daemon tasks are actions that are executed in background by the daemon.
They're started from the GUI (server) via a Notification (protobuf),
with the type TASK_START (protobuf).
Once received in the daemon, the TaskManager starts the task in
Tasks may run at interval times (every 5s, 2days, etc), until they
finish an operation, until a timeout, etc.
Each task has each own configuration options, which will customize the
behaviour of its operations.
In this version, if the GUI is closed, the daemon will stop all the
running tasks.
Each Task has a flag to ignore this behaviour, for example if they need
to run until they finish and only send a notification to the GUI,
instead of streaming data continuously to the GUI (server).
- Up until now we only had one task that could be initiated from the GUI:
the process monitor dialog. It has been migrated to a Task{}.
- go.mod bumped to v1.20, to use unsafe string functions.
- go.sum updated accordingly.
Previously when creating a new rule we followed these steps:
- Create a new protobuf Rule object from the ruleseditor or the
- If the rule contained more than one operator, we converted the
list of operators to a JSON string.
- This JSON string was sent back to the daemon, and saved to the
- The list of operators were never expanded on the GUI, i.e., they
were not saved as a list of protobuf Operator objects.
- Once received in the daemon, the JSON string was parsed and
converted to a protobuf Operator list of objects.
Both, the JSON string and the list of protobuf Operator objects were
saved to disk, but the JSON string was ignored when loading the
Saving the list of operators as a JSON string was a problem if you
wanted to create or modify rules without the GUI.
Now when creating or modifying rules from the GUI, the list of operators
is no longer converted to JSON string. Instead the list is sent to the
daemon as a list of protobuf Operators, and saved as JSON objects.
- The JSON string is no longer saved to disk as part of the rules.
- The list of operators is still saved as JSON string to the DB.
- About not enabled rules:
Previously, not enabled rules only had the list of operators as JSON
string, with the field list:[] empty.
Now the list of operators is saved as JSON objects, but if the rule
is not enabled, it won't be parsed/loaded.
- Obtain the process's parent hierarchy.
- Display the hierarchy on the pop-ups and the process dialog.
- [pop-ups] Added a Detailed view with all the metadata of the
- [cache-events] Improved the cache of processes.
- [ruleseditor] Fixed enabling md5 checksum widget.
Related: #413, #406
Now you can create rules to filter processes by checksum. Only md5 is
available at the moment.
There's a global configuration option that you can use to enable or
disable this feature, from the config file or from the Preferences
As part of this feature there have been more changes:
- New proc monitor method (PROCESS CONNECTOR) that listens for
exec/exit events from the kernel.
This feature depends on CONFIG_PROC_EVENTS kernel option.
- Only one cache of active processes for ebpf and proc monitor
More info and details: #413.
Up until now some error and warning messages were only logged out to the
system, not allowing the user know what was happening under the hood.
Now the following events are notified:
- eBPF related errors.
- netfilter queue errors.
- configuration errors.
WIP, we'll keep improving it and build new features on top of this one.
- Added ability to add a description to the rules.
- Display the description field on the Rules view, and remove the internal
fields (operator, operator_data, etc).
- Added DB migrations.
- Improved rules' executable path field tooltip (#661).
* Allow to configure firewall rules from the GUI (WIP)
New features:
- Configure and list system firewall rules from the GUI (nftables).
- Configure chains' policies.
- Add simple rules to allow incoming ports.
- Add simple rules to exclude apps (ports) from being intercepted.
This feature is only available for nftables. iptables is still supported,
you can add rules to the configuration file and they'll be loaded, but
you can't configure them from the GUI.
More information: #592
When building the project with protoc-gen-go version 1.5.1,
it fails with the following:
protoc -I. ui.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:../daemon/ui/protocol/
protoc-gen-go: unable to determine Go import path for "ui.proto"
Please specify either:
• a "go_package" option in the .proto source file, or
• a "M" argument on the command line.
See https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/go-generated#package for more information.
--go_out: protoc-gen-go: Plugin failed with status code 1.
This can be fixed by adding the full go package as an option in the
proto file. To make sure the code is generated to the correct path,
we also have to add add the `paths=source_relative` option to the
protoc plugin.
After this, the code is generated correctly, but the generated code
references classes like grpc.ClientConnInterface which were introduced
in 1.27.0.
Use the timestamp instead of the event object when iterating over the last events. ~15x speed increase.
Increase event buffer to 100. On my machine I routinely hit the ceiling of 50 events under some multitasking workloads. Small buffer results in connection attempts not being logged.
Fix Makefile to rebuild when ui.proto changes
New dialog added to display details of a process in realtime, gathered
from ProcFS.
Process tab -> double click on an app -> click on the button with the
search icon.
We have also improved the discovery of apps icons and names. It should
work better on systems where the DE is not properly configured.
Tested, but not bulletproof, still in beta.
If a rule has the priority flag set, no others rules will be checked.
So if you name the rule as 000-allow-xx and set the priority flag, the
rule wil lbe the only one that will be checked if it matches a
See #36 to know more on this feature.
We start receiving notifications from the UI, which allow us to change
configurations and perform actions on the daemon.
The concept of Node has also been introduced, which identifies every
daemon (client) connected to the UI (server).
These options has been added:
- Enable/Disable firewall interception (for all nodes)
- Change daemons (clients) configuration. globally or per node.
- Change prompt dialog options.
We have fixed some bugs along the way:
- Close audit client connection gracefully.
- Exclude our own connections from being intercepted.
- Better handling of client connection status with the UI.
We probably has also introduced some other bugs (not listed here).