When exporting rules from the GUI, the Created field was exported as
timestamp. Importing rules worked fine, because json.Marshall() accepts
the timestamp format.
However, when the daemon was loading a rule with the Created field as
timestamp, since the field was defined as time.Time, it expected a RFC3339
string (https://pkg.go.dev/time#Time.UnmarshalJSON)
so it failed to parse the timestamp and the rule was not loaded.
Now the field is defined as string, it's always saved as RFC3339, and if
we fail to parse these fields we'll use a temporary date instead of
failing loading the rule.
More info:
- When reloading rules from a path:
stop existing (domains,ips,regexp) lists monitors, stop rules
watcher and start watching the new dir for changes, delete existing
rules from memory, etc.
- Previously, cli parameters (queue number, log file, etc) were taking
into account before loading the configuration.
Now the configuration file is loaded first (default-config.json), and
if any of the cli parameter has been specified, it'll overwrite the
loaded configuration from file.
This means for example that if you use "-process-monitor-method proc",
and "ebpf" is configured in default-config.json, firstly "ebpf" will
be configured, and later "proc".
(-queue-num option for now requires to match config option
- Added cli option -config-file to specify an alternate path to the
config file.
- Allow to configure rules path from the configuration file (cli option
takes precedence).
- Default options are now /etc/opensnitchd/rules and
/etc/opensnitchd/default-config.json. Previously the default rules
directory was "rules" (relative path).
In b93051026e we disabled sending/parsing
list operators as JSON strings. Instead, now it's sent/parsed as
protobuf Rule, and saved to disk as JSON array, which ease the task of
manually creating new rules if needed.
This change was missing in the previous commit.
Previously when creating a new rule we followed these steps:
- Create a new protobuf Rule object from the ruleseditor or the
- If the rule contained more than one operator, we converted the
list of operators to a JSON string.
- This JSON string was sent back to the daemon, and saved to the
- The list of operators were never expanded on the GUI, i.e., they
were not saved as a list of protobuf Operator objects.
- Once received in the daemon, the JSON string was parsed and
converted to a protobuf Operator list of objects.
Both, the JSON string and the list of protobuf Operator objects were
saved to disk, but the JSON string was ignored when loading the
Saving the list of operators as a JSON string was a problem if you
wanted to create or modify rules without the GUI.
Now when creating or modifying rules from the GUI, the list of operators
is no longer converted to JSON string. Instead the list is sent to the
daemon as a list of protobuf Operators, and saved as JSON objects.
- The JSON string is no longer saved to disk as part of the rules.
- The list of operators is still saved as JSON string to the DB.
- About not enabled rules:
Previously, not enabled rules only had the list of operators as JSON
string, with the field list:[] empty.
Now the list of operators is saved as JSON objects, but if the rule
is not enabled, it won't be parsed/loaded.
Now you can create rules to filter processes by checksum. Only md5 is
available at the moment.
There's a global configuration option that you can use to enable or
disable this feature, from the config file or from the Preferences
As part of this feature there have been more changes:
- New proc monitor method (PROCESS CONNECTOR) that listens for
exec/exit events from the kernel.
This feature depends on CONFIG_PROC_EVENTS kernel option.
- Only one cache of active processes for ebpf and proc monitor
More info and details: #413.
- Allow to filter connections by source IP/Network.
(it also may be useful filter by source port)
- Removed AlwaysOnTop Hint from rules editor dialog.
- Added ability to add a description to the rules.
- Display the description field on the Rules view, and remove the internal
fields (operator, operator_data, etc).
- Added DB migrations.
- Improved rules' executable path field tooltip (#661).
Rules of type lists [domains, IPs, network ranges] are reloaded
whenever a file containing the data changes.
One could expect to update these files once or twice a day, but
by updating the files continuously it was possible to cause a leak,
leading to a crash.
- Added lists of IPs and network ranges. One per line. Blank lines or
lines that start with # are ignored.
- Added lists of domains with regular expressions. One per line.
Blank lines or lines that start with # are ignored.
Until now you could use regular expressions with the fields
"To this host" or "To this IP", to match multiple domains or IPs.
But if you wanted to use more than 2-3 domains or IPs it was not really
user friendly.
Hopefully we'll be a little more versatile to cover use cases like #461
and #485.
When blocking a connection via libnetfilter-queue using NF_DROP the
connection is discarded. If the blocked connection is a DNS query, the app
that initiated it will wait until it times out, which is ~30s.
This behaviour can for example cause slowdowns loading web pages: #481
This change adds the option to reject connections by killing the socket
that initiated them.
$ time telnet 22
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out
real 2m10,039s
$ time telnet 22
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Software caused connection abort
real 0m0,005s
Remove \r\n\t\s from the end of each line of a blocklist.
If the entries of a list had these characters caused to not match
connections and not apply the rule.
When the Duration of a rule changed (from 1h to 5m, from 5m to until
restart, etc), the timer of the old rule was fired, causing deleting the
rule from the list.
This erroneous behaviour could be one of the reasons of #429
- Delete lists of domains if the rule about to change is of type Lists.
- Monitor the lists of domains, and reload them if they're modified.
- Delete rules from disk when the Duration changes from
Always (saved on disk) to !Always (temporary).
- After the above operation a fsnotify Remove event is fired. Don't
delete the rule from memory if it's temporary.
- Rules are only compiled if they're enabled, avoiding unnecessary
Any rule changed on disk caused reloading of all rules, usually
up to three times. This caused some problems.
- Don't compile Operators if the rule is disabled.
- Empty lists of domains if the user disables the rule.
- Delete rule from disk if the duration is not Always anymore.
There're some situations where we need to delete loaded lists:
- When an enabled rule of type Lists is disabled (after changed on
disk, or when configured from the GUI).
- When an enabled rule of type List with an Operator of type Lists is
Initial support to filter connections using lists of domains.
The lists must be in hosts format:
- www.domain.com
- www.domain.com
From the rules editor, create a new rule, and select
[x] To this lists of domains
Select a directory with files in hosts format, select [x] Priority rule,
select [x] Deny and click on Apply.
An example of a list in hosts format:
Note: you can also add a list of domains to allow, not only domains to
- support for URLs besides directories (local lists).
- support for scheduled updates of the above URLs.
related #298
Every rule has an entry point besides a constructor, which configures
all it needs to match connections, based on user defined criteria (ip,
regexp, etc).
This only needs to be done the first time we load a rule, because the
fields of a rule are static. However for rules of type "lists" we were
iniatializing each rule of this type once per connection that it
- ui, ruleseditor: added missing operator when using a regular
expression on the DstIP/Net field.
- daemon, rules: ensure that regular expressions are of type string
before evaluating them.
reported here: #333