package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" golog "log" "os" "os/signal" "runtime" "runtime/pprof" "syscall" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( logFile = "" rulesPath = "rules" noLiveReload = false queueNum = 0 workers = 16 debug = false uiSocket = "unix:///tmp/osui.sock" uiClient = (*ui.Client)(nil) cpuProfile = "" memProfile = "" err = (error)(nil) rules = (*rule.Loader)(nil) stats = (*statistics.Statistics)(nil) queue = (*netfilter.Queue)(nil) pktChan = (<-chan netfilter.Packet)(nil) wrkChan = (chan netfilter.Packet)(nil) sigChan = (chan os.Signal)(nil) ) func init() { flag.StringVar(&uiSocket, "ui-socket", uiSocket, "Path the UI gRPC service listener (") flag.StringVar(&rulesPath, "rules-path", rulesPath, "Path to load JSON rules from.") flag.IntVar(&queueNum, "queue-num", queueNum, "Netfilter queue number.") flag.IntVar(&workers, "workers", workers, "Number of concurrent workers.") flag.BoolVar(&noLiveReload, "no-live-reload", debug, "Disable rules live reloading.") flag.StringVar(&logFile, "log-file", logFile, "Write logs to this file instead of the standard output.") flag.BoolVar(&debug, "debug", debug, "Enable debug logs.") flag.StringVar(&cpuProfile, "cpu-profile", cpuProfile, "Write CPU profile to this file.") flag.StringVar(&memProfile, "mem-profile", memProfile, "Write memory profile to this file.") } func setupLogging() { golog.SetOutput(ioutil.Discard) if debug { log.MinLevel = log.DEBUG } else { log.MinLevel = log.INFO } if logFile != "" { if log.Output, err = os.OpenFile(logFile, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644); err != nil { panic(err) } } } func setupSignals() { sigChan = make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigChan, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGQUIT) go func() { sig := <-sigChan log.Raw("\n") log.Important("Got signal: %v", sig) doCleanup() os.Exit(0) }() } func worker(id int) { log.Debug("Worker #%d started.", id) for true { select { case pkt := <-wrkChan: onPacket(pkt) } } } func setupWorkers() { log.Debug("Starting %d workers ...", workers) // setup the workers wrkChan = make(chan netfilter.Packet) for i := 0; i < workers; i++ { go worker(i) } } func doCleanup() { log.Info("Cleaning up ...") firewall.QueueDNSResponses(false, queueNum) firewall.QueueConnections(false, queueNum) firewall.DropMarked(false) go procmon.Stop() if cpuProfile != "" { pprof.StopCPUProfile() } if memProfile != "" { f, err := os.Create(memProfile) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not create memory profile: %s\n", err) return } defer f.Close() runtime.GC() // get up-to-date statistics if err := pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f); err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not write memory profile: %s\n", err) } } } func onPacket(packet netfilter.Packet) { // DNS response, just parse, track and accept. if dns.TrackAnswers(packet.Packet) == true { packet.SetVerdict(netfilter.NF_ACCEPT) stats.OnDNSResponse() return } // Parse the connection state con := conman.Parse(packet) if con == nil { packet.SetVerdict(netfilter.NF_ACCEPT) stats.OnIgnored() return } // search a match in preloaded rules connected := false missed := false r := rules.FindFirstMatch(con) if r == nil { missed = true // no rule matched, send a request to the // UI client if connected and running r, connected = uiClient.Ask(con) if connected { ok := false pers := "" action := string(r.Action) if r.Action == rule.Allow { action = log.Green(action) } else { action = log.Red(action) } // check if and how the rule needs to be saved if r.Duration == rule.Restart { pers = "Added" // add to the rules but do not save to disk if err := rules.Add(r, false); err != nil { log.Error("Error while adding rule: %s", err) } else { ok = true } } else if r.Duration == rule.Always { pers = "Saved" // add to the loaded rules and persist on disk if err := rules.Add(r, true); err != nil { log.Error("Error while saving rule: %s", err) } else { ok = true } } if ok { log.Important("%s new rule: %s if %s", pers, action, r.Operator.String()) } } } stats.OnConnectionEvent(con, r, missed) if r.Action == rule.Allow { packet.SetVerdict(netfilter.NF_ACCEPT) ruleName := log.Green(r.Name) if r.Operator.Operand == rule.OpTrue { ruleName = log.Dim(r.Name) } log.Debug("%s %s -> %s:%d (%s)", log.Bold(log.Green("✔")), log.Bold(con.Process.Path), log.Bold(con.To()), con.DstPort, ruleName) } else { packet.SetVerdictAndMark(netfilter.NF_DROP, firewall.DropMark) log.Warning("%s %s -> %s:%d (%s)", log.Bold(log.Red("✘")), log.Bold(con.Process.Path), log.Bold(con.To()), con.DstPort, log.Red(r.Name)) } } func main() { flag.Parse() setupLogging() if cpuProfile != "" { if f, err := os.Create(cpuProfile); err != nil { log.Fatal("%s", err) } else if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil { log.Fatal("%s", err) } } log.Important("Starting %s v%s", core.Name, core.Version) if err := procmon.Start(); err != nil { log.Fatal("%s", err) } rulesPath, err := core.ExpandPath(rulesPath) if err != nil { log.Fatal("%s", err) } setupSignals() log.Info("Loading rules from %s ...", rulesPath) if rules, err = rule.NewLoader(!noLiveReload); err != nil { log.Fatal("%s", err) } else if err = rules.Load(rulesPath); err != nil { log.Fatal("%s", err) } stats = statistics.New(rules) // prepare the queue setupWorkers() queue, err := netfilter.NewQueue(uint16(queueNum)) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error while creating queue #%d: %s", queueNum, err) } pktChan = queue.Packets() // queue is ready, run firewall rules if err = firewall.QueueDNSResponses(true, queueNum); err != nil { log.Fatal("Error while running DNS firewall rule: %s", err) } else if err = firewall.QueueConnections(true, queueNum); err != nil { log.Fatal("Error while running conntrack firewall rule: %s", err) } else if err = firewall.DropMarked(true); err != nil { log.Fatal("Error while running drop firewall rule: %s", err) } uiClient = ui.NewClient(uiSocket, stats) log.Info("Running on netfilter queue #%d ...", queueNum) for true { select { case pkt := <-pktChan: wrkChan <- pkt } } }