Gustavo Iñiguez Goia ebac200642
ReadEnv() minor improvement
- Improved peformance parsing the environment variables of a process.
 - Added ReadEnv() test.

For a 4kb environ file:

Benchmark-Old    58070 ns/op   19264 B/op   68 allocs/op
Benchmark-New    49174 ns/op   17488 B/op   12 allocs/op
2024-10-18 01:08:43 +02:00

644 lines
17 KiB

package procmon
import (
var socketsRegex, _ = regexp.Compile(`socket:\[([0-9]+)\]`)
var pageSize = int64(os.Getpagesize())
// GetParent obtains the information of this process' parent.
func (p *Process) GetParent() {
hasParent := p.Parent != nil
if hasParent {
if p.PPID == 0 {
it, found := EventsCache.IsInStoreByPID(p.PPID)
if found {
p.Parent = &it.Proc
p.Parent = NewProcessEmpty(p.PPID, "")
// get process tree
// BuildTree returns all the parents of this process.
func (p *Process) BuildTree() {
items := len(p.Tree)
if items > 0 && p.Tree[items-1].Value == 1 {
// Adding this process to the tree, not to loose track of it.
p.Tree = append(p.Tree,
Key: p.Path, Value: uint32(p.ID),
for pp := p.Parent; pp != nil; pp = pp.Parent {
// add the parents in reverse order, so when we iterate over them with the rules
// the first item is the most direct parent of the process.
p.Tree = append(p.Tree,
Key: pp.Path, Value: uint32(pp.ID),
// GetDetails collects information of a process.
func (p *Process) GetDetails() error {
if os.Getpid() == p.ID {
return nil
// if the PID dir doesn't exist, the process may have exited or be a kernel connection
// XXX: can a kernel connection exist without an entry in ProcFS?
if p.Path == "" && p.IsAlive() == false {
log.Debug("PID can't be read /proc/ %d %s", p.ID, p.Comm)
// The Comm field shouldn't be empty if the proc monitor method is ebpf or audit.
// If it's proc and the corresponding entry doesn't exist, there's nothing we can
// do to inform the user about this process.
if p.Comm == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Unable to get process information")
if err := p.ReadPath(); err != nil {
log.Debug("GetInfo() path can't be read: %s", p.Path)
return err
// we need to load the env variables now, in order to be used with the rules.
return nil
// GetExtraInfo collects information of a process.
func (p *Process) GetExtraInfo() error {
return nil
// ReadPPID obtains the pid of the parent process
func (p *Process) ReadPPID() {
// ReadFile + parse = ~40us
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p.pathStat)
if err != nil {
p.PPID = 0
var state string
parts := bytes.Split(data, []byte(")"))
data = parts[len(parts)-1]
_, err = fmt.Sscanf(string(data), "%s %d", &state, &p.PPID)
if err != nil || p.PPID == 0 {
p.PPID = 0
// ReadComm reads the comm name from ProcFS /proc/<pid>/comm
func (p *Process) ReadComm() error {
if p.Comm != "" {
return nil
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p.pathComm)
if err != nil {
return err
p.Comm = core.Trim(string(data))
return nil
// ReadCwd reads the current working directory name from ProcFS /proc/<pid>/cwd
func (p *Process) ReadCwd() error {
if p.CWD != "" {
return nil
link, err := os.Readlink(p.pathCwd)
if err != nil {
return err
p.CWD = link
return nil
// ReadEnv reads and parses the environment variables of a process.
func (p *Process) ReadEnv() {
raw, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p.pathEnviron)
if err != nil {
raw = bytes.Trim(raw, "\r\n\t")
vars := strings.Split(string(raw), "\x00")
for _, s := range vars {
idx := strings.Index(s, "=")
if idx == -1 {
key := s[:idx]
val := s[idx+1 : len(s)]
p.Env[key] = val
// ReadMaps reads the /proc/<pid>/maps file.
func (p *Process) ReadMaps() {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p.pathMaps)
if err != nil {
p.Maps = unsafe.String(unsafe.SliceData(data), len(data))
// ReadStatm reads and parses the /proc/<pid>/statm file.
// Memory usage is measured in pages.
func (p *Process) ReadStatm() {
if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p.pathStatm); err == nil {
p.Statm = &procStatm{}
fmt.Sscanf(string(data), "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d", &p.Statm.Size, &p.Statm.Resident, &p.Statm.Shared, &p.Statm.Text, &p.Statm.Lib, &p.Statm.Data, &p.Statm.Dt)
p.Statm.Size = p.Statm.Size * pageSize
p.Statm.Resident = p.Statm.Resident * pageSize
p.Statm.Shared = p.Statm.Shared * pageSize
p.Statm.Text = p.Statm.Text * pageSize
p.Statm.Lib = p.Statm.Lib * pageSize
p.Statm.Data = p.Statm.Data * pageSize
p.Statm.Dt = p.Statm.Dt * int(pageSize)
// ReadExeLink reads the link that /proc/<pid>/exe points to.
// This is the real path to the path that was executed and loaded in memory.
// It may or not be the same binary that exists on disk (for example when a
// binary is executed, and later updated or deleted).
// If a process is launched from a chroot, this link will point to the absolute
// path, including the host path to the chroot.
func (p *Process) ReadExeLink() (string, error) {
// FIXME: this reading can give error: file name too long
return os.Readlink(p.pathExe)
// ReadPath reads the symbolic link that /proc/<pid>/exe points to.
// Note 1: this link might not exist on the root filesystem, it might
// have been executed from a container, so the real path would be:
// /proc/<pid>/root/<path that 'exe' points to>
// Note 2:
// There're at least 3 things that a (regular) kernel connection meets
// from userspace POV:
// - /proc/<pid>/cmdline and /proc/<pid>/maps empty
// - /proc/<pid>/exe can't be read
func (p *Process) ReadPath() error {
// avoid rereading the path
if p.Path != "" && core.IsAbsPath(p.Path) {
return nil
defer func() {
if p.Path == "" {
// determine if this process might be of a kernel task.
if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p.pathMaps); err == nil && len(data) == 0 {
p.Path = KernelConnection
p.Args = append(p.Args, p.Comm)
p.Path = p.Comm
link, err := p.ReadExeLink()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// SetPath sets the path of the process, and fixes it if it's needed.
func (p *Process) SetPath(path string) {
p.Path = path
p.RealPath = core.ConcatStrings(p.pathRoot, "/", p.Path)
if core.Exists(p.RealPath) == false {
p.RealPath = p.Path
// p.CleanPath() ?
// ReadCmdline reads the cmdline of the process from ProcFS /proc/<pid>/cmdline
// This file may be empty if the process is of a kernel task.
// It can also be empty for short-lived processes.
func (p *Process) ReadCmdline() {
if len(p.Args) > 0 {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p.pathCmdline)
if err != nil || len(data) == 0 {
// XXX: remove this loop, and split by "\x00"
for i, b := range data {
if b == 0x00 {
data[i] = byte(' ')
args := strings.Split(string(data), " ")
for _, arg := range args {
arg = core.Trim(arg)
if arg != "" {
p.Args = append(p.Args, arg)
// CleanArgs applies fixes on the cmdline arguments.
// - AppImages cmdline reports the execuable launched as /proc/self/exe,
// instead of the actual path to the binary.
func (p *Process) CleanArgs() {
if len(p.Args) > 0 && p.Args[0] == ProcSelf {
p.Args[0] = p.Path
func (p *Process) readDescriptors() {
f, err := os.Open(p.pathFd)
if err != nil {
fDesc, err := f.Readdir(-1)
p.Descriptors = nil
for _, fd := range fDesc {
tempFd := &procDescriptors{
Name: fd.Name(),
link, err := os.Readlink(core.ConcatStrings(p.pathFd, fd.Name()))
if err != nil {
tempFd.SymLink = link
socket := socketsRegex.FindStringSubmatch(link)
if len(socket) > 0 {
socketInfo, err := netlink.GetSocketInfoByInode(socket[1])
if err == nil {
tempFd.SymLink = fmt.Sprintf("socket:[%s] - %d:%s -> %s:%d, state: %s", fd.Name(),
dns.HostOr(socketInfo.ID.Destination, socketInfo.ID.Destination.String()),
if linkInfo, err := os.Lstat(link); err == nil {
tempFd.Size = linkInfo.Size()
tempFd.ModTime = linkInfo.ModTime()
p.Descriptors = append(p.Descriptors, tempFd)
func (p *Process) readIOStats() (err error) {
f, err := os.Open(p.pathIO)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
p.IOStats = &procIOstats{}
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scanner.Scan() {
s := strings.Split(scanner.Text(), " ")
switch s[0] {
case "rchar:":
p.IOStats.RChar, err = strconv.ParseInt(s[1], 10, 64)
case "wchar:":
p.IOStats.WChar, err = strconv.ParseInt(s[1], 10, 64)
case "syscr:":
p.IOStats.SyscallRead, err = strconv.ParseInt(s[1], 10, 64)
case "syscw:":
p.IOStats.SyscallWrite, err = strconv.ParseInt(s[1], 10, 64)
case "read_bytes:":
p.IOStats.ReadBytes, err = strconv.ParseInt(s[1], 10, 64)
case "write_bytes:":
p.IOStats.WriteBytes, err = strconv.ParseInt(s[1], 10, 64)
return err
func (p *Process) readStatus() {
if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p.pathStatus); err == nil {
p.Status = string(data)
if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(p.pathStat); err == nil {
p.Stat = string(data)
if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(core.ConcatStrings("/proc/", strconv.Itoa(p.ID), "/stack")); err == nil {
p.Stack = string(data)
// CleanPath applies fixes on the path to the binary:
// - Remove extra characters from the link that it points to.
// When a running process is deleted, the symlink has the bytes " (deleted")
// appended to the link.
// - If the path is /proc/self/exe, resolve the symlink that it points to.
func (p *Process) CleanPath() {
// Sometimes the path to the binary reported is the symbolic link of the process itself.
// This is not useful to the user, and besides it's a generic path that can represent
// to any process.
// Therefore we cannot use /proc/self/exe directly, because it resolves to our own process.
if strings.HasPrefix(p.Path, ProcSelf) {
if link, err := os.Readlink(p.pathExe); err == nil {
p.Path = link
if len(p.Args) > 0 && p.Args[0] != "" {
p.Path = p.Args[0]
p.Path = p.Comm
pathLen := len(p.Path)
if pathLen >= 10 && p.Path[pathLen-10:] == " (deleted)" {
p.Path = p.Path[:len(p.Path)-10]
// We may receive relative paths from kernel, but the path of a process must be absolute
if core.IsAbsPath(p.Path) == false {
if err := p.ReadPath(); err != nil {
log.Debug("ClenPath() error reading process path%s", err)
// IsAlive checks if the process is still running
func (p *Process) IsAlive() bool {
return core.Exists(p.pathProc)
// IsChild determines if this process is child of its parent
func (p *Process) IsChild() bool {
return (p.Parent != nil && p.Parent.Path == p.Path && p.Parent.IsAlive()) ||
core.Exists(core.ConcatStrings("/proc/", strconv.Itoa(p.PPID), "/task/", strconv.Itoa(p.ID)))
// ChecksumsCount returns the number of checksums of this process.
func (p *Process) ChecksumsCount() int {
return len(p.Checksums)
// ResetChecksums initializes checksums
func (p *Process) ResetChecksums() {
p.Checksums = make(map[string]string)
// ComputeChecksums calculates the checksums of a the process path to the binary.
// Users may want to use different hashing alogrithms.
func (p *Process) ComputeChecksums(hashes map[string]uint) {
if p.IsAlive() && len(p.Checksums) > 0 {
log.Debug("process.ComputeChecksums() already hashed: %d, path: %s, %v", p.ID, p.Path, p.Checksums)
for hash := range hashes {
// ComputeChecksum calculates the checksum of a the process path to the binary
func (p *Process) ComputeChecksum(algo string) {
if p.Path == "" || p.Path == KernelConnection {
if p.Checksums[algo] != "" {
log.Debug("[hashing] %d already hasshed [%s]: %s\n", p.ID, algo, p.Checksums[algo])
// - hash first the exe link. That's the process that is currently running.
// If the binary has been updated while it's running, the checksum on disk
// will change and it won't match the one defined in the rules.
// However the exe link will match the one defined in the rules.
// So keep it valid until the user restarts the process.
// - If it can't be read, hash the RealPath, because containerized binaries'
// path usually won't exist on the host.
// Path cannot be trusted, because multiple processes with the same path
// can coexist in different namespaces.
// The real path is /proc/<pid>/root/<path-to-the-binary>
paths := []string{p.pathExe, p.RealPath, p.Path}
var h hash.Hash
if algo == HashMD5 {
h = md5.New()
} else if algo == HashSHA1 {
h = sha1.New()
} else {
log.Debug("Unknown hashing algorithm: %s", algo)
i := uint8(0)
for i = 0; i < 3; i++ {
log.Debug("[hashing %s], path %d: %s -> %s", algo, i, paths[i], p.Path)
start := time.Now()
// can this be instantiate outside of the loop?
f, err := os.Open(paths[i])
if err != nil {
log.Debug("[hashing %s] Unable to open path: %s", algo, paths[i])
// one of the reasons to end here is when hashing AppImages
code, err := p.DumpImage()
if err != nil {
log.Debug("[hashing] Unable to dump process memory: %s", err)
p.Checksums[algo] = hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(code))
log.Debug("[hashing] memory region hashed, elapsed: %v ,Hash: %s, %s\n", time.Since(start), p.Checksums[algo], paths[i])
code = nil
defer f.Close()
if _, err = io.Copy(h, f); err != nil {
log.Debug("[hashing %s] Error copying data: %s", algo, err)
p.Checksums[algo] = hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
log.Debug("[hashing] elapsed: %v ,Hash: %s, %s\n", time.Since(start), p.Checksums[algo], paths[i])
// MemoryMapping represents a memory mapping region
type MemoryMapping struct {
StartAddr uint64
EndAddr uint64
// DumpImage reads the memory of the current process, and returns it
// as byte array.
func (p *Process) DumpImage() ([]byte, error) {
return p.dumpFileImage(p.Path)
// dumpFileImage will dump the memory region of a file mapped by this process.
// By default it'll dump the current image of this process.
func (p *Process) dumpFileImage(filePath string) ([]byte, error) {
var mappings []MemoryMapping
// read memory mappings
mapsFile, err := os.Open(p.pathMaps)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer mapsFile.Close()
if filePath == "" {
filePath = p.Path
size := 0
mapsScanner := bufio.NewScanner(mapsFile)
for mapsScanner.Scan() {
addrMap := mapsScanner.Text()
// filter by process path
// TODO: make it configurable
if !strings.Contains(addrMap, filePath) {
log.Debug("dumpFileImage() addr doesn't contain %s", filePath)
fields := strings.Fields(addrMap)
if len(fields) < 6 {
log.Debug("dumpFileImage() line less than 6: %v", fields)
// TODO: make it configurable
/*permissions := fields[1]
if !strings.Contains(permissions, "r-xp") {
addrRange := strings.Split(fields[0], "-")
addrStart, err := strconv.ParseUint(addrRange[0], 16, 64)
if err != nil {
//log.Debug("dumpFileImage() invalid addrStart: %v", addrRange)
addrEnd, err := strconv.ParseUint(addrRange[1], 16, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Debug("dumpFileImage() invalid addrEnd: %v", addrRange)
size += int(addrEnd - addrStart)
mappings = append(mappings, MemoryMapping{StartAddr: addrStart, EndAddr: addrEnd})
// read process memory
elfCode, err := p.readMem(mappings)
mappings = nil
//fmt.Printf(">>> READ MEM, regions size: %d, elfCode: %d\n", size, len(elfCode))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return elfCode, nil
// given a range of addrs, read it from mem and return the content
func (p *Process) readMem(mappings []MemoryMapping) ([]byte, error) {
var elfCode []byte
memFile, err := os.Open(p.pathMem)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer memFile.Close()
for _, mapping := range mappings {
memFile.Seek(int64(mapping.StartAddr), io.SeekStart)
code := make([]byte, mapping.EndAddr-mapping.StartAddr)
_, err = memFile.Read(code)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return elfCode, nil