""" script for generating files that involve repetitive updates for zmq constants. Run this after updating utils/constant_names Currently generates the following files from templates: - constant_enums.pxi - constants.pxi - zmq_constants.h """ # Copyright (C) PyZMQ Developers # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import os import sys from . import info pjoin = os.path.join root = os.path.abspath(pjoin(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir)) sys.path.insert(0, pjoin(root, 'zmq', 'utils')) from constant_names import all_names, no_prefix # noqa: E402 ifndef_t = """#ifndef {0} #define {0} (_PYZMQ_UNDEFINED) #endif """ def cython_enums(): """generate `enum: ZMQ_CONST` block for constant_enums.pxi""" lines = [] for name in all_names: if no_prefix(name): lines.append('enum: ZMQ_{0} "{0}"'.format(name)) else: lines.append('enum: ZMQ_{0}'.format(name)) return dict(ZMQ_ENUMS='\n '.join(lines)) def ifndefs(): """generate `#ifndef ZMQ_CONST` block for zmq_constants.h""" lines = ['#define _PYZMQ_UNDEFINED (-9999)'] for name in all_names: if not no_prefix(name): name = 'ZMQ_%s' % name lines.append(ifndef_t.format(name)) return dict(ZMQ_IFNDEFS='\n'.join(lines)) def constants_pyx(): """generate CONST = ZMQ_CONST and __all__ for constants.pxi""" all_lines = [] assign_lines = [] for name in all_names: if name == "NULL": # avoid conflict with NULL in Cython assign_lines.append("globals()['NULL'] = ZMQ_NULL") else: assign_lines.append('{0} = ZMQ_{0}'.format(name)) all_lines.append(' "{0}",'.format(name)) return dict(ASSIGNMENTS='\n'.join(assign_lines), ALL='\n'.join(all_lines)) def generate_file(fname, ns_func, dest_dir="."): """generate a constants file from its template""" with open(pjoin(root, 'buildutils', 'templates', '%s' % fname), 'r') as f: tpl = f.read() out = tpl.format(**ns_func()) dest = pjoin(dest_dir, fname) info("generating %s from template" % dest) with open(dest, 'w') as f: f.write(out) def render_constants(): """render generated constant files from templates""" generate_file("constant_enums.pxi", cython_enums, pjoin(root, 'zmq', 'backend', 'cython')) generate_file("constants.pxi", constants_pyx, pjoin(root, 'zmq', 'backend', 'cython')) generate_file("zmq_constants.h", ifndefs, pjoin(root, 'zmq', 'utils')) if __name__ == '__main__': render_constants()