Nfqueue bypass option skips the enqueue of packets to userspace
if no application is listening to the queue.
If this flag is not specified, and for example the daemon dies
unexpectedly, all the outbound traffic will be blocked.
Up until now we've been using this flag by default not to block network
traffic if the daemon dies or is killed for some reason. But some users
want to use precisely this behaviour (#884, #1183, #1201).
Now you can configure it, to block connections if the daemon
unexpectedly dies.
The option is on by default in the configuration (QueueBypass: true).
If this item is not present in the daemon config file, then it'll be
Allow to customize:
- EventsWorkers: number of goroutines to handle kernel events.
Default 8.
- QueueEventsSize: max number of events in the queue.
By default 0, meaning that it'll relay on the available goroutines to
process the events. If it's > 0, and the daemon can't process the
events fast enough, they'll be queued. Once the queue is full, it'll
behave as it was of size 0.
If there're lost events, a message will be logged: "Lost ebpf events..."
- Added new configuration field to allow configure fw interception
number queue (default to 0):
"FwOptions": {
"QueueNum": 0
(we still need to reconfigure nfqueue queues in order for this to
take effect).
- If the fw configuration path is not supplied, default to
By default when adding the interception rules, we were killing all
existing connections, to force them go to the netfilter queue.
However in some environments this is not acceptable, so now it's configurable.
Besides, we were doing this only for nftables, so now it also works for
continuation of previous commit bde5d34deb
- Allow to reconfigure stats limits (how many events we keep on the
daemon, number of workers, ...)
- Allow to reconfigure loggers.
Added config option to set how often the garbage collector runs.
For example:
"Internal": {
"GCPercent": 75
If this option is not specified in the config file, or the value
is 0, then the GC percentage is not configured.
More info:
Now it's possible to configure eBPF modules path from the
default-config.json file:
"Ebpf": {
"ModulesPath": "..."
If the option is not provided, or if it's empty, we'll keep loading from
the default directories:
- /usr/local/lib/opensnitchd/ebpf
- /usr/lib/opensnitchd/ebpf
- /etc/opensnitchd/ebpf (deprecated, will be removed in the future).
- Allow to configure system firewall configuration file path:
* via cli (-fw-config-file).
* via global configuration file.
- Allow to configure fw rules check interval.
The system fw config file contains regular iptables/nftables rules.
Previously it was hardcoded to /etc/opensnitchd/system-fw.json
The interval to check if the interception rules were added was also
hardcoded to 10 seconds. Now it's possible to configure it.
A value of "0s" disables the interval, while "" defaults to 10 seconds.
- Added cli option -config-file to specify an alternate path to the
config file.
- Allow to configure rules path from the configuration file (cli option
takes precedence).
- Default options are now /etc/opensnitchd/rules and
/etc/opensnitchd/default-config.json. Previously the default rules
directory was "rules" (relative path).
Now you can create rules to filter processes by checksum. Only md5 is
available at the moment.
There's a global configuration option that you can use to enable or
disable this feature, from the config file or from the Preferences
As part of this feature there have been more changes:
- New proc monitor method (PROCESS CONNECTOR) that listens for
exec/exit events from the kernel.
This feature depends on CONFIG_PROC_EVENTS kernel option.
- Only one cache of active processes for ebpf and proc monitor
More info and details: #413.
Allow to cypher channel communications with certificates.
There are 3 authentication types: simple, tls-simple and tls-mutual.
- 'simple' wont't cypher communications.
- 'tls-simple' uses a server key and certificate for the server, and a
common CA certificate or the server certificate to authenticate all
- 'tls-mutual' uses a server key and certificate for the server, and a
client key and certificate per node.
There are 2 options to verify how gRPC validates credentials:
- SkipVerify:
- ClientAuthType:
Example configuration:
"Server": {
"Address": "",
"Authentication": {
"Type": "tls-simple",
"TLSOptions": {
"CACert": "/etc/opensnitchd/auth/ca-cert.pem",
"ServerCert": "/etc/opensnitchd/auth/server-cert.pem",
"ClientCert": "/etc/opensnitchd/auth/client-cert.pem",
"ClientKey": "/etc/opensnitchd/auth/client-key.pem",
"SkipVerify": false,
"ClientAuthType": "req-and-verify-cert"
More info: