When selecting a user from the dropdown list, it should set the uid of
the user in the text line. But sometimes, the format "user (uid)" was
set (instead of just "uid").
- Test that the default config is loaded properly.
- Test that changes to the config are saved to disk.
- Test that changes to the config file on disk are reloaded properly.
- Added options to configure authentication type and certs from the
preferences dialog.
- Reorganize code a little bit to displaya message when restarting the
GUI is needed.
Allow to cypher channel communications with certificates.
There are 3 authentication types: simple, tls-simple and tls-mutual.
- 'simple' wont't cypher communications.
- 'tls-simple' uses a server key and certificate for the server, and a
common CA certificate or the server certificate to authenticate all
- 'tls-mutual' uses a server key and certificate for the server, and a
client key and certificate per node.
There are 2 options to verify how gRPC validates credentials:
- SkipVerify: https://pkg.go.dev/crypto/tls#Config
- ClientAuthType: https://pkg.go.dev/crypto/tls#ClientAuthType
Example configuration:
"Server": {
"Address": "",
"Authentication": {
"Type": "tls-simple",
"TLSOptions": {
"CACert": "/etc/opensnitchd/auth/ca-cert.pem",
"ServerCert": "/etc/opensnitchd/auth/server-cert.pem",
"ClientCert": "/etc/opensnitchd/auth/client-cert.pem",
"ClientKey": "/etc/opensnitchd/auth/client-key.pem",
"SkipVerify": false,
"ClientAuthType": "req-and-verify-cert"
More info: https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/Nodes
- Use Message util.
Maybe it'd be better to display a desktop notification for a more
better experience, or a dialog box if notify2 is not installed.
- Translate warning message.
* require pyxdg
* extend xdg, introduce autostart
* use xdg_current_desktop from opensnitch.utils.xdg
* control autostart in tray
* dont use pkill anymore
* check if os-ui is already running
* don't require pyxdg (for now)
* simplify xdg_current_desktop
* do not use pyxdg (for now), use some code from there
* update autostart status when menu is open
* fix possible SameFileError