ui: fw rules improvements

- Fixed error validating some meta expressions.
- Added option to enable/disable fw rules.
- Limit fw rules deletion to 1 rule for now, until a bug is fixed.
This commit is contained in:
Gustavo Iñiguez Goia 2023-05-03 01:29:13 +02:00
parent d88a253d9c
commit dd7476fe52
Failed to generate hash of commit
3 changed files with 58 additions and 24 deletions

View file

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
from PyQt5 import Qt, QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5.QtGui import QStandardItemModel, QStandardItem
from PyQt5.QtSql import QSqlQuery, QSqlError
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTableView, QAbstractSlider, QItemDelegate, QAbstractItemView, QPushButton, QWidget, QVBoxLayout
from PyQt5.QtCore import QItemSelectionModel, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot, QEvent
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtCore import QCoreApplication as QC
import math
from opensnitch.nodes import Nodes
from opensnitch.firewall import Firewall
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@ class FirewallTableModel(QStandardItemModel):
headersAll = [
"", # buttons
@ -294,4 +294,3 @@ class FirewallTableView(QTableView):

View file

@ -1166,7 +1166,7 @@ class FwRuleDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
("," not in statem_value and "-" not in statem_value):
if not self._is_valid_int_value(statem_value):
return None, None, None, QC.translate("firewall", "port not valid.")
elif st_idx == self.STATM_CT_SET or st_idx == self.STATM_CT_MARK or self.STATM_META_SET_MARK:
elif st_idx == self.STATM_CT_SET or st_idx == self.STATM_CT_MARK or st_idx == self.STATM_META_SET_MARK:
if not self._is_valid_int_value(statem_value):
return None, None, None, QC.translate("firewall", "Invalid value {0}, number expected.".format(statem_value))

View file

@ -857,9 +857,14 @@ class StatsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
selection = table.selectionModel().selectedRows()
if not selection:
is_rule_enabled = model.index(selection[0].row(), FirewallTableModel.COL_ENABLED).data()
menu = QtWidgets.QMenu()
actionsMenu = QtWidgets.QMenu(QC.translate("stats", "Action"))
_label_enable = QC.translate("stats", "Disable")
if is_rule_enabled == "False":
_label_enable = QC.translate("stats", "Enable")
_menu_enable = actionsMenu.addAction(_label_enable)
_menu_delete = actionsMenu.addAction(QC.translate("stats", "Delete"))
@ -871,6 +876,8 @@ class StatsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
if action == _menu_delete:
self._table_menu_delete(cur_idx, model, selection)
elif action == _menu_enable:
self._table_menu_enable(cur_idx, model, selection, is_rule_enabled)
except Exception as e:
print("fwrules contextual menu error:", e)
@ -878,7 +885,6 @@ class StatsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
return True
def _configure_rules_contextual_menu(self, pos):
cur_idx = self.tabWidget.currentIndex()
@ -1096,22 +1102,44 @@ class StatsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
def _table_menu_enable(self, cur_idx, model, selection, is_rule_enabled):
rule_status = "False" if is_rule_enabled == "True" else "True"
enable_rule = False if is_rule_enabled == "True" else True
for idx in selection:
rule_name = model.index(idx.row(), self.COL_R_NAME).data()
node_addr = model.index(idx.row(), self.COL_R_NODE).data()
if cur_idx == self.TAB_RULES and not self.fwTable.isVisible():
for idx in selection:
rule_name = model.index(idx.row(), self.COL_R_NAME).data()
node_addr = model.index(idx.row(), self.COL_R_NODE).data()
records = self._get_rule(rule_name, node_addr)
rule = Rule.new_from_records(records)
rule_type = ui_pb2.DISABLE_RULE if is_rule_enabled == "True" else ui_pb2.ENABLE_RULE
records = self._get_rule(rule_name, node_addr)
rule = Rule.new_from_records(records)
rule_type = ui_pb2.DISABLE_RULE if is_rule_enabled == "True" else ui_pb2.ENABLE_RULE
self._db.update(table="rules", fields="enabled=?",
values=[rule_status], condition="name='{0}' AND node='{1}'".format(rule_name, node_addr),
self._db.update(table="rules", fields="enabled=?",
values=[rule_status], condition="name='{0}' AND node='{1}'".format(rule_name, node_addr),
noti = ui_pb2.Notification(type=rule_type, rules=[rule])
nid = self._nodes.send_notification(node_addr, noti, self._notification_callback)
if nid != None:
noti = ui_pb2.Notification(type=rule_type, rules=[rule])
nid = self._nodes.send_notification(node_addr, noti, self._notification_callback)
if nid != None:
self._notifications_sent[nid] = noti
elif cur_idx == self.TAB_RULES and self.fwTable.isVisible():
nodes_updated = []
for idx in selection:
uuid = model.index(idx.row(), FirewallTableModel.COL_UUID).data()
node = model.index(idx.row(), FirewallTableModel.COL_ADDR).data()
addr, chain = self._fw.get_rule_by_uuid(uuid)
if chain is None:
print("error, rule not found by uuid:", uuid, "node:", node, "row:", idx.row())
chain.Rules[0].Enabled = enable_rule
updated, err = self._fw.update_rule(addr, uuid, chain)
if updated:
for addr in nodes_updated:
node = self._nodes.get_node(addr)
nid, noti = self._nodes.reload_fw(addr, node['firewall'], self._notification_callback)
self._notifications_sent[nid] = noti
def _table_menu_delete(self, cur_idx, model, selection):
@ -1129,16 +1157,23 @@ class StatsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, uic.loadUiType(DIALOG_UI_PATH)[0]):
return False
if cur_idx == self.TAB_RULES and self.fwTable.isVisible():
do_refresh = False
nodes_updated = {}
for idx in selection:
uuid = model.index(idx.row(), 1).data()
node = model.index(idx.row(), 2).data()
uuid = model.index(idx.row(), FirewallTableModel.COL_UUID).data()
node = model.index(idx.row(), FirewallTableModel.COL_ADDR).data()
ok, fw_config = self._fw.delete_rule(node, uuid)
do_refresh |= ok
if ok:
nodes_updated[node] = fw_config
print("del not ok:", uuid)
if do_refresh:
nid, noti = self._nodes.reload_fw(node, fw_config, self._notification_callback)
# FIXME: deleting multiple rules does not work as expected yet.
for addr in nodes_updated:
nid, noti = self._nodes.reload_fw(addr, nodes_updated[addr], self._notification_callback)
self._notifications_sent[nid] = noti
elif cur_idx == self.TAB_RULES and not self.fwTable.isVisible():
for idx in selection:
name = model.index(idx.row(), self.COL_R_NAME).data()