Update documentation to cover segments.

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Constantine Vetoshev 2016-06-23 14:15:46 -07:00
parent 73d6c5dc10
commit 42ed1e819f

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@ -304,6 +304,27 @@ There are also packed versions::
alice2 = addressbook_capnp.Person.from_bytes_packed(alice.to_bytes_packed())
Byte Segments
Cap'n Proto supports a serialization mode which minimizes object copies. In the C++ interface, ``capnp::MessageBuilder::getSegmentsForOutput()`` returns an array of pointers to segments of the message's content without copying. ``capnp::SegmentArrayMessageReader`` performs the reverse operation, i.e., takes an array of pointers to segments and uses the underlying data, again without copying. This produces a different wire serialization format from ``to_bytes()`` serialization, which uses ``capnp::messageToFlatArray()`` and ``capnp::FlatArrayMessageReader`` (both of which use segments internally, but write them in an incompatible way).
For compatibility on the Python side, use the ``to_segments()`` and ``from_segments()`` functions::
segments = alice.to_segments()
This returns a list of segments, each a byte buffer. Each segment can be, e.g., turned into a ZeroMQ message frame. The list of segments can also be turned back into an object::
alice = addressbook_capnp.Person.from_segments(segments)
For more information, please refer to the following links:
- `Advice on minimizing copies from Cap'n Proto <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28149139/serializing-mutable-state-and-sending-it-asynchronously-over-the-network-with-ne/28156323#28156323>`_ (from the author of Cap'n Proto)
- `Advice on using Cap'n Proto over ZeroMQ <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32041315/how-to-send-capn-proto-message-over-zmq/32042234#32042234>`_ (from the author of Cap'n Proto)
- `Discussion about sending and reassembling Cap'n Proto message segments in C++ <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/capnproto/ClDjGbO7egA>`_ (from the Cap'n Proto mailing list; includes sample code)