mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 08:24:43 +01:00

Mostly whitespace changes, with max-line-length set to 120 and double-quotes used, adopting black settings. Related to https://github.com/capnproto/pycapnp/issues/128
170 lines
6.5 KiB
170 lines
6.5 KiB
# cython: language_level = 2
from capnp.includes cimport capnp_cpp as capnp
from capnp.includes cimport schema_cpp
from capnp.includes.capnp_cpp cimport (
Schema as C_Schema, StructSchema as C_StructSchema, InterfaceSchema as C_InterfaceSchema,
EnumSchema as C_EnumSchema, ListSchema as C_ListSchema, DynamicStruct as C_DynamicStruct,
DynamicValue as C_DynamicValue, Type as C_Type, DynamicList as C_DynamicList,
SchemaParser as C_SchemaParser, ParsedSchema as C_ParsedSchema, VOID, ArrayPtr, StringPtr,
String, StringTree, DynamicOrphan as C_DynamicOrphan, AnyPointer as C_DynamicObject,
DynamicCapability as C_DynamicCapability, Request, Response, RemotePromise, Promise,
CallContext, RpcSystem, makeRpcServerBootstrap, makeRpcClient, Capability as C_Capability,
TwoPartyVatNetwork as C_TwoPartyVatNetwork, Side, AsyncIoStream, Own, makeTwoPartyVatNetwork,
PromiseFulfillerPair as C_PromiseFulfillerPair, copyPromiseFulfillerPair, newPromiseAndFulfiller,
PyArray, DynamicStruct_Builder, TwoWayPipe,
from capnp.includes.schema_cpp cimport Node as C_Node, EnumNode as C_EnumNode
from capnp.includes.types cimport *
from capnp.helpers.non_circular cimport reraise_kj_exception
from capnp.helpers cimport helpers
cdef class _StructSchemaField:
cdef C_StructSchema.Field thisptr
cdef object _parent
cdef _init(self, C_StructSchema.Field other, parent=?)
cdef class _StringArrayPtr:
cdef StringPtr * thisptr
cdef object parent
cdef size_t size
cdef ArrayPtr[StringPtr] asArrayPtr(self) except +reraise_kj_exception
cdef class SchemaParser:
cdef C_SchemaParser * thisptr
cdef public dict modules_by_id
cdef list _all_imports
cdef _StringArrayPtr _last_import_array
cpdef _parse_disk_file(self, displayName, diskPath, imports) except +reraise_kj_exception
cdef class _DynamicOrphan:
cdef C_DynamicOrphan thisptr
cdef public object _parent
cdef _init(self, C_DynamicOrphan other, object parent)
cdef C_DynamicOrphan move(self)
cpdef get(self)
cdef class _DynamicStructReader:
cdef C_DynamicStruct.Reader thisptr
cdef public object _parent
cdef public bint is_root
cdef object _obj_to_pin
cdef object _schema
cdef _init(self, C_DynamicStruct.Reader other, object parent, bint isRoot=?, bint tryRegistry=?)
cpdef _get(self, field)
cpdef _has(self, field)
cpdef _DynamicEnumField _which(self)
cpdef _which_str(self)
cpdef _get_by_field(self, _StructSchemaField field)
cpdef _has_by_field(self, _StructSchemaField field)
cpdef as_builder(self, num_first_segment_words=?)
cdef class _DynamicStructBuilder:
cdef DynamicStruct_Builder thisptr
cdef public object _parent
cdef public bint is_root
cdef public bint _is_written
cdef object _schema
cdef _init(self, DynamicStruct_Builder other, object parent, bint isRoot=?, bint tryRegistry=?)
cdef _check_write(self)
cpdef to_bytes(_DynamicStructBuilder self) except +reraise_kj_exception
cpdef to_segments(_DynamicStructBuilder self) except +reraise_kj_exception
cpdef _to_bytes_packed_helper(_DynamicStructBuilder self, word_count) except +reraise_kj_exception
cpdef to_bytes_packed(_DynamicStructBuilder self) except +reraise_kj_exception
cpdef _get(self, field)
cpdef _set(self, field, value)
cpdef _has(self, field)
cpdef init(self, field, size=?)
cpdef _get_by_field(self, _StructSchemaField field)
cpdef _set_by_field(self, _StructSchemaField field, value)
cpdef _has_by_field(self, _StructSchemaField field)
cpdef _init_by_field(self, _StructSchemaField field, size=?)
cpdef init_resizable_list(self, field)
cpdef _DynamicEnumField _which(self)
cpdef _which_str(self)
cpdef adopt(self, field, _DynamicOrphan orphan)
cpdef disown(self, field)
cpdef as_reader(self)
cpdef copy(self, num_first_segment_words=?)
cdef class _DynamicEnumField:
cdef object thisptr
cdef _init(self, proto)
cpdef _str(self)
cdef class _Schema:
cdef C_Schema thisptr
cdef _init(self, C_Schema other)
cpdef as_const_value(self)
cpdef as_struct(self)
cpdef as_interface(self)
cpdef as_enum(self)
cpdef get_proto(self)
cdef class _InterfaceSchema:
cdef C_InterfaceSchema thisptr
cdef object __method_names, __method_names_inherited, __methods, __methods_inherited
cdef _init(self, C_InterfaceSchema other)
cdef class _DynamicEnum:
cdef capnp.DynamicEnum thisptr
cdef public object _parent
cdef _init(self, capnp.DynamicEnum other, object parent)
cpdef _as_str(self) except +reraise_kj_exception
cdef class _DynamicListBuilder:
cdef C_DynamicList.Builder thisptr
cdef public object _parent
cdef _init(self, C_DynamicList.Builder other, object parent)
cpdef _get(self, int64_t index)
cpdef _set(self, index, value)
cpdef adopt(self, index, _DynamicOrphan orphan)
cpdef disown(self, index)
cpdef init(self, index, size)
cdef class _MessageBuilder:
cdef schema_cpp.MessageBuilder * thisptr
cpdef init_root(self, schema)
cpdef get_root(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception
cpdef get_root_as_any(self) except +reraise_kj_exception
cpdef set_root(self, value) except +reraise_kj_exception
cpdef get_segments_for_output(self) except +reraise_kj_exception
cpdef new_orphan(self, schema) except +reraise_kj_exception
cdef to_python_reader(C_DynamicValue.Reader self, object parent)
cdef to_python_builder(C_DynamicValue.Builder self, object parent)
cdef _to_dict(msg, bint verbose, bint ordered)
cdef _from_list(_DynamicListBuilder msg, list d)
cdef _from_tuple(_DynamicListBuilder msg, tuple d)
cdef _setDynamicFieldWithField(DynamicStruct_Builder thisptr, _StructSchemaField field, value, parent)
cdef _setDynamicFieldStatic(DynamicStruct_Builder thisptr, field, value, parent)
cdef api object wrap_dynamic_struct_reader(Response & r) with gil
cdef api PyObject * wrap_remote_call(PyObject * func, Response & r) except * with gil
cdef api Promise[void] * call_server_method(
PyObject * _server, char * _method_name, CallContext & _context) except * with gil
cdef api convert_array_pyobject(PyArray & arr) with gil
cdef api Promise[PyObject*] * extract_promise(object obj) with gil
cdef api RemotePromise * extract_remote_promise(object obj) with gil
cdef api object wrap_kj_exception(capnp.Exception & exception) with gil
cdef api object wrap_kj_exception_for_reraise(capnp.Exception & exception) with gil
cdef api object get_exception_info(object exc_type, object exc_obj, object exc_tb) with gil