updated after opensnitch repo commit aa17c78977

wiki auto updater 2021-09-16 10:55:34 +00:00
parent a77952f9b8
commit 536a1bc399

@ -33,16 +33,20 @@ Rules are stored as JSON files inside the `-rule-path` folder, in the simplest c
| operator.operand | What element of the connection to compare, can be one of: |
| |* `true` (will always match) |
| |* `process.path` (the path of the executable) |
| |*`process.id` PID|
| |*`process.command` (full command line, including path and arguments)|
| |*`provess.env.ENV_VAR_NAME` (use the value of an environment variable of the process given its name)
| |*`user.id` (UID)|
| |*`protocol`|
| |*`dest.ip` |
| |*`dest.host` |
| |*`dest.network` (>= v1.3.0)|
| |* `dest.port`. |
| operator.data | The data to compare the `operand` to, can be a regular expression if `type` is `regexp`. |
| |* `process.id` PID|
| |* `process.command` (full command line, including path and arguments)|
| |* `provess.env.ENV_VAR_NAME` (use the value of an environment variable of the process given its name)
| |* `user.id` (UID)|
| |* `protocol`|
| |* `dest.ip` |
| |* `dest.host` |
| |* `dest.network` (>= v1.3.0)|
| |* `dest.port` |
| |* `lists.domains` (>= 1.4.0) lists of domains in hosts format [read more](https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/block-lists)|
| |* `lists.domains_regexp` (>= 1.5.0) list of domains with regular expressions (`.*\.example\.com`) [read more](https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/block-lists)|
| |* `lists.ips` (>= 1.5.0) list of IPs [read more](https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/block-lists)|
| |* `lists.nets` (>= 1.5.0) list of network ranges [read more](https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch/wiki/block-lists)|
| operator.data | The data to compare the `operand` to, can be a regular expression if `type` is `regexp`, or a path to a directory with list of IPs/domains in the case of `lists`. |
### Some considerations
@ -152,4 +156,4 @@ Example of a complex rule using the operator _list_, saved from the GUI (Note: v