
Release Software License Go Report Card

**OpenSnitch** is a GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall.


**THIS SOFTWARE IS WORK IN PROGRESS, DO NOT EXPECT IT TO BE BUG FREE AND DO NOT RELY ON IT FOR ANY TYPE OF SECURITY.** ### Installation Please, refer to the [documentation]( for detailed information ### FAQ ##### Why Qt and not GTK? I tried, but for very fast updates it failed bad on my configuration (failed bad = SIGSEGV), moreover I find Qt5 layout system superior and easier to use. ##### Why gRPC and not DBUS? The UI service is able to use a TCP listener instead of a UNIX socket, that means the UI service itself can be executed on any operating system, while receiving messages from a single local daemon instance or multiple instances from remote computers in the network, therefore DBUS would have made the protocol and logic uselessly GNU/Linux specific. ##### OpenSnitch displays too many dialogs to allow/deny connections Yes, it does. But only the first time it's been used. Once you configure which processes/connections you want to allow/deny, you won't notice that it's running. In the future, maybe we add an option to queue the events, and from the GUI allow/deny them.