- Bump nftable version to depend on latest version with fixes.
- Include opensnitch-dns.o eBPF object when creating the deb package.
- Replaced Suggests by Recommends, to install addtional but not
essential packages (like python3-pyasnc, and others).
- Added python3-grpcio, python3-protobuf and python3-slugify as
For systems without these packages, we'll use the old debian/ dir.
* Allow to configure firewall rules from the GUI (WIP)
New features:
- Configure and list system firewall rules from the GUI (nftables).
- Configure chains' policies.
- Add simple rules to allow incoming ports.
- Add simple rules to exclude apps (ports) from being intercepted.
This feature is only available for nftables. iptables is still supported,
you can add rules to the configuration file and they'll be loaded, but
you can't configure them from the GUI.
More information: #592
When blocking a connection via libnetfilter-queue using NF_DROP the
connection is discarded. If the blocked connection is a DNS query, the app
that initiated it will wait until it times out, which is ~30s.
This behaviour can for example cause slowdowns loading web pages: #481
This change adds the option to reject connections by killing the socket
that initiated them.
$ time telnet 22
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out
real 2m10,039s
$ time telnet 22
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Software caused connection abort
real 0m0,005s
Added basic nftables support, which adds the needed rules to intercept
outgoing network traffic and DNS responses. System rules will be added
What netfilter subsystem to use is determined based on the following:
- nftables: if the _iptables_ binary is not present in the system, or
if the iptables version (iptables -V) is
"iptables vX.Y.Z (nf_tables)".
- iptables: in the rest of the cases.
When building the project with protoc-gen-go version 1.5.1,
it fails with the following:
protoc -I. ui.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:../daemon/ui/protocol/
protoc-gen-go: unable to determine Go import path for "ui.proto"
Please specify either:
• a "go_package" option in the .proto source file, or
• a "M" argument on the command line.
See https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/go-generated#package for more information.
--go_out: protoc-gen-go: Plugin failed with status code 1.
This can be fixed by adding the full go package as an option in the
proto file. To make sure the code is generated to the correct path,
we also have to add add the `paths=source_relative` option to the
protoc plugin.
After this, the code is generated correctly, but the generated code
references classes like grpc.ClientConnInterface which were introduced
in 1.27.0.