- Stop adding the directory of every .capnp file to the import path. If a .capnp
file wants to import a file in its own directory, it should use a relative
import. Fixes#278
- Stop using /usr/include/capnp as an import path. This is incorrect. It should
only be /usr/include.
- Stop allowing additional paths to be specified for magic imports. This leads
to inconsistencies. More specifically, the way that a nested import like
`ma.mb.mc_capnp` gets imported by python, is to first import `ma`, then import
`ma.mb`, and finally `ma.mb.mc_capnp`. Pycapnp's magic importing is only
involved in the last step. So any additional paths specified don't work for
nested imports. It is very confusing to only have this for non-nested imports.
Users with folder layouts that don't follow pythons import paths can still use
`capnp.load(.., .., imports=[blah])`.