updated after opensnitch repo commit 74d71337ba

wiki auto updater 2021-09-10 07:40:13 +00:00
parent 11473c140d
commit 4ac42f04a4

@ -90,6 +90,24 @@ Some more examples:
The list of protocols you can allow or deny are defined in the file `/etc/protocols`
Intercepting connections from containers
In order to intercept connections from containers, you need to select in `Preferences->Nodes->Process monitor method: ebpf`, and add the following rule to `/etc/opensnitchd/system-fw.json`:
"Rule": {
"Enabled": true,
"Description": "",
"Table": "mangle",
"Chain": "FORWARD",
"Parameters": "-m conntrack --ctstate NEW",
"Target": "NFQUEUE",
"TargetParameters": "--queue-num 0 --queue-bypass"