![]() Note: I've tried not to break any behaviour of the previously working APIs Python API Changes / Additions - capnp/lib/capnp.pyx * class _RemotePromise + [Added] cpdef _wait(self) = Exception raising code that used to be inside of wait(self) + [Modified] def wait(self) = Same functionality as before + [Added] async def a_wait(self) = Cannot use await as that's a reserved keyword = Uses pollRemote and asyncio.sleep(0) to make call asynchronous * class _TwoPartyVatNetwork + [Added] cdef _init_pipe(self, _TwoWayPipe pipe, Side side, schema_cpp.ReaderOptions opts) = Instanciates a TwoPartyVatNetwork using a TwoWayPipe (instead of using a file handle or connection as before) * class TwoPartyClient + [Modified] def __init__(self, socket=None, restorer=None, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None) = Changes the socket parameter to be optional = If socket is not specified, default to using a TwoWayPipe + [Added] async def read(self, bufsize) = awaitable function that blocks until data has been read = bufsize defines the maximum amount of data to be read back (e.g. 4096 bytes) = Reads data from TwoWayPipe + [Added] def write(self, data) = Write data to TwoWayPipe = Not awaitable as the write interface of the TwoWayPipe doesn't have poll functionality * class TwoPartyServer + [Modified] def __init__(self, socket=None, restorer=None, server_socket=None, bootstrap=None, traversal_limit_in_words=None, nesting_limit=None) = Changes the socket parameter to be optional = If socket is not specified, default to using a TwoWayPipe = Simplified code by removing an else (self._connect) + [Added] async def read(self, bufsize) = awaitable function that blocks until data has been read = bufsize defines the maximum amount of data to be read back (e.g. 4096 bytes) = Reads data from TwoWayPipe + [Added] def write(self, data) = Write data to TwoWayPipe = Not awaitable as the write interface of the TwoWayPipe doesn't have poll functionality + [Added] async def poll_forever(self) = asyncio equivalent of run_forever() * class _TwoWayPipe + Wrapper class for TwoWayPipe Other Additions - capnp/helpers/asyncHelper.h * pollWaitScope + Pumps the kj event handler + Used for the TwoWayServer * pollRemote + Polls a remote promise + i.e. a capnp RPC call - capnp/helpers/asyncIoHelper.h * AsyncIoStreamReadHelper + I wasn't able to figure out Promise[size_t] using Cython so this was the next best thing I could think of doing + Was needed to handle read polling from a read promise = Polling is used for asyncio as kj waits need a wrapper to be compatible - capnp/lib/capnp.pyx * makeTwoWayPipe + Wrapper for kj newTwoWayPipe function * poll_once + Single pump of the kj event handler (used with pollWaitScope) TwoWayClient Usage - TwoWayPipe - See examples/async_client.py TwoWayServer Usage - TwoWayPipe - See examples/async_server.py capnp/helpers/asyncIoHelper.h Misc Changes - Fixed thread_server.py and thread_client.py to use bootstrap instead of ez_restore - async_client.py and async_server.py examples * Uses the same thread.capnp as thread_client.py and thread_server.py * They are compatible, so you can mix and match client and server for compatibility testing * async_client.py and async_server.py require <address>:<port> formatting (unlike autodetection from thread_client.py and thread_server.py) |
benchmark | ||
buildutils | ||
capnp | ||
docs | ||
examples | ||
scripts | ||
test | ||
.gitignore | ||
.travis.yml | ||
DEPLOY.md | ||
MANIFEST.in | ||
README.md | ||
requirements.txt | ||
setup.py | ||
tox.ini |
More thorough docs are available at http://jparyani.github.io/pycapnp/.
pycapnp's distribution has no requirements beyond a C++11 compatible compiler. GCC 4.8+ or Clang 3.3+ should work fine.
pycapnp has additional development dependencies, including cython and py.test. See requirements.txt for them all.
Building and installation
Install with pip install pycapnp
. You can set the CC environment variable to control which compiler is used, ie CC=gcc-4.8 pip install pycapnp
Or you can clone the repo like so:
git clone https://github.com/jparyani/pycapnp.git
pip install --install-option '--force-cython' ./pycapnp
Note: for OSX, if using clang from Xcode 5, you may need to set CFLAGS
like so:
CFLAGS='-stdlib=libc++' pip install pycapnp
If you wish to install using the latest upstream C++ Cap'n Proto:
pip install --install-option "--libcapnp-url" --install-option "https://github.com/sandstorm-io/capnproto/archive/master.tar.gz" --install-option "--force-bundled-libcapnp" .
Python Versions
Python 2.7, Python 3.4+, and PyPy 2.1+ are supported.
One oddity to note is that Text
type fields will be treated as byte strings under Python 2, and unicode strings under Python 3. Data
fields will always be treated as byte strings.
This project uses git-flow. Essentially, just make sure you do your changes in the develop
branch. You can run the tests by installing pytest with pip install pytest
, and then run py.test
from the test
Binary Packages
Building a dumb binary distribution:
python setup.py bdist_dumb
Building a Python wheel distributiion:
python setup.py bdist_wheel
If it fails with an error like clang: error: no such file or directory: 'capnp/lib/capnp.cpp'
, then you need to cythonize fist. This can be done with:
python setup.py build --force-cython
There is some basic documentation here.
The examples directory has one example that shows off pycapnp quite nicely. Here it is, reproduced:
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import capnp
import addressbook_capnp
def writeAddressBook(file):
addresses = addressbook_capnp.AddressBook.new_message()
people = addresses.init('people', 2)
alice = people[0]
alice.id = 123
alice.name = 'Alice'
alice.email = 'alice@example.com'
alicePhones = alice.init('phones', 1)
alicePhones[0].number = "555-1212"
alicePhones[0].type = 'mobile'
alice.employment.school = "MIT"
bob = people[1]
bob.id = 456
bob.name = 'Bob'
bob.email = 'bob@example.com'
bobPhones = bob.init('phones', 2)
bobPhones[0].number = "555-4567"
bobPhones[0].type = 'home'
bobPhones[1].number = "555-7654"
bobPhones[1].type = 'work'
bob.employment.unemployed = None
def printAddressBook(file):
addresses = addressbook_capnp.AddressBook.read(file)
for person in addresses.people:
print(person.name, ':', person.email)
for phone in person.phones:
print(phone.type, ':', phone.number)
which = person.employment.which()
if which == 'unemployed':
elif which == 'employer':
print('employer:', person.employment.employer)
elif which == 'school':
print('student at:', person.employment.school)
elif which == 'selfEmployed':
print('self employed')
if __name__ == '__main__':
f = open('example', 'w')
f = open('example', 'r')
Also, pycapnp has gained RPC features that include pipelining and a promise style API. Refer to the calculator example in the examples directory for a much better demonstration:
import capnp
import socket
import test_capability_capnp
class Server(test_capability_capnp.TestInterface.Server):
def __init__(self, val=1):
self.val = val
def foo(self, i, j, **kwargs):
return str(i * 5 + self.val)
def server(write_end):
server = capnp.TwoPartyServer(write_end, bootstrap=Server(100))
def client(read_end):
client = capnp.TwoPartyClient(read_end)
cap = client.bootstrap()
cap = cap.cast_as(test_capability_capnp.TestInterface)
remote = cap.foo(i=5)
response = remote.wait()
assert response.x == '125'
if __name__ == '__main__':
read_end, write_end = socket.socketpair(socket.AF_UNIX)
# This is a toy example using socketpair.
# In real situations, you can use any socket.
Common Problems
If you get an error on installation like:
gcc-4.8: error: capnp/capnp.c: No such file or directory
gcc-4.8: fatal error: no input files
Then you have too old a version of setuptools. Run pip install -U setuptools
then try again.