This file is meant for maintainers of pycapnp, and documents the process for uploading to PyPI.
## Pre-requisites
pip install pypandoc cython
## Run tests
I typically sanity check by running the tests once again locally, but as long as Travis is green, you're probably fine.
## Add a commit that bumps the version
Bump the version in, and add descriptions of all the changes to (see 19e1b189caa786c7f572e679d6bb94aadfbdb5e0 for an example commit).
## Run the build and upload
Run the following command to clean up old artifacts, run the build, and then upload the result to PyPI
I manually test the PyPI release after it's been uploaded. I have a few virtualenvs that I manually run the following command in (run this from the pycapnp directory since it runs the tests at the end):
This step could probably benefit greatly from some automation. Perhaps even Travis could handle it, but I'm not sure how best to trigger Travis from a PyPI release.
Tag the release on the develop branch (not the master branch). Sadly, I've stopped using git-flow, and at this point it might be worth moving back to using just master, but that would take some amount of work and I worry that it would break open PRs. Definitely worth considering if development picks back up.
Version numbers roughly follow semver, although I try to loosely follow upstream Cap'n Proto C++ versions as well. So when pycapnp officially starts using v0.7.0 of the C++ library, pycapnp's version should be bumped to v0.7.0 as well.