2014-06-12 16:36:37 -07:00

11 lines
579 B

#ifdef __GNUC__
#if __clang__
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L && !__has_include(<initializer_list>)
#warning "Your compiler supports C++11 but your C++ standard library does not. If your system has libc++ installed (as should be the case on e.g. Mac OSX), try adding -stdlib=libc++ to your CFLAGS (ignore the other warning that says to use CXXFLAGS)."
#include "capnp/dynamic.h"
static_assert(CAPNP_VERSION >= 5000, "Version of Cap'n Proto C++ Library is too old. Please upgrade to a version >= 0.5 and then re-install this python library");