- Send errors to the server (GUI) if there's any error when reloading
the system fw rules (far from being perfect/optimal, needs a
- Don't load the configuration after saving it, let the watcher reload
it on write change to avoid double reload/duplicated errors.
- Test that the default config is loaded properly.
- Test that changes to the config are saved to disk.
- Test that changes to the config file on disk are reloaded properly.
Allow to cypher channel communications with certificates.
There are 3 authentication types: simple, tls-simple and tls-mutual.
- 'simple' wont't cypher communications.
- 'tls-simple' uses a server key and certificate for the server, and a
common CA certificate or the server certificate to authenticate all
- 'tls-mutual' uses a server key and certificate for the server, and a
client key and certificate per node.
There are 2 options to verify how gRPC validates credentials:
- SkipVerify: https://pkg.go.dev/crypto/tls#Config
- ClientAuthType: https://pkg.go.dev/crypto/tls#ClientAuthType
Example configuration:
"Server": {
"Address": "",
"Authentication": {
"Type": "tls-simple",
"TLSOptions": {
"CACert": "/etc/opensnitchd/auth/ca-cert.pem",
"ServerCert": "/etc/opensnitchd/auth/server-cert.pem",
"ClientCert": "/etc/opensnitchd/auth/client-cert.pem",
"ClientKey": "/etc/opensnitchd/auth/client-key.pem",
"SkipVerify": false,
"ClientAuthType": "req-and-verify-cert"
More info: https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/Nodes
- Previously we only supported multiple ICMP types on the same rule
by adding multiple keys:
Key: type
Value: echo-request
Key: type
Value: echo-reply
Now it's possible to specify them using ',':
Key: type
Value: echo-request,echo-reply
- Validate ICMP types before adding them.
- fsnotify notifies 2 WRITE events sometimes (known bug), which leads to
read 0 bytes one of the times.
As now we send these errors to the GUI, on some systems we were
displaying an error reading the config, which was not really the case.
- Only parse the config before writing it to disk, instead of call the
load() method.
Now you can add rules to allow multiple protocols.
For example you can add a rule to allow dport/sport for both TCP
and UDP.
There're two options to allow a port:
Statement {
Name: tcp
Key: dport
Value: 1234
Statement {
Name: meta
Key: l4proto
Value: tcp,udp
Key: dport
Value: 1234
The DNS rule to intercept DNS responses must always be at the top of
the (input-filter) rules, otherwise we won't receive DNS resolutions.
Adding, removing or changing system fw rules was removing the rule from 1st
Another approach to this problem could be to remove&&add only the dns rule,
instead of disable-enable interception+rules monitor.