n.pro
+++ b/ui/i18n/opensnitch_i18n.pro
@@ -27,13 +27,16 @@ FORMS += ../opensnitch/res/prompt.ui \
../opensnitch/res/stats.ui \
../opensnitch/res/firewall.ui \
-TRANSLATIONS += locales/de_DE/opensnitch-de_DE.ts \
+TRANSLATIONS += locales/cs_CZ/opensnitch-cs_CZ.ts \
+ locales/de_DE/opensnitch-de_DE.ts \
locales/es_ES/opensnitch-es_ES.ts \
locales/eu_ES/opensnitch-eu_ES.ts \
locales/fi_FI/opensnitch-fi_FI.ts \
locales/fr_FR/opensnitch-fr_FR.ts \
locales/hu_HU/opensnitch-hu_HU.ts \
+ locales/hi_IN/opensnitch-hi_IN.ts \
locales/id_ID/opensnitch-id_ID.ts \
+ locales/it_IT/opensnitch-it_IT.ts \
locales/ja_JP/opensnitch-ja_JP.ts \
locales/lt_LT/opensnitch-lt_LT.ts \
locales/nb_NO/opensnitch-nb_NO.ts \
@@ -41,5 +44,6 @@ TRANSLATIONS += locales/de_DE/opensnitch-de_DE.ts \
locales/pt_BR/opensnitch-pt_BR.ts \
locales/ro_RO/opensnitch-ro_RO.ts \
locales/ru_RU/opensnitch-ru_RU.ts \
+ locales/sv_SE/opensnitch-sv_SE.ts \
locales/tr_TR/opensnitch-tr_TR.ts \