* Update documentation to async code (#331)
This commit updates the documentation to the latest changes added
with pycapnp 2.0.0.
* Remove non existing classes/functions from the reference documentation
* Adapt the quickstart to the latest changes. Mainly to new rpc handling,
that now exlusively is done through asyncio.
* DOC: Add section about send and receive messages over a socket
Since #313 it is possible to read and write messages over a socket.
This commit adds a small section for read and write in the quickstart.
- Full cleanup of all the docs
- General sphinx housekeeping
- Updated all the old/bad links
- More reliable tests
- Updated Changelog
- Removed dead/deprecated code
- Added documentation generation test
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics --exclude benchmark
Excluding the benchmark directory (due to protobuf generated files)
Also removing some Python2 specific code