Dialogopensnitch-qtfrom this executablefrom this command linethis destination portthis userthis destination ip+once30s5m15m30m1huntil rebootforeverDenyAllowUser ID<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Executed from</span></p></body></html>TextLabelSource IPProcess IDDestination IPDst PortPreferencesDialogPreferencesUIShow advanced view by defaultonce30s5m15m30m1huntil rebootforeverActionDefault target<html><head/><body><p>If checked, the pop-ups will be displayed with the advanced view active.</p></body></html>denyallowby executableby command lineby destination portby destination ipby user idcentertop rightbottom righttop leftbottom leftPop-up default durationDuration<html><head/><body><p>By default when a new pop-up appears, in its simplest form, you'll be able to filter connections or applications by one property of the connection (executable, port, IP, etc).</p><p>With these options, you can choose multiple fields to filter connections for.</p></body></html>Filter connections also by:User IDDestination portDestination IPDisable pop-ups, only display an alert<html><head/><body><p>This timeout is the countdown you see when a pop-up dialog is shown.</p><p>If the pop-up is not answered, the default options will be applied.</p></body></html>Default timeoutNodesProcess monitor method<html><head/><body><p>Log file to write logs.<br/></p><p>/dev/stdout will print logs to the standard output.</p></body></html>Log file<html><head/><body><p>The default duration will take place when there's no UI connected.</p></body></html>Default durationApply configuration to all nodes<html><head/><body><p>The default action will take place when there's no UI connected.</p></body></html>HostNameuntil restartalways<html><head/><body><p>Address of the node.</p><p>Default: unix:///tmp/osui.sock (unix:// is mandatory if it's a Unix socket)</p><p>It can also be an IP address with the port:</p></body></html>AddressVersionunix:///tmp/osui.sock/var/log/opensnitchd.log/dev/stdoutDefault log levelDatabaseDatabase typeSelectIn memoryFileCloseApplySaveThe advanced view allows you to easily select multiple fields to filter connectionsIf checked, this field will be selected when a pop-up is displayed<html><head/><body><p>Pop-up default action.</p><p>When a new outgoing connection is about to be established, this action will be selected by default, so if the timeout fires, this is the option that will be applied.</p><p><br/></p><p>While a pop-up is asking the user to allow or deny a connection:</p><p>1. new outgoing connections are denied.</p><p>2. known connections are allowed or denied based on the rules defined by the user.</p></body></html>Default action when the GUI is disconnectedDebug invalid connectionsPop-upsDefault optionsDefault position on screenany temporary rules<html><head/><body><p>When this option is selected, the rules of the selected duration won't be added to the list of temporary rules in the GUI.</p><p><br/></p><p>Temporary rules will still be valid, and you can use them when prompted to allow/deny a new connection.</p></body></html>Don't save rules of durationTimeDestinationProtocolProcessRuleNode<html><head/><body><p>If checked, opensnitch will prompt you to allow or deny connections that don't have an asocciated PID, due to several reasons, mostly due to bad state connections.</p><p>The pop-up dialog will only contain information about the network connection.</p><p>There're some scenarios where these are valid connections though, like when establishing a VPN using wireguard.</p></body></html>Events tab columnsProcessDetailsDialogProcess detailsloading...CWD: loading...mem stats: loading...StatusOpen filesI/O StatisticsMemory mapped filesStackEnvironment variablesApplication pidsStart or stop monitoring this processCloseRulesDialogRuleNodeApply rule to all nodesTo this IP / Network/path/to/executable, .*/bin/executable[0-9\.]+$, ...ActionTo this portTo this list of domainsYou can specify a single IP:
or a regular expression:
- 192\.168\.1\.[0-9]+
multiple IPs:
- ^(192\.168\.1\.1|172\.16\.0\.1)$
You can also specify a subnet:
Note: Commas or spaces are not allowed to separate IPs or networks.LAN127.0.0.0/8192.168.0.0/24192.168.1.0/24192.168.2.0/24192.168.0.0/16169.254.0.0/16172.16.0.0/1210.0.0.0/8::1/128fc00::/7ff00::/8fe80::/10fd00::/8<html><head/><body><p>You can specify multiple ports using regular expressions:</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 80 or 443:</p><p>^(53|80|443)$</p><p><br/></p><p>- 53, 443 or 5551, 5552, 5553, etc:</p><p>^(53|443|555[0-9])$</p></body></html>once30s5m15m30m1huntil rebootalwaysCommas or spaces are not allowed to specify multiple domains.
Use regular expressions instead:
or a single domain:
www.gnu.org - it'll only match www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, nor www2.gnu.org, ...
gnu.org - it'll only match gnu.org, nor www.gnu.org, nor ftp.gnu.org, ...www.domain.org, .*\.domain.orgTo this hostDuration<html><head/><body><p>Only TCP, UDP or UDPLITE are allowed</p><p>You can use regexp, i.e.: ^(TCP|UDP)$</p></body></html>TCPUDPUDPLITETCP6UDP6UDPLITE6ProtocolFrom this executableDenyAllowFrom this command lineFrom this user ID<html><head/><body><p>Select a directory with lists of domains to block or allow.</p><p>Put inside that directory files with any extension containing lists of domains.</p><p><br/>The format of each entry of a list is as follow (hosts format):</p><p> www.domain.com</p><p>or </p><p> www.domain.com</p></body></html>NameEnableThe rules are checked in alphabetical order, so you can name them accordingly to prioritize them.
...leave blank to autocreateIf checked, this rule will take precedence over the rest of the rules. No others rules will be checked after this one.
You must name the rule in such manner that it'll be checked first, because they're checked in alphabetical order. For example:
[x] Priority - 000-priority-rule
[ ] Priority - 001-less-priority-rulePriority rule<html><head/><body><p>By default, the field of the rules are case-insensitive, i.e., if a process tries to access gOOgle.CoM and you have a rule to Deny .*google.com, the connection will be blocked.<br/></p><p>If you check this box, you have to specify the exact string (domain, executable, command line) that you want to filter.</p></body></html>Case-sensitiveStatsDialogOpenSnitch Network StatisticsSave to CSV.Ctrl+SCreate a new rule<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:11pt; font-weight:600;">hostname -</span></p></body></html>Status-Start or Stop interceptionEventsFilterAllowDenyEx.: firefox50100200300Delete all intercepted eventsNodes<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on the Addr column to view details of a node)</span></p></body></html>RulesenableEdit ruleDelete rule<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click on a row to view details of a rule)</span></p></body></html>search rule nameApplication rulesPermanentTemporaryHosts<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:7pt;">(double click to view details of an item)</span></p></body></html>ApplicationsDelete all intercepted applicationsAddressesPortsUsersConnectionsDroppedUptimeVersionDelete connections that matched this ruleAll applicationsDelete all intercepted hostsDelete all intercepted addressesDelete all intercepted portsDelete all intercepted userscontextual_menuStatisticsEnableDisableHelpClosepopupsuntil rebootforeverAllowDenyOutgoing connectionProcess launched from:from this executablefrom this command lineto port {0}to {0}from user {0}to {0}.*to *.{0}to *{0}<b>Remote</b> process %s running on <b>%s</b>is connecting to <b>%s</b> on %s port %dis attempting to resolve <b>%s</b> via %s, %s port %dpreferencesException saving config: {0}WarningYou must select a file for the database<br>or choose "In memory" type.DB type changedRestart the GUI in order effects to take effectApplying configuration on {0} ...Server address can not be emptyError loading {0} configurationConfiguration applied.Error applying configuration: {0}Hover the mouse over the texts to display the help<br><br>Don't forget to visit the wiki: <a href="{0}">{0}</a>proc_details<b>Error loading process information:</b> <br><br>
<b>Error stopping monitoring process:</b><br><br>loading...rulesThere're no nodes connected.Rule applied.Error applying rule: {0}<b>Error loading rule</b>protocol can not be empty, or uncheck itProtocol regexp errorprocess path can not be emptyProcess path regexp errorcommand line can not be emptyCommand line regexp errorDest port can not be emptyDst port regexp errorDest host can not be emptyDst host regexp errorDest IP/Network can not be emptyDst IP regexp errorUser ID can not be emptyUser ID regexp errorLists field cannot be emptyLists field must be a directory<b>Rule not supported</b>statsNot runningDisabledRunningOpenSnitch Network Statistics {0}OpenSnitch Network Statistics for {0}<b>Error:</b><br><br>{0}Warning:AllowDenyAlwaysUntil rebootDisableEnableDuplicateEditDelete Your are about to delete this rule. Are you sure?Rule not found by that name and node You are about to delete this rule. Save as CSVNameThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.AddressThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.StatusThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.HostnameThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.VersionThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.RulesThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.TimeThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.ActionThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.DurationThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.NodeThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.EnabledThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.HitsThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.ProtocolThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.ProcessThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.DestinationThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.RuleThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.UserIDThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.LastConnectionThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.ArgsThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.DstIPThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.DstHostThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.DstPortThis is a word, without spaces and symbols.