Rules can be edited from the GUI, by clicking on the name of the rule: ![image]( ![image]( (Since v1.2.0, all rules comparison are case-insensitive by the default for destination host, process path and process arguments.) #### Parameters field | descrption ----- | ---------- Enable | Enables or disables the rule. Priority | Indicates that this rule has precedence over the rest. Case sensitive | Make the comparison case-sensitive for ALL fields. Duration | Always writes the rule to disk. --- Each field can be literal or a regex expression. Some examples: - Filtering by multiple ports: `[x] To this port: ^(53|80|443)$` targets ports 53 OR 80 OR 443. `[x] To this port: ^555[12345]$` targets ports 5551, 5552, 5553, 5554 OR 5555. - Filtering by an exact domain, and nothing else: `[x] To this host:` (will match only, not, etc) - Filtering by a domain and its subdomains: `[x] To this host: .*\` - Filtering an executable path: `[x] From this executable: /usr/bin/python3` (warning: /usr/bin/python3.6/3.7/3.8/etc won't match this rule) - Allow common system commands: ``` Name: 000-allow-system-cmds Action: Allow [x] Priority rule [x] From this executable: ^(/usr/sbin/ntpd|/lib/systemd/systemd-timesyncd|/usr/bin/xbrlapi|/usr/bin/dirmngr)$ [x] To this port: ^(53|123)$ [x] From this User ID: ^(0|115|118)$ ``` - Blocking connections made by executables launched from /tmp: ``` Action: Deny [x] From this executable: /tmp/.* ``` - Filtering an executable path with regexp, for example any python binary in /usr/bin/: `[x] From this executable: ^/usr/bin/python[0-9\.]*$` Case insensitive rules: `[x] From this executable: (?i:.*ping)` ![]( - Filtering LAN IPs or multiple ranges: `^(127\..*|172\..*|192.168\..*|10\..*)$` See these issues for some discussions and more examples: [#17](, [#31](, [#73]( **Note:** Don't use "," to specify domains, IPs, etc. It's not supported. For example this won't work (it could be added if you complain loud enough): > [x] To this host:, --- [Python regular expression documentation]( [Golang regular expression documentation]( [Golang regular expression syntax]( **Note:** Golang does not support Perl syntax (like (?!...)) However you can use negated chars classes. For example, block all outgoing connections, except those to localhost: `[x] Action: deny` `[x] To this destination IP: [^:]` *** Note on allowing all connections to localhost: While it might be seem obvious to allow everything to localhost, be aware that you might want to allow only certain connections/programs: [OpenSnitch in action](OpenSnitch-in-action) ---